78 research outputs found

    The Preliminary Ruling Procedure, Today: Revisiting Article 267 TFEU’s Constitutional Backbone

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    As the title of the Special Issue suggests, its main purpose is to shed new light on the content, scope, extent, and limits of Article 267 TFEU in today’s Union and, in turn, on the nature of this procedure and the European Court of Justice (ECJ)’s role as a sui generis supranational court. Such role has been played first and foremost through the rulings rendered in the context of the preliminary ruling procedure, which has been defined as the ‘keystone’ of the EU judicial system,2 the ‘most important aspect of the work of the Court’,3 the ‘jewel in the Crown’ of the Court’s jurisdiction,4 and the ‘genius’ without which core principles, such as direct effect and primacy, could have not been conceived.5 Indeed, the procedure enshrined in Article 267 TFEU has shaped and continues to shape profoundly the EU legal order and the relationship between the EU and the Member States.Moreover, this procedure shall not be seen simply as a tool used by the Court of Luxembourg to strengthen the evolution of EU law. In fact, the way Article 267 TFEU has been constantly interpreted, redesigned, and materially reformed over the decades is also a symptom of the dynamics underpinning such evolution. This transformative and mimetic nature of Article 267 TFEU explains the evergreen interest in the procedure despite the absence of any amendment to the Treaties since the 1950s, confirmed by the large number of studies published on the subject over the last few years

    Comparative treatments of a green tattoo ink with Ruby, Nd: YAG nano- and picosecond lasers in normal and array mode

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    The tattoos removal has become an issue upon spread of the tattooing practice worldwide and hindsight regrets. Lasers are typically used for the purpose, though some colours such as green are considered “recalcitrant” to the treatment. In the current investigation, we aim at determining the efcacy of removal of a green ink water dispersion, using 5 laser treatments: Nd:YAG nano- and picosecond lasers in normal and array mode and Ruby nanosecond laser, keeping the total irradiated energy constant. The UV–Vis spectroscopy of the treated samples indicate that Nd:YAG picosecond laser is most efective, and the Ruby nanosecond laser is the least efcient. Fragment compounds generated from the pigment and siloxanes are common to all treatments, whereas hydrocarbon emerge by a larger amount upon Nd:YAG nanosecond treatment. Fibres are formed upon picosecond treatments and when operating in array mode, and lamellae are achieved by Ruby nanosecond laser treatment. Residual particles suspensions are very heterogeneous upon nanosecond treatments

    Top-down N-doped carbon quantum dots for multiple purposes: heavy metal detection and intracellular fluorescence

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    In the present study, we successfully synthesized N-doped carbon quantum dots (N-CQDs) using a top-down approach, i.e., hydroxyl radical opening of fullerene with hydrogen peroxide, in basic ambient using ammonia for two different reaction times. The ensuing characterization via dynamic light scattering, SEM, and IR spectroscopy revealed a size control that was dependent on the reaction time, as well as a more pronounced -NH2 functionalization. The N-CQDs were probed for metal ion detection in aqueous solutions and during bioimaging and displayed a Cr3+ and Cu2+ selectivity shift at a higher degree of -NH2 functionalization, as well as HEK-293 cell nuclei marking

    “For Asia market only”: a green tattoo ink between safety and regulations

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    Due to the increasing tattoo practicing in Eastern countries and general concern on tattoo ink composition and safety, the green tattoo inks Green Concentrate by Eternal, for European and “for Asia Market Only” were analyzed, under the premise that only the former falls under a composition regulation. A separation of the additives from the pigment was carried out by successive extraction in solvents of different polarities, i.e., water, acetone and dichloromethane. The solid residues were analyzed by IR and Raman spectroscopies, the liquid fractions by GC/mass spectrometry. The relative pigment load and element traces were also estimated. We found that the European and the Asian inks are based on the same pigment, PG7, restricted in Europe, though at different loads. They have a similar content of harmful impurities, such as Ni, As, Cd and Sb and both contain siloxanes, including harmful D4. Furthermore, they have different physical-chemical properties, the European ink being more hydrophilic, the Asian more hydrophobic. Additionally, the Asian ink contains harmful additives for the solubilization of hydrophobic matrices and by-products of the phthalocyanine synthesis. Teratogenic phthalates are present as well as chlorinated teratogenic and carcinogenic compounds usually associated to the laser treatment for removal purposes, to a larger extent in the European ink. The composition of the inks does not seem to reflect regulatory restrictions, where issued

