85 research outputs found

    The Influence of Metabolism on Drug Response in Cancer

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    Resistance to therapeutic agents, either intrinsic or acquired, is currently a major problem in the treatment of cancers and occurs in virtually every type of anti-cancer therapy. Therefore, understanding how resistance can be prevented, targeted and predicted becomes increasingly important to improve cancer therapy. In the last decade, it has become apparent that alterations in cellular metabolism are a hallmark of cancer cells and that a rewired metabolism is essential for rapid tumor growth and proliferation. Recently, metabolic alterations have been shown to play a role in the sensitivity of cancer cells to widely-used first-line chemotherapeutics. This suggests that metabolic pathways are important mediators of resistance toward anticancer agents. In this review, we highlight the metabolic alterations associated with resistance toward different anticancer agents and discuss how metabolism may be exploited to overcome drug resistance to classical chemotherapy

    Metabolic regulation by p53 family members

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    The function of p53 is best understood in response to genotoxic stress, but increasing evidence suggests that p53 also plays a key role in the regulation of metabolic homeostasis. p53 and its family members directly influence various metabolic pathways, enabling cells to respond to metabolic stress. These functions are likely to be important for restraining the development of cancer but could also have a profound effect on the development of metabolic diseases, including diabetes. A better understanding of the metabolic functions of p53 family members may aid in the identification of therapeutic targets and reveal novel uses for p53-modulating drugs

    Metabolic effect of TAp63? enhanced glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway, resulting in increased antioxidant defense

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    TAp63? is a member of the p53 family, which plays a central role in epithelial cancers. Recently, a role has emerged for p53 family members in cancer metabolic modulation.In order to assess whether TAp63? plays a role in cancer metabolism, we exploited p53-null osteosarcoma Tet-On Saos-2 cells, in which the expression of TAp63? was dependent on doxycycline supplementation to the medium. Metabolomics labeling experiments were performed by incubating the cells in 13C-glucose or 13C15N-glutamine-labeled culture media, as to monitor metabolic fluxes upon induced expression of TAp63?.Induced expression of TAp63? resulted in cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase. From a metabolic standpoint, expression of Tap63? promoted glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway, which was uncoupled from nucleotide biosynthesis, albeit prevented oxidative stress in the form of oxidized glutathione. Double 13C-glucose and 13C15N-glutamine metabolic labeling confirmed that induced expression of TAp63? corresponded to a decreased flux of pyruvate to the Krebs cycle and decreased utilization of glutamine for catabolic purposes in the TCA cycle. Results were not conclusive in relation to anabolic utilization of labeled glutamine, since it is unclear to what extent the observed minor TAp63?-dependent increases of glutamine-derived labeling in palmitate could be tied to increased rates of reductive carboxylation and de novo synthesis of fatty acids. Finally, bioinformatics elaborations highlighted a link between patient survival rates and the co-expression of p63 and rate limiting enzymes of the pentose phosphate pathway, G6PD and PGD

    Innate Immune Training of Human Macrophages by Cathelicidin Analogs

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    Trained innate immunity can be induced in human macrophages by microbial ligands, but it is unknown if exposure to endogenous alarmins such as cathelicidins can have similar effects. Previously, we demonstrated sustained protection against infection by the chicken cathelicidin-2 analog DCATH-2. Thus, we assessed the capacity of cathelicidins to induce trained immunity. PMA-differentiated THP-1 (dTHP1) cells were trained with cathelicidin analogs for 24 hours and restimulated after a 3-day rest period. DCATH-2 training of dTHP-1 cells amplified their proinflammatory cytokine response when restimulated with TLR2/4 agonists. Trained cells displayed a biased cellular metabolism towards mTOR-dependent aerobic glycolysis and long-chain fatty acid accumulation and augmented microbicidal activity. DCATH-2-induced trained immunity was inhibited by histone acetylase inhibitors, suggesting epigenetic regulation, and depended on caveolae/lipid raft-mediated uptake, MAPK p38 and purinergic signaling. To our knowledge, this is the first report of trained immunity by host defense peptides

    Innate Immune Training of Human Macrophages by Cathelicidin Analogs

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    Trained innate immunity can be induced in human macrophages by microbial ligands, but it is unknown if exposure to endogenous alarmins such as cathelicidins can have similar effects. Previously, we demonstrated sustained protection against infection by the chicken cathelicidin-2 analog DCATH-2. Thus, we assessed the capacity of cathelicidins to induce trained immunity. PMA-differentiated THP-1 (dTHP1) cells were trained with cathelicidin analogs for 24 hours and restimulated after a 3-day rest period. DCATH-2 training of dTHP-1 cells amplified their proinflammatory cytokine response when restimulated with TLR2/4 agonists. Trained cells displayed a biased cellular metabolism towards mTOR-dependent aerobic glycolysis and long-chain fatty acid accumulation and augmented microbicidal activity. DCATH-2-induced trained immunity was inhibited by histone acetylase inhibitors, suggesting epigenetic regulation, and depended on caveolae/lipid raft-mediated uptake, MAPK p38 and purinergic signaling. To our knowledge, this is the first report of trained immunity by host defense peptides

    Типові схеми використання офшорних та оншорних зон для зменшення податкового навантаження бізнесу в Україні

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    The proteasome is able to create spliced Ags, in which two distant parts of a protein are excised and ligated together to form a novel peptide, for presentation by MHC class I molecules. These noncontiguous epitopes are generated via a transpeptidation reaction catalyzed by the proteasomal active sites. Transpeptidation reactions in the proteasome follow explicit rules and occur particularly efficiently when the C-terminal ligation partner contains a lysine or arginine residue at the site of ligation. Lysine contains two amino groups that theoretically may both participate in ligation reactions, implying that potentially not only peptide but also isopeptide linkages could be formed. Using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, we demonstrate in the present study that the proteasome can use the ε-amino group of an N-terminal lysine residue in transpeptidation reactions to create a novel type of posttranslationally modified epitopes. We show that the overall efficiency of ε ligation is only 10-fold lower as compared with α ligation, suggesting that the proteasome can produce sufficient isopeptide Ag to evoke a T cell response. Additionally, we show that isopeptides are more stable toward further proteasomal processing than are normal peptides, and we demonstrate that isopeptides can bind to HLA-A2.1 and HLA-A3 with high affinity. These properties likely increase the fraction of ε-ligated peptides presented on the cell surface for CD8+ T cell surveillance. Finally, we show that isopeptide Ags are immunogenic in vivo. We postulate that ε ligation is a genuine posttranslational modification, suggesting that the proteasome can create a novel type of Ag that is likely to play a role in immunity

    TNFR2 Costimulation Differentially Impacts Regulatory and Conventional CD4+ T-Cell Metabolism

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    CD4+ conventional T cells (Tconvs) mediate adaptive immune responses, whereas regulatory T cells (Tregs) suppress those responses to safeguard the body from autoimmunity and inflammatory diseases. The opposing activities of Tconvs and Tregs depend on the stage of the immune response and their environment, with an orchestrating role for cytokine- and costimulatory receptors. Nutrient availability also impacts T-cell functionality via metabolic and biosynthetic processes that are largely unexplored. Many data argue that costimulation by Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 2 (TNFR2) favors support of Treg over Tconv responses and therefore TNFR2 is a key clinical target. Here, we review the pertinent literature on this topic and highlight the newly identified role of TNFR2 as a metabolic regulator for thymus-derived (t)Tregs. We present novel transcriptomic and metabolomic data that show the differential impact of TNFR2 on Tconv and tTreg gene expression and reveal distinct metabolic impact on both cell types

    Metabolic changes underlying drug resistance in the multiple myeloma tumor microenvironment

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is characterized by the clonal expansion of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow (BM). MM remains an incurable disease, with the majority of patients experiencing multiple relapses from different drugs. The MM tumor microenvironment (TME) and in particular bone-marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) play a crucial role in the development of drug resistance. Metabolic reprogramming is emerging as a hallmark of cancer that can potentially be exploited for cancer treatment. Recent studies show that metabolism is further adjusted in MM cells during the development of drug resistance. However, little is known about the role of BMSCs in inducing metabolic changes that are associated with drug resistance. In this Perspective, we summarize current knowledge concerning the metabolic reprogramming of MM, with a focus on those changes associated with drug resistance to the proteasome inhibitor Bortezomib (BTZ). In addition, we present proof-of-concept fluxomics (glucose isotope-tracing) and Seahorse data to show that co-culture of MM cells with BMSCs skews the metabolic phenotype of MM cells towards a drug-resistant phenotype, with increased oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), serine synthesis pathway (SSP), TCA cycle and glutathione (GSH) synthesis. Given the crucial role of BMSCs in conveying drug resistance, insights into the metabolic interaction between MM and BMSCs may ultimately aid in the identification of novel metabolic targets that can be exploited for therapy

    New insight into the catalytic mechanism of bacterial MraY from enzyme kinetics and docking studies

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    Phospho-MurNAc-pentapeptide translocase (MraY) catalyzes the synthesis of Lipid I, a bacterial peptidoglycan precursor. As such, MraY is essential for bacterial survival and therefore is an ideal target for developing novel antibiotics. However, the understanding of its catalytic mechanism, despite the recently determined crystal structure, remains limited. In the present study, the kinetic properties of Bacillus subtilis MraY (BsMraY) were investigated by fluorescence enhancement using dansylated UDP-Mur-NAc-pentapeptide and heptaprenyl phosphate (C35-P, shortchain homolog of undecaprenyl phosphate, the endogenous substrate ofMraY)as second substrate. Varying the concentrations of both of these substrates and fitting the kinetics data to two-substrate models showed that the concomitant binding of both UDPMurNAc-pentapeptide-DNS and C35-P to the enzyme is required before the release of the two products, Lipid I andUMP.We built a model of BsMraY and performed docking studies with the substrate C35-P to further deepen our understanding of how MraY accommodates this lipid substrate. Based on these modeling studies, a novel catalytic role was put forward for a fully conserved histidine residue inMraY(His-289 in BsMraY), which has been experimentally confirmed to be essential for MraY activity. Using the current model of BsMraY, we propose that a small conformational change is necessary to relocate the His-289 residue, such that the translocase reaction can proceed via a nucleophilic attack of the phosphate moiety of C35-P on bound UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide

    Do Credit Associations Compete with Each Other in Japanese Regional Lending Markets?

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    This paper examines whether credit associations in Japanese regional lending markets compete on price now that Japanese financial authorities have replaced the convoy system of financial regulation with the principle of competition. Specifically, the effects of the market share of credit associations in regional markets on their lending rates are empirically investigated. Accordingly, we determined that credit associations compete with each other in regional lending markets by using two different proxies for the market share held by credit associations in a region. The first proxy was the credit associations’ share of all deposits in a region and the second was the credit associations’ share of all branch offices in a region. In addition, credit associations that face more intense competition from regional banks in regional markets were found to face more intense competition from other credit associations