45 research outputs found

    In the days of the “toad test”: justice and abortion in mid-twentieth-century Argentina

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    In 1954, a court in Buenos Aires acquitted Elena Teotina Haedo de Gaitán and the midwife Catalina Fuccia of the crime of abortion, using a legal concept known as the “attempt of impossible abortion”. In their reasoning, the judges indicated that the pregnancy in question was impossible to verify scientifically and medically. This article explores the application of anti-abortion legislation in Argentina at mid-century, a period that historians have characterized as pronatalist. From the analysis of the judicial processes surrounding abortion, we consider different forms of control over women’s bodies and reproduction.En 1954, la Cour d’appel de Buenos Aires acquitte Elena Teotina Haedo de Gaitán et la sage-femme Catalina Fuccia du délit d’avortement en invoquant la figure juridique de la « tentative d’avortement impossible », la grossesse étant scientifiquement et médicalement impossible à vérifier. Cet article examine l’application de la législation anti-avortement dans l’Argentine du milieu du xxe siècle, une Argentine considérée par l’historiographie comme pronataliste. L’analyse des processus judiciaires à l’œuvre permet également d’examiner les formes de tutelle sur le corps et la reproduction des femmes

    Au temps du Test du crapaud. Justice et avortement (Argentine, mi-xxe siècle)

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    En 1954, la Cour d’appel de Buenos Aires acquitte Elena Teotina Haedo de Gaitán et la sage-femme Catalina Fuccia du délit d’avortement en invoquant la figure juridique de la « tentative d’avortement impossible », la grossesse étant scientifiquement et médicalement impossible à vérifier. Cet article examine l’application de la législation anti-avortement dans l’Argentine du milieu du xxe siècle, une Argentine considérée par l’historiographie comme pronataliste. L’analyse des processus judiciaires à l’œuvre permet également d’examiner les formes de tutelle sur le corps et la reproduction des femmes.In 1954, a court in Buenos Aires acquitted Elena Teotina Haedo de Gaitán and the midwife Catalina Fuccia of the crime of abortion, using a legal concept known as the “attempt of impossible abortion”. In their reasoning, the judges indicated that the pregnancy in question was impossible to verify scientifically and medically. This article explores the application of anti-abortion legislation in Argentina at mid-century, a period that historians have characterized as pronatalist. From the analysis of the judicial processes surrounding abortion, we consider different forms of control over women’s bodies and reproduction

    Claudia Soria, Paola Cortés Rocca y Edgardo Dieleke (Eds.) Políticas del sentimiento. El peronismo y la construcción de la Argentina Moderna

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    Reseña del libro Políticas del sentimiento. El peronismo y la construcción de la Argentina Moderna, de Claudia Soria, Paola Cortés Rocca y Edgardo Dieleke (Eds.)

    The Neighborhood Emergency Committees: From the crisis of social reproduction, to the feminist struggles for limits

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    Los Comités Barriales de Emergencia (CBE) surgieron en el contexto de la pandemia del COVID 19 para combatir diferentes demandas asociadas a la violencia de género y asistencia alimentaria. La hipótesis central es que la pandemia profundizó la crisis de reproducción social, en particular, precarizando la vida de las mujeres y que los CBE pusieron en discusión tanto los límites asociados a la distinción entre lo público y lo privado, la producción y la reproducción social, proporcionando enfoques feministas asociados a la comunidad igualitaria. Ésta se discute al calor del enfoque sobre la reproducción social, asociado a las crisis complejas y las luchas en torno a los límites. Para el análisis se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad, datos estadísticos sociodemográficos, así mismo, se consultaron datos oficiales asociados a la violencia de género. Concluiremos en que los CBE son expresiones de la crisis de reproducción social que recae, sobre todo, en las mujeres; también son apuestas políticas feministas que ponen en cuestión los límites entre lo privado y lo público, la familia, la comunidad y el Estado. Además, se señala que, si bien la crisis asociada a la reproducción social tiene una dimensión de género notoria, las tensiones hacia el interior de las luchas son importantes. Una de ellas es que las formas de representación política y las demandas de reconocimiento por trabajo no remunerado todavía son muy incipientes, a pesar del protagonismo de las mujeres en esas luchas asociadas a cambiar los limites entre producción y reproducción social.The Neighborhood Emergency Committees (CBE) emerged in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to combat different demands associated with gender violence and food assistance. The central hypothesis is that the pandemic deepened the crisis of social reproduction, particularly, by making women’s lives precarious and that the CBEs questioned both the limits associated with the distinction between public and private, production and social reproduction, providing feminist approaches associated with the egalitarian community. We discussed it from the social reproduction paradigm, associated with capitalism complex crises and struggles over “limits”. For the analysis we used interviews, sociodemographic statistical data, as well as official data associated with gender violence. We concluded that the CBEs are expressions of the crisis of social reproduction that falls mainly on women but also that they are feminist political stakes that call into question the limits between the private and the public, family, the community, and the State. In addition, it is noted that, although the crisis associated with social reproduction, may have a notorious gender dimension, the tensions within the struggles are important. One of them is that despite the protagonism of women, those struggles associated with the forms of political representation and the demands for recognition for unpaid work are still very incipient.Fil: Muñoz, María Antonia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Centro de Estudios Sociales y Politicos.; ArgentinaFil: Cepeda, Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades; Argentin

