10 research outputs found

    Graduate medical students’ value orientations

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    Catedra Economie, Management şi Psihopedagogie în Medicină USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”In the process of students’ values researching, we have determined that graduate students from SUMPh consider the well-being the most important value for their prosperity. Thus, the interviewed students have selected values in the following priority: physical and mental health, physical well being, and lasting knowledge. The least popular values for them are: creative activity, happiness of others, contemplating the beauty in nature and art. The 200 interviewed students did not consider relationship with people around, as a factor that can directly influence their professional and personal achievement. On the top of instrumental values students have placed: professional education, responsibility, and rationalism. At the same time, students didn’t consider very important values that reflect the human aspect of the profession, such as tolerance, compassion and caring attitude towards others. Cercetînd sfera valorilor studenților absolvenți, am stabilit că studenții absolvenți de la USMF, apreciază în prim plan bunăstarea sa din toate punctele de vedere. Astfel, studenții au plasat în top următoarele dintre valori: sănătate fizică și psihică; bunăstare materială; și cunoștințe trainice. Cele mai puțin apreciate valori – scopuri de către studenți s-au stabilit a fi următoarele: activitate creatoare; fericirea altora; contemplarea frumosului în natură și artă. Cei 200 de studenți intervievați nu consideră relaționarea cu oamenii din jur, drept factor ce poate influența direct realizarea lor profesională și personală. In topul valorilor-instrumentale studenții au plasat: educație profesională; responsabilitate; și raționalism. Valorile care reflectă aspectul uman al profesiei, precum: toleranță, compasiune sau delicatețe și atitudine grijulie față de alții, studenții nu le consideră importante pentru o carieră de succes în medicină

    Определяющие факторы развития мотивации самоактуализации личности

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie N. TestemiţanuSummary: Self-actualization implies a number of psychological factors, where a person’s decision to realize his native potential plays the main role. The self-actualization process lasts the whole life. The stimulative factors, by means of which the student’s self-actualizing motivation may be effectively developed are: self-awareness or self-studying – as a basic condition for self-actualization; personal trends of personality – as main tendencies in choosing the way for self-actualization; taking care of responsibility – as the most appreciating value in contemporary society, which implies caregiver for all events in personal life; creativity – as an important and essential condition for self-actualization. The development of these factors may offer a real opportunity for an authentic personality developing and later for a genuinely self-actualizing personality. By studying doctors’ self-actualizing motivation, the distinctive qualities were identified as: faith, expressed in humanity, dedication to work and readiness to experiment, responsibility expressed by everyday work decisions and presence of permanent life’s principles and values.Резюме: Процесс самоaктуализации предполагает влияние нескольких факторов психологического характера, где главную роль играет желание реализовать свой личностный потенциал на протяжении всей жизни. Исследуя мотивацию самоактуализации у студентов, были выявлены основные располагающие условия к ее развитию: самопознание как основное условие для самоактуализации, личностные предрасполагающие качества личности, ответственность за свои действия и творческий подход к своей жизни. Развитие этих факторов может способствовать становлению самоaктуализирующей личности в целом. Изучая мотивацию самореализации или самоактуализации врачей, мы выявили основные факторы, которые, по нашему мнению, способствуют ее развитию: вера, проявляющeeся в гуманности, посвященность работе и готовность к экспериментированию, ответственность и наличие определенных жизненных ценностей личности

    Служба психологического консультирования и карьеры в молдавских высших учебных заведениях

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie Nicolae TestemiţanuThe right career choosing, timely psychological counseling and the availability of mechanisms that help develop all human skills are a guarantee of a good investment of time and other resources in the person development. The results of the survey showed that the students of the medical university have difficulties in academic results achieving, solving personal problems, and so on. On the basis of these deductions, we are advancing the idea of creating within the USMF “Nicolae Testemitanu” a Center for Psychological Counseling and Career Guidance (CCPGC) with the following objectives: - career guidance of high school students and future students; - psychological counseling with reference to academic success, overcoming negative psychological states, personality development etc.; - counseling students in designing their professional career; - track the professional development of graduates and their counseling in the career management process; - counseling the teaching staff in the teacher-student, teacher-teacher relationship, as well as in the teaching career development.Выбор правильной карьеры, своевременное психологическое консультирование и наличие механизмов, помогающих развивать все навыки человека, представляют собой гарантию хорошей инвестиции времени и других ресурсов в воспитание человека. Результаты опроса показали наличие у студентов Медицинского университета трудностей в успеваемости, решении личных проблем и т.д. Исходя из этих выводов, мыпредлагаем создать Центр психологического консультирования и карьеры при ГУМФ «Николае Тестемицану» со следующими целями: • консультирование старшеклассников и будущих студентов; • психологическое консультирование при неуспеваемости, преодоление негативных психологических состояний, развитие личности и т.д.; • консультирование студентов в планировании своей профессиональной карьеры; • отслеживание профессионального развития выпускников и их консультирование в процессе управления карьерой; • консультирование преподавательского состава преимущественно в решении проблем общения между преподавателем и студентами, а также в развитии педагогической карьеры

