28 research outputs found

    Speeding up web page content updates using server-side page versioning

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    In response to a page refresh request from a user, a web browser application often requests and downloads a previously loaded page again, even when the amount of updated content is small. As a result, bandwidth and time is wasted. This disclosure describes use of page versioning techniques to reduce the amount of data and time needed to update a web page. A web server implements page versioning to assign a unique identifier to different versions of a web page. The unique identifier is sent to the web browser along with the page content. Refresh requests received from the browser include the unique identifier of the page. The web server identifies the content update based on a comparison of the current version with that corresponding to the unique identifier and sends data to the browser that is usable to transform the page to the current version. The described techniques save data usage costs and reduce latency for page refresh

    Strategie di riorientamento nei bambini: uno studio in stanze grandi e piccole e in ambienti virtuali

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    2012/2013La maggior parte delle specie animali è capace di recuperare l’orientamento dopo essere stata passivamente disorientata e lo fa utilizzando le informazioni provenienti dall’ambiente, informazioni che possono essere di tipo geometrico (come per esempio la forma di una superficie contornata da margini) o di tipo non-geometrico come per esempio punti di riferimento –landmark- o, in una stanza, il colore diverso di una parete. Nel nostro lavoro abbiamo indagato la capacità di riorientamento di bambini a partire dai 6 anni. Il compito consisteva nel trovare, dopo essere stati disorientati, un oggetto che i bambini avevano visto nascondere in prossimità di un angolo di una stanza rettangolare (in prossimità di ogni angolo era presente una struttura che fingeva da nascondiglio) nella quale una parete aveva un colore diverso dalle altre. Abbiamo cercato di capire come venissero utilizzate le informazioni geometriche e non-geometriche quando queste venivano messe in conflitto tra loro (affine transformation). Per fare ciò, il colore diverso della parete veniva cambiato (passando dal lato lungo a quello corto o viceversa) tra la fase di addestramento, nella quale il soggetto vedeva dove veniva nascosto l’oggetto da cercare, e la fase di ricerca, nella quale l’oggetto doveva essere ritrovato. La nostra ricerca si è articolata in più fasi. In un primo momento abbiamo pensato di riprodurre gli esperimenti presenti in letteratura e indicativi di un utilizzo più consistente delle informazioni geometriche negli ambienti piccoli rispetto a quelli grandi. A differenza da quanto riportato in letteratura non abbiamo trovato differenze tra la stanza grande e quella piccola: in entrambe i bambini prediligono le informazioni geometriche. Successivamente abbiamo impegnato i bambini nel medesimo compito ma in stanze con caratteristiche diverse. Abbiamo utilizzato stanze nelle quali il nascondiglio aveva dimensioni dimezzate rispetto alle stanze precedenti, oppure non era presente, e stanze nelle quali abbiamo diminuito il rapporto tra le lunghezze dei lati lungo e corto (stanze che abbiamo chiamato “quasi-quadrate”). Tra le diverse tipologie di stanza è stata calcolata un’analisi della varianza che ha messo in luce che la forma (e non la dimensione) della stanza e la presenza o assenza dei nascondigli sono le due variabili che condizionano maggiormente le scelte dei soggetti. In particolare, i bambini prediligono le informazioni geometriche quando non sono presenti i nascondigli e quando le stanze sono “quasi-quadrate”. Dai nostri dati emerge che i bambini sono in grado di utilizzare tutte le informazioni a disposizione. Il prediligere un tipo piuttosto che l’altro dipende dalle caratteristiche dell’ambiente e probabilmente dalla stima di quanto una determinata informazione è affidabile per recuperare l’orientamento. La teoria della combinazione adattativa è quella che sembra spiegare meglio i risultati che abbiamo trovato.XXV - Ciclo197

    Observational signatures of Jordan-Brans-Dicke theories of gravity

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    We analyze the Jordan-Brans-Dicke model (JBD) of gravity, where deviations from General Relativity (GR) are described by a scalar field non-minimally coupled to gravity. The theory is characterized by a constant coupling parameter, ωJBD\omega_{\rm JBD}; GR is recovered in the limit ωJBD\omega_{\rm JBD} \to \infty. In such theories, gravity modifications manifest at early times, so that one cannot rely on the usual approach of looking for inconsistencies in the expansion history and perturbations growth in order to discriminate between JBD and GR. However, we show that a similar technique can be successfully applied to early and late times observables instead. Cosmological parameters inferred extrapolating early-time observations to the present will match those recovered from direct late-time observations only if the correct gravity theory is used. We use the primary CMB, as will be seen by the Planck satellite, as the early-time observable; and forthcoming and planned Supernov{\ae}, Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations and Weak Lensing experiments as late-time observables. We find that detection of values of ωJBD\omega_{\rm JBD} as large as 500 and 1000 is within reach of the upcoming (2010) and next-generation (2020) experiments, respectively.Comment: minor revision, references added, matching version published in JCA

