22 research outputs found

    Kinematic Performances Comparisons Between Galileo, GPS And Glonass Satellite Positioning Systems

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    The initial Galileo satellite positioning services, starting from the 15 December 2016, became available with a formal announcement of the European Commission. This was the first step toward the Galileo system Full Operational Capability (FOC) and allowed many researchers to test the new system. The aim of this paper is to show some results of kinematic tests involving a GNSS multi-constellation receiver able to acquire the Galileo Open Service (OS) signal. The acquired data were compared with the outputs obtained by a Mobile Mapping System (MMS) implementing integrated high-performance GPS/INS measurements. Using GrafNav software version 8.80 all the possible operative combinations were tested and analyzed. The results, referred to the performed experimental test, show that the new European system is characterized by a better planimetric performance with respect to the other systems whereas, from an altimetric point of view, the GPS and Glonass systems perform bette


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    Mediterranean regions have experienced significant soil degradation over the past decades. In this context, careful land observation using satellite data is crucial for understanding the long-term usage patterns of natural resources and facilitating their sustainable management to monitor and evaluate the potential degradation. Given the environmental and political interest on this problem, there is urgent need for a centralized repository and mechanism to share geospatial data, information and maps of land change. Geospatial data collecting is one of the most important task for many users because there are significant barriers in accessing and using data. This limit could be overcome by implementing a WebGIS through a combination of existing free and open source software for geographic information systems (FOSS4G). In this paper we preliminary discuss methods for collecting raster data in a geodatabase by processing open multi-temporal and multi-scale satellite data aimed at retrieving indicators for land degradation phenomenon (i.e. land cover/land use analysis, vegetation indices, trend analysis, etc.). Then we describe a methodology for designing a WebGIS framework in order to disseminate information through maps for territory monitoring. Basic WebGIS functions were extended with the help of POSTGIS database and OpenLayers libraries. Geoserver was customized to set up and enhance the website functions developing various advanced queries using PostgreSQL and innovative tools to carry out efficiently multi-layer overlay analysis. The end-product is a simple system that provides the opportunity not only to consult interactively but also download processed remote sensing data

    Analisi delle prestazioni di rilievi cinematici Galileo con ricevitori GNSS e MMS

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    La ricerca ha riguardato la definizione, ottimizzazione ed esecuzione di test cinematici con utilizzo di dati interferenziali multi-frequenza acquisiti con ricevitori multi-costellazione e con l’utilizzo di dati GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, in modalità interferenziale differenziale. I dati GNSS sono stati analizzati utilizzando tecniche di acquisizione ed elaborazione dei dati in post-processing mediante confronto con i dati 3D ottenuti da veicolo MMS (Mobile Mapping System) equipaggiato con strumentazione GPS/INS ad alte prestazioni

    Implementazione di un applicativo su piattaforma open source QGIS per l'analisi delle caratteristiche energetiche degli edifici del Friuli Venezia Giulia

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    Il progetto ha riguardato la creazione di un database geo-referenziato e di un applicativo su piattaforma GIS (Geographic Information System), utilizzando il software open-source Quantum GIS, finalizzati all’analisi ed alla visualizzazione di alcuni parametri strategici per il consumo e la produzione di energia sul territorio regionale. Lo studio, sviluppato durante un’esperienza di tirocinio svolta presso Insiel SpA con la collaborazione ed il supporto dell’Ufficio che si occupa del Servizio Energia, è nato dall’idea di implementare i valori contenuti nell’analisi del PER (Piano Energetico Regionale) con uno studio dei dati depositati all’interno del catasto APE (Attestati di Prestazione Energetica). Specificatamente sono stati individuati i parametri fondamentali che descrivono l’utilizzo dell’energia sul territorio regionale e che sono presenti nell’APE. Successivamente essi sono stati geo-referenziati e sono state individuate le correlazioni spaziali al fine di evidenziare lo stato di fatto dal punto di vista della prestazione energetica degli edifici, dotati di APE, nella Regione FVG

    Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Terrestrial, and Maritime Environments

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    On 15 December 2016, the European Commission (EC) declared the provision of the Galileo Initial Services (IS). This marked a historical milestone in the Galileo program, towards the reaching of its Full Operational Capability. This allows users to navigate with performance-accuracy levels either matching or exceeding those obtained with other GNSS. Under the delegation of the EC, the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) has assumed the role of the Galileo Service Provider. As part of this service provision, the primary mission of the Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) is to provide the EUSPA and the EC with independent means for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Galileo services, the quality of the signals in space, and the performance of other GNSS. This mission includes significant contributions from cooperating entities in the European Union (EU) Member States (MS), Norway and Switzerland. In particular, for a detailed assessment of the Galileo performance, these contributions include (but are not limited to) periodic dynamic campaigns in three different environments (aerial, terrestrial, and maritime). These campaigns were executed in the frame of the GRC-MS Project and use multi-constellation receivers to compare the navigation performance obtained with different GNSS. The objective of this paper is to present the numerical results obtained from these campaigns, together with several considerations about the experimental setup, the methodology for the estimation of the reference («actual») trajectory, and the reasons for possible performance degradations

    HARMO-DATA Project \u2013 cross border spatial data harmonization using INSPIRE model

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    HARMO-DATA is an ongoing project, funded by EU in the framework of the INTERREG V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 Programme. It involves different stakeholders, target groups and end-users in three regions: Friuli-Venezia-Giulia (Italy), Veneto (Italy) and Slovenia. The main purpose of this project is to develop common solutions for more efficient cross-border spatial data management \u2013 by harmonizing the existing spatial data, implementing a cross-border spatial data platform, and developing a common protocol for the harmonization of territorial data. It will provide an instrument to define the specific obligations and rights of the involved parts \u2013 in terms of data harmonization, exchange, use and maintenance. Five pilot case studies were identified by the project partners \u2013 in cooperation with public and private end-users, and additional stakeholders. The core use cases of the project relate to spatial data search, view and download, and the harmonization model for spatial datasets applies the INSPIRE data specifications. A joined common spatial data platform was established as an extension of the existing search-view-download platforms (metadata systems), upgraded and improved to better enable open data access by users from both Italy and Slovenia. The common spatial HARMO-DATA data platform, as well as, a joint protocol for cross-border spatial data harmonization, have been formalized in an official bilateral agreement

    HARMO-DATA Project – cross border spatial data harmonization using INSPIRE model

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    HARMO-DATA is an ongoing project, funded by EU in the framework of the INTERREG V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 Programme. It involves different stakeholders, target groups and end-users in three regions: Friuli-Venezia-Giulia (Italy), Veneto (Italy) and Slovenia. The main purpose of this project is to develop common solutions for more efficient cross-border spatial data management – by harmonizing the existing spatial data, implementing a cross-border spatial data platform, and developing a common protocol for the harmonization of territorial data. It will provide an instrument to define the specific obligations and rights of the involved parts – in terms of data harmonization, exchange, use and maintenance. Five pilot case studies were identified by the project partners – in cooperation with public and private end-users, and additional stakeholders. The core use cases of the project relate to spatial data search, view and download, and the harmonization model for spatial datasets applies the INSPIRE data specifications. A joined common spatial data platform was established as an extension of the existing search-view-download platforms (metadata systems), upgraded and improved to better enable open data access by users from both Italy and Slovenia. The common spatial HARMO-DATA data platform, as well as, a joint protocol for cross-border spatial data harmonization, have been formalized in an official bilateral agreement

    Il progetto Interreg Italia-Slovenia HARMO-DATA: un geoportale per la condivisione di dati territoriali transfrontalieri armonizzati

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    Il progetto Interreg HARMO-DATA, finanziato nell’ambito del Programma Interreg V-A Italia-Slovenia 2014-2020, è stato avviato ufficialmente a Settembre 2017 e si è concluso il 30 giugno 2019. Il Partenariato era composto da: Geodetski In titut Slovenije, Ljubljana, Slovenia (coordinamento), Geodetska Uprava Republike Slovenije, Igea S.r.l. Ljubljana, Slovenia, Insiel S.p.a. Trieste, GeoSNav Lab - Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura, Università degli Studi di Trieste - Terre S.r.l. Mestre. Hanno partecipato inoltre in qualità di partner associati: Regione Veneto, Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia e Ministero sloveno per l’ambiente ed il territorio. Obiettivo generale del Progetto è stato quello di rafforzare la capacità di cooperazione istituzionale transfrontaliera tra le autorità pubbliche e i responsabili della pianificazione territoriale, promuovendo la creazione di soluzioni condivise per il coordinamento e un’efficace gestione del territorio

    Dual Frequency GPS+GLONASS Measurements in the Static Relative Positioning

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    The operative advantages obtained using dual-frequency GPS + GLONASS receivers are well known. In this paper, the aspect of accuracy advantage in the baseline and network vertex computation are investigated. This was applied to two study cases: a small-scale urban network and a small-scale continental network. The processing of data was performed in different conditions using both GPS Ll/L2 measurements, GPS+GLONASS Ll/L2 and GPS Ll/L2 plus GLONASS Ll measurements. The obtained values of baseline components were compared and the statistic parameters analysed. The results showed a good improvement in the obtained accuracy in terms of error ellipses semi-axis dimensions and in the rms height values. In the case of GPS+GLONASS LlIL2 measurements, the semi-axis of the ellipses and the ellipsoidal height rms are almost half with respect to that obtained with GPS Ll/L2 measurements

    Metodologie GPS cinematiche ed alcune applicazioni all'ingegneria ed alla geofisica

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    Dottorato di ricerca in scienze geodetiche e topografiche. 8. ciclo. A.a. 1992-95. Tutore G. Manzoni. Coordinatore F. SacerdoteConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal