21 research outputs found

    Diffusion profile of macromolecules within and between human skin layers for (trans)dermal drug delivery

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    Delivering a drug into and through the skin is of interest as the skin can act as an alternative drug administration route for oral delivery. The development of new delivery methods, such as microneedles, makes it possible to not only deliver small molecules into the skin, which are able to pass the outer layer of the skin in therapeutic amounts, but also macromolecules. To provide insight into the administration of these molecules into the skin, the aim of this study was to assess the transport of macromolecules within and between its various layers. The diffusion coefficients in the epidermis and several locations in the papillary and reticular dermis were determined for fluorescein dextran of 40 and 500 kDa using a combination of fluorescent recovery after photobleaching experiments and finite element analysis. The diffusion coefficient was significantly higher for 40 kDa than 500 kDa dextran, with median values of 23 and 9 µm2/s in the dermis, respectively. The values only marginally varied within and between papillary and reticular dermis. For the 40 kDa dextran, the diffusion coefficient in the epidermis was twice as low as in the dermis layers. The adopted method may be used for other macromolecules, which are of interest for dermal and transdermal drug delivery. The knowledge about diffusion in the skin is useful to optimize (trans)dermal drug delivery systems to target specific layers or cells in the human skin

    A theoretical compartment model for antigen kinetics in the skin

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    The skin is a promising location for vaccination with its abundant population of antigen capturing and presenting cells. The development of new techniques, such as the use of microneedles, can facilitate the delivery of vaccines into the skin. In recent years, many different types of microneedle arrays have been designed. However, their geometry and arrangement within an array may be optimized to trigger sufficient antigen presenting cells. A computational model can support the rational design of microneedle arrays. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to describe the distribution and kinetics of a delivered antigen within the skin using a theoretical compartment model, which included binding of antigens to receptors and their uptake by cells, and to determine which parameters should be measured to validate the model for a specific application. Multiple simulations were performed using a high and low antigen delivery dose and a range of values for the rate constants. The results indicated that the cells were highly saturated when a high dose was applied, while for a low dose saturation was only reached in 5% of the simulations. This was caused by the difference in the ratio between the administered dose and the available binding sites and suggests the dose should be adapted to the number of cells and receptors for a specific compound. The sensitivity analysis of the model parameters confirmed that the initial dose and receptor concentrations were indeed the two parameters that had the largest influence on the variance in antigen concentrations within the cells and circulation at equilibrium. Hence, these parameters are important to be measured in vivo. The presented pharmacokinetics model can be used in future computational models to predict the influence of microneedle array geometry to optimize their design

    Risk factors for developing heel ulcers for bedridden patients: A finite element study

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    Background: The heel is one of the most common sites of pressure ulcers and the anatomical location with the highest prevalence of deep tissue injury. Several finite element modeling studies investigate heel ulcers for bedridden patients. In the current study we have added the implementation of the calf structure to the current heel models. We tested the effect of foot posture, mattress stiffness, and a lateral calcaneus displacement to the contact pressure and internal maximum shear strain occurring at the heel. Methods: A new 3D finite element model is created which includes the heel and calf structure. Sensitivity analyses are performed for the foot orientation relative to the mattress, the Young's modulus of the mattress, and a lateral displacement of the calcaneus relative to the other soft tissues in the heel. Findings: The models predict that a stiffer mattress results in higher contact pressures and internal maximum shear strains at the heel as well as the calf. An abducted foot posture reduces the internal strains in the heel and a lateral calcaneus displacement increases the internal maximum shear strains. A parameter study with different mattress-skin friction coefficients showed that a coefficient below 0.4 decreases the maximum internal shear strains in all of the used loading conditions. Interpretation: In clinical practice, it is advised to avoid internal shearing of the calcaneus of patients, and it could be taken into consideration by medical experts and nurses that a more abducted foot position may reduce the strains in the heel

    Pressure induced deep tissue injury explained

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    The paper describes the current views on the cause of a sub-class of pressure ulcers known as pressure induced deep tissue injury (DTI). A multi-scale approach was adopted using model systems ranging from single cells in culture, tissue engineered muscle to animal studies with small animals. This has led to a clear understanding on two damage mechanisms associated with the development of DTI. Direct deformation results from high, but physiologically relevant, strains and is a process that leads to the first signs of cell damage within minutes. Ischaemic damage is caused by occlusion of blood vessels, but takes several hours to develop. The paper ends with some clinical consequences

    The free diffusion of macromolecules in tissue-engineered skeletal muscle subjected to large compression strains

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    Pressure-related deep tissue injury (DTI) represents a severe pressure ulcer, which initiates in compressed muscle tissue overlying a bony prominence and progresses to more superficial tissues until penetrating the skin. Individual subjects with impaired motor and/or sensory capacities are at high risk of developing DTI. Impaired diffusion of critical metabolites in compressed muscle tissue may contribute to DTI, and impaired diffusion of tissue damage biomarkers may further impose a problem in developing early detection blood tests. We hypothesize that compression of muscle tissue between a bony prominence and a supporting surface locally influences the diffusion capacity of muscle. The objective of this study was therefore, to determine the effects of large compression strains on free diffusion in a tissue-engineered skeletal muscle model. Diffusion was measured with a range of fluorescently labeled dextran molecules (10, 20, 150 kDa) whose sizes were representative of both hormones and damage biomarkers. We used fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) to compare diffusion coefficients (D) of the different dextrans between the uncompressed and compressed (48–60% strain) states. In a separate experiment, we simulated the effects of local partial muscle ischemia in vivo, by reducing the temperature of compressed specimens from 37 to 34 °C. Compared to the D in the uncompressed model system, values in the compressed state were significantly reduced by 47±22% (p&lt;0.02). A 3 °C temperature decrease further reduced D in the compressed specimens by 10±6% (p&lt;0.05). In vivo, the effects of large strains and ischemia are likely to be summative, and hence, the present findings suggest an important role of impaired diffusion in the etiology of DTI, and should also be considered when developing biochemical screening methods for early detection of DTI.<br/

    Linear viscoelastic behavior of adipose tissue

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    Linear viscoelastic behavior of adipose tissue

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    Predicting local cell deformations in engineered tissue constructs: a multilevel finite element approach

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    A multilevel finite element approach is applied to predict local cell deformations in engineered tissue constructs. Cell deformations are predicted from detailed nonlinear FE analysis of the microstructure, consisting of an arrangement of cells embedded in matrix material. Effective macroscopic tissue behavior is derived by a computational homogenization procedure. To illustrate this approach, we simulated the compression of a skeletal muscle tissue construct and studied the influence of microstructural heterogeneity on local cell deformations. Results show that heterogeneity has a profound impact on local cell deformations, which highly exceed macroscopic deformations. Moreover, microstructural heterogeneity and the presence of neighboring cells leads to complex cell shapes and causes non-uniform deformations within a cell

    Computational modeling of cell orientation in 3D micro-constructs

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    In many tissue engineering applications it is essential to understand how cells orient under the influence of their mechanical environment. In vitro engineered models are used to investigate the orientation of F-actin stress fibers inside cells. One such in vitro model [1] consists of a mixture of cells, collagen and matrigel, that is constrained by an array of silicone posts (Figure 1). We have recently developed a computational model to describe the orientation of stress fibers in response to their mechanical environment [2]. In the present study, this computational model is extended to 3D and used to simulate cell behavior in the mentioned in vitro model. This improves our understanding of how stress fibers orient in response to the mechanical environment and aids in optimizing the use of the in vitro model