330 research outputs found

    Expansive actions on uniform spaces and surjunctive maps

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    We present a uniform version of a result of M. Gromov on the surjunctivity of maps commuting with expansive group actions and discuss several applications. We prove in particular that for any group Γ\Gamma and any field \K, the space of Γ\Gamma-marked groups GG such that the group algebra \K[G] is stably finite is compact.Comment: 21 page

    Representation theory of wreath products of finite groups.

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    This is an exposition on the representation theory of wreath products of finite groups, with many examples worked out

    Finite Gel'fand pairs and their applications to Probability and Statistics

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    We present a general introduction to finite Gel’fand pairs and their associated spherical functions yielding different characterizations, examine a few explicit examples, and, for each of these examples, analyze the corresponding probabilistic problem, which will then be solved by applying the general results and the machinery developed for a particular Gel’fand pair

    On the density of periodic configurations in strongly irreducible subshifts

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    Let GG be a residually finite group and let AA be a finite set. We prove that if XAGX \subset A^G is a strongly irreducible subshift of finite type containing a periodic configuration then periodic configurations are dense in XX. The density of periodic configurations implies in particular that every injective endomorphism of XX is surjective and that the group of automorphisms of XX is residually finite. We also introduce a class of subshifts XAZX \subset A^\Z, including all strongly irreducible subshifts and all irreducible sofic subshifts, in which periodic configurations are dense

    Linear cellular automata: Garden of Eden Theorem, L-surjunctivity and group rings

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    This paper is a slightly extended version of the lecture given by the first author at the “5th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine” held on July 20–27 2005 at the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

    Induced representations and Mackey theory

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    This is an exposition on Mackey theory for induced representations of finite group

    Von Neumann Regular Cellular Automata

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    For any group GG and any set AA, a cellular automaton (CA) is a transformation of the configuration space AGA^G defined via a finite memory set and a local function. Let CA(G;A)\text{CA}(G;A) be the monoid of all CA over AGA^G. In this paper, we investigate a generalisation of the inverse of a CA from the semigroup-theoretic perspective. An element τCA(G;A)\tau \in \text{CA}(G;A) is von Neumann regular (or simply regular) if there exists σCA(G;A)\sigma \in \text{CA}(G;A) such that τστ=τ\tau \circ \sigma \circ \tau = \tau and στσ=σ\sigma \circ \tau \circ \sigma = \sigma, where \circ is the composition of functions. Such an element σ\sigma is called a generalised inverse of τ\tau. The monoid CA(G;A)\text{CA}(G;A) itself is regular if all its elements are regular. We establish that CA(G;A)\text{CA}(G;A) is regular if and only if G=1\vert G \vert = 1 or A=1\vert A \vert = 1, and we characterise all regular elements in CA(G;A)\text{CA}(G;A) when GG and AA are both finite. Furthermore, we study regular linear CA when A=VA= V is a vector space over a field F\mathbb{F}; in particular, we show that every regular linear CA is invertible when GG is torsion-free elementary amenable (e.g. when G=Zd, dNG=\mathbb{Z}^d, \ d \in \mathbb{N}) and V=FV=\mathbb{F}, and that every linear CA is regular when VV is finite-dimensional and GG is locally finite with Char(F)o(g)\text{Char}(\mathbb{F}) \nmid o(g) for all gGg \in G.Comment: 10 pages. Theorem 5 corrected from previous versions, in A. Dennunzio, E. Formenti, L. Manzoni, A.E. Porreca (Eds.): Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems, AUTOMATA 2017, LNCS 10248, pp. 44-55, Springer, 201

    A note on a local ergodic theorem for an infinite tower of coverings

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    This is a note on a local ergodic theorem for a symmetric exclusion process defined on an infinite tower of coverings, which is associated with a finitely generated residually finite amenable group.Comment: Final version to appear in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistic

    Generalized iterated wreath products of cyclic groups and rooted trees correspondence

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    Consider the generalized iterated wreath product Zr1Zr2Zrk\mathbb{Z}_{r_1}\wr \mathbb{Z}_{r_2}\wr \ldots \wr \mathbb{Z}_{r_k} where riNr_i \in \mathbb{N}. We prove that the irreducible representations for this class of groups are indexed by a certain type of rooted trees. This provides a Bratteli diagram for the generalized iterated wreath product, a simple recursion formula for the number of irreducible representations, and a strategy to calculate the dimension of each irreducible representation. We calculate explicitly fast Fourier transforms (FFT) for this class of groups, giving literature's fastest FFT upper bound estimate.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Advances in the Mathematical Science

    Conjugacy in Baumslag's group, generic case complexity, and division in power circuits

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    The conjugacy problem belongs to algorithmic group theory. It is the following question: given two words x, y over generators of a fixed group G, decide whether x and y are conjugated, i.e., whether there exists some z such that zxz^{-1} = y in G. The conjugacy problem is more difficult than the word problem, in general. We investigate the complexity of the conjugacy problem for two prominent groups: the Baumslag-Solitar group BS(1,2) and the Baumslag(-Gersten) group G(1,2). The conjugacy problem in BS(1,2) is TC^0-complete. To the best of our knowledge BS(1,2) is the first natural infinite non-commutative group where such a precise and low complexity is shown. The Baumslag group G(1,2) is an HNN-extension of BS(1,2). We show that the conjugacy problem is decidable (which has been known before); but our results go far beyond decidability. In particular, we are able to show that conjugacy in G(1,2) can be solved in polynomial time in a strongly generic setting. This means that essentially for all inputs conjugacy in G(1,2) can be decided efficiently. In contrast, we show that under a plausible assumption the average case complexity of the same problem is non-elementary. Moreover, we provide a lower bound for the conjugacy problem in G(1,2) by reducing the division problem in power circuits to the conjugacy problem in G(1,2). The complexity of the division problem in power circuits is an open and interesting problem in integer arithmetic.Comment: Section 5 added: We show that an HNN extension G = < H, b | bab^-1 = {\phi}(a), a \in A > has a non-amenable Schreier graph with respect to the base group H if and only if A \neq H \neq