1,166 research outputs found

    Can Treatable Traits Be the Approach to Addressing the Complexity and Heterogeneity of COPD?

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    the complexity of COPD implies the need to identify groups of patients with similar clinical characteristics and prognosis or treatment requirements. this is why much attention has been paid to identifying the different clinical phenotypes by investigating the clinical expression of the disease, and endotypes by studying the biological networks that enable and limit reactions. however, this approach is complicated because one endotype gives rise to one or more clinical characteristics, and clinical phenotypes can be derived from several endotypes. to simplify the approach, a new taxonomic classification of COPD based on the different causes (or etiotypes) has been proposed, but these etiotypes have not yet been validated. a simpler method is the so-called tractable traits approach, which is free from any designation of the disorder to be treated and does not present the criticality of using etiotypes. a large randomised controlled trial on using the treatable traits approach in COPD is still lacking. nevertheless, this approach is already applied by following the GOLD strategy. however, its application is complicated because several potentially treatable traits have been identified within the pulmonary domain, the extrapulmonary domain, and the behavioural/risk factor domain. In addition, the hierarchy of the dominant treatable traits has not yet been established, and they change over time both spontaneously and because of treatment. This means that the patients being treated according to the tractable traits approach must be constantly followed over time so that the therapy is focused on their temporal needs

    On Power and Energy Consumption Modeling for Smart Mobile Devices

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    Combining triple therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with advanced COPD: a pilot study.

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    BACKGROUND: The synergistic interactions between pharmacotherapy and pulmonary rehabilitation has been provided, but it remains to be established whether this may also apply to more severe patients. OBJECTIVES: We have examined whether tiotropium enhances the effects of exercise training in patients with advanced COPD (FEV(1)</=60% predicted, hypoxemia at rest corrected with oxygen supplementation, and limitations of physical activity). METHODS: We enrolled 22 patients that were randomised to tiotropium 18mug or placebo inhalation capsules taken once daily. Both groups (11 patients in each group) underwent an in patient pulmonary rehabilitation program and were under regular treatment with salmeterol/fluticasone twice daily. Each rehabilitation session was held 5 days per week (3h/day) for a total of 4 weeks. RESULTS: Compared to placebo, tiotropium had larger impact on pulmonary function (FEV(1)+0.164L, FVC +0.112L, RV -0.544L after tiotropium, FEV(1)+0.084L, FVC -0.039L, RV -0.036L after placebo). The addition of tiotropium allowed a longer distance walked in 6min (82.3m vs. 67.7m after placebo) and reduced dyspnoea (Borg score) (-0.4 vs. +0.18 after placebo) when compared with baseline (pre pulmonary rehabilitation program). The changes in SGRQ from baseline to the end of treatment were: total score -28.3U, activity -27.8U, impact -14.5U, and symptoms -33.4U in the placebo group; and total score -19.1U, activity -18.9U, impact -16.4U, and symptoms -33.8U in the tiotropium group. CONCLUSIONS: Our study clearly indicates that there is an advantage in combining pulmonary rehabilitation with an aggressive drug therapy in more severe patient

    Combining triple therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with advanced COPD: a pilot study.

