196 research outputs found

    Temperature dependence and resonance effects in Raman scattering of phonons in NdFeAsOx_{x}F1−x_{1-x} single crystals

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    We report plane-polarized Raman scattering spectra of iron oxypnictide superconductor NdFeAsO1−x_{1-x}Fx_x single crystals with varying fluorine xx content. The spectra exhibit sharp and symmetrical phonon lines with a weak dependence on fluorine doping xx. The temperature dependence does not show any phonon anomaly at the superconducting transition. The Fe related phonon intensity shows a strong resonant enhancement below 2 eV. We associate the resonant enhancement to the presence of an interband transition around 2 eV observed in optical conductivity. Our results point to a rather weak coupling between Raman-active phonons and electronic excitations in iron oxypnictides superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic transitions in CaMn7O12 : a Raman observation of spin-phonon couplings

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    The quadruple Calcium manganite (CaMn7O12) is a multiferroic material that exhibits a giant magnetically-induced ferroelectric polarization which makes it very interesting for magnetoelectric applications. Here, we report the Raman spectroscopy study on this compound of both the phonon modes and the low energy excitations from 4 K to room temperature. A detailed study of the Raman active phonon excitations shows that three phonon modes evidence a spin-phonon coupling at TN2 = 50 K. In particular, we show that the mode at 432 cm-1 associated to Mn(B)O6 (B position of the perovskite) rotations around the [111] cubic diagonal is impacted by the magnetic transition at 50 K and its coupling to the new modulation of the Mn spin in the (a,b) plane. At low energies, two large low energy excitations are observed at 25 and 47 cm-1. The first one disappears at 50 K and the second one at 90 K. We have associated these excitations to electro-magneto-active modes

    Raman Scattering as a Selective Probe of Chiral Electronic Excitations in Bilayer Graphene

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    We report a symmetry resolved electronic Raman scattering (ERS) study of a bilayer graphene device under gate voltage. We show that the ERS continuum is dominated by interband chiral excitations of A2A_{2} symmetry and displays a characteristic Pauli-blocking behavior similar to the monolayer case. Crucially, we show that non-chiral excitations make a vanishing contribution to the Raman cross-section due to destructive interference effects in the Raman amplitude matrix elements. This is in a marked contrast to optical absorption measurements and opens interesting venues for the use of Raman scattering as a selective probe of chiral degrees of freedom in topological matter and other 2D crystals

    Electromagnon and phonon excitations in multiferroic TbMnO3

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    We have performed Raman measurements on TbMnO3 single crystal under magnetic field along the three crystallographic directions. The flip of the spin spiral plane creates an electromagnon excitation. In addition to the electromagnons induced by the Heisenberg coupling, we have detected the electromagnon created by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction along the c axis. We have identified all the vibrational modes of TbMnO3. Their temperature dependences show that only one phonon observed along the polarization axis is sensitive to the ferroelectric transition. This mode is tied to the Tb3+ ion displacements that contribute to the ferroelectric polarization

    Impact of the Spin Density Wave Order on the Superconducting Gap of Ba(Fe1−x_{1-x}Cox_x)2_2As2_2

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    We report a doping dependent electronic Raman scattering measurements on iron-pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe1−x_{1-x}Cox_x)2_2As2_2 single crystals. A strongly anisotropic gap is found at optimal doping for x=0.065 with Δmax∼5Δmin\Delta_{max}\sim 5\Delta_{min}. Upon entering the coexistence region between superconducting (SC) and spin-density-wave (SDW) orders, the effective pairing energy scale is strongly reduced. Our results are interpreted in terms of a competition between SC and SDW orders for electronic state at the Fermi level. Our findings advocate for a strong connection between the SC and SDW gaps anisotropies which are both linked to interband interactions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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