    The Neighborhood Emergency Committees: From the crisis of social reproduction, to the feminist struggles for limits

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    Los Comités Barriales de Emergencia (CBE) surgieron en el contexto de la pandemia del COVID 19 para combatir diferentes demandas asociadas a la violencia de género y asistencia alimentaria. La hipótesis central es que la pandemia profundizó la crisis de reproducción social, en particular, precarizando la vida de las mujeres y que los CBE pusieron en discusión tanto los límites asociados a la distinción entre lo público y lo privado, la producción y la reproducción social, proporcionando enfoques feministas asociados a la comunidad igualitaria. Ésta se discute al calor del enfoque sobre la reproducción social, asociado a las crisis complejas y las luchas en torno a los límites. Para el análisis se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad, datos estadísticos sociodemográficos, así mismo, se consultaron datos oficiales asociados a la violencia de género. Concluiremos en que los CBE son expresiones de la crisis de reproducción social que recae, sobre todo, en las mujeres; también son apuestas políticas feministas que ponen en cuestión los límites entre lo privado y lo público, la familia, la comunidad y el Estado. Además, se señala que, si bien la crisis asociada a la reproducción social tiene una dimensión de género notoria, las tensiones hacia el interior de las luchas son importantes. Una de ellas es que las formas de representación política y las demandas de reconocimiento por trabajo no remunerado todavía son muy incipientes, a pesar del protagonismo de las mujeres en esas luchas asociadas a cambiar los limites entre producción y reproducción social.The Neighborhood Emergency Committees (CBE) emerged in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to combat different demands associated with gender violence and food assistance. The central hypothesis is that the pandemic deepened the crisis of social reproduction, particularly, by making women’s lives precarious and that the CBEs questioned both the limits associated with the distinction between public and private, production and social reproduction, providing feminist approaches associated with the egalitarian community. We discussed it from the social reproduction paradigm, associated with capitalism complex crises and struggles over “limits”. For the analysis we used interviews, sociodemographic statistical data, as well as official data associated with gender violence. We concluded that the CBEs are expressions of the crisis of social reproduction that falls mainly on women but also that they are feminist political stakes that call into question the limits between the private and the public, family, the community, and the State. In addition, it is noted that, although the crisis associated with social reproduction, may have a notorious gender dimension, the tensions within the struggles are important. One of them is that despite the protagonism of women, those struggles associated with the forms of political representation and the demands for recognition for unpaid work are still very incipient.Fil: Muñoz, María Antonia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Centro de Estudios Sociales y Politicos.; ArgentinaFil: Cepeda, Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades; Argentin

    Efecto del enriquecimiento de nutrientes en macroinvertebrados en un arroyo pampeano de Argentina

