Using the COMPASS 31 Questionnaire for assessing autonomic dysfunction in patients with fi bromyalgia


USMF Nicolae Testemițanu, Disciplina Reumatologie și nefrologieToday Fibromyalgia (FM) is considered a multifactorial disorder involving central sensitization and inappropriate diffuse noxious inhibitory control system, and autonomic dysfunction is regarded as a possible mechanism contributing to psychosocial stress in patients of fibromyalgia. Objectives: To assess presence and severity of autonomic dysfunction in Fibromyalgia versus non-FM subjects based on COMPASS 31. Materials and methods: 12 FM (based on 2010 ACR Diagnostic Criteria) patients and 12 sex and age matched non-FM controls were asked to fulfill COMPASS 31 questionnaire. Results. The total COMPASS 31 scores differed between FM and non-FM subjects (39.75±10.76 vs 22.51±16.62) significantly, as well as for each individual area of autonomic function. Conclusion. Subjects in the FM group displayed significantly higher scores of autonomic dysfunction according to COMPASS 31 compared to non-FM controls, both for total as well as for each individual area of autonomic dysfunction.%)

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