2,528 research outputs found
Identification of methylated proteins in the yeast small ribosomal subunit: A role for SPOUT methyltransferases in protein arginine methylation
We have characterized the posttranslational methylation of Rps2, Rps3, and Rps27a, three small ribosomal subunit proteins in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using mass spectrometry and amino acid analysis. We found that Rps2 is substoichiometrically modified at arginine-10 by the Rmt1 methyltransferase. We demonstrated that Rps3 is stoichiometrically modified by ω- monomethylation at arginine-146 by mass spectrometric and site-directed mutagenic analyses. Substitution of alanine for arginine at position 146 is associated with slow cell growth, suggesting that the amino acid identity at this site may influence ribosomal function and/or biogenesis. Analysis of the three-dimensional structure of Rps3 in S. cerevisiae shows that arginine-146 makes contacts with the small subunit rRNA. Screening of deletion mutants encoding potential yeast methyltransferases revealed that the loss of the YOR021C gene results in the absence of methylation of Rps3. We demonstrated that recombinant Yor021c catalyzes ω-monomethylarginine formation when incubated with S-adenosylmethionine and hypomethylated ribosomes prepared from a YOR021C deletion strain. Interestingly, Yor021c belongs to the family of SPOUT methyltransferases that, to date, have only been shown to modify RNA substrates. Our findings suggest a wider role for SPOUT methyltransferases in nature. Finally, we have demonstrated the presence of a stoichiometrically methylated cysteine residue at position 39 of Rps27a in a zinc-cysteine cluster. The discovery of these three novel sites of protein modification within the small ribosomal subunit will now allow for an analysis of their functional roles in translation and possibly other cellular processes. © 2012 American Chemical Society
Expression of a suicidal gene under control of the human secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) promoter in tumor or stromal cells led to the inhibition of tumor cell growth
The successful use of transcriptional targeting for cancer therapy depends on the activity of a given promoter inside the malignant cell. Because solid human tumors evolve as a "cross-talk" between the different cell types within the tumor, we hypothesized that targeting the entire tumor mass might have better therapeutic effect. Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a matricellular protein overexpressed in different human cancers malignant melanomas both in the malignant cells compartment as in the stromal one (fibroblasts and endothelial cells). We have shown that expression of the herpes simplex virus - thymidine kinase (TK) gene driven by the SPARC promoter in combination with ganciclovir inhibited human melanoma cell growth in monolayer as well as in multicellular spheroids. This inhibitory effect was observed both in homotypic spheroids composed of melanoma cells alone as well as in spheroids made of melanoma cells and stromal cells. Expression of the TK gene was also efficient to inhibit the in vivo tumor growth of established melanomas when TK was expressed either by the malignant cells. Our data suggest that the use of therapeutic genes driven by SPARC promoter could be a valuable strategy for cancer therapy aiming to target all the cellular components of the tumor mass.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria
Expression of a suicidal gene under control of the human secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) promoter in tumor or stromal cells led to the inhibition of tumor cell growth
The successful use of transcriptional targeting for cancer therapy depends on the activity of a given promoter inside the malignant cell. Because solid human tumors evolve as a "cross-talk" between the different cell types within the tumor, we hypothesized that targeting the entire tumor mass might have better therapeutic effect. Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a matricellular protein overexpressed in different human cancers malignant melanomas both in the malignant cells compartment as in the stromal one (fibroblasts and endothelial cells). We have shown that expression of the herpes simplex virus - thymidine kinase (TK) gene driven by the SPARC promoter in combination with ganciclovir inhibited human melanoma cell growth in monolayer as well as in multicellular spheroids. This inhibitory effect was observed both in homotypic spheroids composed of melanoma cells alone as well as in spheroids made of melanoma cells and stromal cells. Expression of the TK gene was also efficient to inhibit the in vivo tumor growth of established melanomas when TK was expressed either by the malignant cells. Our data suggest that the use of therapeutic genes driven by SPARC promoter could be a valuable strategy for cancer therapy aiming to target all the cellular components of the tumor mass.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria
Aislamiento y caracterización de bacterias endosimbióticas procedentes de suelos contaminados por cobre en Chile
El uso intensivo de compuestos de cobre como herbicidas y fungicidas provoca la contaminación de suelos de uso agrícola debido a la acumulación de este metal en las capas más superficiales del suelo. Se sabe que la presencia de cobre y otros metales pesados afecta negativamente a las interacciones simbióticas que se establecen entre bacterias diazotróficas de los géneros Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium y Bradyrhizobium y leguminosas de interés agrícola (Laguerre et al., 2006). El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la diversidad de cepas endosimbióticas de leguminosas en suelos agrícolas chilenos que presentan un elevado contenido en cobre como resultado de la contaminación con residuos de extracciones mineras. Además, se pretende caracterizar el nivel de resistencia a cobre en las cepas aisladas con objeto de identificar aquellas altamente eficientes que puedan ser utilizadas como inoculantes microbianos. Para ello, se han prospectado 9 suelos agrícolas de las regiones III, V y VI de Chile con contenidos muy variables de metales. Utilizando estos suelos como inóculos de plantas trampa de leguminosas se ha obtenido una colección de 362 cepas aisladas de nódulos de guisante (Pisum sativum), judía (Phaseolus vulgaris) y alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Los análisis filogenéticos y los ensayos de resistencia a cobre realizados han permitido caracterizar y seleccionar aquellas cepas con mayores niveles de resistencia a este metal. Los resultados demuestran que los suelos altamente contaminados por cobre poseen una menor diversidad de bacterias endosimbióticas; las cepas más resistentes han sido aisladas de los suelos con niveles de contaminación intermedia. Los análisis fenotípicos y moleculares realizados sobre las cepas más resistentes han demostrado la existencia de sistemas de resistencia a cobre inducibles por este metal y potencialmente implicados en su homeostasis
Tumor Associated Stromal Cells Play a Critical Role on the Outcome of the Oncolytic Efficacy of Conditionally Replicative Adenoviruses
The clinical efficacy of conditionally replicative oncolytic adenoviruses (CRAd) is still limited by the inefficient infection of the tumor mass. Since tumor growth is essentially the result of a continuous cross-talk between malignant and tumor-associated stromal cells, targeting both cell compartments may profoundly influence viral efficacy. Therefore, we developed SPARC promoter-based CRAds since the SPARC gene is expressed both in malignant cells and in tumor-associated stromal cells. These CRAds, expressing or not the Herpes Simplex thymidine kinase gene (Ad-F512 and Ad(I)-F512-TK, respectively) exerted a lytic effect on a panel of human melanoma cells expressing SPARC; but they were completely attenuated in normal cells of different origins, including fresh melanocytes, regardless of whether cells expressed or not SPARC. Interestingly, both CRAds displayed cytotoxic activity on SPARC positive-transformed human microendothelial HMEC-1 cells and WI-38 fetal fibroblasts. Both CRAds were therapeutically effective on SPARC positive-human melanoma tumors growing in nude mice but exhibited restricted efficacy in the presence of co-administered HMEC-1 or WI-38 cells. Conversely, co-administration of HMEC-1 cells enhanced the oncolytic efficacy of Ad(I)-F512-TK on SPARC-negative MIA PaCa-2 pancreatic cancer cells in vivo. Moreover, conditioned media produced by stromal cells pre-infected with the CRAds enhanced the in vitro viral oncolytic activity on pancreatic cancer cells, but not on melanoma cells. The whole data indicate that stromal cells might play an important role on the outcome of the oncolytic efficacy of conditionally replicative adenoviruses.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria
Implementation of ultrasonic sensing for high resolution measurement of binary gas mixture fractions
We describe an ultrasonic instrument for continuous real-time analysis of the fractional mixture of a binary gas system. The instrument is particularly well suited to measurement of leaks of a high molecular weight gas into a system that is nominally composed of a single gas. Sensitivity < 5 × 10−5 is demonstrated to leaks of octaflouropropane (C3F8) coolant into nitrogen during a long duration (18 month) continuous study. The sensitivity of the described measurement system is shown to depend on the difference in molecular masses of the two gases in the mixture. The impact of temperature and pressure variances on the accuracy of the measurement is analysed. Practical considerations for the implementation and deployment of long term, in situ ultrasonic leak detection systems are also described. Although development of the described systems was motivated by the requirements of an evaporative fluorocarbon cooling system, the instrument is applicable to the detection of leaks of many other gases and to processes requiring continuous knowledge of particular binary gas mixture fractions
Expression of a suicidal gene under control of the human secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) promoter in tumor or stromal cells led to the inhibition of tumor cell growth
The successful use of transcriptional targeting for cancer therapy depends on the activity of a given promoter inside the malignant cell. Because solid human tumors evolve as a "cross-talk" between the different cell types within the tumor, we hypothesized that targeting the entire tumor mass might have better therapeutic effect. Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a matricellular protein overexpressed in different human cancers malignant melanomas both in the malignant cells compartment as in the stromal one (fibroblasts and endothelial cells). We have shown that expression of the herpes simplex virus - thymidine kinase (TK) gene driven by the SPARC promoter in combination with ganciclovir inhibited human melanoma cell growth in monolayer as well as in multicellular spheroids. This inhibitory effect was observed both in homotypic spheroids composed of melanoma cells alone as well as in spheroids made of melanoma cells and stromal cells. Expression of the TK gene was also efficient to inhibit the in vivo tumor growth of established melanomas when TK was expressed either by the malignant cells. Our data suggest that the use of therapeutic genes driven by SPARC promoter could be a valuable strategy for cancer therapy aiming to target all the cellular components of the tumor mass.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria
Tumor Associated Stromal Cells Play a Critical Role on the Outcome of the Oncolytic Efficacy of Conditionally Replicative Adenoviruses
The clinical efficacy of conditionally replicative oncolytic adenoviruses (CRAd) is still limited by the inefficient infection of the tumor mass. Since tumor growth is essentially the result of a continuous cross-talk between malignant and tumor-associated stromal cells, targeting both cell compartments may profoundly influence viral efficacy. Therefore, we developed SPARC promoter-based CRAds since the SPARC gene is expressed both in malignant cells and in tumor-associated stromal cells. These CRAds, expressing or not the Herpes Simplex thymidine kinase gene (Ad-F512 and Ad(I)-F512-TK, respectively) exerted a lytic effect on a panel of human melanoma cells expressing SPARC; but they were completely attenuated in normal cells of different origins, including fresh melanocytes, regardless of whether cells expressed or not SPARC. Interestingly, both CRAds displayed cytotoxic activity on SPARC positive-transformed human microendothelial HMEC-1 cells and WI-38 fetal fibroblasts. Both CRAds were therapeutically effective on SPARC positive-human melanoma tumors growing in nude mice but exhibited restricted efficacy in the presence of co-administered HMEC-1 or WI-38 cells. Conversely, co-administration of HMEC-1 cells enhanced the oncolytic efficacy of Ad(I)-F512-TK on SPARC-negative MIA PaCa-2 pancreatic cancer cells in vivo. Moreover, conditioned media produced by stromal cells pre-infected with the CRAds enhanced the in vitro viral oncolytic activity on pancreatic cancer cells, but not on melanoma cells. The whole data indicate that stromal cells might play an important role on the outcome of the oncolytic efficacy of conditionally replicative adenoviruses.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria
From the \u2790s \u27Til Now UNLV Choral Ensembles Talent Show
Program listing performers and works performe
Agranulocitosis en paciente en tratamiento con oxcarbazepina que tras su retirada se evidenció recuperación de neutrófilos
La oxcarbacepina es un derivado estructural de la carbacepina que rápidamente pasa a su metabolito activo MHD (monohidroxiderivado). Su estructura particular ayuda a reducir el impacto sobre el metabolismo del hígado asociado con la carbamacepina y, por lo tanto, también a la aparición de menor número de efectos secundarios, como la agranulocitosis.
Mujer de setenta y nueve años con antecedentes de espondiloartrosis y neuralgia del trigémino, en tratamiento habitual con oxcarbacepina. Acude a urgencias remitida por su médico de atención primaria tras cuadro confusional de unos días de evolución, y fiebre de 38° C junto con cuadro diarreico de veinticuatro horas de evolución. En analítica general se evidencian leucocitos 0,5 x 109/l con un 87 % de linfocitos, resto de parámetros normales. Se revisan ana-líticas anteriores de los últimos cinco años, objetivándose parámetros dentro de la normalidad..
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