8 research outputs found

    Determination of predominant soluble salts in soils of the irrigation district Alto Chicamocha of Boyacá

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    In Boyacá, the Alto Chicamocha irrigation and drainage district (DRACH, by its initials in Spanish) is the department’s main agricultural production unit, covering an area of 8016.78 ha and due to the natural conditions and the management that has been given to the high basin of the Chicamocha River, salinization has been recognized as a limiting factor. Therefore, we sought to determine the predominant soluble salts in the soils that comprise the DRACH. Based on the chemical soil analysis information of 301 samples, obtained from studies conducted by GISSAT-UPTC and Corpoica, E.C, pH, anions and cations present in the soil were determined. For the spatial analysis of the variables studied, the ArcGis 10.3 software was used. Thirty-one water samples were collected in wells of thephreatimetric network to carry out the chemical characterization of the water. It was found that 48.01%of the soils of the district were non-saline, 22.93% slightly saline, 14.74% moderately saline and saline 14.33%. The main soluble salts in the soil were Na2SO4, Ca2SO4, NaCl2 and CaCl2, which are related to the lacustrine origin and the presence of thermal springs in the region. The areas with greater problem of salinization occur in the municipalities of Tibasosa, Patrocinio, Ucaca, Las Vueltas; in Santa Rosa de Viterbo in the village of Salitre; in Duitama in the villages Cebadero and Higueras with E.C. greater than 2 dS m-1.El distrito de riego y drenaje del Alto Chicamocha (DRACH por sus siglas en español), es la principal unidad de producción agropecuaria del departamento de Boyacá, Colombia, abarca un área de 8016,78 hectáreas y debido a las condiciones naturales y al manejo que se le ha venido dando a la cuenca alta del Río Chicamocha, la salinización ha sido reconocida como limitante. Por lo anterior se buscó determinar las sales solubles predominantes en los suelos que comprenden el DRACH. Con base en la información de análisis químicos de suelos de 301 muestras, obtenidas de estudios realizados por el GISSAT-UPTC y Corpoica, se determinó C.E, pH, aniones y cationes presentes en el suelo. Para el análisis espacial de las variables estudiadas se usó el sofware ArcGis 10.3. Se colectaron 31 muestras de agua en pozos de la red freatimétrica para realizar la caracterización química del agua. Se encontró que el 48,01% de los suelos del distrito eran no salinos, el 22,93% ligeramente salino, el 14,74% moderadamente salino y salinos el 14,33%. Las principales sales solubles en el suelo fueron el Na2SO4, Ca2SO4, NaCl2 y CaCl2, las cuales están relacionadas con el origen lacustre y la presencia de termales en la región. Las zonas con mayor riesgo de salinización se presentan en los municipios de Tibasosa, veredas Patrocinio, Ucaca, las Vueltas; en Santa Rosa de Viterbo en la vereda Salitre; en Duitama en las veredas Cebadero e Higueras con C.E. mayores a 2,00 dS m-1

    Effect of magnesium silicate in cv. ‘ICA Cerinza’ common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under field conditions

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    The bean crop is very important in Colombia, being generator of income and employment; and furthermore very importance within the diet of the population due to its high protein content. Currently, the bean production is not sufficient to meet the demand in the country, because of phytosanitary problems, scarce replacement of varieties and inappropriate handling of mineral nutrition of cultivars. Nowadays, the use of products for soils rich in silicon represents an alternative for production increase, because they contribute markedly in nutritional dynamics. So, the purpose of this research was to assess the effect of magnesium silicate on the physiological behavior of ‘ICA Cerinza’ bean cultivar under agro ecological conditions in Tunja (Boyacá, Colombia). For that, a completely random design with 4 treatments each was used, corresponding to increasing doses of magnesium silicate (0, 300, 600 y 900 kg ha-1) with 4 replications. The total chlorophyll content, leaf area, leaf thickness, fresh and dry mass, yield components, silicon and phosphorus leaf content were evaluated. Statistical differences between treatments (P≤0. 05) were found in all variables tested. The application of 900 kg ha-1 of magnesium silicate showed the best results, confirming that silicon as a beneficial element that can submit a favorable response to physiological level in not bio-accumulators crops of this element. However, this response can be linked to agro ecological conditions, the type of product and also the dose used

    Determination of predominant soluble salts in soils of the irrigation district Alto Chicamocha of Boyacá

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    In Boyacá, the Alto Chicamocha irrigation and drainage district (DRACH, by its initials in Spanish) is the department’s main agricultural production unit, covering an area of 8016.78 ha and due to the natural conditions and the management that has been given to the high basin of the Chicamocha River, salinization has been recognized as a limiting factor. Therefore, we sought to determine the predominant soluble salts in the soils that comprise the DRACH. Based on the chemical soil analysis information of 301 samples, obtained from studies conducted by GISSAT-UPTC and Corpoica, E.C, pH, anions and cations present in the soil were determined. For the spatial analysis of the variables studied, the ArcGis 10.3 software was used. Thirty-one water samples were collected in wells of the phreatimetric network to carry out the chemical characterization of the water. It was found that 48.01% of the soils of the district were non-saline, 22.93% slightly saline, 14.74% moderately saline and saline 14.33%. The main soluble salts in the soil were Na2SO4, Ca2SO4, NaCl2 and CaCl2, which are related to the lacustrine origin and the presence of thermal springs in the region. The areas with greater problem of salinization occur in the municipalities of Tibasosa, Patrocinio, Ucaca, Las Vueltas; in Santa Rosa de Viterbo in the village of Salitre; in Duitama in the villages Cebadero and Higueras with E.C. greater than 2 dS m-1

    Determinación de sales solubles predominantes en suelos del distrito de riego Alto Chicamocha de Boyacá

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    In Boyacá, the Alto Chicamocha irrigation and drainage district (DRACH, by its initials in Spanish) is the department’s main agricultural production unit, covering an area of 8016.78 ha and due to the natural conditions and the management that has been given to the high basin of the Chicamocha River, salinization has been recognized as a limiting factor. Therefore, we sought to determine the predominant soluble salts in the soils that comprise the DRACH. Based on the chemical soil analysis information of 301 samples, obtained from studies conducted by GISSAT-UPTC and Corpoica, E.C, pH, anions and cations present in the soil were determined. For the spatial analysis of the variables studied, the ArcGis 10.3 software was used. Thirty-one water samples were collected in wells of thephreatimetric network to carry out the chemical characterization of the water. It was found that 48.01%of the soils of the district were non-saline, 22.93% slightly saline, 14.74% moderately saline and saline 14.33%. The main soluble salts in the soil were Na2SO4, Ca2SO4, NaCl2 and CaCl2, which are related to the lacustrine origin and the presence of thermal springs in the region. The areas with greater problem of salinization occur in the municipalities of Tibasosa, Patrocinio, Ucaca, Las Vueltas; in Santa Rosa de Viterbo in the village of Salitre; in Duitama in the villages Cebadero and Higueras with E.C. greater than 2 dS m-1.El distrito de riego y drenaje del Alto Chicamocha (DRACH por sus siglas en español), es la principal unidad de producción agropecuaria del departamento de Boyacá, Colombia, abarca un área de 8016,78 hectáreas y debido a las condiciones naturales y al manejo que se le ha venido dando a la cuenca alta del Río Chicamocha, la salinización ha sido reconocida como limitante. Por lo anterior se buscó determinar las sales solubles predominantes en los suelos que comprenden el DRACH. Con base en la información de análisis químicos de suelos de 301 muestras, obtenidas de estudios realizados por el GISSAT-UPTC y Corpoica, se determinó C.E, pH, aniones y cationes presentes en el suelo. Para el análisis espacial de las variables estudiadas se usó el sofware ArcGis 10.3. Se colectaron 31 muestras de agua en pozos de la red freatimétrica para realizar la caracterización química del agua. Se encontró que el 48,01% de los suelos del distrito eran no salinos, el 22,93% ligeramente salino, el 14,74% moderadamente salino y salinos el 14,33%. Las principales sales solubles en el suelo fueron el Na2SO4, Ca2SO4, NaCl2 y CaCl2, las cuales están relacionadas con el origen lacustre y la presencia de termales en la región. Las zonas con mayor riesgo de salinización se presentan en los municipios de Tibasosa, veredas Patrocinio, Ucaca, las Vueltas; en Santa Rosa de Viterbo en la vereda Salitre; en Duitama en las veredas Cebadero e Higueras con C.E. mayores a 2,00 dS m-1

    Effect of magnesium silicate in cv. ‘ICA Cerinza’ common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under field conditions

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    The bean crop is very important in Colombia, being generator of income and employment; and furthermore very importance within the diet of the population due to its high protein content. Currently, the bean production is not sufficient to meet the demand in the country, because of phytosanitary problems, scarce replacement of varieties and inappropriate handling of mineral nutrition of cultivars. Nowadays, the use of products for soils rich in silicon represents an alternative for production increase, because they contribute markedly in nutritional dynamics. So, the purpose of this research was to assess the effect of magnesium silicate on the physiological behavior of ‘ICA Cerinza’ bean cultivar under agro ecological conditions in Tunja (Boyacá, Colombia). For that, a completely random design with 4 treatments each was used, corresponding to increasing doses of magnesium silicate (0, 300, 600 y 900 kg ha-1) with 4 replications. The total chlorophyll content, leaf area, leaf thickness, fresh and dry mass, yield components, silicon and phosphorus leaf content were evaluated. Statistical differences between treatments (P≤0. 05) were found in all variables tested. The application of 900 kg ha-1 of magnesium silicate showed the best results, confirming that silicon as a beneficial element that can submit a favorable response to physiological level in not bio-accumulators crops of this element. However, this response can be linked to agro ecological conditions, the type of product and also the dose used

    Transformacáo eletroquímica de um andisol em relacáo à dinâmica da fosforia

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    Most of the soils for agriculture differ in their chemical, physical and biological properties the participation of each one of these determines the natural fertility that has the soil for the establishment of crops. The importance of understanding the electrochemical properties of soils as fertility parameters is currently unknown, where the determination of variables such as cation exchange capacity (CEC) and Point Zero (PCC) will promote the proper management and calibration of fertility plans. One of the key parameters to identify soils variable load or permanent load is the determination of the PCC, identified as the pH value in which both positive and negative charges are equal; therefore if natural state soil has a pH above the PCC will have a predominance of negative or high CIC charges, contrary to that if this same submit a pH value below to PCC generating high anion exchange capacity (CIA) or strong presence of positive charges. This research sought to transform the positive charges of organo-mineral complex to negative by limin different techniques, applied to trays with known amounts of soil. According to the results obtained regarding phosphorus dynamics, it is concluded that the optimum pH value for its solubility is in a range of 6,3 to 6,6, and the PCC value for the soil evaluated shows a value of 4 indicating that variable loads prevail over permanent ones. Likewise, a CICE of 4,7 is defined and a soluble phosphorus that fluctuates significantly from the application of CaCO3 that differs from the available phosphorus because it reports its highest level with the application of 4,5 Mg ha-1 of CaCO3.La mayoría de suelos empleados para la agricultura difieren en sus propiedades físicas químicas y biológicas, la participación de cada una de éstas determina la fertilidad natural que posee el suelo para el establecimiento de cultivos. Actualmente, se desconoce la importancia de entender las propiedades electroquímicas de los suelos como parámetros de fertilidad, en donde la determinación de variables como Capacidad de Intercambio Catiónico (CIC) y puntos de Carga Cero (PCC), promoverían información valiosa para el adecuado manejo y calibración de planes de fertilidad. Uno de los parámetros fundamentales para identificar suelos de carga variable o permanente es la determinación del PCC, identificado como el valor de pH en el cual tanto cargas positivas como negativas se igualan; esta investigación evalúo el efecto diferentes dosis de cal viva sobre algunas propiedades fisicoquímicas del suelo motivo de estudio, dichas dosis fueron aplicadas a bandejas con cantidades conocidas de suelo.Según los resultados obtenidos respecto a la dinámica del fósforo se concluye que el valor de pH óptimo para la solubilidad del mismo se encuentra en un intervalo de 6,3 a 6,6, y el valor de PCC para el suelo evaluado muestra un valor de 4,67 indicando que las cargas variables predominan sobre las permanentes. Así mismo se define una CICE de 4,7 y un fosforo soluble que fluctúa de manera importante a partir de la aplicación de CaCO3 que se diferencia del fósforo disponible por que reporta su mayor nivel con la aplicación de 4,5 Mg ha-1 de CaCO3.A maioria dos solos utilizados para agricultura diferem em suas propriedades físico-químicas e biológicas, a participação de cada um deles determina a fertilidade natural que tem cada um deles possui para o estabelecimento de culturas. Atualmente, não se sabe a importância de que e o entendimento das propriedades eletroquímicas dos solos como parâmetros de fertilidade, onde a determinação de variáveis ​​como Capacidade de Troca Cação (CIC) e Pontos de Carga Zero (PCC), promoveria o gerenciamento e calibração adequados de planos de fertilidade Um dos parâmetros fundamentais para identificar solos de carga variável ou permanente é a determinação do PCC, identificado como o valor de pH no qual as cargas positivas e negativas são equalizadas; Esta pesquisa buscou transformar as cargas positivas do complexo órgão-mineral em cargas negativas por meio de diferentes técnicas de calagem, aplicadas em bandejas com quantidades conhecidas de solo De acordo com os resultados obtidos em relação à dinâmica do fósforo, conclui-se que o valor ótimo de pH para sua solubilidade está na faixa de 6,3 a 6,6, e o valor de PCC para o solo avaliado mostra um valor de 4,67 indicando que as cargas variáveis ​​prevalecem sobre as permanentes. Da mesma forma, é definido um CICE de 4,7 e um fósforo solúvel que flutua significativamente da aplicação de CaCO3, que difere do fósforo disponível porque relata seu nível mais alto com a aplicação de 4,5 Mg ha-1 de CaCO3. &nbsp