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    BACKGROUND: The synergistic interactions between pharmacotherapy and pulmonary rehabilitation has been provided, but it remains to be established whether this may also apply to more severe patients. OBJECTIVES: We have examined whether tiotropium enhances the effects of exercise training in patients with advanced COPD (FEV(1)</=60% predicted, hypoxemia at rest corrected with oxygen supplementation, and limitations of physical activity). METHODS: We enrolled 22 patients that were randomised to tiotropium 18mug or placebo inhalation capsules taken once daily. Both groups (11 patients in each group) underwent an in patient pulmonary rehabilitation program and were under regular treatment with salmeterol/fluticasone twice daily. Each rehabilitation session was held 5 days per week (3h/day) for a total of 4 weeks. RESULTS: Compared to placebo, tiotropium had larger impact on pulmonary function (FEV(1)+0.164L, FVC +0.112L, RV -0.544L after tiotropium, FEV(1)+0.084L, FVC -0.039L, RV -0.036L after placebo). The addition of tiotropium allowed a longer distance walked in 6min (82.3m vs. 67.7m after placebo) and reduced dyspnoea (Borg score) (-0.4 vs. +0.18 after placebo) when compared with baseline (pre pulmonary rehabilitation program). The changes in SGRQ from baseline to the end of treatment were: total score -28.3U, activity -27.8U, impact -14.5U, and symptoms -33.4U in the placebo group; and total score -19.1U, activity -18.9U, impact -16.4U, and symptoms -33.8U in the tiotropium group. CONCLUSIONS: Our study clearly indicates that there is an advantage in combining pulmonary rehabilitation with an aggressive drug therapy in more severe patient

    Rapid onset of bronchodilation with formoterol/beclomethasone Modulite and formoterol/budesonide Turbuhaler as compared to formoterol alone in patients with COPD

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    In the present study, we examined whether there is a difference in the onset of bronchodilatation between formoterol/beclomethasone 12/200 μg Modulite and formoterol/budesonide 9/320 μg Turbuhaler in patients with COPD. We enrolled 28 patients with stable COPD. Both formoterol/beclomethasone and formoterol/budesonide elicited a larger mean FEV1–AUC0−15min than formoterol alone, whereas there was no significant difference between their FEV1–AUC0−15min. Also the change in FEV1 15 min after inhalation of formoterol/beclomethasone combination or formoterol/budesonide combination was greater than that induced by formoterol alone. This study confirms the rapid effect of the inhaled corticosteroid component when combined with formoterol and indicates that the onset of bronchodilation of formoterol/beclomethasone Modulite and formoterol/budesonide Turbuhaler are similar and greater than formoterol alone in patients with COPD

    Salmeterol and formoterol in partially reversible severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a dose-response study

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    AbstractWhen testing the response to β2-agonist drugs in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a dose-response assessment should be undertaken. This study compares the time course of inhaled salmeterol (25, 50 and 75 μg) and formoterol (12, 24 and 36 μg) at different doses in a group of 12 patients with partially reversible, but severe COPD (FEV1 of 12–32% of predicted values after β2-agonist drugs had been withheld for 24 h). All doses of salmeterol and formoterol induced a significant (P<0·01) spirometric improvement over the 12-h monitoring period, when compared to the spirometric improvement after placebo, but while formoterol induced a dose-dependent increase of the FVC, FEV1 and FEF50, this was not the case for salmeterol. In fact, 75 μg salmeterol did not produce a further improvement of these parameters. Mean peak bronchodilation, expressed as the increase in FEV1 over baseline values, occurred 2 h after inhalation of the three doses of salmeterol, and 1 h after inhalation of the three doses of formoterol. A comparison of 50 μg salmeterol with 12 μg or 24 μg formoterol (clinically recommended doses), showed that improvement of FEV1 after salmeterol was statistically (P<0·05) higher than that after the two doses of formoterol, although the mean peak bronchodilations were similar. This was because salmeterol has a longer duration of action than formoterol. These data demonstrate that salmeterol is equally effective as, but longer-acting than, formoterol at clinically recommended doses in patients suffering from COPD, with severe airway obstruction. Moreover, these data suggest that 50 μg is the best dosage for salmeterol in these patients

    Mutational analysis of BCORL1 in the leukemic transformation of chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms.

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    BCORL1 mutations do not seem to be commonly associated with leukemic transformation of MPN, further substantiating the different molecular profile compared with denovo leukemias. Although the small number of cases does not allow us to exclude that BCORL1 mutations can be found also in post-MPN AML, their occurrence is, at least, very infrequent and their detection does not appear to deserve clinical relevance
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