3,399 research outputs found

    Tracking moving optima using Kalman-based predictions

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    The dynamic optimization problem concerns finding an optimum in a changing environment. In the field of evolutionary algorithms, this implies dealing with a timechanging fitness landscape. In this paper we compare different techniques for integrating motion information into an evolutionary algorithm, in the case it has to follow a time-changing optimum, under the assumption that the changes follow a nonrandom law. Such a law can be estimated in order to improve the optimum tracking capabilities of the algorithm. In particular, we will focus on first order dynamical laws to track moving objects. A vision-based tracking robotic application is used as testbed for experimental comparison

    A Framework for Flexible Loads Aggregation

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    LiDAR como herramienta para la evaluación y caracterización del surtido de madera en bosques de montaña

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    The aim of the thesis was to develop a robust procedure for timber assortment estimation of trees in a mixed-species and multi-layered forest using LiDAR data. To achieve the objective, the thesis is divided into three sub-objectives. The first research aim was to provide an overview of the most recent approaches used in timber assortment estimation using LiDAR data, through a literature review; the second study aim was to provide a stepwise approach to assess the stem volume and carbon stock at single tree level using Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data, while the third study aim was to provide a stepwise approach to retrieve the timber assortment information from forest stands using Terrestrial Laser scanning (TLS) data. These studies were carried out in Bosco Pennataro, a Mediterranean forest belonging to the Central Apennine Mountains in Molise (Italy).El objetivo de la tesis fue desarrollar un procedimiento sólido para estimar el surtido de madera en bosques con especies mixtas utilizando datos LiDAR. La tesis se divide en tres estudios: revisión de literatura sobre enfoques recientes en estimación de surtido de madera con LiDAR, evaluación de volumen y almacenamiento de carbono a nivel de árbol con Escaneo Láser Aerotransportado (ALS) y obtención de información sobre surtido de madera mediante Escaneo Láser Terrestre (TLS). Se realizaron estudios en Bosco Pennataro, un bosque mediterráneo italiano. La revisión mostró que la mayoría de los estudios se centraban en inventario forestal y productividad, con pocos enfoques con relación al surtido de madera y biodiversidad. ALS y TLS fueron las tecnologías LiDAR más utilizadas, con algoritmos de aprendizaje automático desde 2010. El segundo estudio destacó la importancia de la heterogeneidad del bosque y la calidad de los puntos para detectar árboles individuales, con tasa de detección del 48%. El tercer estudio demostró que TLS fue útil para reconstruir los árboles (67% reconstruidos). En conclusión, LiDAR es útil para reconstruir arboles y estimar el surtido de la madera con precisión, evitando métodos destructivos como la tala de árboles, y respaldando así el manejo forestal sostenible.Italia. Università degli Studi della Tuscia. Beca TusciaTesi

    Sobrecarga laboral asociado a síndrome de burnout en personal de salud de emergencia de un hospital de Trujillo

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    El presente estudio tuvo como propósito determinar la asociación entre sobrecarga laboral y síndrome de burnout en personal de emergencia de un hospital de Trujillo, Perú. El estudio fue de diseño observacional, transversal, analítico y correlacional. La población estuvo conformada por 35 personas trabajando 1 año como mínimo en la institución prestadora de salud. Los datos se recolectaron por medio de una encuesta conteniendo ficha de recolección de datos sociodemográficos, escala NASA TLX y el Inventario Maslach Burnout. Las variables categóricas se describen usando totales y porcentajes; y las diferencias entre categorias se evaluó usando el Test Exacto de Fisher. Para el análisis se utilizó el programa estadístico STATA V 13.0. Un valor de p < 0.05 se consideró estadísticamente significativo. Los resultados mostraron que individuos más jóvenes, con menos años de trabajo y con una carga mental de trabajo aumentada tuvieron una asociación significativamente más alta de desarrollar burnout que individuos mayores, con más años de trabajo y con una menor carga mental, respectivamente. Estos hallazgos deberán confirmarse en estudios prospectivos.The current study aimed at determining the relationship between work overload and burnout syndrome among the staff of the Emergency Room in a hospital in Trujillo, Peru. The study was of observational, cross-sectional, analytical and correlational design. The study population consisted of 35 members working at the hospital for at least 1 year. The data were collected by survey containing sociodemographic data, as well as the NASA TLX scale and the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Categorical variables are described using totals and percentages; and the differences between categories were assessed using the exact Fisher's Test. For the analysis, STATA version 13.0 was used. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Our results showed that younger individuals, with fewer years of work and an increased mental workload were significantly associated with developing burnout than older individuals, with more years of work and lower mental workload, respectively. Our findings would have to be confirmed in prospective studies

    Reconstruction of aridity for the Sierra de la Laguna, Baja California Sur, Mexico

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    A well-documented history of past climatic conditions is needed to understand and resolve some ecological problems, but the existing climatological records are too short to detect long-term climatic variability and changes. Some trees, such as pines, produce annual tree rings with different widths depending on prevailing environmental conditions, such as climate. Tree-ring analysis of long-lived trees can be used to estimate past variations in climate. The principal aim of this study is to reconstruct aridity for the southern portion of the Baja California Peninsula, by means of dendroclimatologic techniques

    Data-Driven Aggregation Control for Thermoelectric Loads in Demand Response

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    Within the concept of a smart grid, aggregators have the task of coordinating the behavior of large sets of Distributed Energy Resources, each of them offering small power/energy capacities, which help to balance the power grid and can serve as providers of services. Adequate coordination strategies are required to optimally exploit these resources in the ancillary services market. However, deriving model-based control policies for them is complex due to the heterogeneity and uncertainty related to the large set of associated agents. Then, a data-driven model is an adequate solution for this sort of situation. This paper presents the application of the Youla-Kucera Data-Driven Control strategy for the development of an aggregator to regulate the power consumption of a set of thermoelectric refrigerators, avoiding the modeling process and directly designing a controller from data. A detailed simulation framework was executed to verify the validity of the proposed methodology. It is shown that the derived aggregator is able to offer frequency containment reserves service, achieving the required settling time of 30 seconds and with a tracking error below 4.7%. Copyright (c) 2022 The Authors. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

    Un Análisis de cointegración con corrección de errores de las Fugas de Capital y la Inestabilidad Política en México , An econometric model of capital flight in Mexico

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    Resumen El presente estudio se centra en analizar los factores que provocan el éxodo de capital en México, entre los que se incluyen: el saldo en cuenta corriente, el grado de sobrevaluación de la moneda, el diferencial en las tasas de interés entre México y Estados Unidos y el diferencial en las tasas de inflación México-Estados Unidos. De igual forma, se incluyen factores como la inestabilidad política y las llamadas crisis recurrentes en el análisis de las fugas de Capital en México. Asimismo, se plantean los modelos más comunes para la estimación de la fuga de capital aplicados a México. Abstract The study is centered on the model of capital flight from Mexico. Some of the variables that are used in the econometric model are the current account, the level of overvaluation of the currency, the interest rate differential between Mexico and the United States, political factors and economic crisis.Capital flight, Mexico, current account, interest rate differential, political factors and economic crisis.