30 research outputs found

    Orientational dynamics of colloidal ribbons self-assembled from microscopic magnetic ellipsoids

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    We combine experiments and theory to investigate the orientational dynamics of dipolar ellipsoids, which self-assemble into elongated ribbon-like structures due to the presence in each particle of a permanent magnetic moment perpendicular to the long axis. Monodisperse hematite ellipsoids are synthesized via sol-gel technique, and arrange into ribbons in presence of static or time-dependent magnetic fields. We find that under an oscillating field, the ribbons reorient perpendicular to the field direction, in contrast with the behaviour observed under a static field. This observation is explained theoretically by treating a chain of interacting ellipsoids as a single particle with an orientational and demagnetizing field energy. The model allows describing the orientational behaviour of the chain and captures well its dynamics at different strengths of the actuating field. The understanding of the complex dynamics and assembly of anisotropic magnetic colloids is a necessary step towards controlling the structure formation which has direct applications in different fluid-based microscale technologies

    Mathematical modelling of an elongated magnetic droplet in a rotating magnetic field

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    Dynamics of an elongated droplet under the action of a rotating magnetic field is considered by mathematical modelling. The actual shape of a droplet is obtained by solving the initial-boundary value problem of a nonlinear singularly perturbed partial differential equation (PDE). For the discretization in space the finite difference scheme (FDS) is applied. Time evolution of numerical solutions is obtained with MATLAB by solving a large system of ordinary differential equations (ODE)

    Numerical simulation of magnetic droplet dynamics in a rotating field

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    Dynamics and hysteresis of an elongated droplet under the action of a rotating magnetic field is considered for mathematical modelling. The shape of droplet is found by regularization of the ill-posed initial–boundary value problem for nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE). It is shown that two methods of the regularization – introduction of small viscous bending torques and construction of monotonous continuous functions are equivalent. Their connection with the regularization of the ill-posed reverse problems for the parabolic equation of heat conduction is remarked. Spatial discretization is carried out by the finite difference scheme (FDS). Time evolution of numerical solutions is obtained using method of lines for solving a large system of ordinary differential equations (ODE)

    Twisting and buckling: a new undulation mechanism for artificial swimmers

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    We present an artificial swimmer consisting in a long cylinder of ferrogel which is polarized transversely and in opposite directions at each extremity. When it is placed on a water film and submitted to a transverse oscillating magnetic field, this artificial worm undulates and swims. Whereas symmetry breaking is due to the field gradient, the undulations of the worm result from a torsional buckling instability as the polarized ends tend to align with the applied magnetic field. The critical magnetic field above which buckling and subsequent swimming is observed may be predicted using elasticity equations including the effect of a magnetic torque. As the length of the worm is varied, several undulation modes are observed which are in good agreement with the bending modes of an elastic rod with free ends

    Orientational dynamics of fluctuating dipolar particles assembled in a mesoscopic colloidal ribbon

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    We combine experiments and theory to investigate the dynamics and orientational fluctuations of ferromagnetic microellipsoids that form a ribbonlike structure due to attractive dipolar forces. When assembled in the ribbon, the ellipsoids display orientational thermal fluctuations with an amplitude that can be controlled via application of an in-plane magnetic field. We use video microscopy to investigate the orientational dynamics in real time and space. Theoretical arguments are used to derive an analytical expression that describes how the distribution of the different angular configurations depends on the strength of the applied field. The experimental data are in good agreement with the developed model for all the range of field parameters explored. Understanding the role of fluctuations in chains composed of dipolar particles is important not only from a fundamental point of view, but it may also help understanding the stability of such structures against thermal noise, which is relevant in microfluidics and laboratory-on-a-chip applications

    Dipolar rings of microscopic ellipsoids: magnetic manipulation and cell entrapment

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    We study the formation and the dynamics of dipolar rings composed by microscopic ferromagnetic ellipsoids, which self-assemble in water by switching the direction of the applied field. We show how to manipulate these fragile structures and control their shape via the application of external static and oscillating magnetic fields. We introduce a theoretical framework which describes the ring deformation under an applied field, allowing us to understand the underlying physical mechanism. Our microscopic rings are finally used to capture, entrap, and later release a biological cell via a magnetic command, i.e., performing a simple operation which can be implemented in other microfluidic devices which make use of ferromagnetic particles

    Oblate-Prolate Transition of Ellipsoidal Giant Magnetoliposomes: Experiments Showing an Anisotropic Spontaneous Curvature (Chapter 11)

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    International audienceThis chapter contains sections titled:IntroductionLiposome PreparationObservationsAnalysis of Deformations Under a Magnetic FieldInterpretatio