579 research outputs found

    A constructive mean field analysis of multi population neural networks with random synaptic weights and stochastic inputs

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    We deal with the problem of bridging the gap between two scales in neuronal modeling. At the first (microscopic) scale, neurons are considered individually and their behavior described by stochastic differential equations that govern the time variations of their membrane potentials. They are coupled by synaptic connections acting on their resulting activity, a nonlinear function of their membrane potential. At the second (mesoscopic) scale, interacting populations of neurons are described individually by similar equations. The equations describing the dynamical and the stationary mean field behaviors are considered as functional equations on a set of stochastic processes. Using this new point of view allows us to prove that these equations are well-posed on any finite time interval and to provide a constructive method for effectively computing their unique solution. This method is proved to converge to the unique solution and we characterize its complexity and convergence rate. We also provide partial results for the stationary problem on infinite time intervals. These results shed some new light on such neural mass models as the one of Jansen and Rit \cite{jansen-rit:95}: their dynamics appears as a coarse approximation of the much richer dynamics that emerges from our analysis. Our numerical experiments confirm that the framework we propose and the numerical methods we derive from it provide a new and powerful tool for the exploration of neural behaviors at different scales.Comment: 55 pages, 4 figures, to appear in "Frontiers in Neuroscience

    Some fractal aspects of Self-Organized Criticality

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    The concept of Self-Organized Criticality (SOC) was proposed in an attempt to explain the widespread appearance of power-law in nature. It describes a mechanism in which a system reaches spontaneously a state where the characteristic events (avalanches) are distributed according to a power law. We present a dynamical systems approach to Self-Organized Criticality where the dynamics is described either in terms of Iterated Function Systems, or as a piecewise hyperbolic dynamical system of skew-product type. Some results linking the structure of the attractor and some characteristic properties of avalanches are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, proceeding of the conference "Fractales en progres", Paris 12-13 Novembe

    Statistics of spike trains in conductance-based neural networks: Rigorous results

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    We consider a conductance based neural network inspired by the generalized Integrate and Fire model introduced by Rudolph and Destexhe. We show the existence and uniqueness of a unique Gibbs distribution characterizing spike train statistics. The corresponding Gibbs potential is explicitly computed. These results hold in presence of a time-dependent stimulus and apply therefore to non-stationary dynamics.Comment: 42 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Journal of Mathematical Neuroscienc

    Dynamics and spike trains statistics in conductance-based Integrate-and-Fire neural networks with chemical and electric synapses

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    We investigate the effect of electric synapses (gap junctions) on collective neuronal dynamics and spike statistics in a conductance-based Integrate-and-Fire neural network, driven by a Brownian noise, where conductances depend upon spike history. We compute explicitly the time evolution operator and show that, given the spike-history of the network and the membrane potentials at a given time, the further dynamical evolution can be written in a closed form. We show that spike train statistics is described by a Gibbs distribution whose potential can be approximated with an explicit formula, when the noise is weak. This potential form encompasses existing models for spike trains statistics analysis such as maximum entropy models or Generalized Linear Models (GLM). We also discuss the different types of correlations: those induced by a shared stimulus and those induced by neurons interactions.Comment: 42 pages, 1 figure, submitte

    Spike train statistics and Gibbs distributions

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    This paper is based on a lecture given in the LACONEU summer school, Valparaiso, January 2012. We introduce Gibbs distribution in a general setting, including non stationary dynamics, and present then three examples of such Gibbs distributions, in the context of neural networks spike train statistics: (i) Maximum entropy model with spatio-temporal constraints; (ii) Generalized Linear Models; (iii) Conductance based Inte- grate and Fire model with chemical synapses and gap junctions.Comment: 23 pages, submitte

    Random Recurrent Neural Networks Dynamics

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    This paper is a review dealing with the study of large size random recurrent neural networks. The connection weights are selected according to a probability law and it is possible to predict the network dynamics at a macroscopic scale using an averaging principle. After a first introductory section, the section 1 reviews the various models from the points of view of the single neuron dynamics and of the global network dynamics. A summary of notations is presented, which is quite helpful for the sequel. In section 2, mean-field dynamics is developed. The probability distribution characterizing global dynamics is computed. In section 3, some applications of mean-field theory to the prediction of chaotic regime for Analog Formal Random Recurrent Neural Networks (AFRRNN) are displayed. The case of AFRRNN with an homogeneous population of neurons is studied in section 4. Then, a two-population model is studied in section 5. The occurrence of a cyclo-stationary chaos is displayed using the results of \cite{Dauce01}. In section 6, an insight of the application of mean-field theory to IF networks is given using the results of \cite{BrunelHakim99}.Comment: Review paper, 36 pages, 5 figure

    On Dynamics of Integrate-and-Fire Neural Networks with Conductance Based Synapses

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    We present a mathematical analysis of a networks with Integrate-and-Fire neurons and adaptive conductances. Taking into account the realistic fact that the spike time is only known within some \textit{finite} precision, we propose a model where spikes are effective at times multiple of a characteristic time scale δ\delta, where δ\delta can be \textit{arbitrary} small (in particular, well beyond the numerical precision). We make a complete mathematical characterization of the model-dynamics and obtain the following results. The asymptotic dynamics is composed by finitely many stable periodic orbits, whose number and period can be arbitrary large and can diverge in a region of the synaptic weights space, traditionally called the "edge of chaos", a notion mathematically well defined in the present paper. Furthermore, except at the edge of chaos, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the membrane potential trajectories and the raster plot. This shows that the neural code is entirely "in the spikes" in this case. As a key tool, we introduce an order parameter, easy to compute numerically, and closely related to a natural notion of entropy, providing a relevant characterization of the computational capabilities of the network. This allows us to compare the computational capabilities of leaky and Integrate-and-Fire models and conductance based models. The present study considers networks with constant input, and without time-dependent plasticity, but the framework has been designed for both extensions.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figure

    Exact computation of the Maximum Entropy Potential of spiking neural networks models

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    Understanding how stimuli and synaptic connectivity in uence the statistics of spike patterns in neural networks is a central question in computational neuroscience. Maximum Entropy approach has been successfully used to characterize the statistical response of simultaneously recorded spiking neurons responding to stimuli. But, in spite of good performance in terms of prediction, the fitting parameters do not explain the underlying mechanistic causes of the observed correlations. On the other hand, mathematical models of spiking neurons (neuro-mimetic models) provide a probabilistic mapping between stimulus, network architecture and spike patterns in terms of conditional proba- bilities. In this paper we build an exact analytical mapping between neuro-mimetic and Maximum Entropy models.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1309.587

    Parameters estimation for spatio-temporal maximum entropy distributions: application to neural spike trains

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    We propose a numerical method to learn Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) distributions with spatio-temporal constraints from experimental spike trains. This is an extension of two papers [10] and [4] who proposed the estimation of parameters where only spatial constraints were taken into account. The extension we propose allows to properly handle memory effects in spike statistics, for large sized neural networks.Comment: 34 pages, 33 figure

    Transmitting a signal by amplitude modulation in a chaotic network

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    We discuss the ability of a network with non linear relays and chaotic dynamics to transmit signals, on the basis of a linear response theory developed by Ruelle \cite{Ruelle} for dissipative systems. We show in particular how the dynamics interfere with the graph topology to produce an effective transmission network, whose topology depends on the signal, and cannot be directly read on the ``wired'' network. This leads one to reconsider notions such as ``hubs''. Then, we show examples where, with a suitable choice of the carrier frequency (resonance), one can transmit a signal from a node to another one by amplitude modulation, \textit{in spite of chaos}. Also, we give an example where a signal, transmitted to any node via different paths, can only be recovered by a couple of \textit{specific} nodes. This opens the possibility for encoding data in a way such that the recovery of the signal requires the knowledge of the carrier frequency \textit{and} can be performed only at some specific node.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, submitted (03-03-2005