444 research outputs found

    Fenretinide (4-HPR): A Preventive Chance for Women at Genetic and Familial Risk?

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    The incidence and mortality of breast cancer have been recently influenced by several new therapeutic strategies. In particular our knowledge on cancer precursors, risk biomarkers, and genetics has considerably increased, and prevention strategies are being successfully explored. Since their discovery, retinoids, the natural and synthetic derivatives of vitamin A, have been known to play a crucial role in cell and tissue differentiation and their ability to inhibit carcinogenesis has made them the ideal chemopreventive agents studied in several preclinical and clinical trials. Fenretinide (4-HPR) is the most studied retinoid in breast cancer chemoprevention clinical trials due to its selective accumulation in breast tissue and its favorable toxicological profile. This agent showed a significative reduction of the incidence of second breast tumors in premenopausal women confirmed after 15-year followups. Considering Fenretinide protective action, a similar trend on ovarian cancer, this drug warrants reevaluations as a preventive agent for high-risk young women, such as BRCA-1 and 2 mutation carriers or with a high familial risk. This favorable effect therefore provides a strong rationale for a primary prevention trial in these unaffected cohort of women

    Hormonal Therapy and Chemoprevention.

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    Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can increase the quality as well as the length of life, but a prolonged use can also increase the risk of breast cancer. The combination of HRT and a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) such as tamoxifen may retain the benefits while reducing the risks of either agent. A post hoc analysis of the Italian Tamoxifen Prevention Study showed a borderline significant reduction of breast cancer among women who were on HRT continuously and tamoxifen as compared with continuous HRT users who received placebo. Recent studies suggest that the standard dose of tamoxifen may be reduced to one-quarter (i.e., 10 mg every other day) without loss of its beneficial biological effects. Since the endometrial effect of tamoxifen seems to be both dose and time dependent, a dose reduction could substantially reduce the risk of endometrial cancer while retaining its preventive efficacy. On the other hand, the addition of HRT containing progestins could also minimize the risk of endometrial cancer associated with tamoxifen. Moreover, estrogen should reduce the incidence of vasomotor and urogenital symptoms, which are a major reason for tamoxifen withdrawal in prevention studies. Notably, in the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast Project (NSABP) P-1 trial, women ages 50 or younger had no increased incidence of adverse events, including endometrial cancer and venous thromboembolic events. One possible explanation for the lack of toxicity in premenopause is the presence of adequate circulating estrogen levels which prevent tamoxifen to act as an estrogen agonist at these target tissues. Moreover, data from the current Italian tamoxifen prevention trial indicate that the compliance was substantially higher for de novo and current HRT users as compared to women who never received HRT during the study. The combination of HRT and tamoxifen at low doses could thus reduce the risks and side effects while retaining the benefits of either agent

    Influence of the microbiota on the effectiveness and toxicity of oncological therapies, with a focus on chemotherapy

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    Recent studies have highlighted a possible correlation between microbiota composition and the pathogenesis of various oncological diseases. Also, many bacterial groups are now directly or indirectly associated with the capability of stimulating or inhibiting carcinogenic pathways. However, little is known about the importance and impact of microbiota patterns related to the efficacy and toxicity of cancer treatments. We have recently begun to understand how oncological therapies and the microbiota are closely interconnected and could influence each other. Chemotherapy effectiveness, for example, appears to be strongly influenced by the presence of some microorganisms capable of modulating the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the compounds used, thus varying the real response and therefore the efficacy of the oncological treatment. Similarly, chemotherapeutic agents can modulate the microbiota with variations that could facilitate or avoid the onset of important side effects. This finding has or could have considerable relevance as it is possible that our ability to modulate and modify the microbial structure before, during, and after treatment could influence all the clinical parameters related to pharmacological treatments and, eventually, the prognosis of the disease

    The sensorimotor Dimension of the Networked Flow: an Exploratory Study Using an Interactive Collaborative Platform