    Room temperature syntheses of ZnO and their structures

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    ZnO has many technological applications which largely depend on its properties, which can be tuned by controlled synthesis. Ideally, the most convenient ZnO synthesis is carried out at room temperature in an aqueous solvent. However, the correct temperature values are often loosely defined. In the current paper, we performed the synthesis of ZnO in an aqueous solvent by varying the reaction and drying temperatures by 10 ◦C steps, and we monitored the synthesis products primarily by XRD). We found out that a simple direct synthesis of ZnO, without additional surfactant, pumping, or freezing, required both a reaction (TP) and a drying (TD) temperature of 40 ◦C. Higher temperatures also afforded ZnO, but lowering any of the TP or TD below the threshold value resulted either in the achievement of Zn(OH)2 or a mixture of Zn(OH)2/ZnO. A more detailed Rietveld analysis of the ZnO samples revealed a density variation of about 4% (5.44 to 5.68 gcm−3 ) with the synthesis temperature, and an increase of the nanoparticles’ average size, which was also verified by SEM images. The average size of the ZnO synthesized at TP = TD = 40 ◦C was 42 nm, as estimated by XRD, and 53 ± 10 nm, as estimated by SEM. For higher synthesis temperatures, they vary between 76 nm and 71 nm (XRD estimate) or 65 ± 12 nm and 69 ± 11 nm (SEM estimate) for TP = 50 ◦C, TD = 40 ◦C, or TP = TD = 60 ◦C, respectively. At TP = TD = 30 ◦C, micrometric structures aggregated in foils are obtained, which segregate nanoparticles of ZnO if TD is raised to 40 ◦C. The optical properties of ZnO obtained by UV-Vis reflectance spectroscopy indicate a red shift of the band gap by ~0.1 eV

    Laser vs. thermal treatments of green pigment PG36: coincidence and toxicity of processes

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    Comparative laser and thermal treatments were carried out on PG36, a green phthalocyanine-based pigment, permitted in European countries where legislation on tattoo composition was issued. Prior to the treatments, PG36 was characterized by SEM imaging, EDX, IR and UV–Vis spectroscopies, revealing an excess of Si and C and O as compared to the pure halogenated Cu-phthalocyanine. Laser treatments were carried out with a Nd:YAG device applied to H2O and propan-2-ol dispersions. Pyrolysis and calcinations were carried out in air or under N2 flow. The outcome of the different procedures was analyzed by UV–Vis spectroscopy, GC–mass spectrometry, X-ray diffraction of the solid residues, SEM microscopy and dynamic light scattering. The comparative analysis indicated the production of different fragment compounds depending on the treatment, (pyrolysis or laser), and, to some extent, to the solvent of the dispersion, with pyrolysis generating a larger number of hazardous compounds. Hydrocarbons and cyclic siloxanes present as additives in PG36 were stable or degraded depending on the treatment. The morphology of the products is also treatment-dependent with nanoparticles < 20 nm and fibers being produced upon laser treatments only. Based on the experimental findings, the equivalence of laser and thermal treatments is evaluated

    Estimulação de crianças com risco para atraso no desenvolvimento: impacto de uma intervenção com mães

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    Objetivo: Analisar o impacto de uma intervenção educativa com mães sobre a estimulação de crianças com risco para atraso no desenvolvimento, à luz da Teoria de Paulo Freire.Método: Estudo de abordagem qualitativa, exploratório e descritivo, realizado em março de 2018 com mães de crianças menores de dois anos matriculadas em Centros de Referência em Educação Infantil. Realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas após intervenção educativa e analisaram-se os dados obtidos pela técnica temática.Resultados: Evidenciou-se o aumento do conhecimento das mães e mudanças de atitudes quanto à estimulação infantil após a intervenção, possibilitando socialização das informações com outras mães e empoderamento materno, que ajudam na identificação de alterações, motivação e autonomia para buscar novas formas de promover o desenvolvimento infantil.Conclusão: A intervenção educativa se mostrou efetiva, pois as mães passaram a estimular seus filhos no domicílio e a compartilhar as informações com outras mães. Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento infantil. Educação em saúde. Mães


