131 research outputs found

    The rise of islamism in contemporary Syria: from Muslim Brotherhood to Salafi-Jihadi rebels

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    The world is currently witnessing a horrendous war in Bilad ash-Sham , that caused more than 110.000 victims. Bashar al-Assad is still in power after more than 2 years from the beginning of Syrian unrest, while the international community is divided on the form and legal basis of a possible foreign intervention. This paper is however focused on a different issue. Respectively, it deals with the rise of contemporary Islamism in Syria, as long as this country has become an attractive location for Salafists from different Muslim and non-Muslim countries. Besides, this paper aims to draw attention to the propagation's speed of a very dangerous radical Islam represented by Salafist groups, whose evolution and directions in post-Assad period are dificult to predict

    The Iranian influence in Iraq: between strategic interests and religious rivalry

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    The study provides a brief overview on Iranian republic's policy in post-Saddam Iraq and the Persian Gulf region: it is marked, programmatically, by Tehran's desire to make Iraq a state closer from security and economic points of view to the interests of Iran, benefiting primarily of the emergence of new political elite Iraqi Shiite majority. Iran has supported financially, logistically, militarily, anti-American Iraqi resistance, as well as it supported its political customers to build a special relationship of dependency and affinity with the interests of Tehran. At the same time, there is a great rivalry between Iran and the Iraqi clergy, religious (and geopolitical) competition for supremacy between Najaf and Qom theological centers, each being the adept of individual attitudes in the interpretation of Shi’ism (Pietist vs militant). The study aims, in addition, an analysis on the topic "Shiite crescent", the effective validity of an image of Iranian strategy to coordinate and instrument, in the direction of own interests, the Shiite communities in the Persian Gulf and the Middle East. In reality, they, like the Shiite community in Iraq, are characterized by structural heterogeneity and divergent ideological, political, cultural, strategic trajectories, making the implementation of a unitary public in the wake of Tehran very difficult

    The comparative study of clinical peculiarities of fibromyalgia and myofascial syndrome

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    Catedra Medicină Internă №1 USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Myofascial pains have a significant incidence in general population, both among male and female patients, being one of the frequent causes of long-term disability. Fibromyalgia predominantly affects women, and is associated with a variety of general complaints, which allows its differentiation as an independent nosologic form. Although, many of the manifestations in fibromyalgia and myofascial syndrome are similar, the approach in both cases should be differentiated, but always multidisciplinary. Durerile miofasciale au o răspândire semnificativă în populaţia generală, atât printre persoane de sex masculin, cât şi de sex feminin, constituind una din cauzele frecvente ale disabilităţii îndelungate. FM afectează mai frecvent femeile, şi este asociată cu o gamă variată de afectări de ordin general, ceea ce îi permite să se diferenţieze ca şi formă nozologică independentă. Deşi multe din manifestările FM şi SMF sunt asemănătoare, abordarea acestor pacienţi trebuie să fie diferenţiată, dar în ambele cazuri multidisciplinară

    The comparative study of clinical peculiarities of fibromyalgia and myofascial syndrome

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    Catedra Medicină Internă №1 USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Myofascial pains have a significant incidence in general population, both among male and female patients, being one of the frequent causes of long-term disability. Fibromyalgia predominantly affects women, and is associated with a variety of general complaints, which allows its differentiation as an independent nosologic form. Although, many of the manifestations in fibromyalgia and myofascial syndrome are similar, the approach in both cases should be differentiated, but always multidisciplinary. Durerile miofasciale au o răspândire semnificativă în populaţia generală, atât printre persoane de sex masculin, cât şi de sex feminin, constituind una din cauzele frecvente ale disabilităţii îndelungate. FM afectează mai frecvent femeile, şi este asociată cu o gamă variată de afectări de ordin general, ceea ce îi permite să se diferenţieze ca şi formă nozologică independentă. Deşi multe din manifestările FM şi SMF sunt asemănătoare, abordarea acestor pacienţi trebuie să fie diferenţiată, dar în ambele cazuri multidisciplinară

    Using the COMPASS 31 Questionnaire for assessing autonomic dysfunction in patients with fi bromyalgia

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    USMF Nicolae Testemițanu, Disciplina Reumatologie și nefrologieToday Fibromyalgia (FM) is considered a multifactorial disorder involving central sensitization and inappropriate diffuse noxious inhibitory control system, and autonomic dysfunction is regarded as a possible mechanism contributing to psychosocial stress in patients of fibromyalgia. Objectives: To assess presence and severity of autonomic dysfunction in Fibromyalgia versus non-FM subjects based on COMPASS 31. Materials and methods: 12 FM (based on 2010 ACR Diagnostic Criteria) patients and 12 sex and age matched non-FM controls were asked to fulfill COMPASS 31 questionnaire. Results. The total COMPASS 31 scores differed between FM and non-FM subjects (39.75±10.76 vs 22.51±16.62) significantly, as well as for each individual area of autonomic function. Conclusion. Subjects in the FM group displayed significantly higher scores of autonomic dysfunction according to COMPASS 31 compared to non-FM controls, both for total as well as for each individual area of autonomic dysfunction.%)

    Novel therapeutics in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Department of pathophysiology and clinical pathophysiology Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Background. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multi-organ autoimmune disease characterized by loss of immunological tolerance, the system that normally protects self components from attack by its own immune system. The current treatment approach includes antimalarial drugs, steroidal and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and immunosuppressive drugs, including cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, mycophenolic acid, and methotrexate. Given the large body of evidence implicating abnormalities in the B cell compartment in SLE, there has been a particular focus on developing interventions that target B cells by multiple mechanisms.T cells play a pivotal role in B-cell maturation, differentiation, antibody production, and class switching. New biological T-cell therapies, including cytokine production modulation and T-cell-mediated effects on B cells, represent a new therapeutic strategy for patients with SLE. Case report. We report a case of a female patient A, 39 y.o., admitted to Republican Clinical Hospital in february 2020. For this admittance she presented, with mild joint pain, oral ulcers and mild constitutional signs. She is known with SLE since the age of 26 (presenting with photosensitivity, arthritis, oral ulcers). Therapy with prednisolone 0.5mg/kg was started at the onset of disease, glucocorticoids being the mainstream treatment for SLE all worldwide, the disease was controlled and the patient remained on a stable maintenance dose of 10 mg/day for 2 years until the pregnancy. During pregnancy the disease was controlled with maintenance dose of prednisolone and hydroxychloroquine. Shortly after giving birth the patient developed kidney involvement with mild proteinuria up to 1g/24 hours, and hematologic anomalies with anemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, diffuse alopecia, arthritis, livedo reticularis. Considering the reproductive age of the patient, it was decided to start mycophenolate mofetil (and not cyclophosphamide) initially 500mg with a gradual increase to 2 g/24 hours. Presently the patient is receiving mycophenolate mofetil 500mg tid, hydroxychloroquine 400mg od, methylprednisolone 8mg od. The lab tests upon this admittance showed preserved kidney function, only traces of protein in urine, and normal hematology. Conclusions. Despite modern emerging biologic therapies of SLE the control of disease and preserving kidney functions may be a tricky task. The prompt choice of both efficient and safe therapy allowed for the long-term control of disease as well as preserve kidney function

    Cannabinois – induced psychopathological changes

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    Catedra Psihiatrie şi Narcologie, Facultatea de Perfecţionare a MedicilorCannabis currently presents the most extensively - and illegally - used drug. It is estimated that 25 % of the population use it and that among the teenagers, the „experiences” of marijuana and the number of cannabis chronic users average those of alcohol or tobacco. Even though an important number of patients are affected, often it is not correctly evaluated and treated. In this article, 21 cases have been studied, these presenting an interest for studying the phenomenon. Besides, the information and actual data from different sources about the psychopathological peculiarities in cannabis users are presented. Marijuana este actualmente drogul ilicit cel mai larg utilizat în lumea întreagă. Se estimează că circa 25% din populaţie îl utilizează, iar în rândul populaţiei tinere de adolescenţi „experienţele” cu marijuana şi nivelul consumătorilor cutumieri, se estimează a fi apropiat de cel al utilizatorilor de tutun sau alcool. Deşi se întâlneşte la un număr semnificativ de pacienţi, ei adeseori nu beneficiază de o abordare corectă şi de un tratament adecvat. În acest articol sunt expuse 21 cazuri care prezintă interes în ceea ce priveşte consumul de canabis. De asemenea, sunt raportate date actuale din literatura de specialitate privind particularităţile psihopatologice în utilizarea de canabis

    Biopsychosocial aspects of Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome

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    Catedra de Psihiatrie şi Narcologie, Facultatea de Perfecţionare a MedicilorUsing many literature sources, the peculiarities of pathological manifestations of Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome have been studied, these being very important for the early diagnosis of the disease. Besides, attention was paid to the criteria of differential diagnosis of this disease with other progressive diseases of central nervous system with similar symptoms. În cadrul lucrării prezente, folosind mai multe surse de literatură, s-au studiat particularităţile manifestărilor patologice din cadrul sindromului Gilles de la Tourette, acestea fiind deosebit de importante în diagnosticarea precoce a maladiei. De asemenea, s-a acordat atenţie criteriilor de diagnostic diferenţial al afecţiunii menţionate cu alte afecţiuni progresive ale SNC cu simptomatică similară

    Значимость сцинтиграфического исследования для диагностики синовита у пациентов с гонартрозом.

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    Значимость сцинтиграфического исследования для диагностики синовита у пациентов с гонартрозом