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    The ability to cooperate with another individual in order to achieve a shared goal is crucial for human survival and it is called joint action. It is noted that this process can originate when actors are synchronized at a sensorimotor level. However, experiential correlates of sensorimotor synchronization are nearly unexplored. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the experience of flow and social presence in a sensorimotor collaborative task. 12 female couples (mean age = 22.33; S.D. = .815) and 12 male couples (mean age = 22.88; S.D. = .789) were involved in a tower-building task across 10 consecutive trials using the COLLEGO platform. Couple members alternated their leader/follower role. Platform recorded time stamp (ms) and position of each selected object when it was picked/released, providing a measure of performance. Thereafter, participants’ level of flow (Flow State Scale) and social presence (Networked Minds Social Presence Inventory) were assessed. Flow and Social presence correlated positively at a global level. Having clear goals and perceiving a balance between challenges and skills were associated with a higher performance. The autotelic dimension of flow was negatively related with global performance. At the same time, task duration correlated negatively with cognitive and behavioral dimensions of social presence, but positively with emotional dimensions. Results are discussed in light of the Networked Flow model that assumes a strong positive link between social presence and flow at the base of the highest levels of collaborative performance

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Breast Cancer Metabolism and Mitochondrial Activity: The Possibility of Chemoprevention with Metformin

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    Metabolic reprogramming refers to the ability of cancer cells to alter their metabolism in order to support the increased energy request due to continuous growth, rapid proliferation, and other characteristics typical of neoplastic cells. It has long been believed that the increase of metabolic request was independent of the mitochondrial action but recently we know that mitochondrial activity together with metabolism plays a pivotal role in the regulation of the energy needed for tumor cell growth and proliferation. For these reasons the mitochondria pathways could be a new target for therapeutic and chemopreventive intervention. Metformin in particular is actually considered a promising agent against mitochondrial activity thanks to its ability to inhibit the mitochondrial complex I

    Breast Cancer Chemoprevention: Old and New Approaches

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    In 1976, Sporn has defined chemoprevention as “the use of pharmacologic or natural agents that inhibit the development of invasive breast cancer either by blocking the DNA damage that initiates carcinogenesis, or by arresting or reversing the progression of premalignant cells in which such damage has already occurred.” Although the precise mechanism or mechanisms that promote a breast cancer are not completely established, the success of several recent clinical trials in preventive settings in selected high-risk populations suggests that chemoprevention is a rational and an appealing strategy. Breast cancer chemoprevention has focused heavily on endocrine intervention using selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) and aromatase inhibitors (AIs). Achieving much success in this particular setting and new approaches as low-dose administration are actually under investigations in several topics. Unfortunately, these drugs are active in prevention of endocrine responsive lesions only and have no effect in reducing the risk of estrogen-negative breast cancer. Thus, recently new pathways, biomarkers, and agents likely are to be effective in this subgroup of cancers and were put under investigation. Moreover, the identification of new potential molecular targets and the development of agents aimed at these targets within cancer have already had a significant impact on advanced cancer therapy and provide a wealth of opportunities for chemoprevention. This paper will highlight current clinical research in both ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancer chemoprevention, explaining the biologic effect of the various agents on carcinogenesis and precancerous lesions, and finally presenting an excursus on the state-of-the-art about new molecular targets under investigations in breast cancer settings

    Breast Cancer Metabolism and Mitochondrial Activity: The Possibility of Chemoprevention with Metformin

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    Metabolic reprogramming refers to the ability of cancer cells to alter their metabolism in order to support the increased energy request due to continuous growth, rapid proliferation, and other characteristics typical of neoplastic cells. It has long been believed that the increase of metabolic request was independent of the mitochondrial action but recently we know that mitochondrial activity together with metabolism plays a pivotal role in the regulation of the energy needed for tumor cell growth and proliferation. For these reasons the mitochondria pathways could be a new target for therapeutic and chemopreventive intervention. Metformin in particular is actually considered a promising agent against mitochondrial activity thanks to its ability to inhibit the mitochondrial complex I
