7 research outputs found

    Instagram Stories versus Facebook Wall: an advertising effectiveness analysis

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    Purpose – This paper aims to investigate advertising effectiveness in Instagram and Facebook, the two most important social media platforms. It helps to understand which should be chosen depending on the target audience of the campaign. Design/methodology/approach – The study examines advertising effectiveness in these social media in terms of ad attitude, ad intrusiveness and loyalty intentions. An online survey was conducted with 303 social media users. Age and gender are proposed as moderators. Findings – The results indicate that Instagram Stories not only enhances consumer attitude toward ads but also increases perceived intrusiveness, compared to Facebook Wall. Millennials are more disturbed by Facebook Wall ads than non-millennial users. A triple interaction effect reveals that non-millennial men are more loyal toward Facebook Wall ads, whereas millennials of both genders and non-millennial women are more loyal to ads on Instagram Stories. Practical implications – Advertisers should be aware of the differential features and segmentation possibilities in social media to better address their target audiences. More precisely, the research findings suggest that professionals should focus on Instagram Stories when targeting millennials and non-millennial women, and on Facebook Wall when targeting non-millennial men. Originality/value – This study is one of the first to contribute to the literature on Instagram Stories as an advertising platform and compare its differential features with those of more established social media, such as Facebook Wall. Proposito de la investigacion – Esta investigacion compara la efectividad publicitaria en Instagram yFacebook en funcion del público objetivo. Metodología y diseño – La investigacion analiza las diferencias entre cada formato de red social en términosde actitud hacia el anuncio, intrusividad percibida y lealtad hacia el producto o marca anunciado. Mediante unaencuesta online a 303 consumidores, se proponen efectos directos y efectos moderacion de la edad y el género. Recomendaciones – Los resultados indican que Instagram Stories mejora la actitud hacía el anuncio, peroaumenta también la intrusividad en comparacion con Facebook Wall. La publicidad en Facebook Wall es másintrusiva para los millennials que para los no-millennials. Instagram Stories incrementa la lealtad entre losusuarios millennial de ambos sexos y las mujeres no-millennial; en cambio, los hombres no-millennial son másleales a la publicidad en Facebook Wall. Implicaciones prácticas – Los anunciantes deben aprovechar los nuevos formatos y las posibilidades desegmentacion que les brindan las redes sociales para llegar a su público objetivo de manera más efectiva. Concretamente, los hallazgos de la investigacion sugieren que deberían centrarse en Instagram Stories paradirigirse a un público millennial y a mujeres no-millennial; y en Facebook Wall, cuando su público objetivosean los hombres no-millennial. Originalidad – Este estudio es uno de los primeros que aborda el uso de Instagram Stories como soportepublicitario y lo compara con formatos publicitarios consolidados como Facebook Wal

    Effects of Rosmarinus officinalis and Salvia officinalis essential oils onTetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)

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    Laboratory trials were carried out to characterize Rosmarinus officinal and Salvia officinalis essential oils and to evaluate their pesticidal activities against Tetranychus urticae. Slide-dip and leaf-disk bioassays were employed to study the mortality caused by these plant oils on two-spotted spiders. Different dilutions of both essential oils (0.10-0.25%, v/v) caused acute contact toxicity, although the sage extract showed greater acaricidal activity than rosemary oil. Mortality rates of 95-100% were observed at all the sage oil dosages and when rosemary emulsions contained at least 0.20% of essential oil. In the residual contact experiments (leaf-disk assays), 0.15-0.25% of sage oil or 0.25% of rosemary extracts significantly reduced mite survival. Leaf-disk bioassays were also used to evaluate the effects of oils on T. urticae fecundity. The total number of eggs oviposited decreased as the oil dosage increased and rate reductions were significant when 0.15-0.25% of sage or 0.25% of rosemary extracts were sprayed onto leaf-disks. The effect of oil treatments on the number of emerged larvae was similar to that on egg oviposition. Mite eggs were more susceptible to sage residuals, and significant reductions in larva emergence rates were observed with both sage dosages after 8 days of treatment. Rosemary and sage extracts showed no insecticidal activity against Ceratitis capitata, although sage oil greatly attracted adult flies (see supplementary file).We thank Agroblainpa S.L. (Rincon de Ademuz, Valencia, Spain) for providing sage and rosemary oil samples. The authors thank two anonymous referees for their useful comments on an earlier version of this article. This work has been partially supported by MEC (Project CGL2006-09976).Laborda Cenjor, R.; Manzano Casasús, I.; Gamón, M.; Gavidia Sánchez, I.; Perez-Bermudez, P.; Boluda, R. (2013). Effects of Rosmarinus officinalis and Salvia officinalis essential oils onTetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae). Industrial Crops and Products. 48:106-110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2013.04.011S1061104