1,315 research outputs found

    The challenges of health care in Brazil

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    Organization of the cancer network in SUS: evolution of the care model

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    In the current context of epidemiological transition, demographic changes, changes in consumption and lifestyle habits, and pressure on care costs and organized health systems for acute conditions, the Integrated Care Model by Shortell has become a conceptual reference in the search for new methods to manage chronic conditions by focusing on the health conditions of a given population that must be addressed by a set of institutions organized into networks. Within the last 15 years, cancer has gone from the third- to the secondleading cause of death in the State of Sa˜o Paulo and has shown a gradual increase in the number of new cases; it has thus become a relevant issue for public health and health management. The model adopted by the State for the organization of the cancer care network was the motivation for this study, which aimed to evaluate the evolution of the model of care for cancer patients within the Unified Health System (Sistema U´ nico de Sau´ de) based on the integrated care model. Since 1993, the year that cancer was first considered highly complex in the Sistema U´ nico de Sau´ de by the Ministry of Health, it has been possible to observe a progressive orientation towards the integral and integrated care of patients with cancer. In the State of Sa˜o Paulo, the active participation of qualified service providers through a Technical Reference Committee showed that experts could contribute to the definition of public policies, thereby providing a technical base for decision making and contributing to the development of clinical management

    A ultrassonografia aplicada à oncologia

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    Entrevista: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Guido Cerri

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    Physical principles of Doppler ultrasonography

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    A ultra-sonografia Doppler é um método relativamente recente dentro da rotina veterinária que fornece informações em tempo real da arquitetura vascular e dos aspectos hemodinâmicos dos vasos sanguíneos examinados em diversos órgãos vitais. Pode determinar a presença, a direção e o tipo de fluxo sanguíneo. Esta revisão de literatura compila as informações sobre os princípios físicos da ultra-sonografia Doppler. A ampliação do conhecimento desta tecnologia possibilita a melhor compreensão das aplicações e limitações deste método diagnóstico, que tem se tornado rotina na medicina veterinária de pequenos animais.Doppler ultrasonography is a relatively new diagnostic tool in veterinary medicine that provides real time details about vascular architecture and hemodynamic aspects of examinated blood vessels in several internal organs. Doppler can identify the presence, direction and type of blood flow. This literature review provides information about the physical principles of Doppler ultrasonography. The enlargement of expertise about this technology lead to a better comprehension of its use and limitations as a diagnostic technique, which already becomes usual in veterinary medicine of small animals

    Verrucous carcinoma of the hand: a rare presentation evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging

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    O carcinoma verrucoso é uma variante do carcinoma de células escamosas, vista em mucosas e pele, raramente encontrada na mão. Nós relatamos um caso de duas lesões no dorso da mão, sem contato entre si, que foram ressecadas em bloco e confirmadas como carcinoma verrucoso.Verrucous carcinoma is a variant of squamous cell carcinoma seen in mucous membranes and skin, and rarely found in the hand. The present report describes a case of two lesions on the dorsum of the hand, with no contact to each other, which underwent en-block resection and were confirmed as verrucous carcinoma

    Correlation between isolated sonographic finding of umbilical cord cyst and fetal anomalies

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    OBJETIVO: Correlacionar o achado ultra-sonográfico isolado de cisto de cordão umbilical com anomalias fetais, como cromossomopatias e alterações estruturais. Segundo a literatura médica, as implicações clínicas do achado ultra-sonográfico de cisto de cordão nos segundo e terceiro trimestres de gestação estão bem estabelecidas, entretanto, quando no primeiro trimestre, o significado ainda permanece controverso. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo de gestantes da população geral, consecutivas, com fetos únicos e vivos, que apresentavam apenas o achado de cisto de cordão umbilical, num período de dez anos (1996-2006). Em todos os casos foram realizados exames ultra-sonográficos para o rastreamento de anomalias fetais após o diagnóstico de cisto de cordão. Os recém-nascidos e o cordão umbilical foram examinados após o parto para se verificar a presença de anomalias. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados nove casos que apresentavam cisto de cordão umbilical como único achado, sem outros marcadores ultra-sonográficos de anomalias fetais. Detectaram-se dois casos no primeiro trimestre de gestação e sete nos segundo e terceiro trimestres. Dois casos foram submetidos a estudo citogenético fetal, por meio de amniocentese. Nenhum recém-nascido apresentou anomalias estruturais ou aneuploidia. CONCLUSÃO: O achado ultra-sonográfico isolado de cisto de cordão umbilical não significou aumento de risco para anomalias estruturais ou aneuploidias.OBJECTIVE: To correlate the isolated sonographic finding of umbilical cord cyst with fetal anomalies such as chromosomopathies and structural changes. According to the medical literature, the clinical implications of the sonographic finding of umbilical cord cyst in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy are well established; however, the meaning of this finding in the first trimester still remains controversial. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was developed with consecutive, pregnant women with single living fetuses presenting with umbilical cord cyst as an isolated finding, over a 10-year period (1996-2006). Ultrasound studies were performed in all cases for screening of fetal anomalies after the diagnosis of umbilical cord cyst. Neonates and umbilical cords were evaluated after delivery for the presence of abnormalities. RESULTS: Nine cases presenting umbilical cord cyst as a sole finding with no other sonographic marker for fetal abnormality were evaluated. Two cases were detected in the first pregnancy trimester and seven cases in the second and third trimesters. Fetal cytogenetic study was done by means of amniocentesis in two cases. No newborn presented with structural anomalies or aneuploidy. CONCLUSION: Isolated sonographic finding of umbilical cord cyst did not imply increased risk for fetal structural anomalies or aneuploidies

