12 research outputs found

    Smart destinations and the evolution of ICTs: a new scenario for destination management?

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    [EN] The impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on tourism and their foreseeable future evolution seem to be shaping a new scenario for destination management. This new context has given rise to the need for new management models. One of these models is the emerging smart tourism destination (STD), although it requires greater conceptual precision in order to become a new paradigm for destination management. This paper proposes a systemic model for STDs which facilitates the interpretation of the role of ICTs in the management of tourism destinations. Accordingly, the Delphi technique has been applied so as to determine the opinion of experts regarding the feasibility of the STD approach, its advantages and limitations and also the size of the impact of ICTs on the management and marketing of tourism destinations. This prospective exercise highlights the intensification of the impact of ICTs over the coming years which will shape a new scenario for management characterised by technology and data management. However, the efficiency of the STD approach will not depend exclusively only on technology but also on an appropriate governance of the destination that systematically incorporates the three levels of the STD, namely the strategic¿relational, instrumental and applied levels.This research has been carried out within the framework of the project "New approaches for tourism destinations planning and management: conceptualization, case studies and problems. Definition of smart tourist destinations models" (CSO2014-59193-R) under the Spanish National R&D&I Plan financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Ivars-Baidal, JA.; Celdrán-Bernabeu, MA.; Mazón, JN.; Perles Ivars, A. (2019). Smart destinations and the evolution of ICTs: a new scenario for destination management?. Current Issues in Tourism (Online). 22(13):1581-1600. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2017.1388771S158116002213Benckendorff, P. J., Sheldon, P. J., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (Eds.). (2014). Tourism information technology. doi:10.1079/9781780641850.0000BERGER, S., LEHMANN, H., & LEHNER, F. (2003). LOCATION-BASED SERVICES IN THE TOURIST INDUSTRY. Information Technology & Tourism, 5(4), 243-256. doi:10.3727/109830503108751171Boes, K., Buhalis, D., & Inversini, A. (2014). Conceptualising Smart Tourism Destination Dimensions. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015, 391-403. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14343-9_29Buhalis, D., & Amaranggana, A. (2014). Smart Tourism Destinations Enhancing Tourism Experience Through Personalisation of Services. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015, 377-389. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14343-9_28Buhalis, D., & Foerste, M. (2015). SoCoMo marketing for travel and tourism: Empowering co-creation of value. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(3), 151-161. doi:10.1016/j.jdmm.2015.04.001Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2008). Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research. Tourism Management, 29(4), 609-623. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2008.01.005Buhalis, D., & Matloka, J. (2013). 24. Technology-enabled Tourism Destination Management and Marketing. Trends in European Tourism Planning and Organisation, 339-350. doi:10.21832/9781845414122-028Caragliu, A., & Del Bo, C. (2012). Smartness and European urban performance: assessing the local impacts of smart urban attributes. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 25(2), 97-113. doi:10.1080/13511610.2012.660323Cetin, G., Aydogan Cifci, M., Istanbullu Dincer, F., & Fuchs, M. (2016). Coping with reintermediation: the case of SMHEs. Information Technology & Tourism, 16(4), 375-392. doi:10.1007/s40558-016-0063-2Chung, N., & Koo, C. (2015). The use of social media in travel information search. Telematics and Informatics, 32(2), 215-229. doi:10.1016/j.tele.2014.08.005Cole, Z. D., Donohoe, H. M., & Stellefson, M. L. (2013). Internet-Based Delphi Research: Case Based Discussion. Environmental Management, 51(3), 511-523. doi:10.1007/s00267-012-0005-5Del Chiappa, G., & Baggio, R. (2015). Knowledge transfer in smart tourism destinations: Analyzing the effects of a network structure. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(3), 145-150. doi:10.1016/j.jdmm.2015.02.001Donohoe, H. M., & Needham, R. D. (2009). Moving best practice forward: Delphi characteristics, advantages, potential problems, and solutions. International Journal of Tourism Research, 11(5), 415-437. doi:10.1002/jtr.709Fuchs, M., Höpken, W., & Lexhagen, M. (2014). Big data analytics for knowledge generation in tourism destinations – A case from Sweden. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 3(4), 198-209. doi:10.1016/j.jdmm.2014.08.002Garrod, B., & Fyall, A. (2000). Managing heritage tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(3), 682-708. doi:10.1016/s0160-7383(99)00094-8Geels, F. W. (2002). Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: a multi-level perspective and a case-study. Research Policy, 31(8-9), 1257-1274. doi:10.1016/s0048-7333(02)00062-8Gretzel, U., Sigala, M., Xiang, Z., & Koo, C. (2015). Smart tourism: foundations and developments. Electronic Markets, 25(3), 179-188. doi:10.1007/s12525-015-0196-8Gretzel, U. (2011). Intelligent systems in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(3), 757-779. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2011.04.014Gretzel, U., Werthner, H., Koo, C., & Lamsfus, C. (2015). Conceptual foundations for understanding smart tourism ecosystems. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 558-563. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.03.043Gretzel, U., Yuan, Y.-L., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2000). Preparing for the New Economy: Advertising Strategies and Change in Destination Marketing Organizations. Journal of Travel Research, 39(2), 146-156. doi:10.1177/004728750003900204Hall, M. C. (2008). Tourism and Innovation. doi:10.4324/9780203938430Hjalager, A.-M. (2013). 100 Innovations That Transformed Tourism. Journal of Travel Research, 54(1), 3-21. doi:10.1177/0047287513516390Ivars Baidal, J. A., Solsona Monzonís, F. J., & Giner Sánchez, D. (2016). Gestión turística y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC): El nuevo enfoque de los destinos inteligentes. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 62(2), 327. doi:10.5565/rev/dag.285Jolly, D., & Dimanche, F. (2009). Investing in technology for tourism activities: Perspectives and challenges. Technovation, 29(9), 576-579. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2009.05.004Jovicic, D. Z. (2016). Key issues in the conceptualization of tourism destinations. Tourism Geographies, 18(4), 445-457. doi:10.1080/14616688.2016.1183144Kanama, D., Kondo, A., & Yokoo, Y. (2008). Development of technology foresight: integration of technology roadmapping and the Delphi method. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 4(2), 184. doi:10.1504/ijtip.2008.018316Kitchin, R. (2014). Making sense of smart cities: addressing present shortcomings. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 8(1), 131-136. doi:10.1093/cjres/rsu027Law, R., Buhalis, D., & Cobanoglu, C. (2014). Progress on information and communication technologies in hospitality and tourism. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(5), 727-750. doi:10.1108/ijchm-08-2013-0367Li, Y., Hu, C., Huang, C., & Duan, L. (2017). The concept of smart tourism in the context of tourism information services. Tourism Management, 58, 293-300. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2016.03.014March, H., & Ribera-Fumaz, R. (2016). Smart contradictions: The politics of making Barcelona a Self-sufficient city. European Urban and Regional Studies, 23(4), 816-830. doi:10.1177/0969776414554488Munar, A. M., & Jacobsen, J. K. S. (2014). Motivations for sharing tourism experiences through social media. Tourism Management, 43, 46-54. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2014.01.012Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D., & Ladkin, A. (2012). Conceptualising technology enhanced destination experiences. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 1(1-2), 36-46. doi:10.1016/j.jdmm.2012.08.001NIININEN, O. (2006). Consumer Centric Tourism Marketing. Tourism Management Dynamics, 175-186. doi:10.1016/b978-0-7506-6378-6.50029-9Okoli, C., & Pawlowski, S. D. (2004). The Delphi method as a research tool: an example, design considerations and applications. Information & Management, 42(1), 15-29. doi:10.1016/j.im.2003.11.002Saraniemi, S., & Kylänen, M. (2010). Problematizing the Concept of Tourism Destination: An Analysis of Different Theoretical Approaches. Journal of Travel Research, 50(2), 133-143. doi:10.1177/0047287510362775Wang, X., Li, X. (Robert), Zhen, F., & Zhang, J. (2016). How smart is your tourist attraction?: Measuring tourist preferences of smart tourism attractions via a FCEM-AHP and IPA approach. Tourism Management, 54, 309-320. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2015.12.00

    Transit Performance Measures in California

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    This research is the result of a California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) request to assess the most commonly available transit performance measures in California. Caltrans wanted to understand performance measures and data used by Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and transit agencies to help it develop statewide measures. This report serves as a summary reference guide to help Caltrans understand the numerous and diverse performance measures used by MPOs and transit agencies in California. First, investigators review the available literature to identify a complete transit performance framework for the purposes of organizing agency measures, metrics, and data sources. Next, they review the latest transit performance measures documented in planning reports for the four largest MPOs in California (San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento). Researchers pay special attention to the transit performance measures used by these MPOs, because these measures are available for the majority of California’s population. Finally, investigators summarize 231 performance measures used by a total 26 local transit agencies in the State of California, based on transit planning documents available on the internet

    Smart city and smart destination planning: Examining instruments and perceived impacts in Spain

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    The impact of technology on tourist cities and destinations has led to the emergence of renewed management approaches that seek to adapt the planning processes to new challenges and opportunities derived from the smart scenario. The smart city and smart tourist destination approaches are aimed at improving efficiency in management, the quality of life of the residents and the tourist experiences. However, little is known about how these ideas are being translated into real policies and whether they are having a real impact. The objective of this paper is to understand how the smart approach is being deployed in the planning processes of Spanish tourist cities and destinations, and its implications in terms of the governance, sustainability and data-driven public management. The planning instruments that guide the smart strategies of different Spanish cities are identified and analysed. This is complemented with a questionnaire administered among managers of the smart city and smart destination initiatives. The findings reveal the diversity of smart initiatives, their benefits and limitations. The results contribute to generating a necessary debate on the implications of the smart discourse for urban and tourism planning and enrich the international debate around this approach.Depto. de GeografíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEUnión Europea-H2020Generalitat Valencianapu

    Tesis doctoral: Nuevos escenarios para la planificación y gestión del turismo. El enfoque destinos turísticos inteligentes

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    Celdrán Bernabeu, Marco Antonio. Nuevos escenarios para la planificación y gestión del turismo. El enfoque destinos turísticos inteligentes. Universidad de Alicante (España), septiembre 2018. Directores: Dr. José Fernando Vera Rebollo & Dr. Josep Antoni Ivars Baidal

    Tesis doctoral: Nuevos escenarios para la planificación y gestión del turismo. El enfoque destinos turísticos inteligentes

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    Celdrán Bernabeu, Marco Antonio. Nuevos escenarios para la planificación y gestión del turismo. El enfoque destinos turísticos inteligentes. Universidad de Alicante (España), septiembre 2018. Directores: Dr. José Fernando Vera Rebollo & Dr. Josep Antoni Ivars Baidal

    Tesis doctoral: Nuevos escenarios para la planificación y gestión del turismo. El enfoque destinos turísticos inteligentes

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    Celdrán Bernabeu, Marco Antonio. Nuevos escenarios para la planificación y gestión del turismo. El enfoque destinos turísticos inteligentes. Universidad de Alicante (España), septiembre 2018. Directores: Dr. José Fernando Vera Rebollo & Dr. Josep Antoni Ivars Baidal

    Sostenibilidad y turismo, septiembre 2015

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Recurso de aprendizaje de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

    Coastal destinations in the age of health and wellness tourism: challenges and opportunities. The case of Torrevieja (Alicante, Spain)

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    Los destinos litorales se enfrentan desde hace décadas a la necesidad de renovar sus modelos turísticos tradicionales, marcados por una elevada estacionalidad y la depredación territorial, esta última causada por la construcción de alojamiento destinado a segundas residencias. El escenario turístico actual ofrece distintos retos y oportunidades, que pueden ayudar a complementar estos modelos turísticos. En este contexto, el aumento de la esperanza de vida y la generalización de estilos de vida saludables posibilita que nuevos modelos turísticos, como el turismo de salud y bienestar, puedan desarrollarse como potenciales palancas de cambio. El principal objetivo de esta investigación es comprender la potencialidad del turismo de salud y bienestar para cualificar y diversificar los destinos turísticos litorales, así como analizar la reciente evolución del turismo litoral y su actual problemática. Para ello, se utilizan métodos cualitativos sustentados en la revisión bibliográfica relacionada, análisis de contenidos de planes y matriz DAFO, así como el caso de estudio de un destino concreto.For decades, coastal destinations have been facing the need to renew their traditional tourism models, marked by high seasonality and spatial exploitation, the latter justified by the development of accommodation for second homes. The current tourism scenario offers different challenges and opportunities, which can help to modify these tourism models. In this context, the increase in life expectancy and the generalization of the development of healthy lifestyles makes it possible for new tourism models, such as health and wellness tourism, to develop as potential drivers of change. The main objective of this paper is to understand the potential of health and wellness tourism to qualify and diversify coastal tourist destinations, as well as to analyse the recent evolution of coastal tourism and its current problems. Qualitative methods based on the review of related literature, analysis of the content of the plans and the SWOT matrix, as well as the case study of a specific destination are used for this purpose

    Sostenibilidad y turismo, septiembre 2015

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Recurso de aprendizaje de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

    Sostenibilitat i turisme, setembre 2015

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Recurso de aprendizaje de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"