620 research outputs found

    Ex-ante life cycle assessment of FineFuture flotation technology: case study of Grecian Magnesite

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    Purpose This study aims at evaluating the environmental performance of a novel froth flotation technology in mining industry from a life cycle perspective. The technology is being developed under EU Horizon 2020 project titled "FineFuture" (FF) with the aim of saving valuable materials in fine particles that are currently wasted due to lack of technology.Methods FF relies on chemically enhancing the physical characteristics of particles allowing it to float and concentrate. Prospective life cycle assessment (pLCA) was conducted for two possible industrial applications of FF flotation technology in the case study of Grecian Magnesite (GM) which is a main magnesium oxide producer in Europe. Each application can be perceived as a standalone comparative LCA study comparing current system with future system incorporating FF technology on industrial scale.Results and discussion The future scenarios did not decisively support FF technology in neither of the two applications from an environmental point of view. When applied to fines of < 4 mm granular size with the aim of material recovery, the future scenario performed better than the current situation only in 5 out of 16 impact categories. The main issue is the added burden of calcination phase. When the technology was tested to upgrade the existing magnesite concentrate before calcination, it introduced some gains in most of the impact categories, but the difference compared to the current situation is not very considerable. Testing improved scenarios showed a great benefit to the overall performance of the scenarios by introducing cleaner fuels and burners in calcination phase.Conclusion and recommendations Overall, the results tend to favour applying FF technology to upgrade low quality concentrates rather than beneficiating < 4 mm fines. However, and in any case, if FF technology is to be applied, combining it with cleaner fuels and burners in calcination should be prioritized. Furthermore, it was found that improving the purity (i.e. quality) in the flotation tank output is a key factor from an environmental view. The results also showed little impact of the added electric energy demand from the new units. As any pLCA, the study has limitations mainly originating from the low technology readiness level (TRL) when data collection activities were carried out. Further studies should start from pilot-scale data and adopting more accurate upscaling approaches to calculate the impacts of a full industrial deployment of the technology

    Effect of coil charge duration on combustion variability and flame morphology in a GDI engine working in lean burn conditions

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    Spark ignition (SI) and subsequent flame front development exert a significant influence on cyclic variability of internal combustion engines (ICEs). The increasing exploitation of lean air-fuel mixtures in SI engines to lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions is driving the scientific community towards the search for innovative combustion strategies. Moreover, although lean combustion has been widely investigated and an important number of studies is already present in literature, the high cyclic variability typical of this combustion process still represents a major hinder to its exploitation. This study aims to investigate the effects of increasing ignition energy on combustion characteristics of lean mixtures. Tests were performed on an optically accessible gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine that allowed to investigate the correlation between the thermodynamic results and spark arc-flame morphology. Engine speed was fixed at 2000 rpm, a relative air fuel ratio (AFRrel) of about 1.3 was selected and ignition timing was set at 12 crank angle degrees (CAD) bTDC. Coil charge duration was swept from 10 to 40 CAD. Two intake pressure levels were investigated, the first corresponding to wide open throttle under naturally aspirated operating mode, the second with an intake pressure of 1.2 bar, thus corresponding to a boosted operating condition. Two dedicated scripts built using NI Vision were employed for image processing, allowing the evaluation of temporal and spatial evolution of the early stages of combustion. Arc elongation and flame front contour were used as correlation parameters that characterize flame kernel inception and development. The results confirm that, as expected, the increase of the coil charge duration tends to reduce cyclic variability in terms of engine output. The optical investigations revealed that for both examined cases the standard deviation related to the wrinkling effect on flame edge at CA5 decreased as the coil charge duration increased

    GSAC - WG4 EPOS Meeting

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    Description of GSAC installation at INGV and acquisition and distribution system of RIN

    Empathy through the Pandemic: Changes of Different Emphatic Dimensions during the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    Growing evidence suggests that empathy is a relevant psychological trait to face the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, but at the present very little is known on whether this multi-dimensional construct has been affected by the pandemic outbreak differently in its separate components. Here, we aimed at filling this gap by capitalizing on the opportunity of having collected data from different self-report measures and cognitive tasks assessing the main dimensions of empathy immediately before the beginning of the global pandemic and about one year later. The results showed a detrimental impact of the pandemic outbreak on empathic social skills but not on both cognitive (perspective-taking) and emotional empathy that instead significantly improved. Thus, reduced empathic social skills could be a weakness to be targeted in psychological interventions to help people cope with the mental health challenges related to COVID-19 pandemic, whereas the ability of understanding another’s mental states and emotions could represent a strength in dealing with the current long-lasting crisis

    Il Sistema Informativo Territoriale della Rete Integrata Nazionale GPS (RING)

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    Since 2004, an important technological infrastructure has been created in Italy by INGV in order to investigate active tectonics targets. A Continuous GPS network constituted by about 130 stations has been deployed all over Italy. The development and the realization of a stable GPS monumentation, the integration with other classical seismological instruments and the choice of both satellite and internet data transmission make this network one of the most innovative and reliable CGPS networks in the world. The development of the CGPS network has been accompanied by a technologically advanced development of all the aspects related to the data acquisition and the data information mining: a database and a SIT. Based on the recent techniques of Knowledge Management, the database has been developed to manage the data and the data information of all the sites of the RING network, thus allowing us to centralize information in a single common data bank and to create an unique service of access point to the data from different remote sites by internet connections. The SIT has been developed to be fully integrated with the Knowledge Management technology and it is aimed to synthesize and to display in a geographic interface the information of the RING sites. This work has been integrated with all other spatial data, such as topographic and geo-thematic maps, geological, seismological and seismo-tectonic databases. In this work, the technological aspects of the SIT of the RING network will be detailed and some examples of thematic maps will be shown
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