    Clinical perspectives of PSMA PET/MRI for prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer imaging has become an important diagnostic modality for tumor evaluation. Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) positron emission tomography (PET) has been extensively studied, and the results are robust and promising. The advent of the PET/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has added morphofunctional information from the standard of reference MRI to highly accurate molecular information from PET. Different PSMA ligands have been used for this purpose including 68gallium and 18fluorine-labeled PET probes, which have particular features including spatial resolution, imaging quality and tracer biodistribution. The use of PSMA PET imaging is well established for evaluating biochemical recurrence, even at low prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, but has also shown interesting applications for tumor detection, primary staging, assessment of therapeutic responses and treatment planning. This review will outline the potential role of PSMA PET/MRI for the clinical assessment of PCa

    Acute mediastinitis: multidetector computed tomography findings following cardiac surgery

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    Mediastinite pós-cirurgias torácicas é definida como a infecção dos órgãos e tecidos do espaço mediastinal, ocorrendo em 0,4% a 5% dos casos. A gravidade da infecção pós-operatória varia desde infecção de tecidos superficiais da parede torácica até mediastinite fulminante com envolvimento esternal. O critério diagnóstico da tomografia computadorizada para mediastinite aguda pós-cirúrgica é a presença de coleção mediastinal, podendo estar associada ou não a anormalidades periesternais como edema/borramento de partes moles, separação dos segmentos esternais com reabsorção óssea marginal, esclerose e osteomielite. Achados associados incluem linfonodomegalias, consolidações pulmonares e derrame pleural e pericárdico. Pequenas coleções e gás mediastinais podem ser usualmente encontradas em pós-operatório recente de cirurgias torácicas sem a presença de infecções, limitando a eficácia da tomografia computadorizada nas duas primeiras semanas. Após esse período, a tomografia alcança quase 100% de sensibilidade e especificidade. Pacientes com suspeita clínica de mediastinite devem ser submetidos a exame de tomografia para pesquisa de coleções, identificando a extensão da doença e sua natureza. A versão de multidetectores propicia recursos de reconstruções em diversos planos e janelas, contribuindo especialmente para o estudo do esterno.Postoperative mediastinitis is defined as an infection of the organs and tissues in the mediastinal space, with an incidence ranging between 0.4% and 5% of cases. This disease severity varies from infection of superficial tissues in the chest wall to fulminant mediastinitis with sternal involvement. Diagnostic criterion for postoperative detection of acute mediastinitis at computed tomography is the presence of fluid collections and gas in the mediastinal space, which might or might not be associated with peristernal abnormalities such as edema of soft tissues, separation of sternal segments with marginal bone resorption, sclerosis and osteomyelitis. Other associated findings include lymphadenomegaly, pulmonary consolidation and pleural/pericardial effusion. Some of these findings, such as mediastinal gas and small fluid collections can be typically found in the absence of infection, early in the period following thoracic surgery where the effectiveness of computed tomography is limited. After approximately two weeks, computed tomography achieves almost 100% sensitivity and specificity. Patients with clinical suspicion of mediastinitis should be submitted to computed tomography for investigating the presence of fluid collections to identify the extent and nature of the disease. Multidetector computed tomography allows 3D images reconstruction, contributing particularly to the evaluation of the sternum