23 research outputs found

    The role of KCNQ channels in the thalamus

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    Der ventrobasale thalamische Komplex (VB) spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der somatosensorischen Informationsverarbeitung und ist insbesondere wichtig für die diskriminativen und räumlichen Aspekte der akuten Schmerzverarbeitung. Wir schlagen einen neuen antinozizeptiven Mechanismus vor, der auf der Aktivierung von KCNQ-Kanälen in diesem Hirngebiet beruht. Die Wirkung von Retigabin, einem K+-Kanalöffner, beruht auf der spezifischen Aktivierung von KCNQ-Kanälen, welche den M-Strom (IM) herbeiführt. Dies gilt im Besonderen für die Untereinheiten KCNQ2 und KCNQ3, die durch Retigabin aktiviert und durch den spezifischen KCNQ-Kanalblocker XE991 inhibiert werden. In vitro induziert die Applikation von Retigabin eine Hyperpolarisation des Membranruhepotentials, die mit der Verringerung tonischer Aktivität und einer Förderung von Salvenaktivität einhergeht. Dies führt in vivo zu einer Schmerzhemmung. The thalamic ventrobasal complex (VB) plays a crucial role in somatosensory information processing, and it is particularly important for the discriminative and spatial aspects of acute pain processing. We propose a new antinociceptive mechanism based on the activation of KCNQ channels in the brain. Here, the channels formed by the co-assembly of the subunits KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 mediates the M current (IM). In vitro, the application of the specific opener retigabine induced hyperpolarization of the resting membrane potential, associated with the reduction in tonic activity and promotion of burst-like activity. This shift in the firing pattern is associated to reduction of pain sensation at supraspinal level. Thus, the possible role of thalamic KCNQ channels in pain sensation was the tested in an animal model of acute pain, suggesting a novel target for pain therapy

    Two types of interneurons in the mouse lateral geniculate nucleus are characterized by different h-current density

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    Although hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation (HCN) channels and the corresponding h-current (I(h)) have been shown to fundamentally shape the activity pattern in the thalamocortical network, little is known about their function in local circuit GABAergic interneurons (IN) of the dorsal part of the lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN). By combining electrophysiological, molecular biological, immunohistochemical and cluster analysis, we characterized the properties of I(h) and the expression profile of HCN channels in IN. Passive and active electrophysiological properties of IN differed. Two subclasses of IN were resolved by unsupervised cluster analysis. Small cells were characterized by depolarized resting membrane potentials (RMP), stronger anomalous rectification, higher firing frequency of faster action potentials (APs), appearance of rebound bursting, and higher I(h) current density compared to the large IN. The depolarization exerted by sustained HCN channel activity facilitated neuronal firing. In addition to cyclic nucleotides, I(h) in IN was modulated by PIP(2) probably based on the abundant expression of the HCN3 isoform. Furthermore, only IN with larger cell diameters expressed neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). It is discussed that I(h) in IN is modulated by neurotransmitters present in the thalamus and that the specific properties of I(h) in these cells closely reflect their modulatory options

    Myelination- and immune-mediated MR-based brain network correlates

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    Background Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS), characterized by inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes. Despite demyelination being a hallmark of the disease, how it relates to neurodegeneration has still not been completely unraveled, and research is still ongoing into how these processes can be tracked non-invasively. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) derived brain network characteristics, which closely mirror disease processes and relate to functional impairment, recently became important variables for characterizing immune-mediated neurodegeneration; however, their histopathological basis remains unclear. Methods In order to determine the MRI-derived correlates of myelin dynamics and to test if brain network characteristics derived from diffusion tensor imaging reflect microstructural tissue reorganization, we took advantage of the cuprizone model of general demyelination in mice and performed longitudinal histological and imaging analyses with behavioral tests. By introducing cuprizone into the diet, we induced targeted and consistent demyelination of oligodendrocytes, over a period of 5 weeks. Subsequent myelin synthesis was enabled by reintroduction of normal food. Results Using specific immune-histological markers, we demonstrated that 2 weeks of cuprizone diet induced a 52% reduction of myelin content in the corpus callosum (CC) and a 35% reduction in the neocortex. An extended cuprizone diet increased myelin loss in the CC, while remyelination commenced in the neocortex. These histologically determined dynamics were reflected by MRI measurements from diffusion tensor imaging. Demyelination was associated with decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) values and increased modularity and clustering at the network level. MRI-derived modularization of the brain network and FA reduction in key anatomical regions, including the hippocampus, thalamus, and analyzed cortical areas, were closely related to impaired memory function and anxiety-like behavior. Conclusion Network-specific remyelination, shown by histology and MRI metrics, determined amelioration of functional performance and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Taken together, we illustrate the histological basis for the MRI-driven network responses to demyelination, where increased modularity leads to evolving damage and abnormal behavior in MS. Quantitative information about in vivo myelination processes is mirrored by diffusion-based imaging of microstructural integrity and network characteristics

    NOX4-derived ROS are neuroprotective by balancing intracellular calcium stores

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    Hyperexcitability is associated with neuronal dysfunction, cellular death, and consequently neurodegeneration. Redox disbalance can contribute to hyperexcitation and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels are observed in various neurological diseases. NOX4 is an NADPH oxidase known to produce ROS and might have a regulating function during oxidative stress. We, therefore, aimed to determine the role of NOX4 on neuronal firing, hyperexcitability, and hyperexcitability-induced changes in neural network function. Using a multidimensional approach of an in vivo model of hyperexcitability, proteomic analysis, and cellular function analysis of ROS, mitochondrial integrity, and calcium levels, we demonstrate that NOX4 is neuroprotective by regulating ROS and calcium homeostasis and thereby preventing hyperexcitability and consequently neuronal death. These results implicate NOX4 as a potential redox regulator that is beneficial in hyperexcitability and thereby might have an important role in neurodegeneration.</p

