715 research outputs found

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 133-Kemal Tahir ve Yorgun Savaşçı. Not: Gazetenin "Olayların İzinde" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.Unutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Accurate non-intrusive residual bandwidth estimation in WMNs

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    The multi-access scheme of 802.11 wireless networks imposes difficulties in achieving predictable service quality in multi-hop networks. In such networks, the residual capacity of wireless links should be estimated for resource allocation services such as flow admission control. In this paper, we propose an accurate and non-intrusive method to estimate the residual bandwidth of an 802.11 link. Inputs from neighboring network activity measurements and from a basic collision detection mechanism are fed to the analytical model so that the proposed algorithm calculates the maximum allowable traffic level for this link. We evaluate the efficiency of the method via OPNET simulations, and show that the percent estimation error is significantly lower than two other prominent estimation methods, bounded only between 2.5-7.5%. We also demonstrate that flow admission control is successfully achieved in a realistic WMN scenario. Flow control through our proposed algorithm keeps the unsatisfied traffic demand bounded and at a negligibly low level, which is less than an order of magnitude of the other two methods

    Acylation of 2-Methoxynaphthalene Over Ion-Exchanged Beta Zeolite

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Chemistry, Izmir, 2002Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 37-40)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishvii, 40 leavesFriedel Crafts acylation of 2-Methoxynaphthalene was carried out over various ion-exchanged . zeolites (Mn+., where Mn+: In3+, Zn2+, Al3+, Fe3+, La3+) with various anhydride (acetic, propionic and benzoic anhydrides), or acyl chloride (acetyl, propionyl and benzoyl chlorides) acylating reagents. The results suggested that selectivity towards the 6-substituted products was higher with the larger size anhydrides, propionic and benzoic anhydrides. The metal cation type within the zeolite significantly influenced the extent of conversion and product distribution. That La3+ exchanged zeolite displayed higher selectivity for the 6-position acylated product with anhydrides ascribed mainly to narrowing of channels by the presence of La(OH)2+ ions that leave no room for the formation of more bulky isomeric forms and to enhanced Bronsted acidity of the zeolite. With acyl chlorides, the recovery of ketone products was found to be remarkably low. 1-Acyl-2-methoxynaphthalenes actively underwent deacylation when acyl chlorides were used as the acylation reagent

    All That Is Cyber Melts into Control: a Rhetorical Analysis of Cybernetic Metaphors

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    This thesis historicizes and interprets the logic of cybernetics as a communication technology and how it shaped notions of control in the mid-20th century. To situate my analysis, I focus on cybernetics, the tradition within communication studies that focuses on controlling communication through the application of feedback loops to a particular system. Since the discovery and popularization of cybernetics by the late 1950s, its central logic has been widely applied to computational technology and influenced future systems theories. Specifically, my thesis employs a rhetorical examination of cybernetic metaphors through metaphor criticism to trace the genealogy of cybernetic discourses that I argue attempted to reconstitute political structures through stabilizing systems that would maintain and regulate the social, political, and economic forces of society. My thesis explores archival exchanges between Soviet Cybernetics Review, Ali İrtem, and Stafford Beer to tracing the intellectual history of discourses that employed cybernetic thinking through metaphors to re-constitute the political-economic systems internationally

    Optimal and practical handover decision algorithms in heteregeneous marco-femto cellular networks

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    Driven by the smart tablet/phone revolution and the proliferation of bandwidth hungry applications such as cloud computing and streaming video, the demand for high data rate wireless communication is increasing tremendously. In order to meet the increasing demand from subscribers, wireless operators are in the process of augmenting their macrocell network with supplemental infrastructure such as microcells, distributed antennas and relays. An alternative with lower upfront costs is to improve indoor coverage and capacity by using end-consumer installed femtocells. A femtocell is a low power, short range (up to 100 meters coverage radius) cellular wireless access point (AP), functioning in service provider owned licensed spectrum. Due to the proximity of end users to the femtocell access points, APs are able to provide higher end-user QoE and better spatial reuse of limited spectrum. Femtocells are useful in offloading the macro-cellular network as well as reducing the operating and capital expenditure costs for operators. Femtocells coexist with legacy cellular networks consisting of macrocells. In this emerging combined architecture, large number of Femtocell Application Point (FAPs) is randomly deployed in the coverage area of macro BSs. However, several problems related to MM (mobility management) and RM (resource management) in this combined architecture still remain to be solved. The ad hoc deployment of FAPs and asymmetric radio communication and call processing capabilities between macrofemto networks are the primary causes of these problems. Uncoordinated deployment of FAPs providing indoor oriented wireless access service within the macro coverage may cause severe interference problems that need to be mitigated and handled by RM/MM schemes. The MM decisions should take into account the resource constraints and UE mobility in order to prevent unnecessary or undesirable handovers towards femtocells. Ignoring these factors in MM decisions may lead to low customer satisfaction due to mismanagement of handover events in the combined macro-femto network, delayed signaling traffic and unsatisfactory call/connection quality. In order to address all of the aforementioned issues, the handover decision problem in combined femto-macro networks has been formulated as a multi-objective non-linear optimization problem. Since there are no known analytical solution to this problem, an MDP (Markov Decision Process) based heuristic has been proposed as a practical and optimal HO (handover) decision making scheme. This heuristic has been updated and improved in an iterative manner and has also been supported by a dynamic SON (Self Organizing Networks) algorithms that is based on heuristic's components. The performance results show that the final version of MDP based heuristic has signi cantly superior performance in terms offloading the macro network, minimizing the undesirable network events (e.g. outage and admission rejection) when compared to state-of-art handover algorithms

