1,980 research outputs found

    Investigations on the deconfining phase transition in QCD

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    We investigate the deconfining phase transition in SU(3) pure gauge theory and in full QCD with two flavors of staggered fermions by means of a gauge invariant thermal partition functional. In the pure gauge case our finite size scaling analysis is in agreement with the well known weak first order phase transition. In the case of 2 flavors full QCD we find that the phase transition is consistent with weak first order, contrary to the expectation of a crossover for not too large quark masses.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Lattice2003(topology

    Long-wavelength excitations of Higgs condensates

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    Quite independently of the Goldstone phenomenon, recent lattice data suggest the existence of gap-less modes in the spontaneously broken phase of a λΦ4\lambda \Phi^4 theory. This result is a direct consequence of the quantum nature of the `Higgs condensate' that cannot be treated as a purely classical c-number field.Comment: 6 page

    Indications on the Higgs boson mass from lattice simulations

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    The `triviality' of Φ44\Phi^4_4 has been traditionally interpreted within perturbation theory where the prediction for the Higgs boson mass depends on the magnitude of the ultraviolet cutoff Λ\Lambda. This approach crucially assumes that the vacuum field and its quantum fluctuations rescale in the same way. The results of the present lattice simulation, confirming previous numerical indications, show that this assumption is not true. As a consequence, large values of the Higgs mass mHm_H can coexist with the limit Λ\Lambda\to \infty . As an example, by extrapolating to the Standard Model our results obtained in the Ising limit of the one-component theory, one can obtain a value as large as mH=760±21m_H=760 \pm 21 GeV, independently of Λ\Lambda.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, Lattice2003(higgs

    Color Dynamics in External Fields

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    We investigate the vacuum dynamics of U(1), SU(2), and SU(3) lattice gauge theories in presence of external (chromo)magnetic fields, both in (3+1) and (2+1) dimensions. We find that the critical coupling for the phase transition in compact U(1) gauge theory is independent of the strength of an external magnetic field. On the other hand we find that, both in (3+1) and (2+1) dimensions, the deconfinement temperature for SU(2) and SU(3) gauge systems in a constant abelian chromomagnetic field decreases when the strength of the applied field increases. We conclude that the dependence of the deconfinement temperature on the strength of an external constant chromomagnetic field is a peculiar feature of non abelian gauge theories and could be useful to get insight into color confinement.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figure

    The phase diagram of QCD with four degenerate quarks

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    We revisit the determination of the pseudo-critical line of QCD with four degenerate quarks at non-zero temperature and baryon density by the method of analytic continuation. We determine the pseudo-critical couplings at imaginary chemical potentials by high-statistics Monte Carlo simulations and reveal deviations from the simple quadratic dependence on the chemical potential visible in earlier works on the same subject. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings for the shape of the pseudo-critical line at real chemical potential, comparing different possible extrapolations.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Monopole Condensation in full QCD using the Schroedinger Functional

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    We use a lattice thermal partition functional to study Abelian monopole condensation in full QCD with Nf=2N_f=2 staggered fermions. We present preliminary results on 163×416^3\times4 and 323×432^3\times4 lattices.Comment: Lattice2002(topology). 3 pages, 3 figure

    Probing the non-perturbative dynamics of SU(2) vacuum

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    The vacuum dynamics of SU(2) lattice gauge theory is studied by means of a gauge-invariant effective action defined using the lattice Schr\"odinger functional. Numerical simulations are performed both at zero and finite temperature. The vacuum is probed using an external constant Abelian chromomagnetic field. The results suggest that at zero temperature the external field is screened in the continuum limit. On the other hand at finite temperature it seems that confinement is restored by increasing the strength of the applied field.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, LaTeX2

    Large rescaling of the Higgs condensate: theoretical motivations and lattice results

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    In the Standard Model the Fermi constant is associated with the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field, `the condensate', usually believed to be a cutoff-independent quantity. General arguments related to the `triviality' of Φ4\Phi^4 theory in 4 space-time dimensions suggest, however, a dramatic renormalization effect in the continuum limit that is clearly visible on the relatively large lattices available today. The result can be crucial for the Higgs phenomenology and in any context where spontaneous symmetry breaking is induced through scalar fields.Comment: LATTICE99(Higgs) 3 pages, 3 figure