46 research outputs found

    Assessment and optimization of chemical industrial processes from a life cycle perspective

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    During the PhD program in chemistry, curriculum in environmental chemistry, at the University of Bologna the sustainability of industry was investigated through the application of the LCA methodology. The efforts were focused on the chemical sector in order to investigate reactions dealing with the Green Chemistry and Green Engineering principles, evaluating their sustainability in comparison with traditional pathways by a life cycle perspective. The environmental benefits associated with a reduction in the synthesis steps and the use of renewable feedstock were assessed through a holistic approach selecting two case studies with high relevance from an industrial point of view: the synthesis of acrylonitrile and the production of acrolein. The current approach wants to represent a standardized application of LCA methodology to the chemical sector, which could be extended to several case studies, and also an improvement of the current databases, since the lack of data to fill the inventories of the chemical productions represent a huge limitation, difficult to overcome and that can affects negatively the results of the studies. Results emerged from the analyses confirms that the sustainability in the chemical sector should be evaluated from a cradle-to-gate approach, considering all the stages and flows involved in each pathways in order to avoid shifting the environmental burdens from a steps to another. Moreover, if possible, LCA should be supported by other tools able to investigate the other two dimensions of sustainability represented by the social and economic issues

    Still edible wasted food from households: A regional Italian case study

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    A 2-year monitoring campaign was carried out within the Marche Region (Italy) to quantify the potential still edible wasted food (seFW) within the sorted (seFWsorted) and unsorted (seFWunsorted) waste streams. Results were elaborated to estimate the distribution of seFW among the five provinces and the amount per capita. Results in terms of total quantities per inhabitants (seFWindex per capita) depict an important variability between districts but almost constant in years (26–38 kg/inhabitants in 2018 and 26–36 kg/inhabitants in 2019). Scores in Marche were then used to study the national situation, adopting the same percentage factors. Analysis was performed on 2019 data. Gradual colour shade was used to identify the Regions with greater seFW production potential. Worst scores are achieved by Lazio, Lombardia and Sicilia (red), followed by others classified as orange and yellow. More than 1.5 Mt potential seFW was estimated at national level, 29% of which is due to the unsorted fraction. Results at national level were used to assess the potential environmental impact related to seFW in terms of climate change. Carbon footprint indicator was quantified per capita (69 kg equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2e)/inhabitant/year in the case of Marche) and overall (3.5 MtCO2e). In addition, an evaluation of the potential economic implications related to the greenhouse gases emitted was made using the Social Cost of Carbon. Results showed that cost of the tCO2e global damage related to seFW in Italy ranges from 35 to 700 M$

    Application of life cycle assessment to high quality-soil conditioner production from biowaste

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    The recent large-scale urbanization and industrialization resulted in an impressive growth of solid waste generation worldwide. Organic fraction generally constitutes a large fraction of municipal solid waste and its peculiar chemical properties open to various valorization strategies. On this purpose, life cycle assessment is applied to an innovative industrial system that processes 18 kt/y of agricultural and livestock waste into a high-quality soil conditioner. The high-quality soil conditioner production system consists of a series of processes, including anaerobic digestion and vermicomposting, allowing the generation of a peat-like material with high carbon content, porosity, and water-holding capacity. The presence of a photovoltaic plant and a cogeneration plant, fed with the biogas produced in the anaerobic digestion, makes the system entirely self-sufficient from the national grid and generating a surplus of electricity of 1177MWh/y. The high-quality soil conditioner showed better environmental performances in 15 out of 18 impact categories when compared to alternative scenarios. In particular, the high-quality soil conditioner and the related biowaste management resulted in a carbon saving of around 397 kg CO2 eq/ton compared with a scenario involving the employment of peat in place of the high-quality soil conditioner and a traditional biowaste management, and 165 kg CO2 eq/ton compared with a scenario where cogeneration is replaced by biomethane upgrading. This study demonstrates the possibility of using organic waste as an environmentally sustainable and renewable source for energy and carbon to soil conditioning

    The Frontier of Biobased Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization, Application, and Sustainability Assessment

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    none5siAssente in quanto editorialeopenSaviello, Daniela; Cespi, Daniele; Sharma, Vinay; Miao, Shida; Cucciniello, RaffaeleSaviello, Daniela; Cespi, Daniele; Sharma, Vinay; Miao, Shida; Cucciniello, Raffael

    Prospective life cycle assessment for the full valorization of anchovy fillet leftovers: The LimoFish process

