30 research outputs found

    Modeling and analysis of water-hammer in coaxial pipes

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    The fluid-structure interaction is studied for a system composed of two coaxial pipes in an annular geometry, for both homogeneous isotropic metal pipes and fiber-reinforced (anisotropic) pipes. Multiple waves, traveling at different speeds and amplitudes, result when a projectile impacts on the water filling the annular space between the pipes. In the case of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic thin pipes we compute the wavespeeds, the fluid pressure and mechanical strains as functions of the fiber winding angle. This generalizes the single-pipe analysis of J. H. You, and K. Inaba, Fluid-structure interaction in water-filled pipes of anisotropic composite materials, J. Fl. Str. 36 (2013). Comparison with a set of experimental measurements seems to validate our models and predictions

    New variational models for nematic elastomers

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    Studying the microstructure of complex materials is one of the most interesting problems in modern applied mathematics and statistical mechanics. A paradigmatic case is represented by nematic liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs). Nematic liquid crystal elastomers are a class of materials which associate a liquid crystalline microstructure composed of rigid rod-like molecules (nematic mesogens) with an elastic continuum matrix made of crosslinked polymeric chains..

    Effective behavior of nematic elastomer membranes

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    We derive the effective energy density of thin membranes of liquid crystal elastomers as the Gamma-limit of a widely used bulk model. These membranes can display fine-scale features both due to wrinkling that one expects in thin elastic membranes and due to oscillations in the nematic director that one expects in liquid crystal elastomers. We provide an explicit characterization of the effective energy density of membranes and the effective state of stress as a function of the planar deformation gradient. We also provide a characterization of the fine-scale features. We show the existence of four regimes: one where wrinkling and microstructure reduces the effective membrane energy and stress to zero, a second where wrinkling leads to uniaxial tension, a third where nematic oscillations lead to equi-biaxial tension and a fourth with no fine scale features and biaxial tension. Importantly, we find a region where one has shear strain but no shear stress and all the fine-scale features are in-plane with no wrinkling

    Nematic elastomers: Gamma-limits for large bodies and small particles

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    We compute the large-body and the small-particle Gamma-limit of a family of energies for nematic elastomers. We work under the assumption of small deformations (linearized kinematics) and consider both compressible and incompressible materials. In the large-body asymptotics, even if we describe the local orientation of the liquid crystal molecules according to the model of perfect order (Frank theory), we prove that we obtain a fully biaxial nematic texture (that of the de Gennes theory) as a by-product of the relaxation phenomenon connected to Gamma-convergence. In the case of small particles, we show that formation of new microstructure is not possible, and we describe the map of minimizers of the Gamma-limit as the phase diagram of the mechanical model

    Discrete-to-continuum limits of planar disclinations

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    In materials science, wedge disclinations are defects caused by angular mismatches in the crystallographic lattice. To describe such disclinations, we introduce an atomistic model in planar domains. This model is given by a nearest-neighbor-type energy for the atomic bonds with an additional term to penalize change in volume. We enforce the appearance of disclinations by means of a special boundary condition. Our main result is the discrete-to-continuum limit of this energy as the lattice size tends to zero. Our proof method is relaxation of the energy. The main mathematical novelty of our proof is a density theorem for the special boundary condition. In addition to our limit theorem, we construct examples of planar disclinations as solutions to numerical minimization of the model and show that classical results for wedge disclinations are recovered by our analysis

    Nematic Elastomers: Gamma-Limits for Large Bodies and Small Particles

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    We compute the large-body and the small-particle Gamma-limit of a family of energies for nematic elastomers. We work under the assumption of small deformations (linearized kinematics) and consider both compressible and incompressible materials. In the large-body asymptotics, even if we describe the local orientation of the liquid crystal molecules according to the model of perfect order (Frank theory), we prove that we obtain a fully biaxial nematic texture (that of the de Gennes theory) as a by-product of the relaxation phenomenon connected to Gamma-convergence. In the case of small particles, we show that formation of new microstructure is not possible, and we describe the map of minimizers of the Gamma-limit as the phase diagram of the mechanical model

    Semidiscrete Modeling of Systems of Wedge Disclinations and Edge Dislocations via the Airy Stress Function Method

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    We present a variational theory for lattice defects of rotational and translational type. We focus on finite systems of planar wedge disclinations, disclination dipoles, and edge dislocations, which we model as the solutions to minimum problems for isotropic elastic energies under the constraint of kinematic incompatibility. Operating under the assumption of planar linearized kinematics, we formulate the mechanical equilibrium problem in terms of the Airy stress function, for which we introduce a rigorous analytical formulation in the context of incompatible elasticity. Our main result entails the analysis of the energetic equivalence of systems of disclination dipoles and edge dislocations in the asymptotics of their singular limit regimes. By adopting the regularization approach via core radius, we show that, as the core radius vanishes, the asymptotic energy expansion for disclination dipoles coincides with the energy of finite systems of edge dislocations. This proves that Eshelby's kinematic characterization of an edge dislocation in terms of a disclination dipole is exact also from the energetic standpoint