82 research outputs found

    Long-term prognosis of patients with heart failure: Follow-up results of journey HF-TR study population

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    Background: Despite advances in therapeutic management of patients with heart failure, there is still an increasing morbidity and mortality all over the world. In this study, we aimed to present the 3-year follow-up outcomes of patients included in the Journey HF-TR study in 2016 that has evaluated the clinical characteristics and management of patients with acute heart failure admitted to the hospital and present a national registry data. Methods: The study was designed retrospectively between November 2016 and December 2019. Patient data included in the previously published Journey HF-TR study were used. Among 1606 patients, 1484 patients were included due to dropout of 122 patients due to inhospital death and due to exclusion of 173 due to incomplete data. The study included 1311 patients. Age, gender, concomitant chronic conditions, precipitating factors, New York Heart Association, and left ventricular ejection fraction factors were adjusted in the Cox regression analysis. Results: During the 3-year follow-up period, the ratio of hospitalization and mortality was 70.5% and 52.1%, respectively. Common causes of mortality were acute decompensation of heart failure and acute coronary syndrome. Angiotensin receptor blockers, beta-blockers, statin, and sacubitril/valsartan were found to reduce mortality. Hospitalization due to acute decompensated heart failure, acute coronary syndrome, lung diseases, oncological diseases, and cerebrovascular diseases was associated with the increased risk of mortality. Implantation of cardiac devices also reduced the mortality. Conclusions: Despite advances in therapeutic management of patients with heart failure, our study demonstrated that the long-term mortality still is high. Much more efforts are needed to improve the inhospital and long-term survival of patients with chronic heart failure

    Thyroid Functions and Autoantibodies in Vitiligo Patients in Istanbul Medeniyet University Göztepe Education and Research Hospital

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    AimVitiligo is an acquired depigmentation disorder occurs with destruction of melanocytes, a common skin disease. Although many theories have been suggested for its pathogenesis, the role of autoimmunity is the most popular one. Our objective was to compare the prevalance of thyroid disorder, thyroid function tests and anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO), anti-thyroglobulin (anti-TG), vitamin B12 levels in vitiligo patients with healty subjects in Istanbul Medeniyet Uniersity (IMU) Göztepe Education And Research Hospital.Material and MethodsA retrospective review of vitiligo patients admitted to the IMU Göztepe Education And Research Hospital dermatology outpatient clinic was conducted from january 1, 2013 to january 1, 2014. 298 cases of vitiligo (170 female and 128 male) and 40 control subjects (24 female and 16 male) were enrolled in this study. FT3, fT4, TSH, anti-TG and anti-TPO levels were measured by hormone analyzer.ResultsWe detected various thyroid pathology and /or abnormal throid fuction tests 13% in patients group and 5.1% control group. Plasma level of anti-TG, anti-TPO( p<0,001, p<0,001 respectively) and Percent pozitivity of anti-TG and anti-TPO (p<0,01, p<0,001 respectively) were significantly higher in patients with vitiligo compared with healthy control. Anti-TPO was increased 23.7% anti-TG was increased 15,1% in patients group. Plasma level of vitamin B12 (p<0.01) were significantly lower in patients with vitiligo compared with healthy control.ConclusionAccording to our study, anti-TPO and anti-TG levels were shown to be significantly increased in vitiligo patients and vitamin B12 levels were shown to be decreased. We recommend periodical follow-up of vitiligo patients in terms of thyroid gland diseases

    Thyroid Functions and Autoantibodies in Vitiligo Patients in Istanbul Medeniyet University Göztepe Education and Research Hospital

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    Amaç Vitiligo melanositlerin yıkımı ile seyreden depigmentasyon ile karakterize yaygın bir deri hastalığıdır. Etyopatogenezi tam olarak bilinmemekle beraber otoimmün hipotez üzerinde durulmaktadır. Vitiligo olgularında, kontrol grubuna göre otoimmün tiroid hastalıkları ve tiroid otoantikorlarının prevalansının yüksek olduğu bilinmektedir. Çalışmamızda, İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi (İMÜ) Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesine başvuran vitiligo hastaları ve sağlıklı bireylerde otoimmün tiroid hastalıklarının prevalansı ile tiroid fonksiyon testleri, anti-tiroid peroksidaz (anti-TPO), anti-tiroglobulin (anti-TG) ve vitamin B12 düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metot Çalışmamıza İMÜ Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi dermatoloji polikliniğine 2013 Ocak-2014 Ocak tarihleri arasında başvuran 298 (170 kadın ve 128 erkek) vitiligolu hasta ve kontrol grubu olarak 40 (24 kadın ve 16 erkek) sağlıklı kişi dahil edildi. Serum serbest T3 (sT3), serbest T4 (sT4), tiroid stimülan hormon (TSH), anti-TPO, anti-TG ve vitamin B12 düzeyleri otoanalizör kullanılarak ölçüldü. Bulgular Çalışmamızda hasta grubunun %13’ünde ve kontrol grubunun %5.1’inde tiroid fonksiyon testlerinde bozukluk ve/veya çeşitli tiroid patolojileri tespit edildi. Kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında vitiligolu hastalarda ortalama plazma antiTG ve anti-TPO düzeyleri anlamlı yüksek bulundu (sırasıyla p<0,001, p<0,001), anti-TG ve anti-TPO pozitifliği yüzdesi açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık (sırasıyla p<0,01, p<0,001) saptandı. Anti-TPO, hastaların %23,7’sinde, anti-TG hastaların %15,1’inde yüksek bulundu. Vitiligo hastaları kontrol grubuyla kıyaslandığında serum vitamin B12 düzeylerinin düşük olduğu (p<0,01) saptandı. Sonuç Çalışmamıza göre, otoimmün tiroid hastalıklarının kısmi olarak duyarlı ve özgün belirteci olan anti-TPO ve anti-TG düzeylerinin vitiligolu hastalarda anlamlı olarak arttığı ve vitamin B12 düzeyinin düştüğü gözlendi. Vitiligo hastalarının tiroid bezi hastalıkları ve vitamin B12 eksikliği yönünden periyodik olarak takip edilmesi yararlı olacaktır.Aim Vitiligo is an acquired depigmentation disorder occurs with destruction of melanocytes, a common skin disease. Although many theories have been suggested for its pathogenesis, the role of autoimmunity is the most popular one. Our objective was to compare the prevalance of thyroid disorder, thyroid function tests and anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO), anti-thyroglobulin (antiTG), vitamin B12 levels in vitiligo patients with healty subjects in Istanbul Medeniyet Uniersity (IMU) Göztepe Education And Research Hospital. Material and Methods A retrospective review of vitiligo patients admitted to the IMU Göztepe Education And Research Hospital dermatology outpatient clinic was conducted from january 1, 2013 to january 1, 2014. 298 cases of vitiligo (170 female and 128 male) and 40 control subjects (24 female and 16 male) were enrolled in this study. FT3, fT4, TSH, anti-TG and anti-TPO levels were measured by hormone analyzer. Results We detected various thyroid pathology and /or abnormal throid fuction tests 13% in patients group and 5.1% control group. Plasma level of anti-TG, antiTPO( p<0,001, p<0,001 respectively) and Percent pozitivity of anti-TG and anti-TPO (p<0,01, p<0,001 respectively) were significantly higher in patients with vitiligo compared with healthy control. Anti-TPO was increased 23.7% anti-TG was increased 15,1% in patients group. Plasma level of vitamin B12 (p<0.01) were significantly lower in patients with vitiligo compared with healthy control. Conclusion According to our study, anti-TPO and anti-TG levels were shown to be significantly increased in vitiligo patients and vitamin B12 levels were shown to be decreased. We recommend periodical follow-up of vitiligo patients in terms of thyroid gland diseases

    Endüstriyel bir robot için insan-makina arayüz programının geliştirilmesi

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    In this study, a robotic software, which controls the robot, is developed. The robot considered is a six degree of freedom robot and it is designed and manufactured in METU. User can send the robot anywhere in space within its workspace, in any orientation. Forward and inverse kinamatics can be executed according to the needs. Simulation framework is embedded into the software for the 3D visualisation of the robot. Any movements can be simulated on the screen. Software also generates the path for the given points. Then generated path is simulated on the screen. All position, velocity and acceleration graphics of joints can be examined for the generated path.Bu tez çalı masında, endüstriyel bir robotu kontrol eden bir yazılım geli tirilmi tir. Bahsi geçen robot altı serbestlik dereceli olup ODTÜ’de tasarlanmı ve imal edilmi tir. Kullanıcı, bu programla, robot kolunu çalı ma hacmi içinde istedii pozisyon ve yönelime gönderebilir. Pozisyon kontrolleri için ileri ve geri kinematik analizler yapılmı tır. Robotun üç boyutlu görünümünü salamak için programa simulasyon iskeleti gömülmü tür. Bu sayede robotun her hareketi ekranda simüle edilebilmektedir. Program ayrıca verilen noktalar için rota olu turabilmektedir. Bu rota ekranda izlenebilmektedir. Ayrıca, rota içinde eksenlerin pozisyon, hız ve ivme grafikleri de izlenebilmektedirM.S. - Master of Scienc

    Determination of Behavioural Characteristics of Different Honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) Genotypes in Eastern Anatolian Conditions

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    In this study, it was investigated the stinging, robing and swarming tendencies of Buckfast, Carniolan, Caucasian and Erzurum honeybee genotypes in Eastern Anatolian conditions. In the 2015 production period, a total of 40 colonies,10 from each of Buckfast, Carniolan, Caucasian and Erzurum genotypes were used in the study. Caucasian genotype was the most gentle with 6.22±0.65 pcs/colony average number of stings, while Erzurum genotype was the most aggressive with 12.12±1.08 pcs/colony average number of stings. As a result of analysis of variance applied to average numbers of stings genotypes, the difference between the genotypes was found to be very significant in terms of tendency to stinging. In terms of tendency to robing, the Buckfast genotype ranked first with 1.57±0.17 pcs, while the Carniolan genotype had the lowest trend of robing with a value of 0.62±0.16 pcs. In terms of swarming tendency, the difference between the genotypes was statistically significant

    The effect of the two-queen colony management practice on colony performance and varroa {varroa destructor anderson&trueman) ınfestation levels in honey bee (apis mellifera l.) colonies

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    2017 yılında yürütülen bu çalışmada, Erzurum şartlarında iki ana arılı koloni yönetiminin koloni performansına etkileri incelenmiştir. Koloni başına ortalama arılı çerçeve sayısı tek analı kolonilerde 15.20±0.84 adet, iki analı kolonilerde 21.75±1.63 adet olarak bulunmuştur. Ortalama arılı çerçeve miktarı bakımından gruplar arasında gözlenen farklılık Mayıs ayında istatistik! açıdan önemsizken, Haziran, Temmuz ve Ağustos aylannda çok önemli (p<0.01) bulunmuştur. Koloni başına ortalama yavru alanı miktarı tek ve iki analı kolonilerde sırasıyla 4016.85±508.65 cm2 ve 5300.31 ±380.73 cm2 olarak gerçekleşirken; kuluçka alanı gelişimi bakımından grupların birbirlerinden farkı çok önemli (p<0.01) bulunmuştur. İki analı kolonilerde koloni başına ortalama 22.74±1.94 kg bal elde edilirken tek analı kolonilerde bu değer 15.76±1.64 kg olarak tespit edilmiştir. Koloni başına ortalama varroa bulaşıkhk oranı tek analı ve iki analı kolonilerde sırasıyla %4.30±0.55 ve %7.62±1.12 olarak belirlendi. Varroa bulaşıkhk oranı açısından ortalama değerler Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz ve Ağustos aylarında sırasıyla % 0.89 ± 0.76,% 3.17 ± 0.27, 6.36 ± 0.63 ve% 13.05 ± 1.23 olarak bulundu.This study was carried out to determine the effects of a colony management practice that uses two queens on colony performances and varroa infestation levels located in Erzurum throughout 2017. The average number of frames covered with bees was found to be 15.20 ± 0.84 for single-queen colonies and 21.75 ± 1.63 for two-queen colonies. The difference betvveen the two groups in terms of frames covered with bees in May was not statistically significant, but the difference between the two groups in June, July and August was statistically significant (p < 0.01). The average amount of brood in sigle- queen and two-queen groups were found to be 4016.85 ± 508.65 and 5300.31 ± 380.73 cm2 per colony, respectively. The difference betvveen the two groups in terms of brood area was also very significant (p < 0.01). The average amount of honey obtained per colony in two-queen colonies was 22.74 ± 1.94 kg, whereas this value was found to be 15.76 ± 1.64 kg in single-queen colonies The average varroa infestation level of colonies were found 4.30±0.55% and 7.62±1.12% in the single-queen and two-queen colonies, respectively. The mean values, in term of varroa level, in May, June, July, and August were found 0.89±0.76%, 3.17±0.27%, 6.36±0.63% and 13.05±1.23% respectively

    A survey on wintering losses and its possible causes in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies in the Ardahan region

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    Ardahan yöresindeki gezginci ve sabit arıcılara uygulanan anket sonuçlarının değerlendirildiği araştırmada, arıcılık işletmelerinin sonbahar bakım ve kontrolleri, kışlatma ve hastalıklarla ilgili özellikleri incelenmiştir. Yöredeki arıcıların %90.60’ının sonbahar yemlemesi yaptığı, sonbahar beslemesinde çoğunlukla şeker şurubunu %57.75 kullandıkları ve bal şurubu ile besleme yapmanın pek yaygın olmadığı anlaşılmaktadır. Anket sonuçları Ardahan yöresindeki arıcıların sonbahar dönemindeki ana arı kontrolü ile varroa mücadelesi konularında duyarlı olduklarını göstermektedir. Yörede gezginci arıcıların büyük bir çoğunluğu (%67.65) kışlatma kayıplarının %10 ve daha az olduğunu bildirirken, sabit arıcılar %54.95 oranında kışlatma kayıplarının %10-19 arasında olduğunu belirmişlerdir.In this study, the results of a survey administered to migratory and settled beekepers in Ardahan were evaluated and their charesteristics with respect to, colony management in autumn, over wintering, and bee diseases were investigated. It has been found that most of the beekeepers in the region (90.60%) give autumn feed, they have used 57.75% sugar syrup in large quantities in this feed, and it is not very common to feed with honey syrup. The results of the survey show that Ardahan beekepers are sensitive to the queen bee control and varroa investations during the autumn season. While the vast majority of migratory beekepers in the study area reported that 67.65% of wintering losses were 10% or less, settled beekepers found that 54.95% of wintering losses were between 10- 19%

    Evaluation of the quality criteria of queens produced in different provinces of Turkey in autumn

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    Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin farklı illerinde (Ankara, Antalya, Konya, Mersin, Ordu) ticari ana arı yetiştiriciliği yapan altı işletmeden Ağustos–Eylül 2018 tarihlerinde üretilen ve tesadüfi olarak toplanan 30 adet ana arı kullanılmıştır. Ana arılarda kalite özellikleri olarak kabul edilen canlı ağırlık, spermateka çapı, spermateka hacmi ve spermatozoa sayısı değerlendirilmiştir. Ölçümler sonucunda sırasıyla ortalama 167,20±3,68 mg, 1.015±0.007 mm, 0,55±0,01mm³ ve 0.374±0.058 milyon/ana olarak belirlenmiştir. Ölçümü yapılan özelliklerden spermatozoit sayısı bakımından işletmeler arasında önemli derecede istatistiki fark belirlenirken (P<0.01), diğer özellikler bakımından farklılık bulunmamıştır. Kaliteli bir ana arıda canlı ağırlığın 200 mg ve üzeri, spermateka çapının 1.2 mm ve üzeri, spermateka hacminin 0.90 mm³ ve üzeri, spermatekada depolanan spermatozoit sayısının 5 milyon ve üzeri olması istenmektedir. Ana arıların canlı ağırlık, spermateka çapı, spermateka hacmi ve spermatekada depolanan spermatozoit miktarı yönünden kalite ve standart değerlerin çok altında belirlenmiştir.In this study, 30 queen bees which were produced, and randomly collected between August-September 2018, were used from 6 enterprises that produce commercial queens in different cities (Ankara, Antalya, Konya, Mersin, Ordu) of Turkey. The live weight of the queens, spermatheca diameter, spermatheca volume, and the number of spermatozoa, were evaluated as quality criteria. As a result of the measurements, the mean values of 167.20 ± 3.68 mg, 1.015 ± 0.007 mm, 0.55±0.01mm³ and 0.374±0.058 million/queen were determined, respectively. While there was a statistically significant difference in terms of number of spermatozoids (P<0.01), no difference was found in terms of other characteristics among the commercial businesses. A high quality queen bee is required to weigh 200 mg or more, 1.2 mm and or more of spermatheca diameter, 0.90 mm³ and above for the volume of the spermatheca, and 5 million or more of spermatozoids stored in the spermatheca. It was determined that the quality in terms of live weight, spermatheca diameter, spermatheca volume and the amount of spermatozoid stored in the spermatheca of queen bees were much lower than the standard values

    PPIs and Food Allergy

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