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    Prospective life cycle assessment models were developed and applied at the laboratory and industrial scale with the aim to evaluate the environmental burdens associated with the LimoFish process used to produce the fish oil “AnchoiOil”, the new organic fertilizer “AnchoisFert” or biogas (by means of anaerobic digestion) after treatment of anchovy fillet leftovers (AnLeft) with agro-solvent d-limonene. Potential impacts for climate change and freshwater eutrophication were estimated at 29.1 kg CO2 eq/kg AnLeft and 1.7E−07 kg PO4 eq/kg AnLeft at laboratory scale, and at 1.5 kg CO2 eq/kg AnLeft and 2.2E−07 kg PO4 eq/kg AnLeft at industrial scale. Electricity consumption is the main contributor to the environmental impact of the process and plays a significant role in the production of d-limonene, for which cold pressing extraction would reduce the related impacts by ∼ 70 %. The use of the solid by-product as organic fertilizer or input to anaerobic digestion would provide additional environmental benefits to the process. The LimoFish process is a successful example of a low impacting strategy to reduce the demand for natural resources and maximize the application of the circular economy principles in the fishing industry

    Impatto ambientale di sistemi di riscaldamento domestico a biomasse: applicazione della metodologia LCA (Life Cycle Assessment)

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    Le biomasse hanno sempre rappresentato per l’umanità una fonte estremamente versatile e rinnovabile di risorse e tutt’oggi il loro impiego risulta vantaggioso in particolare per produrre energia termica ed elettrica attraverso processi di combustione, sistemi che tuttavia emettono sostanze dannose verso la salute umana e l’ecosistema. Queste pressioni ambientali hanno indotto alcune amministrazioni regionali (fra cui la Lombardia) a bandire temporaneamente l’installazione di nuovi impianti a biomasse, per prevenire e contenere le emissioni in atmosfera a tutela della salute e dell’ambiente. Il presente studio intende approfondire l’effetto ambientale di tali sistemi di riscaldamento domestico attraverso la tecnologia di analisi LCA (Life Cycle Assessment). Lo scopo dell’elaborato di Tesi consiste nell’eseguire un’analisi dell’intero ciclo di vita di due processi di riscaldamento domestico che utilizzino biomassa legnosa: una stufa innovativa a legna e una stufa a pellet. L’analisi ha quindi posto a confronto i due scenari con mezzi di riscaldamento domestico alternativi quali il boiler a gas, il pannello solare termico integrato con caldaia a gas e la pompa di calore elettrica. È emerso che tra i due scenari a biomassa quello a legna risulti decisamente più impattante verso le categorie salute umana e qualità dell’ecosistema , mentre per il pellet si è riscontrato un impatto maggiore del precedente nella categoria consumo di risorse. Dall’analisi di contributo è emerso che l’impatto percentuale maggiore per entrambi gli scenari sia legato allo smaltimento delle ceneri, pertanto si è ipotizzata una soluzione alternativa in cui esse vengano smaltite nell’inceneritore, riducendo così gli impatti. I risultati del punteggio singolo mostrano come lo scenario di riscaldamento a legna produca un quantitativo di particolato superiore rispetto al processo di riscaldamento a pellet, chiaramente dovuto alle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche dei combustibili ed alla efficienza di combustione. Dal confronto con gli scenari di riscaldamento alternativi è emerso che il sistema più impattante per le categorie salute umana e qualità dell’ecosistema rimane quello a legna, seguito dal pellet. I processi alternativi presentano impatti maggiori alla voce consumo di risorse. Per avvalorare i risultati ottenuti per i due metodi a biomassa è stata eseguita un’analisi di incertezza attraverso il metodo Monte Carlo, ad un livello di confidenza del 95%. In conclusione si può affermare che i sistemi di riscaldamento domestico che impiegano processi di combustione della biomassa legnosa sono certamente assai vantaggiosi, poiché pareggiano il quantitativo di CO2 emessa con quella assorbita durante il ciclo di vita, ma al tempo stesso possono causare maggiori danni alla salute umana e all’ecosistema rispetto a quelli tradizionali

    Bio-Based Chemicals from Dedicated or Waste Biomasses: Life Cycle Assessment for Evaluating the Impacts on Land

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    Green chemistry and engineering encourage the usage of renewable sources, in replacement fossil fuels. The sector of bio-based products is one of the most predominant examples of such replacements in different fields. However, the impact of biomasses usage is far from being negligible or net zero. A life cycle perspective is required in order to assess all the different environmental impacts related to biomass exploitation and usage, in particular when dedicated sources are used. This study points out the importance of including the results of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) early in the design of new bio-based products, to identify the stage of the value chain with the greatest hotspots and set proper eco-design strategies. At the same time, the use of the LCA results may support purchasing activities through comparing products with different burdens. In this manuscript, a focus on land compartment is carried out, given its relevance to the cultivation phase. Five analysis methods are selected for further description. Three are classified as multi-impact approach methodologies (ReCiPe 2016, IMPACT World + and EF 3.0) since they are able to translate mass and energy balances into several impact categories at the same time, not only those on land comparts which are also included. In addition, the LANCA® model and the True pricing method for agri-food products are discussed, underlining the importance of their usage when a detailed review of the impact on soil is necessary (e.g., during an environmental impact assessment). They are compared in this paper, underlining the main differences and potential fields of application

    Sustainable and environmental catalysis

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    Over the last few decades, an increasing amount of interest from academia and industry has been devoted to the application of the Twelve Principles of the Green Chemistry in order to pursue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recommended by the United Nations [...