10 research outputs found

    MOESM4 of An integrated view of the role of miR-130b/301b miRNA cluster in prostate cancer

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    Additional file 4: Figure S4. Correlations between miR-130b and target mRNAs expression in TCGA-PRAD. Scatter plots for target mRNAs highlighted in bold in Table 2, with negative (A) and positive (B) correlations. The non-parametric Spearman correlation coefficient (r) is indicated

    MOESM5 of An integrated view of the role of miR-130b/301b miRNA cluster in prostate cancer

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    Additional file 5: Figure S5. Correlation between miR-301b and target mRNAs expression in TCGA-PRAD. Scatter plots for target mRNAs highlighted in bold in Table 2, with negative (A) and positive (B) correlations. The non-parametric Spearman correlation coefficient (r) is indicated

    MOESM1 of An integrated view of the role of miR-130b/301b miRNA cluster in prostate cancer

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    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Detailed genomic view of the miR-130b/301b gene cluster region in UCSC Genome browser (GRCh37/hg19). Several ENCODE tracks are displayed

    MOESM6 of An integrated view of the role of miR-130b/301b miRNA cluster in prostate cancer

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    Additional file 6: Table S1. Correlation between the expression of validated miRNA-mRNA target gene pairs in TCGA-PRAD. For each gene target the role in PrCa, reference indicated as PMID, correlation r and p value are shown. No qualifier- miR-130b directed targets with strong experimental evidence assigned by TarBase. a- miR-301b direct targets with strong experimental evidence assigned by TarBase. †-Direct Targets with experimental validation in PrCa which are not identified by TarBase. *-Direct Targets predicted in PrCa which are not identified by TarBase

    MOESM3 of An integrated view of the role of miR-130b/301b miRNA cluster in prostate cancer

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    Additional file 3: Figure S3. Pattern of DNA methylation of the miR-130b/miR-301b locus in prostate cell lines. Methylation levels (beta-value) of the 12 CpG dinucleotide probes located along the gene obtained using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadCHiP array of PrCa cell lines GSE34340, GSE62053, GSE54758 [31, 32]. The beta-value of methylation of each site is indicated. The ratio of fluorescence intensity between the unmethylated and methylated sites ranges between 0 and 1 respectively. Horizontal boxes indicate the position of the CpG island, S-shore, precursor miRNAs and POLR2A (RNA Polymerase II)

    MOESM2 of An integrated view of the role of miR-130b/301b miRNA cluster in prostate cancer

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    Additional file 2: Figure S2. Pattern of DNA methylation of the miR-130b/miR-301b locus in prostate datasets. Methylation levels (beta-value) of the 12 CpG dinucleotide probes located along the gene obtained using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadCHiP array. The beta-value of methylation of each site and the standard deviation of the measurements are indicated. The ratio of fluorescence intensity between the unmethylated and methylated sites ranges between 0 and 1 respectively. Grey and black circles correspond to normal and tumor tissue respectively. Horizontal boxes indicate the position of the CpG island, S-shore, precursor miRNAs and POLR2A (RNA Polymerase II). A. 52 normal and 52 matched tumor samples from GSE76938 [30]. B. 5 normal and 25 unmatched tumor samples from GSE38240 [28]. C. 4 normal and 8 matched metastatic tumor samples from GSE52955 [29]. *p <0.05; **p <0.01; ***p <0.001; ****p <0.0001; ns non-significant

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Nc886 is epigenetically repressed in prostate cancer and acts as a tumor suppressor through the inhibition of cell growth

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    Hierarchical cluster based on nc886 methylation status of paired normal and tumor tissue of PrCa patients from TCGA-PRAD and Stanford datasets. Clusterization was performed by MEV [42] using Euclidean algorithm with default parameters. The beta-values of methylation of the 6 CpG sites comprise the TSS200 in the normal and tumor tissue considered as a unit. Each row corresponds to one patient whose identity is indicated at the right of the heatmap using the ID provided by the original study. Upper rulers indicate the amplitude of gene expression represented by the colors of the heatmap. (PDF 147 kb