81 research outputs found

    Prostate volume index and prostatic chronic inflammation have an effect on tumor load at baseline random biopsies in patients with normal DRE and PSA values less than 10\u2009ng/ml: results of 564 consecutive cases

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    Background: To assess the association of prostate volume index (PVI), defined as the ratio of the central transition zone volume (CTZV) to the peripheral zone volume (PZV), and prostatic chronic inflammation (PCI) as predictors of prostate cancer (PCA) load in patients presenting with normal digital rectal exam (DRE) and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) <= 10 ng/ml at baseline random biopsies. Methods: Parameters evaluated included age, PSA, total prostate volume (TPV), PSA density (PSAD), PVI and PCI. All patients underwent 14 core transperineal randomized biopsies. We considered small and high PCA load patients with no more than three (limited tumor load) and greater than three (extensive tumor load) positive biopsy cores, respectively. The association of factors with the risk of PCA was evaluated by logistic regression analysis, utilizing different multivariate models. Results: 564 Caucasian patients were included. PCA and PCI were detected in 242 (42.9%) and 129 (22.9%) cases, respectively. On multivariate analysis, PVI and PCI were independent predictors of the risk of detecting limited or extensive tumor load. The risk of detecting extensive tumor load at baseline biopsies was increased by PSAD above the median and third quartile as well as PVI <= 1 [odds ratio (OR)=1.971] but decreased by PCI (OR=0.185; 95% CI: 0.088-0.388). Conclusions: Higher PVI and the presence of PCI predicted decreased PCA risk in patients presenting with normal DRE, and a PSA <= 10 ng/ml at baseline random biopsy. In this subset of patients, a PVI <= or >1 is able to differentiate patients with PCA or PCI

    Convención sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad. Adaptada para personas que utilizan Sistemas Pictográficos de Comunicación

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    Este documento es una adaptación en pictogramas de la Convención de la ONU sobre los Derechos de las personas con discapacidad, ratificada por España y que entró en vigor el 3 de mayo de 2008. Esta publicación, coordinada y realizada por el Ceapat-Imserso, en estrecha colaboración con el Portal Aragonés de la Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa (Arasaac) y Fundosa Accesibilidad, permitirá que las personas que usan Sistemas Pictográficos para comunicarse, puedan acceder, en igualdad de condiciones que todos los ciudadanos, al contenido de la Convención en un lenguaje adaptado a sus necesidades

    Novel Insights into Autophagy and Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Review

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    Autophagy is a complex process involved in several cell activities, including tissue growth, differentiation, metabolic modulation, and cancer development. In prostate cancer, autophagy has a pivotal role in the regulation of apoptosis and disease progression. Several molecular pathways are involved, including PI3K/AKT/mTOR. However, depending on the cellular context, autophagy may play either a detrimental or a protective role in prostate cancer. For this purpose, current evidence has investigated how autophagy interacts within these complex interactions. In this article, we discuss novel findings about autophagic machinery in order to better understand the therapeutic response and the chemotherapy resistance of prostate cancer. Autophagic-modulation drugs have been employed in clinical trials to regulate autophagy, aiming to improve the response to chemotherapy or to anti-cancer treatments. Furthermore, the genetic signature of autophagy has been found to have a potential means to stratify prostate cancer aggressiveness. Unfortunately, stronger evidence is needed to better understand this field, and the application of these findings in clinical practice still remains poorly feasible

    High surgeon volume and positive surgical margins can predict the risk of biochemical recurrence after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy

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    Background: The aim of this study was to determine whether any clinical factors are independent predictors of positive surgical margins (PSM), and to assess the association of PSM and biochemical recurrence (BR) after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP). Methods: The population included cases with negative surgical margins (control group) and patients with PSM (study group). Tumor grade was evaluated according to the International Society of Urologic Pathology (ISUP) system. A logistic regression model assessed the independent association of factors with the risk of PSM. The risk of BR was assessed by Cox\u2019s multivariate proportional hazards. Results: A total of 732 consecutive patients were evaluated. Extend pelvic lymph node dissection (ePLND) was performed in 342 cases (46.7%). Overall, 192 cases (26.3%) had PSM. The risk of PSM was positively associated with the percentage of biopsy positive cores (BPC; odds ratio, OR = 1.012; p = 0.004), extracapsular extension (pT3a; OR=2.702; p < 0.0001), invasion of seminal vesicle (pT3b; OR = 2.889; p < 0.0001), but inversely with body mass index (OR = 0.936; p = 0.021), and high surgeon volume (OR = 0.607; p = 0.006). Independent clinical factors associated with the risk of BR were baseline prostate-specific antigen (PSA; hazard ratio, HR = 1.064; p = 0.004), BPC (HR = 1.015; p = 0.027), ISUP biopsy grade group (BGG) 2/3 (HR = 2.966; p = 0.003), and BGG 4/5 (HR = 3.122; p = 0.022). Pathologic factors associated with the risk of BR were ISUP group 4/5 (HR = 3.257; p = 0.001), pT3b (HR = 2.900; p = 0.003), and PSM (HR = 2.096; p = 0.045). Conclusions: In our cohort, features related to host, tumor, and surgeon volume are associated with the risk of PSM, which is also an independent parameter predicting BR after RARP. The surgical volume of the operating surgeon is an independent factor that decreases the risk of PSM, and, as such, the risk of BR

    Why do UK banks securitize?

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    Working paper seriesThe eight years from 2000 to 2008 saw a rapid growth in the use of securitization by UK banks. We aim to identify the reasons that contributed to this rapid growth. The time period (2000 to 2010) covered by our study is noteworthy as it covers the pre- nancial crisis credit- boom, the peak of the nancial crisis and its aftermath. In the wake of the nancial crisis, many governments, regulators and political commentators have pointed an accusing nger at the securitization market - even in the absence of a detailed statistical and economic analysis. We contribute to the extant literature by performing such an analysis on UK banks, fo- cussing principally on whether it is the need for liquidity (i.e. the funding of their balance sheets), or the desire to engage in regulatory capital arbitrage or the need for credit risk trans- fer that has led to UK banks securitizing their assets. We show that securitization has been signi cantly driven by liquidity reasons. In addition, we observe a positive link between securitization and banks credit risk. We interpret these latter ndings as evidence that UK banks which engaged in securitization did so, in part, to transfer credit risk and that, in comparison to UK banks which did not use securitization, they had more credit risk to transfer in the sense that they originated lower quality loans and held lower quality assets. We show that banks which issued more asset-backed securities before the nancial crisis su¤ered more defaults after the nancial crisis.The eight years from 2000 to 2008 saw a rapid growth in the use of securitization by UK banks. We aim to identify the reasons that contributed to this rapid growth. The time period (2000 to 2010) covered by our study is noteworthy as it covers the pre-financial crisis credit- boom, the peak of the financial crisis and its aftermath. In the wake of the financial crisis, many governments, regulators and political commentators have pointed an accusing finger at the securitization market - even in the absence of a detailed statistical and economic analysis. We contribute to the extant literature by performing such an analysis on UK banks, fo- cussing principally on whether it is the need for liquidity (i.e. the funding of their balance sheets), or the desire to engage in regulatory capital arbitrage or the need for credit risk trans- fer that has led to UK banks securitizing their assets. We show that securitization has been significantly driven by liquidity reasons. In addition, we observe a positive link between securitization and banks credit risk. We interpret these latter findings as evidence that UK banks which engaged in securitization did so, in part, to transfer credit risk and that, in comparison to UK banks which did not use securitization, they had more credit risk to transfer in the sense that they originated lower quality loans and held lower quality assets. We show that banks which issued more asset-backed securities before the financial crisis suffered more defaults after the financial crisis

    Revista de Revistas.

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    Selección de reseñas bibliográficas (Enero, Febrero y Marzo, 1991) Clasificación del término identificación proyectiva. Artículo de revisión. Willíam N. Goldstein. Georgetown University School of Medicine George Washington University Medical center. American Journal of Psychiatry febrero 1991; 148:153-161. Cristina Polo Usaola. Esquizofrenia: Una perspectiva neuropatológica. (Revisión) G. W Roberts. Br. Jr. Psychiatry 1991; 158:8-17. Aurora Tejadas Rivas Factores predictivos de la respuesta al tratamiento antidepresivo en la melancolía: Indicadores psicosociales, clínicos y biológicos. J. Vallejo, C. Gasto, R. Catalán, A. Bulbena, J. M. Menchón. Journal of Affective Disorders (Vol. 21, ene-mar, 1991), págs. 151-161. Encarnación Grau La necesidad de un soporte social entre pacientes ambulatorios que sufren una psicosis funcional. Raimok R., Salokancas Timo, Palo-Oja Markkuujanen Psychological Medicine. Vol. 21, núm. 1. Febrero 1991; 209-217. Juan Carlos García Alvarez Characteristics and long-term follow-up of patients hospitalized for mood disorders in the phipps clinic, 1913-1940 Stephens J., McHugh P. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 1991; 179:64-73. M.3 Luisa Catalina Distribución característica de las ondas alfa-2 en E.E.G. de enfermos esquizofrénicos durante tareas discriminativas: Apoyo a la hipótesis de hipofrontalidad de la esquizofrenia Nakagawa M., Kakimoto Y, Takeda K. Departamento de Neuropsiquiatría y Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Ehime.. Ehime. Japón. Acta Psychiatric. Scand 1991. Febrero. Vol. 83, núm. 2, 105-114. Ernesto García Yagüe Relación entre la depresión postnatal y la interacción madre-hijo Alan Stein y col. British Journal of Psychiatry 1991; 158:46-52. Clara Herráez Martín de Valmaseda El cuestionario "Perfil de Impacto de la Emfermedad" (SIP): Versión española de una medida del estado de salud. J. L. Vázquez-Barquero, M. A. Arias Bal, C. Peña, J. F. Díez Manrique, A. Ayesterán Ruiz y J. Miró. Actas Luso-Españolas de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Ciencias Afines, marzo-abril 1991; núm. 2, vol. XIX, 127-134.148:153-161. José García-Noblejas Profilaxis con litio en las psicosis puerperal. La experiencia de 3 centros. D. E. Stewart, J. L. Klompen Hower, R. E. Kendel" M. Van Huist. British Journal Psychiatry, marzo 1991. Rosa Gutiérrez Cook Medley Hostility Scale and subsets: Relationship to demographic and psychosocial characteristics in young adults in the cardia study Larry Scherwitz, Laura Perkins, Margaret Chesney, Glenn Hughes. Psychosomatic Medicine. Vol. 53, enero-febrero 1991, núm. 1. Encarnación Llanos Cerrato Comentario de revista: Devenir Editions Eshel. París. Periodicidad: Trimestral. Jose Luis Pedreira Mass

    Revista de Revistas.