    GABA<sub>A</sub> Receptor Autoantibodies Decrease GABAergic Synaptic Transmission in the Hippocampal CA3 Network

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    Autoimmune encephalitis associated with antibodies (Abs) against α1, β3, and γ2 subunits of γ-aminobutyric acid receptor A (GABAAR) represents a severe form of encephalitis with refractory seizures and status epilepticus. Reduction in inhibitory GABAergic synaptic activity is linked to dysfunction of neuronal networks, hyperexcitability, and seizures. The aim in this study was to investigate the direct pathogenic effect of a recombinant GABAAR autoantibody (rAb-IP2), derived from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of a patient with autoimmune GABAAR encephalitis, on hippocampal CA1 and CA3 networks. Acute brain slices from C57BL/6 mice were incubated with rAb-IP2. The spontaneous synaptic GABAergic transmission was measured using electrophysiological recordings in voltage-clamp mode. The GABAAR autoantibody rAb-IP2 reduced inhibitory postsynaptic signaling in the hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons with regard to the number of spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (sIPSCs) but did not affect their amplitude. In the hippocampal CA3 network, decreased number and amplitude of sIPSCs were detected, leading to decreased GABAergic synaptic transmission. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed the rAb-IP2 bound to hippocampal tissue. These findings suggest that GABAAR autoantibodies exert direct functional effects on both hippocampal CA1 and CA3 pyramidal neurons and play a crucial role in seizure generation in GABAAR autoimmune encephalitis

    Directional spread of activity in synaptic networks of the human lateral amygdala.

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    Spontaneous epileptiform activity has previously been observed in lateral amygdala (LA) slices derived from patients with intractable-temporal lobe epilepsy. The present study aimed to characterize intranuclear LA synaptic connectivity and to test the hypothesis that differences in the spread of flow of neuronal activity may relate to spontaneous epileptiform activity occurrence. Electrical activity was evoked through electrical microstimulation in acute human brain slices containing the LA, signals were recorded as local field potentials combined with fast optical imaging of voltage-sensitive dye fluorescence. Sites of stimulation and recording were systematically varied. Following recordings, slices were anatomically reconstructed using two-dimensional unitary slices as a reference for coronal and parasagittal planes. Local spatial patterns and spread of activity were assessed by incorporating the coordinates of electrical and optical recording sites into the respective unitary slice. A preferential directional spread of evoked electrical signals was observed from ventral to dorsal, rostral to caudal and medial to lateral regions in the LA. No differences in spread of evoked activity were observed between spontaneously and non-spontaneously active LA slices, i.e. basic properties of evoked synaptic responses were similar in the two functional types of LA slices, including input-output relationship, and paired-pulse depression. These results indicate a directed propagation of synaptic signals within the human LA in spontaneously active epileptic slices. We suggest that the lack of differences in local and in systemic information processing has to be found in confined epileptiform circuits within the amygdala likely involving well-known 'epileptic neurons'

    A role for TASK2 channels in the human immunological synapse

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    The immunological synapse is a transient junction that occurs when the plasma membrane of a T cell comes in close contact with an APC after recognizing a peptide from the antigen-MHC. The interaction starts when CRAC channels embedded in the T cell membrane open, flowing calcium ions into the cell. To counterbalance the ion influx and subsequent depolarization, Kv 1.3 and KCa3.1 channels are recruited to the immunological synapse, increasing the extracellular K+ concentration. These processes are crucial as they initiate gene expression that drives T cell activation and proliferation. The T cell-specific function of the K2P channel family member TASK2 channels and their role in autoimmune processes remains unclear. Using mass spectrometry analysis together with epifluorescence and super-resolution single-molecule localization microscopy, we identified TASK2 channels as novel players recruited to the immunological synapse upon stimulation. TASK2 localizes at the immunological synapse, upon stimulation with CD3 antibodies, likely interacting with these molecules. Our findings suggest that, together with Kv 1.3 and KCa3.1 channels, TASK2 channels contribute to the proper functioning of the immunological synapse, and represent an interesting treatment target for T cell-mediated autoimmune disorders

    The quality of cortical network function recovery depends on localization and degree of axonal demyelination

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    AbstractMyelin loss is a severe pathological hallmark common to a number of neurodegenerative diseases, including multiple sclerosis (MS). Demyelination in the central nervous system appears in the form of lesions affecting both white and gray matter structures. The functional consequences of demyelination on neuronal network and brain function are not well understood. Current therapeutic strategies for ameliorating the course of such diseases usually focus on promoting remyelination, but the effectiveness of these approaches strongly depends on the timing in relation to the disease state. In this study, we sought to characterize the time course of sensory and behavioral alterations induced by de- and remyelination to establish a rational for the use of remyelination strategies. By taking advantage of animal models of general and focal demyelination, we tested the consequences of myelin loss on the functionality of the auditory thalamocortical system: a well-studied neuronal network consisting of both white and gray matter regions. We found that general demyelination was associated with a permanent loss of the tonotopic cortical organization in vivo, and the inability to induce tone-frequency-dependent conditioned behaviors, a status persisting after remyelination. Targeted, focal lysolecithin-induced lesions in the white matter fiber tract, but not in the gray matter regions of cortex, were fully reversible at the morphological, functional and behavioral level. These findings indicate that remyelination of white and gray matter lesions have a different functional regeneration potential, with the white matter being able to regain full functionality while cortical gray matter lesions suffer from permanently altered network function. Therefore therapeutic interventions aiming for remyelination have to consider both region- and time-dependent strategies