4 research outputs found

    HNF1B controls proximal-intermediate nephron segment identity in vertebrates by regulating Notch signalling components and Irx1/2

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    Abstract The nephron is a highly specialised segmented structure that provides essential filtration and resorption renal functions. It arises by formation of a polarised renal vesicle that differentiates into a comma-shaped body and then a regionalised S-shaped body (SSB), with the main prospective segments mapped to discrete domains. The regulatory circuits involved in initial nephron patterning are poorly understood. We report here that HNF1B, a transcription factor known to be involved in ureteric bud branching and initiation of nephrogenesis, has an additional role in segment fate acquisition. Hnf1b conditional inactivation in murine nephron progenitors results in rudimentary nephrons comprising a glomerulus connected to the collecting system by a short tubule displaying distal fates. Renal vesicles develop and polarise normally but fail to progress to correctly patterned SSBs. Major defects are evident at late SSBs, with altered morphology, reduction of a proximo-medial subdomain and increased apoptosis. This is preceded by strong downregulation of the Notch pathway components Lfng, Dll1 and Jag1 and the Irx1/2 factors, which are potential regulators of proximal and Henle’s loop segment fates. Moreover, HNF1B is recruited to the regulatory sequences of most of these genes. Overexpression of a HNF1B dominant-negative construct in Xenopus embryos causes downregulation specifically of proximal and intermediate pronephric segment markers. These results show that HNF1B is required for the acquisition of a proximo-intermediate segment fate in vertebrates, thus uncovering a previously unappreciated function of a novel SSB subcompartment in global nephron segmentation and further differentiation

    HNF1B controls epithelial organization and cell polarity during ureteric bud branching and collecting duct morphogenesis

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    Abstract Kidney development depends crucially on proper ureteric bud branching giving rise to the entire collecting duct system. The transcription factor HNF1B is required for the early steps of ureteric bud branching, yet the molecular and cellular events regulated by HNF1B are poorly understood. We report that specific removal of Hnf1b from the ureteric bud leads to defective cell-cell contacts and apicobasal polarity during the early branching events. High-resolution ex vivo imaging combined with a membranous fluorescent reporter strategy show decreased mutant cell rearrangements during mitosis-associated cell dispersal and severe epithelial disorganization. Molecular analysis reveals downregulation of Gdnf-Ret pathway components and suggests that HNF1B acts both upstream and downstream of Ret signaling by directly regulating Gfra1 and Etv5. Subsequently, Hnf1b deletion leads to massively mispatterned ureteric tree network, defective collecting duct differentiation and disrupted tissue architecture, which leads to cystogenesis. Consistently, mRNA-seq analysis shows that the most impacted genes encode intrinsic cell-membrane components with transporter activity. Our study uncovers a fundamental and recurring role of HNF1B in epithelial organization during early ureteric bud branching and in further patterning and differentiation of the collecting duct system in mouse

    Human pluripotent stem cell-derived kidney organoids reveal tubular epithelial pathobiology of heterozygous HNF1B-associated dysplastic kidney malformations

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    Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1B (HNF1B) encodes a transcription factor expressed in developing human kidney epithelia. Heterozygous HNF1B mutations are the commonest monogenic cause of dysplastic kidney malformations (DKMs). To understand their pathobiology, we generated heterozygous HNF1B mutant kidney organoids from CRISPR-Cas9 gene-edited human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) reprogrammed from a family with HNF1B-associated DKMs. Mutant organoids contained enlarged malformed tubules displaying deregulated cell turnover. Numerous genes implicated in Mendelian kidney tubulopathies were downregulated, and mutant tubules resisted the cyclic AMP (cAMP)-mediated dilatation seen in controls. Bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analyses indicated abnormal Wingless/Integrated (WNT), calcium, and glutamatergic pathways, the latter hitherto unstudied in developing kidneys. Glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 3 (GRIK3) was upregulated in malformed mutant nephron tubules and prominent in HNF1B mutant fetal human dysplastic kidney epithelia. These results reveal morphological, molecular, and physiological roles for HNF1B in human kidney tubule differentiation and morphogenesis illuminating the developmental origin of mutant-HNF1B-causing kidney disease.</p