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    RESUMO Objetivo: investigar o processo de trabalho de enfermeiros nas consultas de puericultura em relação à vigilância do desenvolvimento infantil em unidades de saúde da família. Método: pesquisa qualitativa com 19 enfermeiros que realizavam consultas de puericultura à criança menor de dois anos de idade em unidades de saúde da família. A coleta de dados ocorreu de março a julho de 2016 por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo temática. Resultados: evidenciou-se que os enfermeiros implementam algumas ações de cuidado preconizadas para consulta de puericultura, porém a vigilância do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e as técnicas relacionais encontram-se fragilizadas. Os fatores que dificultam o processo de trabalho dos enfermeiros na realização da vigilância do desenvolvimento infantil foram a precária infraestrutura, escassez de insumos e baixa adesão das mães às consultas. Conclusão: é necessária a qualificação do enfermeiro e a sensibilização dos gestores, para proporcionar condições de trabalhos favoráveis para a promoção do cuidado integral à criança


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    La finalidad del estudio fue analizar el registro de datos acerca de acompañamiento de crecimiento y desarrollo de niños de menos de un año por la tarjeta de salud de niños. Estudio transversal con abordaje cuantitativo, cuyo material empírico fue obtenido en 116 tarjetas, entre diciembre de 2012 y marzo de 2013, en João Pessoa – Paraíba. Para análisis, fue utilzado el test chi cuadrado y el exato de Fisher. Ninguna tarjeta contenía registros acerca de la salud bucal y del número en el Sistema Único de Salud; 109 (94%) no presentaban datos del prenatal; y 115 (99,1%) no traían informaciones de las acciones de la Primera Semana Salud Integral. Hubo significativa asociación entre el número de consultas y edad de los niños y datos antropométricos, con mayor porcentaje de fallas en los registros de aquellos que tuvieron entre una y seis consultas. Se espera que los profesionales de salud hagan una reflexión acerca de su proceso de trabajo cuanto a la valoración de la Tarjeta de Salud del Niño.The objective in this study was to analyze the records of growth and development data for children under one year of age in the child health handbook. Cross-sectional study with quantitative approach. The empirical material was collected in 116 handbooks between December 2012 and March 2013 in João Pessoa – Paraíba, Brazil. The chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test were used for analysis. None of the handbooks contained oral health records and the number of the Unified Health System card, 109 (94%) did not present prenatal data and 115 (99.1%) did not contain information on the actions of the First Integral Health Week. A significant association was found between the number of consults and the children’s age and anthropometric data, with a higher percentage of missing records for children who took part in one to six consults. The health professionals are expected to reflect on their work process regarding the valuation of the Child Health Handbook.Objetivou analisar o registro de dados sobre vigilância do crescimento e desenvolvimento de crianças menores de um ano na caderneta de saúde da criança. Estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa. O material empírico foi coletado em 116 cadernetas, entre dezembro de 2012 e março de 2013, em João Pessoa – Paraíba. Para análise, utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado e o exato de Fisher. Nenhuma caderneta continha registros acerca da saúde bucal e do número do cartão do Sistema Único de Saúde, 109 (94%) não apresentavam dados do pré-natal e 115 (99,1%) não tinham informações referentes às ações da Primeira Semana Saúde Integral. Houve associação significativa entre o número de consultas e idade das crianças e dados antropométricos, com maior porcentagem de falhas nos registros daquelas que tiveram entre uma e seis consultas. Espera-se que os profissionais de saúde reflitam sobre seu processo de trabalho quanto à valorização da Caderneta de Saúde da Criança