251 research outputs found


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    Le piastrine rappresentano gli elementi cellulari fondamentali per il processo di regolazione dell’emostasi. La loro interazione con l’endotelio vasale riveste un ruolo fondamentale sia nella fisiologia che nella fisiopatologia della coagulazione. fisiologicamente, infatti, le piastrine hanno la capacità di aderire alla parete del vaso solo dopo attivazione da parte dell’endotelio vasale. In condizioni patologiche, come quelle causate dalla rottura di una placca aterosclerotica, le piastrine aderiscono all’endotelio, si attivano e reclutano numerose altre piastrine per la formazione del tappo piastrinico. In medicina veterinaria, diversamente dalla medicina umana, la conoscenza dei meccanismi fisiologici specifici alla base di tali processi è piuttosto scarsa. Le piastrine subiscono fenomeni di attivazione, fra i quali è possibile menzionare, lo shape change, l’attivazione del recettore per il fibrinogeno che causa l’aggregazione delle piastrine, il rilascio del contenuto dei granuli e la produzione di trombossano A2 (Gachet C. et al., 1996, Mills D.C.B., 1996). Tali fenomeni sono mediati da modificazioni del calcio intracellulare che origina dal rilascio di calcio dagli store intracellulari e dall’entrata di calcio dal mezzo extracellulare (Rink T.J. et al., 1985, Rink T.J. et al., 1990). D’altro canto però, sono note numerose patologie nel cane, tra cui forme di Leishmaniosi eo Ehrlichiosi, che comportano seria compromissione della funzione coagulativa (Harrus S. et al., 1996; Weiss D.J. et al., 1995). La leishmaniosi, in particolare, è una zoonosi largamente diffusa nelle zone costiere del Mediterraneo caratterizzata da una alterazione della coagulazione spesso asintomatica che si inserisce in un quadro sintomatologico estremamente vario. In precedenti ricerche abbiamo mostrato che, in corso di leishmaniosi, si verifica un danno piastrinico di entità variabile che, peraltro, non trova completa risoluzione con le terapie normalmente utilizzate in corso di tale patologia. I meccanismi attraverso i quali l’aggregazione piastrinica risulta alterata in corso di leishmaniosi non sono ancora chiari. Per tale motivo, l’obiettivo di questo studio è stato quello di valutare le variazioni di calcio nelle piastrine di cani sani ed affetti da leishmaniosi allo scopo di raggiungere una migliore comprensione dei meccanismi responsabili di alterazioni dell’emostasi in corso di tale patologia

    Absence of increased genomic variants in the cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis exposed to Mars‐like conditions outside the space station

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    Despite the increasing interest in using microbial‐based technologies to support human space exploration, many unknowns remain not only on bioprocesses but also on microbial survivability and genetic stability under non‐Earth conditions. Here the desert cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis sp. CCMEE 029 was investigated for robustness of the repair capability of DNA lesions accumulated under Mars‐like conditions (UV radiation and atmosphere) simulated in low Earth orbit using the EXPOSE‐R2 facility installed outside the International Space Station. Genomic alterations were determined in a space‐derivate of Chroococcidiopsis sp. CCMEE 029 obtained upon reactivation on Earth of the space‐exposed cells. Comparative analysis of whole‐genome sequences showed no increased variant numbers in the space‐derivate compared to triplicates of the reference strain maintained on the ground. This result advanced cyanobacteria‐based technologies to support human space exploration