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    One of the most important effects derived from the intensive land use is the increase of nutrient concentration in the aquatic systems due to superficial drainage. Besides, the increment of precipitations in South America connected to the global climate change could intensify these anthropic impacts due to the changes in the runoff pattern and a greater discharge of water in the streams and rivers. The pampean streams are singular environments with high natural nutrient concentrations which could be increased even more if the predictions of global climate change for the area are met. In this context, the effect of experimental nutrient addition on macroinvertebrates in a lowland stream is studied. Samplings were carried out from March 2007 to February 2009 in two reaches (fertilized and unfertilized), upstream and downstream from the input of nutrients. The addition of nutrients caused an increase in the phosphorus concentration in the fertilized reach which was not observed for nitrogen concentration. From all macroinvertebrates studied only two taxa had significant differences in their abundance after fertilization: Corbicula fluminea and Ostracoda. Our results reveal that the disturbance caused by the increase of nutrients on the benthic community depends on basal nutrients concentration. The weak response of macroinvertebrates to fertilization in the pampean streams could be due to their tolerance to high concentrations of nutrients in relation to their evolutionary history in streams naturally enriched with nutrients. Further research concerning the thresholds of nutrients affecting macroinvertebrates and about the adaptive advantages of taxa in naturally eutrophic environments is still needed. This information will allow for a better understanding of the processes of nutrient cycling and for the construction of restoration measures in natural eutrophic ecosystems.Uno de los efectos más importantes derivados del uso intensivo de la tierra es el aumento de la concentración de nutrientes en los sistemas acuáticos debido al escurrimiento superficial. Además, el incremento de las precipitaciones en América del Sur vinculado al cambio climático global podría intensificar estos impactos antrópicos debido a los cambios en los patrones de escurrimiento y una mayor descarga de agua en los arroyos y ríos. Los arroyos pampeanos son ambientes particulares, con altas concentraciones basales de nutrientes, que podrían incrementarse aún más si las predicciones del cambio climático global se cumplen. En este contexto, se estudió el efecto de la adición experimental de nutrientes en un arroyo pampeano sobre los macroinvertebrados. Los muestreos se llevaron a cabo entre marzo de 2007 y febrero de 2009 en dos tramos seleccionados, aguas arriba y aguas abajo de la entrada de nutrientes. La adición de nutrientes causó un aumento en la concentración de fósforo en el tramo fertilizado, lo que no se observó para la concentración de nitrógeno. De todos los macroinvertebrados estudiados sólo dos taxa tuvieron diferencias significativas en su abundancia después de la fertilización: Corbicula fluminea y ostrácodos. Nuestros resultados revelaron que la perturbación causada por el aumento de nutrientes en una comunidad bentónica depende de la concentración basal de nutrientes. La respuesta débil de macroinvertebrados a la fertilización en las corrientes pampeanas podría ser debido a su tolerancia a altas concentraciones de nutrientes de acuerdo a su historia evolutiva en arroyos enriquecidos naturalmente con nutrientes. Se necesitan nuevas investigaciones sobre los umbrales a partir de los cuales los macroinvertebrados podrían verse afectados y sobre las ventajas adaptativas de los taxones en ambientes eutróficos naturales. Esta información nos permitirá comprender mejor los procesos de reciclaje de nutrientes y así poder pensar medidas de restauración de ecosistemas eutróficos naturales.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoInstituto de Limnología "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet

    Locais de reprodução são fator limitante para o sapo-de-barrigavermelha de Tandil (Bufonidae) nas serras dos Pampas?

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    The selection of breeding sites in response to temporary pond characteristics has been frequently documented in several anuran species. Small and shallow temporary ponds are usually preferred. The Tandilean red-belly toad, Melanophryniscus aff. montevidensis, is an endemic species that breeds in temporary ponds of remnants of highland grasslands in Tandilia mountain system, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The goals of this work are to characterize breeding sites of Tandilean red-belly toad, and to assess the availability of potential breeding sites at remnants of highland grasslands. Tandilean red-belly toad was observed using ponds and temporary creeks in valleys and slopes of mountains. The median of dimensions for the breeding sites was 8m length, 4m wide and 10cm depth (n = 40). The majority of the breeding sites were circular and of natural origin. The dominant breeding site substrates were mud and vegetation. We found 115 potential breeding sites in grassland remnants of surroundings of Tandil city, giving a density of 7.1 potential breeding sites/km2. The density of potential breeding sites in highland grasslands of Tandilia Mountains was similar in most surveyed remnants. Therefore, our results suggest that size of remnant is not affecting the breeding habitat availability.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Efecto del enriquecimiento de nutrientes en macroinvertebrados en un arroyo pampeano de Argentina

