292 research outputs found

    Lacan and Organization

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    239 p.Libro ElectrónicoThe work of Jacques Lacan has become an influential source to most disciplines of the social sciences, and is now considered a standard reference in literary theory, cultural studies and political theory. While management and organization studies has traditionally been preoccupied with questions of making corporations more efficient and productive, it has also mobilized a strong and forceful critique of work, management and capitalism. It is primarily as a contribution to this tradition of critical scholarship that we can see the work of Lacan now emerging.La obra de Jacques Lacan se ha convertido en una fuente de influencia para la mayoría de las disciplinas de las ciencias sociales, y ahora se considera una referencia estándar en la teoría literaria, estudios culturales y la teoría política. Mientras que los estudios de gestión y organización ha sido tradicionalmente preocupado por las cuestiones de lo que las empresas más eficientes y productivos, sino que también ha movilizado una fuerte crítica y contundente del trabajo, la gestión y el capitalismo. Es sobre todo como una contribución a esta tradición de los estudios críticos que podemos ver la obra de Lacan surgiendo.Contributors ix Preface xiii Carl Cederström and Casper Hoedemaekers 1 Lacan and Organization: An Introduction 1 2 Lacan at Work 13 3 Symbolic Authority, Fantasmatic Enjoyment and the Spirits of Capitalism: Genealogies of Mutual Engagement 59 4 The Unbearable Weight of Happiness 101 5 For the Love of the Organization 133 6 You Are Where You Are Not: Lacan and Ideology in Contemporary Workplaces 169 7 Danger! Neurotics at Work 187 8 Lacan in Organization Studies 21

    Motor Imagery to Facilitate Sensorimotor Re-Learning (MOTIFS): Integrating Dynamic Motor Imagery in Current Treatment of Knee Injury

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    Traumatic knee injury is common in physical activity that includes jumping and cutting movements, and most commonly include anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or meniscus injuries. Surgical or non-surgical intervention strategies may be chosen, but treatment will include a physical-therapist led physical training program. The aim of this training is to strengthen and stabilize the knee. Despite receiving best-practice treatment, many are unable to return to their pre-injury activity level. Recent research has suggested that this may be explained, in part, by psychological factors such as fear of re-injury or lack of confidence. In addition to physical treatment, guidelines include recommendations to address psychological factors. The detail of how this can be done is lacking, and the extent to which psychological variables are adequately addressed is questionable. In response to this gap, we have developed the novel Motor Imagery to Facilitate Sensorimotor Re-Learning (MOTIFS) model, which integrates psychological training into physical rehabilitation protocols using a dynamic motor imagery intervention. MOTIFS increases realism and relevance while simultaneously physically and psychologically simulating activity-specific and individualized rehabilitation exercises. The aim of this thesis is therefore to develop and explore the efficacy of the MOTIFS model in physically and psychologically preparing knee-injured people for return to activity compared to care-as-usual rehabilitation. The primary hypothesis of this thesis is that the MOTIFS model will provide greater effects on patient-relevant outcomes and muscle function than current programs. In a first step, the effect of MOTIFS model on enjoyment and other self-reported outcomes was evaluated in a cross-over study (Paper I) in which uninjured people underwent training according to both MOTIFS and care-as-usual training protocols. Next, a protocol detailing an ongoing randomized controlled trial (Paper II) which will compare 12 weeks of MOTIFS and care-as-usual training in terms of psychological readiness to return to activity and functional performance. Finally, two interview studies were conducted in which physical therapists (Paper III) and Patients (Paper IV) in both MOTIFS and care-as-usual groups were interviewed about the experiences of rehabilitation training following traumatic knee injury.Results of this thesis show that the MOTIFS model has the potential to increase enjoyment of knee injury prevention and treatment exercises. Other self-reported outcomes were also improved, and the MOTIFS model does not seem to sacrifice movement quality, indicating that it is possible to modify exercises by integrating a dynamic motor imagery intervention. Results of the interview study with physical therapists indicates that those in the MOTIFS group perceive a greater focus on psychological factors while using the new training model, and believe that it is an effective method of increasing patient readiness to return to activity. Those in the care-as-usual group described their perception of rehabilitation training as having a mainly physical focus. They expressed a desire for more tools to address psychological factors, as they perceived patient reactions to be psychological in nature and felt they were ill equipped to handle these factors. Patients in the MOTIFS group perceived MOTIFS to be meaningful and a positive method of increasing their readiness to return to sport, owing to early exposure to activity, which helps them to feel that they have longer to prepare for their return. Those in the care-as-usual group perceive a lack of psychological focus, and their success was measured in terms of their physical progress through rehabilitation. Results indicate that the MOTIFS model may be a feasible and clinically implementable method of addressing psychological factors in rehabilitation training. As the randomized controlled trial is still ongoing, no conclusions can be drawn regarding the efficacy of the intervention on rehabilitation outcomes. However, given the results of Papers I, III and IV, it seems a promising start to bridge the gap between physical and psychological rehabilitation outcomes

    Desiring Agency

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    In this paper we explore the relation between agency and the (pathological) inclinations that lurk beneath the agent’s acts. We draw on the work of Jacques Lacan to argue that an adequate understanding of agency demands attentiveness to desires, the unconscious and the intimate relation between the subject and the Other. Based on some of the key features of the Lacanian subject we suggest agency to be (1) symbolic, (2) imaginary, or (3) ethical. This typology of agency, we argue, has far-reaching implications for social analysis in which we include the project of critical management studies

    Kamratmedling som tecken på empowerment i socialt arbete

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Kamratmedling kan används i grundskolor som en ny, alternativ konfliktlösningsmodell till kvarsittning. Denna pro gradu-avhandling har som syfte att granska på vilket sätt kamratmedling kan ses som en metod för alternativt socialt arbete, närmare bestämt empowerment-inriktat socialt arbete. Utgångspunkten är att se vad som händer då man ser på barn och ungdomar som aktiva aktörer istället för passiva objekt. Huvudfrågeställningarna i denna undersökning handlar om vad kamratmedling är, vad eleverna själva tycker om kamrtamedling, hur kamratmedling förhåller sig till skolkuratorns verksamhetsområde samt på vilket sätt kamratmedling kan ses som en metod för empowerment i socialt arbete. Sakinnehållet består av redogörelse för teorier, värderingar och den bakgrund som finns bakom kamratmedlingsverksamheten i Finland. Vidare redogörs för skolkuratorns verksamhetsområde. Den teoretiska referensramen för denna pro gradu-avhandling är empowerment och empowerment-inriktat socialt arbete. Temaintervjuer har använts som metod för att i en utvald skola undersöka vad tio elever som själva har deltagit i verksamheten antingen som part eller kamratmedlare tycker om kamratmedling. Tolkningarna görs med hjälp av en näranalys av svaren i den dialog som föds mellan intervjuaren och eleverna. De viktigaste resultaten för undersökningen är att kamratmedling väl passar in i skolkuratorns verksamhetsområde. Som en alternativ konfliktlösningsmetod får den sin koppling till socialt arbete genom de fostrande och de preventiva effekter den har. Kamratmedling kan ses som en metod för empowerment-inriktat socialt arbete enligt de värderingar som finns i teori om kamratmedling samt via de värderingar eleverna själva lyfter fram som viktiga. I undersökning lyfter eleverna fram begrepp som förtroende och samhörighet, vilket tyder på att metoden verkligen fungerar i förhållandet till den valda synpunkten. Huvudkällorna för detta arbete har varit teorin om kamratmedling enligt Eleonore Lind samt de handböcker som Finlands Röda Kors har producerat

    Silicon saw-tooth refractive lens for high-energy X-rays made using a diamond saw

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    A Si saw-tooth refractive lens, fabricated by a dicing process, is demonstrated to focus a 115 keV X-ray beam

    What has NMR taught us about stripes and inhomogeneity?

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    The purpose of this brief invited paper is to summarize what we have (not) learned from NMR on stripes and inhomogeneity in La{2-x}Sr{x}CuO{4}. We explain that the reality is far more complicated than generally accepted.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the LT-23 Conference (invited

    Om berggrunden på norra delen af Ornön

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