568 research outputs found

    Bronchial mucus transport

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    Gewenning aan nieuwe texturen bij kinderen tussen 8 en 9 maanden

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    De grootte van de stukjes in potjes babyvoeding laat geen verschil zien op de kauwvaardigheid bij geprakt voedsel gedurende de interventieperiode (leeftijd 8-9 maanden) maar beïnvloedde wel de kauwvaardigheid bij een stukje gekookte aardappel en - wortel, als dat voor de eerste keer werd aangeboden op een leeftijd van 9 maanden

    Angel Whispers : Reverie Transcription

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    Adverse events after cervical spinal manipulative therapy: consensus based classification and definitions

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    Cervical spinal manipulations (CSM) are frequently employed techniques to alleviate neck pain and headache. Minor and major complications following CSM have been described, though clear consensus on definition and the classification of the complications had not yet been achieved. As a result, incidence rates may be underestimated. The aim of this study was to develop a consensus-based classification of adverse events following cervical spinal manipulations which has good feasibility in clinical practice and research. Design: A three round Delphi-study. Medical specialists, manual therapists, and patients (n=30) participated in an online survey. In Round 1, participants were invited to select a classification system of adverse events. Potential complications were inventoried and detailed in accordance with the ICF and the ICD-10. In Round 2, panel members categorized the potential complications in their selected classification. During the third round, it was inquired of the participants whether they concurred with the answer of the majority of participants. Results: Thirty four complications were defined. Consensus was achieved for 29 complications for all durations [hours, days, weeks]. For the remaining five complications, consensus was reached for two of the three durations [hours, days, weeks]. Conclusions: A consensus-based classification system of adverse events after cervical spinal manipulation was developed which comprises patients’ and clinicians’ perspectives and has only a small number of categories. The classification system includes a precise description of potential adverse events and is based on international accepted classifications (ICD-10 and ICF). This classification system may be useful for utilization in both clinical practice and research

    Towards criteria and symptoms of constipation in people with severe or profound intellectual and multiple disabilities:A Delphi study

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    Background: Chronic constipation is common in people with intellectual disabilities, and seems to be highly prevalent in people with severe or profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (SPIMD). However, there is no current widely accepted definition for the constipation experienced by these individuals.Aim: This Delphi study aims to compile a list of operationalized criteria and symptoms of constipation in people with SPIMD based on practical experiences of and consensus between experts supporting them.Methods: A two-round Delphi study with an intermediate evaluation and analyses was conducted. Parents and relatives of persons with SPIMD and support professionals were included. The panel answered statements and open questions about symptoms and criteria of constipation. They were also requested to provide their opinion about classifying criteria and symptoms into domains. Answers to statements were analysed separately after both rounds with regard to consensus rate and displayed qualitatively; answers to open questions were analysed deductively.Results: In the first Delphi round (n = 47), consensus was achieved on criteria within the domains 'Defecation’ and 'Physical features', that were assigned to broader categories. Symptoms retrieved within the domain ‘Behavioural/Emotional’ were brought back to the panel as statements. After the second Delphi round (n = 38), consensus was reached on questions about domains, and for eight criteria (domain ‘Defecation’ n = 5; domain ‘Physical features n = 3). Within the domain ‘Behavioural/Emotional’, consensus was achieved for five symptoms. Criteria and symptoms with consensus >70% were considered ‘generic’ and <70% as ‘personal’. Symptoms mentioned in the text boxes were used to operationalize categories.Discussion and conclusion: It was possible to compile a list of generic criteria related to the domains ‘Defecation’ (n = 5) and ‘Physical features’ (n = 3) supplemented with generic symptoms related to the domain ‘Behavioural/Emotional’ (n = 5). We propose using both generic as well as personal criteria and symptoms resulting in a personal profile for an individual with SPIMD. Based on the current results, we recommend follow-up research to develop a screening tool to be used by relatives and professional caregivers, and a definition of constipation. This may support reciprocal collaboration and lead to timely identification of constipation in people with SPIMD
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