    İntratimpanik steroidlerin orta kulak mukozasına histopatolojik etkileri: Hayvan çalışması

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    Amaç: İntratimpanik olarak kullanılan deksametazon ve metilprednizolonun orta kulak mukozası ve kulak zarındaki etkilerini hayvan deneyi modelinde değerlendirmek ve tedavi almayan kontrol grubu ile kıyaslamak. Plan: kör, hayvan deneyi Yer: Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Deney Hayvanları Üretim ve Araştırma Merkezi Yöntem:Çalışma 30 adet sprauge-dawley sıçan üzerinde yürütüldü. Hayvanlar iki gruba bölünüp sol kulaklarına deksametazon (D=n:15) ve metilprednizolon,(M=n:15) sağ kulaklarına serum fizyolojik(S=n:15) intratimpanik olarak uygulandı. Metilprednisolon alan hayvanların sol kulaklarına kontrol amacıyla işlem uygulanmadı(K=n15).10 gün boyunca hergün intratimpanik ilaç uygulandı. 10. günde her gruptan 8’er hayvan sakrifiye edilerek, kör biçimde ortakulak mukozaları değerlendirildi. Bu sırada mikroskobik olarak mukozal kalınlaşma, hematom, hiperemi, adezyon ve zar durumu ele alındı. Ardından orta kulak mukozasından örnekler alınıp patolojiye gönderildi. Patolojik olarak inflamatuar hücre şiddeti, fibroblast varlığı kollajen varlığı, ve vaskülarizasyon varlığı parametreleri hemotoksilen eozin ile değerlendirildi. Geri kalan hayvanlar 30. günde sakrifiye edilerek aynı değerlendirilmelerde bulunuldu. Bulgular: Çalışmada kullanılan 30 adet sprauge-dawley sıçanından 28 tanesi çalışmaya alınabildi. Grup I deki iki sıçan 16. Günde kaybedildi. Deksametazon alan kulaklar serum fizyolojik ve kontrol grubu kulakları ile kıyaslandığında hiçbir parametrede anlamlı fark bulunmadı. Metilprednisolon alan kulaklar serum fizyolojik ve kontrol grubu kulakları ile kıyaslandığında anlamlı fark bulunmadı. Sadece Metilprednisolon alan kulaklar, serum fizyolojik alan kulaklar birbirleri ile kıyaslandığında fibroblast sonuçlarında anlamlı fark bulundu (p=0,007). Sol kulağına deksametazon alan gruptan 10. günde sakrifiye edilen (n:8) ile 30. günde sakrifiye edilen hayvanlar arasında (n:5) istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmadı. Sol kulağına metilprednisolon alan gruptan 10. günde sakrifiye edilen (n:8) ile 30. günde sakrifiye edilen hayvanlar arasında (n:8) istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmadı. Sonuç: İntratimpanik deksametazon ve metilprednisolon orta kulak mukozasında irritan, proinflamatuar herhangi bir etki yaratmamaktadır. İntratimpanik steroidler uzun dönemde de orta kulak mukozasına zararlı etki yapmamaktadır. Bulunan sonuçlar deksametazon için uyumludur. Metilprednisolon için literatürde benzer mukoza çalışması bilgimiz dahilinde bulunmamaktadır.. Hayvan deneyi protokolü yeni yapılacak çalışmalarda orta kulak mukozasının değerlendirilmesinde faydalı olacaktır

    New Approach in Integrated Basin Modelling: Melen Airborne LIDAR

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    Airborne LIDAR technology which has an increasing importance in recent years, has entered into the field of application of many disciplines by obtaining fast and highly accurate 3D data. It provides precise topography information with dense point cloud data as well as all details on the surface. Thus, it has become useful in all disciplines associated with space such as cartography, construction, city planning, forest, energy, hydrology, geology, transportation, telecommunications, security, disaster, aviation, and infrastructure. By mounting LIDAR measurement units on aircraft large areas can be measured relatively quickly and cost-effectively. In this study, Riegl Q680i scanner and CCNS5 flight management system were mounted to the aircraft. The digital elevation models; DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and DSM (Digital Surface Model) of the Melen basin, which is located within the boundaries of Düzce and Sakarya was generated using LIDAR point cloud data (.las format) with a point density of 16 points/m2 and also 1/1000 base maps of the basin were produced. In addition, many details such as road, slope, culvert, electricity poles were drawn in accordance with the principles of large-scale map construction regulations and transferred to GIS environment. The Melen basin with an important water storage area, boundaries, basin model, water collection lines, determination of flow directions and connections, the topographic surface of the basin sub-areas, morphology were created using 3D laser point cloud data. So, the digital terrain model of the basin in GIS environment is visualized with linear maps. LIDAR data provides 3D geometric and morphological information that cannot be obtained according to classical methods in this kind of engineering studies. Results suggest that the higher spatial resolution LIDAR-derived data are preferable and can introduce more detailed information about basin hydro geomorphic behaviours

    Video yardımcılı torakal cerrahi sonrası postoperatif analjezi yönetimi için ultrasonografi rehberliğinde yapılan erektor spina plan bloğu ve torakal paravertebral blok etkinliği: Prospektif, randomize, kontrollü çalışma

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    Objective: Evaluation of the effectiveness of ultrasound (US)-guided erector spinae plane block (ESPB) and thoracic paravertebral block (TPVB) compared to no intervention control group for postoperative pain management in video assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) patients. Method: Three groups - Group ESPB, Group TPVB and the control group (n=30 per group) were included in this prospective, randomized, controlled study. The US-guided blocks were performed preoperatively in the ESPB and TPVB groups. Intravenous patient-controlled postoperative analgesia via fentanyl was administered in all of the patients. The patients were evaluated using visual analogue scale (VAS) scores, opioid consumption, and adverse events. Results: At all time intervals fentanyl consumption and VAS scores were significantly lower both in ESPB and TPVB groups compared to the control group (p<0.001). Block procedure time was significantly lower and success of one time puncture was higher in Group ESPB as compared with that in Group TPVB (p<0.001). Conclusion: ESPB and TPVB provide more effective analgesia compared to control group in patients who underwent video-assisted thoracic surgery. ESPB had a shorter procedural time and higher success of single-shot technique compared to TPVB.Amaç: Video yardımcılı torakal cerrahi yapılan hastalarda postoperatif analjezi yönetimi içinultrasonografi (US) eşliğinde yapılan erektor spina plan bloğu (ESPB) ve torakal paravertebralbloğun (TPVB) kontrol grubuna göre etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.Yöntem: Bu çalışmaya her grup için 30 hasta olmak üzere toplam 90 hasta dahil edilmiştir.Çalışma 3 gruptan oluşmaktadır; Grup ESPB, Grup TPVB ve Kontrol Grubu. ESPB ve TPVB gruplarındaki hastalara preoperatif olarak US eşliğinde blok yapıldı. Tüm gruplardaki hastalara fentaniliçeren hasta kontrollü analjezi (HKA) uygulandı. Hastalar vizuel analog skala (VAS), opioid tüketimi ve yan etkiler kaydedilerek değerlendirildi.Bulgular: Tüm zaman aralıklarında fentanil tüketimi ve VAS Grup ESPB ve Grup TPVB de kontrolgrubuna göre anlamlı olarak daha düşüktü (p<0.001). Blok işlem süresi ESPB grubunda anlamlıolarak daha kısaydı ve iğne ile tek giriş başarısı ESPB grubunda TPVB grubuna göre anlamlı olarakdaha yüksekti (p<0.001).Sonuç: ESPB ve TPVB, video yardımcılı torakal cerrahi yapılan hastalarda kontrol grubuna göreetkili analjezi oluşturmaktadır. ESPB, TPVB’ye göre daha kısa işlem süresi ve tek iğne girişi ile dahayüksek başarı oranına sahiptir

    Polyp in concha bullosa: a case report and review of the literature

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    Polyp originating within a concha bullosa is uncommon; we report only the third such case in the English literature. A 45-year-old man presented with nasal obstruction and headache. Examination of the nose revealed right septal deviation and a hypertrophic left middle concha. Computed tomography confirmed right septal deviation and identified left concha bullosa with thickening of the mucosa covering this lesion. The lateral lamella of the affected turbinate was removed and a mass was excised. Histopathologic examination of the excised mass revealed polypoid hyperplasia. The rare finding of polyp in concha bullosa is discussed with a review of the literature. In any case of concha bullosa, computed tomography images should be carefully evaluated before surgery to check for other pathologies that might have arisen within the lesion