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    Selección de reseñas bibliográficas (Enero, Febrero y Marzo, 1991) Clasificación del término identificación proyectiva. Artículo de revisión. Willíam N. Goldstein. Georgetown University School of Medicine George Washington University Medical center. American Journal of Psychiatry febrero 1991; 148:153-161. Cristina Polo Usaola. Esquizofrenia: Una perspectiva neuropatológica. (Revisión) G. W Roberts. Br. Jr. Psychiatry 1991; 158:8-17. Aurora Tejadas Rivas Factores predictivos de la respuesta al tratamiento antidepresivo en la melancolía: Indicadores psicosociales, clínicos y biológicos. J. Vallejo, C. Gasto, R. Catalán, A. Bulbena, J. M. Menchón. Journal of Affective Disorders (Vol. 21, ene-mar, 1991), págs. 151-161. Encarnación Grau La necesidad de un soporte social entre pacientes ambulatorios que sufren una psicosis funcional. Raimok R., Salokancas Timo, Palo-Oja Markkuujanen Psychological Medicine. Vol. 21, núm. 1. Febrero 1991; 209-217. Juan Carlos García Alvarez Characteristics and long-term follow-up of patients hospitalized for mood disorders in the phipps clinic, 1913-1940 Stephens J., McHugh P. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 1991; 179:64-73. M.3 Luisa Catalina Distribución característica de las ondas alfa-2 en E.E.G. de enfermos esquizofrénicos durante tareas discriminativas: Apoyo a la hipótesis de hipofrontalidad de la esquizofrenia Nakagawa M., Kakimoto Y, Takeda K. Departamento de Neuropsiquiatría y Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Ehime.. Ehime. Japón. Acta Psychiatric. Scand 1991. Febrero. Vol. 83, núm. 2, 105-114. Ernesto García Yagüe Relación entre la depresión postnatal y la interacción madre-hijo Alan Stein y col. British Journal of Psychiatry 1991; 158:46-52. Clara Herráez Martín de Valmaseda El cuestionario "Perfil de Impacto de la Emfermedad" (SIP): Versión española de una medida del estado de salud. J. L. Vázquez-Barquero, M. A. Arias Bal, C. Peña, J. F. Díez Manrique, A. Ayesterán Ruiz y J. Miró. Actas Luso-Españolas de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Ciencias Afines, marzo-abril 1991; núm. 2, vol. XIX, 127-134.148:153-161. José García-Noblejas Profilaxis con litio en las psicosis puerperal. La experiencia de 3 centros. D. E. Stewart, J. L. Klompen Hower, R. E. Kendel" M. Van Huist. British Journal Psychiatry, marzo 1991. Rosa Gutiérrez Cook Medley Hostility Scale and subsets: Relationship to demographic and psychosocial characteristics in young adults in the cardia study Larry Scherwitz, Laura Perkins, Margaret Chesney, Glenn Hughes. Psychosomatic Medicine. Vol. 53, enero-febrero 1991, núm. 1. Encarnación Llanos Cerrato Comentario de revista: Devenir Editions Eshel. París. Periodicidad: Trimestral. Jose Luis Pedreira Mass

    Changes in renal function after nephroureterectomy for upper urinary tract carcinoma: analysis of a large multicenter cohort (Radical Nephroureterectomy Outcomes (RaNeO) Research Consortium)

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    Purpose To investigate prevalence and predictors of renal function variation in a multicenter cohort treated with radical nephroureterectomy (RNU) for upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC). Methods Patients from 17 tertiary centers were included. Renal function variation was evaluated at postoperative day (POD)-1, 6 and 12 months. Timepoints differences were Delta 1 = POD-1 eGFR - baseline eGFR; Delta 2 = 6 months eGFR - POD-1 eGFR; Delta 3 = 12 months eGFR - 6 months eGFR. We defined POD-1 acute kidney injury (AKI) as an increase in serum creatinine by >= 0.3 mg/dl or a 1.5 1.9-fold from baseline. Additionally, a cutoff of 60 ml/min in eGFR was considered to define renal function decline at 6 and 12 months. Logistic regression (LR) and linear mixed (LM) models were used to evaluate the association between clinical factors and eGFR decline and their interaction with follow-up. Results A total of 576 were included, of these 409(71.0%) and 403(70.0%) had an eGFR < 60 ml/min at 6 and 12 months, respectively, and 239(41.5%) developed POD-1 AKI. In multivariable LR analysis, age (Odds Ratio, OR 1.05, p < 0.001), male gender (OR 0.44, p = 0.003), POD-1 AKI (OR 2.88, p < 0.001) and preoperative eGFR < 60 ml/min (OR 7.58, p < 0.001) were predictors of renal function decline at 6 months. Age (OR 1.06, p < 0.001), coronary artery disease (OR 2.68, p = 0.007), POD-1 AKI (OR 1.83, p = 0.02), and preoperative eGFR < 60 ml/min (OR 7.80, p < 0.001) were predictors of renal function decline at 12 months. In LM models, age (p = 0.019), hydronephrosis (p < 0.001), POD-1 AKI (p < 0.001) and pT-stage (p = 0.001) influenced renal function variation (ss 9.2 +/- 0.7, p < 0.001) during follow-up. Conclusion Age, preoperative eGFR and POD-1 AKI are independent predictors of 6 and 12 months renal function decline after RNU for UTUC