178 research outputs found

    Creciendo solidariamente

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    En el desarrollo completo de las actividades del voluntariado se refirió la transferencia y formación en temáticas y tecnicas dirigida hacia emprendedores. En las ciudades de San José y Concepcion del Uruguay se planificaron y concretaron actividades niveladas de capacitación con ejemplificaciones y actividades prácticas para que los participantes apliquen los temas propuestos.Fil: Cettour, Walter Hernán. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay. Departamento Licenciatura en Organización Industrial. Grupo de Investigación de Desarrollo, Innovación y Competitividad; Argentina.Peer Reviewe

    Approche hiérarchique pour la segmentation du cervelet en IRM chez le nouveau-né : une étude expérimentale

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    International audienceMorphometric analysis of brain structures is of high interest for premature neonates, in particular for defining predictive neurodevelopment biomarkers. This requires beforehand, the correct segmentation of structures of interest from MR images. Such segmentation is however complex, due to the resolution and properties of data. In this context, we investigate the potential of hierarchical image models, and more precisely the binary partition tree, as a way of developing efficient, interactive and user-friendly 3D segmentation methods. In particular, we experiment the relevance of texture features for defining the hierarchy of partittions constituting the final segmentation space. This is one of the first uses of binary partition trees for 3D segmentation of medical images. Experiments are carried out on 19 MR images for cerebellum segmentation purpose.L'analyse morphométrique des structures cérébrales chez le prématuré est un sujet de plus en plus étu-dié dans le milieu médical afin de définir des biomar-queurs de neurodéveloppement. Cela nécessite dans un premier temps une segmentation de bonne qualité des structures d'intérêt à partir d'IRM cérébrales. Ce type de segmentation est complexe à réaliser en raison de la résolution et des propriétés des IRM. Dans ce contexte, nous étudions le potentiel des modèles hiérarchiques et plus précisément l'arbre binaire de partitions, comme outil de segmentation 3D interactive et d'utilisation aisée. En particulier, nous étudions l'intérêt des textures pour définir la structure hiérarchique fournissant la segmentation finale. Ce travail constitue l'une des premières utilisations des arbres binaires de partitions pour la segmentation 3D d'images médicales. Les ex-périences sont réalisées sur 19 images IRM pour la segmentation du cervelet

    Adipose Tissue Plasticity in Catch-Up–Growth Trajectories to Metabolic Syndrome: Hyperplastic Versus Hypertrophic Catch-Up Fat

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    In the mid-1980s, at a time when the concept ofsyndrome X was being introduced by Reaven (1)to draw attention to the cardiovascular risks as-sociated with insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia, Tanner (2) was emphasizing a funda-mental property of human growth as a target-seeking function: Children, no less than rockets, have their trajectories, governed by control systems of their genetic constitution and powered by the energy absorbed from the environment. De-flect the child from its natural growth trajectory (by acute malnutrition or a sudden lack of a hormone), and a restoring force develops, so that as soon as the missing food or the absent hormone is supplied again, the child hastens to catch-up toward its original growth curve. When it gets there, the child slows again, to adjust its path onto the old trajectory once more. How the child does this we do not know. What was also unknown (and unforeseen) then was tha

    Hypothyroidism in rats decreases peripheral glucose utilisation, a defect partially corrected by central leptin infusion

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    Aims/hypothesis: The aims of this work were to determine the effect of hypothyroidism on insulin-stimulated glucose turnover and to unravel the potential mechanisms involved in such an effect. Methods: Hypothyroidism was induced by administration of propylthiouracil, with partial T4 substitution. Euglycaemic-hyperinsulinaemic clamps, associated with the labelled 2-deoxy-d-glucose technique for measuring tissue-specific glucose utilisation, were used. To assess a possible involvement of leptin in the modulation of glucose metabolism by hypothyroidism, leptin was infused intracerebroventricularly for 6 days. A group of leptin-infused rats was treated with rT3 to determine a potential role of T3 in mediating the leptin effects. Results: Compared with euthyroid rats, hypothyroid animals exhibited decreased overall glucose turnover and decreased glucose utilisation indices in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Leptinaemia in hypothyroid rats was lower while resistin mRNA expression in adipose tissue was higher than in euthyroid animals. Intracerebroventricular leptin infusion in hypothyroid rats partially restored overall, muscle and adipose tissue insulin-stimulated glucose utilisation and improved the reduced glycaemic response observed during insulin tolerance tests. The leptin effects were due neither to the observed increase in plasma T3 levels nor to changes in the high adipose tissue resistin expression of hypothyroid rats. The administration of leptin to hypothyroid animals was accompanied by increased expression of muscle and adipose tissue carnitine palmitoyl transferases, decreased plasma NEFA levels and reduced muscle triglyceride content. Conclusions/interpretation: Hypothyroidism is characterised by decreased insulin responsiveness, partly mediated by an exaggerated glucose-fatty acid cycle that is partly alleviated by intracerebroventricular leptin administratio

    Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist is upregulated during diet-induced obesity and regulates insulin sensitivity in rodents

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    Aims/hypothesis: The IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) is an anti-inflammatory cytokine known to antagonise the actions of IL-1. We have previously shown that IL-1Ra is markedly upregulated in the serum of obese patients, is correlated with BMI and insulin resistance, and is overexpressed in the white adipose tissue (WAT) of obese humans. The aim of this study was to examine the role of IL-1Ra in the regulation of glucose homeostasis in rodents. Methods: We assessed the expression of genes related to IL-1 signalling in the WAT of mice fed a high-fat diet, as well as the effect of Il1rn (the gene for IL-1Ra) deletion and treatment with IL-1Ra on glucose homeostasis in rodents. Results: We show that the expression of Il1rn and the gene encoding the inhibitory type II IL-1 receptor was upregulated in diet-induced obesity. The blood insulin:glucose ratio was significantly lower in Il1rn −/− animals, which is compatible with an increased sensitivity to insulin, reinforced by the fact that the insulin content and pancreatic islet morphology of Il1rn −/− animals were normal. In contrast, the administration of IL-1Ra to normal rats for 5days led to a decrease in the whole-body glucose disposal due to a selective decrease in muscle-specific glucose uptake. Conclusions/interpretation: The expression of genes encoding inhibitors of IL-1 signalling is upregulated in the WAT of mice with diet-induced obesity, and IL-1Ra reduces insulin sensitivity in rats through a muscle-specific decrease in glucose uptake. These results suggest that the markedly increased levels of IL-1Ra in human obesity might contribute to the development of insulin resistanc

    First Results for the Beam Commissioning of the CERN Multi-Turn Extraction

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    The Multi-Turn Extraction (MTE), a new type of extraction based on beam trapping inside stable islands in horizontal phase space, has been commissioned during the 2008 run of the CERN Proton Synchrotron. Both singleand multi-bunch beams with a total intensity up to 1.4 1013 protons have been extracted with efficiencies up to 98%. Furthermore, injection tests in the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron were performed, with the beam then accelerated and extracted to produce neutrinos for the CERN Neutrino-to-Gran Sasso experiments. The results of the extensive measurement campaign are presented and discussed in detail
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