    Generalised algebraic models

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    Algebraic theories and algebraic categories offer an innovative and revelatory description of the syntax and the semantics. An algebraic theory is a concrete mathematical object -- the concept -- namely a set of variables together with formal symbols and equalities between these terms; stated otherwise, an algebraic theory is a small category with finite products. An algebra or model of the theory is a set-theoretical interpretation -- a possible meaning -- or, more categorically, a finite product-preserving functor from the theory into the category of sets. We call the category of models of an algebraic theory an algebraic category. By generalising the theory we do generalise the models. This concept is the fascinating aspect of the subject and the reference point of our project. We are interested in the study of categories of models. We pursue our task by considering models of different theories and by investigating the corresponding categories of models they constitute. We analyse localizations (namely, fully faithful right adjoint functors whose left adjoint preserves finite limits) of algebraic categories and localizations of presheaf categories. These are still categories of models of the corresponding theory. We provide a classification of localizations and a classification of geometric morphisms (namely, functors together with a finite limit-preserving left adjoint), in both the presheaf and the algebraic context.(MATH 3)--UCL, 200

    L'expérience de la solitude volontaire en littérature contemporaine

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    Avec l’actualité de ces derniers mois, la solitude s’impose désormais dans le quotidien de nombreuses personnes à travers le monde, bien souvent dans sa forme la plus néfaste, l’isolement. Pourtant, ce phénomène, loin de n’être qu’un état subi, s’avère historiquement complexe et fait aujourd’hui l’objet d’un intérêt particulier. La thématique de la solitude en littérature est porteuse d’une dualité qui illustre le rapport ambigu qu’entretiennent les sociétés occidentales avec ce phénomène depuis des générations. En effet, si le repli sur soi n’est pas jugé souhaitable pour les citoyens, il est cependant convoité par de nombreux individus. Ces derniers voient la solitude comme un moyen de réaliser un objectif personnel ou bien d’acquérir un regard nouveau sur leur propre intériorité et sur le monde alentour. Aujourd’hui, l’évolution effrénée des sociétés ultramodernes, ainsi que les bouleversements climatiques et biologiques grandissants, influencent les publications de ces dernières décennies et contribuent à transformer les genres littéraires. Dans ce contexte, les récits présentant des personnages choisissant de s’isoler volontairement du monde contemporain afin de se confronter à l’expérience de solitude sont de plus en plus nombreux dans le paysage littéraire contemporain. Le corpus principal du travail de recherche regroupe quatre ouvrages contemporains relevant d’auteurs et de genres littéraires variés, ayant pour thématique commune la solitude volontaire (Le Grand Jeu de l’auteure française Céline Minard, Into The Wild, l’écrivain américain Jon Krakauer, Le Garçon Sauvage. Carnet de montagne de l'écrivain italien Paolo Cognetti et Dans les forêts de Sibérie de l'auteur français Sylvain Tesson).En quoi ces différents récits d’expérience de solitude volontaire amènent-ils le lecteur contemporain à repenser son rapport à la société et au monde, dans un contexte où les grands espaces sont plus que jamais circonscrits

    A classification of geometric morphisms and localizations for presheaf categories and algebraic categories

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    We give necessary and sufficient conditions on a functor k : C -> epsilon, where C is an algebraic theory, in for the induced functor epsilon(k-,-) : epsilon -> Alg(C) to be a geometric morphism or a localization. We apply our techniques also to the particular case of module categories and to the case of presheaf categories. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    A factorization of regularity

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    Earlier, the authors showed that categories with regular factorizations (in the sense, of Kelly) and with regular epimorphisms closed under composition, are algebras for a KZ-doctrine R on the 2-category cat(ker), of all categories and functors which preserve kernel inclusions. Here we show that the usual 2-category lex, of categories with finite limits and left exact functors, is cat(ker)(L), the 2-category of algebras for a coKZ-doctrine Y on cat(ker). Combined with our earlier results this shows that the 2-category reg, of regular categories and regular functors, is the 2-category of algebras for a distributive law LR -> RL over the 2-category cat(ker). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Sheaf theory

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    A Duality Relative To A Limit Doctrine

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    We give a unified proof of Gabriel-Ulmer duality for locally finitely presentable categories, Adamek-Lawvere-Rosicky duality for varieties and Morita duality for presheaf categories. As an application, we compare presheaf categories and varieties

    An extension of the regular completion

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    Carboni's regular completion doctrine is extended to a KZ-doctrine on a 2-category whose objects are all categories and whose arrows are functors which preserve kernel arrows. The algebras for the extended doctrine are categories with regular factorizations in which regular epimorphisms are closed under composition. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved