53 research outputs found

    Structural transitions of ion strings in quantum potentials

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    We analyse the stability and dynamics of an ion chain confined inside a high-finesse optical resonator. When the dipolar transition of the ions strongly couples to one cavity mode, the mechanical effects of light modify the chain properties close to a structural transition. We focus on the linear chain close to the zigzag instability and show that linear and zigzag arrays are bistable for certain strengths of the laser pumping the cavity. For these regimes the chain is cooled into one of the configurations by cavity-enhanced photon scattering. The excitations of these structures mix photonic and vibrational fluctuations, which can be entangled at steady state. These features are signalled by Fano-like resonances in the spectrum of light at the cavity output.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figs - version to appear in PR

    Generation of two-mode entangled states by quantum reservoir engineering

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    A method for generating entangled cat states of two modes of a microwave cavity field is proposed. Entanglement results from the interaction of the field with a beam of atoms crossing the microwave resonator, giving rise to non-unitary dynamics of which the target entangled state is a fixed point. We analyse the robustness of the generated two-mode photonic "cat state" against dephasing and losses by means of numerical simulation. This proposal is an instance of quantum reservoir engineering of photonic systems.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Optomechanical many-body cooling using frustration

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    We show that the vibrations of an ion Coulomb crystal can be cooled to the zero-point motion through the optomechanical coupling with a high-finesse cavity. Cooling results from the interplay between coherent scattering of cavity photons by the ions, which dynamically modifies the vibrational spectrum, and cavity losses, that dissipate motional energy. The cooling mechanism we propose requires that the length scales of the crystal and the cavity are mismatched so that the system is intrinsically frustrated, leading to the formation of defects (kinks). When the pump is strong enough, the anti-Stokes sidebands of all vibrational modes can be simultaneously driven. These dynamics can be used to prepare ultracold chains of dozens of ions within tens of milliseconds in state-of-the-art experimental setups. In addition, we identify parameter regimes of the optomechanical interactions where individual localized modes can be selectively manipulated, and monitored through the light at the cavity output. These dynamics exemplify robust quantum reservoir engineering of strongly-correlated mesoscopic systems and could find applications in optical cooling of solids.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Observing different phases for the dynamics of entanglement in an ion trap

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    The evolution of the entanglement between two oscillators coupled to a common thermal environment is non-trivial. The long time limit has three qualitatively different behaviors (phases) depending on parameters such as the temperature of the bath ({\em Phys. Rev. Lett.} \textbf{100}, 220401). The phases include cases with non-vanishing long-term entanglement, others with a final disentangled state, and situations displaying an infinite sequence of events of disappearance and revival of entanglement. We describe an experiment to realize these different scenarios in an ion trap. The motional degrees of freedom of two ions are used to simulate the system while the coupling to an extra (central) ion, which is continuously laser cooled, is the gateway to a decohering reservoir. The scheme proposed allows for the observation and control of motional entanglement dynamics, and is an example of a class of simulations of quantum open systems in the non-Markovian regime.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Dissipative quantum control of a spin chain

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    A protocol is discussed for preparing a spin chain in a generic many-body state in the asymptotic limit of tailored non-unitary dynamics. The dynamics require the spectral resolution of the target state, optimized coherent pulses, engineered dissipation, and feedback. As an example, we discuss the preparation of an entangled antiferromagnetic state, and argue that the procedure can be applied to chains of trapped ions or Rydberg atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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