    Некоторые психологические аспекты онкологических больных

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    Catedra Economie, Management şi Psihopedagogie, USMF Nicolae TestemiţanuThe data of investigated patients revealed that more than half of patients (70%) are diagnosed with “cancer” at the age between 50-70 years. More than half of respondents (63%), confirm that they are not aware of such diagnoses to their close relatives. Most of surveyed patients consider their condition as an injustice, bad luck and / or punishment for some “sins” they have. 32% of patients consider that they are in a situation to defeat the fortune regardless of the given diagnosis. More than half (60%) of patients are not willing to cooperate actively with the doctor for his healing, but rather adopt the role of passive patient. The described situation expose some gaps related to prophylaxis and disease prevention in our medical system.Общий анализ данных об онкологических больных выявил, что больше чем y половины испытуемых (70%) диагноз „рак” был поставлен в возрасте от 50-ти до 70-ти лет. В то же время, имея такой диагноз (63%), испытуемыe заявили, что не знают точно, кто из родственников страдает подобным недугом. Большинство испытуемых считают свое состояние как насправедливость или наказание за определенные грехи. Однако 32% отметили что намерены бороться за свое здоровье. В то же время, больше половины опрошенных (60%) не считает, что активное сотрудничество с врачом поможет их выздоровлению, предпочитая роль пассивного пациента

    Consilierea psihologică a bolnavilor oncologici

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    În consilierea psihologică a pacienţilor oncologici se evidenţiază următoarele aspecte: • prezenţa periodică a psihoterapeutului, care trebuie să activeze mecanismele de apărare ale pacientului; • abordarea bolii ca un accident şi nu ca pe o fatalitate; • manifestarea faţă de pacient a următoarelor calităţi: atenţie, ocrotire, încurajare, optimism şi spirit de demnitate

    The time management peculiarities of a professional and personal life

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    Catedra Economie, Management şi Psihopedagogie USMF „N. Testemiţanu”The management of time is a fundamental issue to the job performance of every person. The primary goal of this thesis is to study the time management peculiarities of a professional and personal life. As a result, we identified that 65% of the interviewed persons have a low time management level. At the same time, the interviewed persons demonstrated better targets identification abilities, than organizational and executive abilities. Gestionarea sau managementul timpului este o opţiune fundamentală a fiecărei persoane ce aspiră pentru succes. Scopul lucrării date a fost cercetarea particularităţilor gestionării timpului de către persoane angajate în cîmpul muncii. Prin urmare, am stabilit că 65% (13 angajaţi) au un nivel general mediu de gestionare a timpului, iar 35% (7 angajaţi) au demonstrat un nivel jos. Nivel înalt de organizare a timpului nu au demonstrat nimeni dintre interogaţi. În acelaşi timp, conform rezultatelor obţinute, respondenţii dispun de mai bune capacităţi în ceea ce priveşte stabilirea obiectivelor şi a priorităţilor decât în planificarea şi realizarea nemijlocită a sarcinilor, inclusiv, administrarea eficientă a timpului pe parcursul zilei

    Psychosocial problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Catedra de psihiatrie, narcologie şi psihologie medicală, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie ,,Nicolae Testemiţanu", Chişinău, Republica MoldovaRezumat Introducere. Izbucnirea crizei pandemice COVID-19, care are loc în 2020, a dat prilej de preocupări majore pentru multiple probleme psihosociale, stres psihologic sporit, anxietate, atât printre populaţia generală, cât şi printre furnizorii de servicii medicale. Material şi metode. Scopul acestui studiu este de a oferi un review al literaturii internaţionale referitor la problemele psihosociale, determinate de pandemia COVID-19, pentru cunoaşterea aspectelor psihosociale de referinţă, necesare în lupta cu această problema globală a secolului XXI. Metodologia studiului realizat este de tip secundar, calitativ şi prezintă un review narativ din sursele bibliografice, preluate din bazele de date PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline, biblioteca OMS, biblioteca Infomedica din perioada decembrie 2019-mai 2020. Limba de publicare a surselor bibliografice selectate a fost engleză, review-ul a inclus 34 de surse bibliografice. Rezultate. Impactul COVID-19, asupra sănătăţii mintale a populaţiei, a provocat îngrijorări enorme aproape în fiecare ţară de pe glob. În urma studiilor realizate, cu privire la problema dată, au fost identificaţi o serie de factori legaţi de COVID-19, care pot afecta negativ sănătatea mintală a indivizilor, având un risc şi mai mare la cei predispuşi influenţei directe a acestor condiţii şi factori psihologici nefavorabili, cum ar fi prestatorii de servicii medicale din prima linie. Anxietatea, depresia şi reacţia acută la stres, sunt unele dintre răspunsurile precoce la eventualul pericol pentru viaţă condiţionat de COVID-19. Această stare de lucruri poate sugera că este necesar de planificat acţiuni promte de sănătate publică, pentru gestionarea problemelor de sănătate mintală cu evoluţie mai severă aşa ca tulburarea de stres posttraumatică, adicţiile, depresiile severe şi suicidul. Concluzii. În contextul cercetării problemelor determinate de criza pandemică COVID-19, evaluarea şi monitorizarea stării sănătăţii populaţiei ar trebui să fie complexă, incluzând întrebări cu privire la factorii de stres asociaţi cu COVID-19, adversităţi secundare, efecte psihosociale şi indicatori de vulnerabilitate.Abstract Introduction. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis in 2020, has given rise to major concerns, such as multiple psychosocial problems, increased psychological stress, anxiety both among the general population, and among the health care providers. Material and methods. The purpose of this study is to provide a review of the international literature on psychosocial problems, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, to know the reference psychosocial aspects needed in the fight against this global problem of the XXI century. The study is based on a secondary-type qualitative methodology and consists of a narrative review of the bibliographic sources from the PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline databases, WHO library, Infomedica library issued during the period December 2019-May 2020. The selected bibliographic sources were published in English, the review has covered 34 bibliographic sources. Results. The impact of COVID-19 on the population’s mental health, has caused enormous concerns for almost every country in the world. Based on the studies on this issue, a number of factors related to COVID-19 have been identified, that may negatively affect the mental health of the individuals, with an even higher risk for those subjected to the direct influence of these conditions and to unfavorable psychological factors, such as the front-line health care providers. Anxiety, depression and the acute stress reaction are some of the early responses to the potential life-threatening risk caused by COVID-19. This state of affairs points out the need for planning prompt public health actions in order to manage the more severe mental health problems, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, addictions, severe depression and suicide. Conclusions. In the context of the research on the problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the assessment and monitoring of the population’s health condition should be complex and include questions about the stressors associated with COVID-19, the side effects, the psychosocial effects and the vulnerability indicators

    Ghid de terminologie ştiinţifică

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie "Nicolae Testemiţanu" Şcoala de Management în Sănătate Public

    Factors Associated with Burnout in Medical Academia: An Exploratory Analysis of Romanian and Moldavian Physicians

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    This study aimed to assess the extent of burnout in Romanian and Moldavian academic physicians and to determine the predictive value of emotional intelligence (EI), coping strategies, work motivation (WM), perceived organizational support (POS), and the socio-demographic characteristics of burnout. Two hundred physicians (40% men, 60% women, mean age = 43.02, SD = 9.91) participated in the study. They were administered the Maslach Burnout Inventory−General Survey, Brief COPE Scale, Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale, Schutte’s Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test, and Perceived Organizational Support Scale. Mann−Whitney U tests were used to assess the significance of intercountry differences, while hierarchical regressions were performed to investigate the predictive value of the independent variables on burnout. Moldavian participants had significantly lower scores in burnout and amotivation (p < 0.001) and higher scores in EI, POS, and WM (p < 0.001). The main burnout predictors were amotivation (β = 0.388, p < 0.001) and low POS (β = −0.313, p< 0.001) in Moldavian respondents, and WM (intrinsic: β = −0.620, p < 0.001; extrinsic: β = 0.406, p < 0.001) in Romanian participants. Moldavian respondents displayed better adjustment to academic stress. The distribution of burnout predictors suggests better sensitivity of respondents to organizational interventions in Moldova and to individual therapy in Romania. This data could serve to better tailor Public Health interventions addressing burnout in the academic environment