    Use of prostaglandin F2a as ovulatory stimulus for synchronizing dairy cattle.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate if prostaglandin F2α (PGF) can be used to induce ovulation in a GnRHprogesterone based protocol. In Experiment 1 crossbred dairy cows (n = 32) were synchronized with a progesterone-GnRH based protocol for seven days, where the luteolytic dose of 150 μg PGF was given 24 h prior progesterone device removal (CIDR). On Day 8 cows were separated into two groups to receive: 1) 2 mL of Saline (Control Group, n = 15) or 2) 150 μg of PGF (PGF Group, n = 17). Ovulation rate was higher in the PGF than Control group (100% vs 53.3%, P = 0.001, Odds ratio = 30.88). The percentage of cows that ovulated synchronously tended to be higher in the PGF than Control group (P = 0.1, Odds ratio = 9.6). Experiment 2 was performed in a cross-over (3 × 3) design. Crossbred dairy cows (n = 25) received a CIDR for seven days and GnRH on Day 0. Seven days later 150 μg of PGF was given and the progesterone device was removed, and 24 h later cows were distributed into three groups to receive: 1) 2 mL of Saline (Control Group, n = 25), 2) 150 μg of PGF (PGF Group, n = 25) or 3) 1 mg of ECP (ECP Group, n = 23). Diameter of ovulatory follicle was larger in the PGF and Control than ECP Group (P = 0.002, Effect size > 4.0). Synchronized ovulation rate (between 72 and 96 h after CIDR removal) tended to be higher in PGF group in Control group (P = 0.1, Odds ratio = 0.35). Results suggest that PGF is equally efficient to ECP to induce synchronized ovulation in dairy cows subjected to progesterone-GnRH based protocols

    Dissecting the effect of soil on plant phenology and berry transcriptional plasticity in two Italian grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Grapevine embodies a fascinating species as regards phenotypic plasticity and genotype-per-environment interactions. The terroir, namely the set of agri-environmental factors to which a variety is subjected, can influence the phenotype at the physiological, molecular, and biochemical level, representing an important phenomenon connected to the typicality of productions. We investigated the determinants of plasticity by conducting a field-experiment where all terroir variables, except soil, were kept as constant as possible. We isolated the effect of soils collected from different areas, on phenology, physiology, and transcriptional responses of skin and flesh of a red and a white variety of great economic value: Corvina and Glera. Molecular results, together with physio-phenological parameters, suggest a specific effect of soil on grapevine plastic response, highlighting a higher transcriptional plasticity of Glera in respect to Corvina and a marked response of skin compared to flesh. Using a novel statistical approach, we identified clusters of plastic genes subjected to the specific influence of soil. These findings could represent an issue of applicative value, posing the basis for targeted agricultural practices to enhance the desired characteristics for any soil/cultivar combination, to improve vineyards management for a better resource usage and to valorize vineyards uniqueness maximizing the terroir-effect


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    reserved9mixedRozin Kleiner, Ana Francisca; Pimenta Ferreira, Cláudia Lucia; Cestaro, Giovana; Fosatto Luiz, Regiani Elvira; da Silva, Vania Daniela Ramos; Nanussi, Alessandro; Zago, Matteo; Sforza, Chiarella; Galli, ManuelaRozin Kleiner, Ana Francisca; Pimenta Ferreira, Cláudia Lucia; Cestaro, Giovana; Fosatto Luiz, Regiani Elvira; da Silva, Vania Daniela Ramos; Nanussi, Alessandro; Zago, Matteo; Sforza, Chiarella; Galli, Manuel


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    INTRODUZIONE - La didattica applicata alla zooantropologia prevede un’attuazione in campo educativo e pedagogico dei principi zooantropologici; essa si prefigge un duplice obiettivo: di ridurre il gap relazionale tra animali e giovani generazioni e di recuperare i contenuti e le valenze della relazione, al fine dell’utilizzo pedagogico ed educativo. Nasce un nuovo modello educativo che pone al centro delle strutture pedagogiche l’animale, non più come oggetto da sfruttare, ma come soggetto che aiuti il bambino nella sua crescita educativa (1,2). In quest’ottica generale, la Fattoria Zooantropologica sembra essere un buon sistema in grado di permettere la “fruizione” da parte di bambini e\o soggetti con disabilità di questo modello relazionale e di consentire, altresì, attività e terapie assistite con gli animali (3,4). La Fattoria Zooantropologica offre l’opportunità di attivare la relazione reciproca in un ambiente nuovo, attraente e confortevole tra il fruitore e l’animale che giova di un habitat naturale e familiare. L’esperienza diretta permette ai bambini di usare tutti i loro sensi per imparare: più i bambini vedono, toccano, odorano, sentono, gustano, più imparano (5,6). Partendo da questi presupposti, lo studio si è posto l’obiettivo di effettuare una valutazione del gradimento delle differenti specie animali, attraverso l’analisi degli indici di interazione dei bambini rispetto agli animali presenti in fattoria, al fine di fornire delle linee guida nella scelta del pet in relazione ad una amplificazione delle risposte cognitive ed emozionali del bambino

    Effect of polyglucosamine on weight loss and metabolic parameters in overweight and obesity: A systemic review and meta-analysis

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    The use of dietary supplements for weight loss has gained significant momentum. Polyglucosamine, a chitosan derivative, is a dietary supplement increasingly used for weight loss. In this meta-analysis, we systematically summarized and quantified the key findings of four randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials examining the effects of polyglucosamine supplementation and caloric restriction, and physical activity on body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference in subjects with overweight and obesity. The control group was set with a physical activity from 6–7 MET-h/week activity and up to 21 MET-h/week activity with caloric restriction. Compliance in the latter trials was reported via a follow-up questionnaire with the individual participants. The analysis included 399 subjects followed for a period ranging from 12 weeks to one year. Subjects’ age ranged from 21–75 years, BMI from 26–45 kg/m2, and all were white European or Caucasian in ethnicity. The meta-analyzed mean differences for random effects showed that polyglucosamine supplementation improves weight loss by −1.78 kg [−2.78, −0.79], BMI by −1.52 kg/m2 [−3.58, 0.54], and improves waist circumference reduction by −1.45 cm [−2.77, −0.12]. In conclusion, the use of polyglucosamine supplementation in conjunction with lifestyle behavioral therapies can be effective for weight reduction. Further studies are needed to examine the long-term effects of polyglucosamine supplementation on weight loss and other metabolic parameters

    Effect of Polyglucosamine on Weight Loss and Metabolic Parameters in Overweight and Obesity : A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The use of dietary supplements for weight loss has gained significant momentum. Polyglucosamine, a chitosan derivative, is a dietary supplement increasingly used for weight loss. In this meta-analysis, we systematically summarized and quantified the key findings of four randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials examining the effects of polyglucosamine supplementation and caloric restriction, and physical activity on body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference in subjects with overweight and obesity. The control group was set with a physical activity from 6\u20137 MET-h/week activity and up to 21 MET-h/week activity with caloric restriction. Compliance in the latter trials was reported via a follow-up questionnaire with the individual participants. The analysis included 399 subjects followed for a period ranging from 12 weeks to one year. Subjects\u2019 age ranged from 21\u201375 years, BMI from 26\u201345 kg/m2, and all were white European or Caucasian in ethnicity. The meta-analyzed mean differences for random effects showed that polyglucosamine supplementation improves weight loss by 121.78 kg [ 122.78, 120.79], BMI by 121.52 kg/m2 [ 123.58, 0.54], and improves waist circumference reduction by 121.45 cm [ 122.77, 120.12]. In conclusion, the use of polyglucosamine supplementation in conjunction with lifestyle behavioral therapies can be effective for weight reduction. Further studies are needed to examine the long-term effects of polyglucosamine supplementation on weight loss and other metabolic parameters

    Prostaglandin F2a as ovulatory stimulus in dairy cows and buffaloes raised in the Amazon biome.