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    One of the most important effects derived from the intensive land use is the increase of nutrient concentration in the aquatic systems due to superficial drainage. Besides, the increment of precipitations in South America connected to the global climate change could intensify these anthropic impacts due to the changes in the runoff pattern and a greater discharge of water in the streams and rivers. The pampean streams are singular environments with high natural nutrient concentrations which could be increased even more if the predictions of global climate change for the area are met. In this context, the effect of experimental nutrient addition on macroinvertebrates in a lowland stream is studied. Samplings were carried out from March 2007 to February 2009 in two reaches (fertilized and unfertilized), upstream and downstream from the input of nutrients. The addition of nutrients caused an increase in the phosphorus concentration in the fertilized reach which was not observed for nitrogen concentration. From all macroinvertebrates studied only two taxa had significant differences in their abundance after fertilization: Corbicula fluminea and Ostracoda. Our results reveal that the disturbance caused by the increase of nutrients on the benthic community depends on basal nutrients concentration. The weak response of macroinvertebrates to fertilization in the pampean streams could be due to their tolerance to high concentrations of nutrients in relation to their evolutionary history in streams naturally enriched with nutrients. Further research concerning the thresholds of nutrients affecting macroinvertebrates and about the adaptive advantages of taxa in naturally eutrophic environments is still needed. This information will allow for a better understanding of the processes of nutrient cycling and for the construction of restoration measures in natural eutrophic ecosystems.Uno de los efectos más importantes derivados del uso intensivo de la tierra es el aumento de la concentración de nutrientes en los sistemas acuáticos debido al escurrimiento superficial. Además, el incremento de las precipitaciones en América del Sur vinculado al cambio climático global podría intensificar estos impactos antrópicos debido a los cambios en los patrones de escurrimiento y una mayor descarga de agua en los arroyos y ríos. Los arroyos pampeanos son ambientes particulares, con altas concentraciones basales de nutrientes, que podrían incrementarse aún más si las predicciones del cambio climático global se cumplen. En este contexto, se estudió el efecto de la adición experimental de nutrientes en un arroyo pampeano sobre los macroinvertebrados. Los muestreos se llevaron a cabo entre marzo de 2007 y febrero de 2009 en dos tramos seleccionados, aguas arriba y aguas abajo de la entrada de nutrientes. La adición de nutrientes causó un aumento en la concentración de fósforo en el tramo fertilizado, lo que no se observó para la concentración de nitrógeno. De todos los macroinvertebrados estudiados sólo dos taxa tuvieron diferencias significativas en su abundancia después de la fertilización: Corbicula fluminea y ostrácodos. Nuestros resultados revelaron que la perturbación causada por el aumento de nutrientes en una comunidad bentónica depende de la concentración basal de nutrientes. La respuesta débil de macroinvertebrados a la fertilización en las corrientes pampeanas podría ser debido a su tolerancia a altas concentraciones de nutrientes de acuerdo a su historia evolutiva en arroyos enriquecidos naturalmente con nutrientes. Se necesitan nuevas investigaciones sobre los umbrales a partir de los cuales los macroinvertebrados podrían verse afectados y sobre las ventajas adaptativas de los taxones en ambientes eutróficos naturales. Esta información nos permitirá comprender mejor los procesos de reciclaje de nutrientes y así poder pensar medidas de restauración de ecosistemas eutróficos naturales.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoInstituto de Limnología "Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet

    Diferentes níveis de resolução taxonômica em biomonitoramento: um estudo de caso de oligoquetados em rios de planícies

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    Aim: This study evaluated the use of oligochaetes at different levels of taxonomic resolution as environmental indicators in Argentine lowland streams affected by different land uses. Methods: Sampling sites were grouped based on the physicochemical and habitat characteristics (low-, moderate-, and high-impact disturbance). Collection of the oligochaetes samples was carried out seasonally in sediment and vegetation habitats. Results: The increases in nutrients and organic matter produced elevated densities of the Oligochaeta, but when the disturbance also involved changes in the physical habitat or enhancements in toxic substances, the abundance decreased significantly to values even lower than those of non-impacted environments. The responses of Naidinae and Tubificinae were similar. The density of the Pristininae decreased with increasing impact, but those of the Enchytraeidae and Rhyacodrilinae increased at the most highly impacted sites. The Opistocystidae were not recorded in high-impact sites. Species richness and diversity (H’) were lower in high-impact sites and even lower in sediments. Some species presented no restrictions in the habitat type or with the contamination level: Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Dero furcatus, D. digitata, D. pectinata, Pristina longiseta, and P. aequiseta. Moreover, Trieminentia corderoi, Slavina appendiculata, and Aulodrilus pigueti exhibited the highest abundances at low-impact sites and were not registered in high‑impact sites. Conclusions: The Oligochaeta show a relatively wide ecological valence through their extensive number of species. Although lower taxonomic levels can give information about environmental status, test-species’ sensitivities to different types and degrees of contamination will be of utmost relevance to the evaluation of ecological quality.Objetivo: Este estudo analisou as uso de oligoquetos em diferentes níveis de resolução taxonômica como indicadores ambientais em rios de planície Argentina afetadas por diferentes usos da terra. Métodos: Os sítios de amostragem foram agrupados com base nas características físico-químicas e habitat (perturbação baixa, moderada ou alta). Amostras de oligoquetos foram coletadas sazonalmente em habitats de sedimentos e vegetação. Resultados: Os aumentos de nutrientes e matéria orgânica resultaram em densidades elevadas de Oligochaeta, mas quando a perturbação também envolveu mudanças no habitat físico ou incrementos em substâncias tóxicas, a abundância diminuiu de forma significativa para valores ainda mais baixos que os de ambientes naõ perturbados. As respostas dos Naidinae e Tubificinae foram semelhantes. A densidade de Pristininae diminuiu com o aumento da perturbação, mas as densidades de Enchytraeidae e Rhyacodrilinae aumentaram nos locais mais altamente perturbados. Os Opistocystidae não ocorreram em locais de alta perturbação. A riqueza de espécies e a diversidade (H’) foram menores em locais de perturbação elevada e ainda mais baixos nos sedimentos. Algumas espécies não apresentaram restrições no tipo de habitat ou com o nível de contaminação: Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Dero furcatus, D. digitata, D. pectinata, Pristina longiseta e P. aequiseta. Além disso, Trieminentia corderoi, Slavina appendiculata e Aulodrilus pigueti exibiram uma maior abundância em locais de baixa perturbação e não foram registrados em locais com elevadas perturbações. Conclusões: Os Oligochaeta apresentaram uma valência ecológica relativamente ampla, através de seu extensivo número de espécies. Embora os níveis taxonômicos mais baixos podem dar informações sobre o status ambiental, testes com espécies com diferentes sesibilidades para diferentes tipos e graus de contaminação serão da maior relevância para a avaliação da qualidade ecológica.Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet

    Assessing the sensitivity of leeches as indicators of water quality

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    The objective of this work was assessing the sensitivity of leeches to several water quality attributes in lowlands streams.Weused occupancymodelling that account explicitly for detectability, to estimate the influence of four variables (dissolved oxygen, 5-days biochemicals oxygen demand, conductivity, and dissolved inorganic nitrogen) affecting nine species. We described the sensitivity as a change in the occupancy along the range of water quality attributes.We found at least one species of Helobdella in 81% of sites and Helobdella, as genus, was detected along the entire gradient of each attribute. However, differences in the sensitivitywere observed between species. For example, if we analyse the sensitivity of the genus Helobdella to dissolved oxygen, we can say that it is very tolerant. However, if we analyse the response to dissolved oxygen of each one of the species of Helobdella,wewill realize that H. michaelseni, and H. simplex showed a high occupancy at high levels of dissolved oxygen; while H. hyalina and H. triserialis lineata showed high occupancy at low levels. Describe the sensitivity of the species in terms of occupancy, offers a new methodology to understand how the species behave along a stressor gradient.Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet"Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse