74 research outputs found

    Plagiarism of Turkish Medicine

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    Ülkemizde artan sıklıkta görülen ve bilimsel ya da sanatsal fikir ve eser hırsızlığı terim olarak intihal (plagiarizm) olarak bilinmektedir. Makalede ülkemizdeki intihal durum örnekleri, çözüm önerileri ile birlikte özetlenerek tartışılmaktadır.Seen with increasing frequency in our country and is known as plagiarism in terms of scientific or artistic ideas and treatise teft. Sample cases of plagiarism in our country has been discussed by summarising together with suggestions for solution in the article

    Normal over rezervi olan ve long protokol uygulanan İVF hastalarında rekombinant fsh ve yüksek derecede saflaştırılmış hmg kullanımının gebelik sonuçlarına etkisinin karşılaştırılması]

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    Objective: Gonadotropins used in controlled ovarian stimulation have been increasing in number. Beside the recombinant preparations such as rec-FSH, rec-LH and h-hMG human-derived preparations have entered the market. We decided to compare the effects of rec-FSH and HP-hMG with GnRHa on embryo quality and pregnancy outcome in women undergoing an IVF cycle. Material and Methods: In this study, data of 87 patients who had applied to our center from 2007 to 2008 and who had met all inclusion criteria, were analyzed. The patients underwent controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with HP-hMG, rec-FSH following down-regulation with a GnRHa in a long protocol, selected according to determined criteria and acquired embryo via IVF transfer. Results: Of the 87 patients, 44 were stimulated with rec-FSH and 43 with HP-hMG. Distribution of infertility causes was similar between the groups. Duration of gonadotropin administration (p=0.677, Student's t-test) and the total dose of gonadotropin received (p=0.392, Student's t-test) were similar between the two groups. The fertilization rate of the rec- FSH group was significantly higher than the HP-hMG group (p=0.001, Mann-Whitney U test). No significant differences were observed between the study groups in biochemical, clinical and ongoing pregnancy parameters. Conclusion: The higher oocyte yield with rec- FSH does not result in higher quality embryos. LH activity in combination with FSH activity positively affected the oocyte and embryo maturation. Therefore, when we consider the clinical and ongoing pregnancy rates there is no inferiority of HP-hMG in controlled ovarian stimulation

    Effects of First and Third Trimester MPV Ratios on Prediction of Preeclampsia

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    Giriş: Preeklampsi, obstetrik alanındaki gelişmelere rağmen halen maternal ve fetal morbidite ve mortalitenin önde gelen sebeplerindendir. Bu nedenle hastalık oluşmadan tanı konulabilmesi;mortalite ve morbiditeyi azaltacaktır Amaç: Preeklampside 1. ve 3. trimester MPV(median platellit volum) oranlarının hastalığı öngörebilme üzerine etkilerini araştırmak Yöntem ve gereç; Ocak 2010 ile nisan 2010 tarihleri arasında T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Zeynep Kamil Kadın ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniğinde ACOG 2002 kriterlerine göre ağır preeklampsi tanısı konulan 69 hafif preeklampsi, 72 ağır preeklampsi, 52 normal gebenin rutin biyokimya, tam kan sayımı, idrarda protein ve Doppler akım sonuçları değerlendirildi. Bu hastaların 8 ila 12 haftalar arasında olan tam kan sayımlarına ulaşıldı Bulgular: Hafif preeklampsi ve ağır preeklampsi ile normal gebeler arasında 1. trimester MPV oranları arasında, hastalığın derecesi ile pozitif korelasyon mevcut idi. MPV değeri 8,3 fl üzerinde olduğunda ağır preeklampsi gelişme riski 1,73 kat artmakta idi. 3. trimesterde MPV 9,6 fl olduğunda ağır preeklampsi gelişme riski 2,37 kat artmakta idi ve bu durum hastalığın şiddeti ile korelasyon göstermektedir. 1. trimesterde MPVnin 8,3 fl üzerinde olduğu gebelerde preeklampsi gelişme riskinin arttığı söylenebilir. 3. trimester için bu değer 9,6 fl dir. Sonuçlar: MPV Hastalığı öngörebilmedeki güvenirliği düşük olmasına rağmen üst sınıra yakın değerlerde artmış riskten söz edilebilir. Diğer parametreler göz önüne alındığında özellikle umblikal arter Doppler indeksleri ile kombine edilmesinin klinisyene takip ettikleri hastanın preeklampsi olabileceğine dair fikir verebilir.Aim: To investigate the prognostic value of the levels of mean platelet volumes (MPV) in preeclampsia Material and methods: MPV values obtained 1st and 3rd trimesters in preeclamptic and severe preeclamptic woman diagnosed according to the ACOG (2002) criteria were compared with the same parameters of healthy pregnant subjects Results: 69 preeclamptic, 72 severe preeclamptic and 52 healthy pregnant women were investigated. It was calculated that, if the 1st trimester MPV values were greater than 8,3 fl, the risk for developing severe preeclampsia was 1.73. Additionally, if the 3rd trimester MPV values were greater than 9, 6 fl, the risk for developing severe preeclampsia was 2.37. Conclusion: Increased MPV values may be helpful in predicting severe pereclampsia

    Morphometric Evaluation of Coccyx with Microcomputed Tomography (Micro CT) and Computed Tomography (CT) Technology

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    Aim%253A We investigated the coccyx anatomy accurately in detail by microcomputed tomography (micro CT) and computed tomography (CT) to contribute to the data related to the coccyx anatomy and the potential clinical contribution of these datas in the treatment of coccyxs pathologies. Material and Methods%253A Twenty coccyges from embalmed cadavers were examined with a micro CT device. The inferior part of the sacrum and coccyx together with the surrounding soft tissue was removed safely. The tissue was scanned with a micro CT device, and all parameters were measured with micro CT image viewer programs. CT images of 29 patients without coccyx pathology were measured with OsiriX programs. Measured morphometric parameters with micro CT and CT were evaluated using statistical methods. Results%253A Generally, the morphometric parameters as mean values were larger in males than in females. Mean values for vertical length and coccyx width were higher for CT compared with micro CT images. Coccyx was more flat in the frontal plane in females. There were statistically significant differences between the micro CT and CT images regarding mean vertical length, width, lateral deviation angle, and sacrococcygeal angle and length of the vertebrae (p lt%253B 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in number and width of the vertebrae (p gt%253B 0.05). Conclusion%253A We suggest that examining the normal coccyx morphology will help to better understand and treat the pathologic conditions of the coccyx. We believe our findings will contribute to the data related to the coccyx anatomy

    Eski Bir Suç, Yeni Bir Tanım; Mobbing

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    In the article, conceptual issues are addressed on mobbing, provides information about mobbing degrees, mobber and characteristics of mobbing suffers. At the end of the article needs to be done struggle against mobbing is a list of the proposal ranked.Makalede mobbing konusu kavramsal olarak ele alınmakta olup, mobbing süreçleri, mobbingci ve mobbing’e uğrayanın özellikleri hakkında bilgi verilmektedir. Makalenin sonunda mobbinge karşı yapılması gerekenlerin sıralandığı öneri listesi bulunmaktadır

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    Eski Bir Suç, Yeni Bir Tanım; Mobbing

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    Makalede mobbing konusu kavramsal olarak ele alınmakta olup, mobbing süreçleri, mobbingci ve mobbing’e uğrayanın özellikleri hakkında bilgi verilmektedir. Makalenin sonunda mobbinge karşı yapılması gerekenlerin sıralandığı öneri listesi bulunmaktadır