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    This study evaluated the effect of a prostaglandin F2a (PGF) analogue as an ovulatory stimulus in dairy cows and buffaloes raised in the Amazon biome. To this end, three experiments were performed in the state of Rondônia, located in the Amazon biome. In Experiment 1, 22 lactating dairy buffaloes received 2 mg of intramuscular (I.M.) estradiol benzoate (EB) on day 0 and an intravaginal progesterone-releasing device (CIDR) from day 0 to day 9 of the protocol. On days 8 and 9, all cows were given 150 ug of I.M. d-cloprostenol (PGF analogue). On day 10, buffaloes were divided into two groups to receive 150 ug of PGF (PGF group, n = 8) or no treatment (CTL group, n = 14), respectively. In Experiment 2, 16 lactating crossbred dairy cows (Holstein x Gir) received 2 mg of EB on day 0 and a CIDR insert from day 0 to day 8. On days 7 and 8, all cows were given 150 ug of d-cloprostenol. On day 9, cows were divided into two groups to receive 150 ug of d-cloprostenol (PGF group, n = 8) or no treatment (CTL group, n = 8), respectively. In Experiment 3, 16 lactating crossbred dairy cows (Holstein x Gir) were handled and treated similarly as in Experiment 2, although cows did not receive d-cloprostenol on day 8. Single-point outcome variables were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), while proportions with dichotomous outcomes were analyzed with the chi-square test. In Experiment 1, there was no difference (P = 0.30) in the ovulation rate between groups, and, on average, 68% of the buffaloes ovulated. Moreover, the treatment did not affect the interval to ovulation (P = 0.61) nor the diameter of the preovulatory follicle (P = 0.47). As for Experiment 2, only one cow, from the PG group, did not ovulate. There were no differences between the CTL and PG groups (P = 0.69) in the moment of ovulation, which occurred in average 82 h after CIDR removal. Finally, in Experiment 3, cows treated with PGF ovulated earlier than those in the CTL group (62.5 ± 5.8 and 94.5 ± 13.5 h, respectively; P = 0.05). Collectively, these results suggest that PGF hastens ovulation in lactating dairy cows, whereas no effect was observed in dairy buffaloes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de um análogo de prostaglandina F2a (PGF) como indutor ovulatório em vacas leiteiras e búfalas. Para este fim, três experimentos foram realizados no estado de Rondônia, localizado no bioma Amazônia. No Experimento 1, 22 búfalas leiteiras em lactação receberam 2 mg de benzoato de estradiol (EB) im, no Dia 0 e um dispositivo intravaginal de liberação de progesterona (CIDR) do Dia 0 ao Dia 9 do protocolo. Nos Dias 8 e 9, todas as vacas receberam 150 ug de d-Cloprostenol (análogo PGF), im. No Dia 10, as búfalas foram divididas em dois grupos para receber 150 ug de PGF (Grupo PGF, n = 8) ou nenhum tratamento (Grupo CTL, n = 14). No experimento 2, 16 vacas leiteiras mestiças (Holandês x Gir) receberam 2 mg de EB no Dia 0 e um dispositivo intravaginal (CIDR) do Dia 0 ao Dia 8. Nos Dias 7 e 8 todas as vacas receberam 150 ug de d-Cloprostenol. No Dia 9, as vacas foram divididas em dois grupos para receber 150 ug de d-Cloprostenol (Grupo PGF, n = 8) ou nenhum tratamento (Grupo CTL, n = 8). No Experimento 3, 16 vacas leiteiras mestiças (Holandês x Gir) foram tratadas da mesma forma que no Experimento 2, porém, as vacas não receberam d-Cloprostenol no Dia 8. Variáveis quantitativas foram analisados por análise de variância - one-way ANOVA e variáveis dicotômicas foram analisados pelo teste do qui-quadrado. No Experimento 1, não houve diferença (P = 0,30) na taxa de ovulação entre os grupos, em média 68% das búfalas ovularam após o tratamento. Além disso, não houve diferença entre os grupos no intervalo de ovulação (P = 0,61) e no diâmetro do folículo pré-ovulatório (P = 0,47). No Experimento 2, apenas uma vaca do Grupo PG não ovulou. Não houve diferenças no intervalo de ovulação entre os grupos CTL e PG (P = 0,69). Em média, a ovulação ocorreu 82 horas após a remoção do CIDR. No Experimento 3, vacas tratadas com PGF ovularam antes do Grupo CTL (62,5 ± 5,8 vs 94,5 ± 13,5 h; P = 0,05). Coletivamente, esses resultados sugeriram que a PGF antecipa a ovulação em vacas leiteiras em lactação, porém seu efeito não foi observado em búfalas

    IATF em blocos: Uma nova alternativa para aumentar a taxa de prenhez de vacas de corte submetidas a protocolos de IATF.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar de forma simplificada a metodologia e os resultados já obtidos com a utilização de IATF em blocos em vacas de corte lactantes.bitstream/item/136994/1/CT-141-IATF.pd