137 research outputs found

    Células madre pluripotenciales en el tratamiento de la isquemia de miembros inferiores. Primer caso en Paraguay y nuestra experiencia en el Hospital de Clínicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción

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    Existe un grupo de pacientes con isquemia crítica de miembros inferiores, en los cuales no es posible restablecer una adecuada perfusión sanguínea por métodos quirúrgicos o endovasculares y presentan una posibilidad elevada de amputación. En las últimas décadas se han identificado en la médula ósea la existencia de células madre del grupo CD34+, que proliferan ante la presencia de isquemia tisular y migran a través del torrente circulatorio hacia estas zonas, dando origen a arteriolas capilares y vénulas. Este mecanismo suele verse dificultado in vivo por la oclusión de las arterias que irrigan la región afectada. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de nuestra experiencia en dos pacientes, que fueron sometidos a la extracción mecánica de tejido de su médula ósea, que posteriormente fue filtrado e implantado a lo largo de sus miembros inferiores isquémicos, con el objeto de estimular la neoformación de vasos sanguíneos para aumentar la perfusión de sangre a estas zonas, cicatrizando sus heridas, evitando de esta manera su amputación

    Antibacterial mono- and sesquiterpene esters of benzoic acids from Iranian propolis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Propolis (bee glue) has been used as a remedy since ancient times. Propolis from unexplored regions attracts the attention of scientists in the search for new bioactive molecules.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From Iranian propolis from the Isfahan province, five individual components were isolated: the prenylated coumarin suberosin <b>1</b>, and four terpene esters: tschimgin (bornyl <it>p</it>-hydroxybenzoate) <b>2</b>, tschimganin (bornyl vanillate) <b>3</b>, ferutinin (ferutinol <it>p</it>-hydroxybenzoate) <b>4, </b>and tefernin (ferutinol vanillate) <b>5</b>. All of them were found for the first time in propolis. Compounds <b>2 </b>- <b>5 </b>demonstrated activity against <it>Staphylococcus aureus</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results of the present study are consistent with the idea that propolis from unexplored regions is a promising source of biologically active compounds.</p

    Role of N-terminal tau domain integrity on the survival of cerebellar granule neurons

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    Although the role of the microtubule-binding domain of the tau protein in the modulation of microtubule assembly is widely established, other possible functions of this protein have been poorly investigated. We have analyzed the effect of adenovirally mediated expression of two fragments of the N-terminal portion - free of microtubule-binding domain - of the tau protein in cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs). We found that while the expression of the tau (1-230) fragment, as well as of full-length tau, inhibits the onset of apoptosis, the tau (1-44) fragment exerts a powerful toxic action on the same neurons. The antiapoptotic action of tau (1-230) is exerted at the level of Akt-mediated activation of the caspase cascade. On the other hand, the toxic action of the (1-44) fragment is not prevented by inhibitors of CGN apoptosis, but is fully inhibited by NMDA receptor antagonists. These findings point to a novel, physiological role of the N-terminal domain of tau, but also underlay that its possible proteolytic truncation mediated by apoptotic proteases may generate a highly toxic fragment that could contribute to neuronal death

    De novo mutations in GRIN1 cause extensive bilateral polymicrogyria

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    Polymicrogyria is a malformation of cortical development. The aetiology of polymicrogyria remains poorly understood. Using whole-exome sequencing we found de novo heterozygous missense GRIN1 mutations in 2 of 57 parent-offspring trios with polymicrogyria. We found nine further de novo missense GRIN1 mutations in additional cortical malformation patients. Shared features in the patients were extensive bilateral polymicrogyria associated with severe developmental delay, postnatal microcephaly, cortical visual impairment and intractable epilepsy. GRIN1 encodes GluN1, the essential subunit of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor. The polymicrogyria-associated GRIN1 mutations tended to cluster in the S2 region (part of the ligand-binding domain of GluN1) or the adjacent M3 helix. These regions are rarely mutated in the normal population or in GRIN1 patients without polymicrogyria. Using two-electrode and whole-cell voltage-clamp analysis, we showed that the polymicrogyria-associated GRIN1 mutations significantly alter the in vitro activity of the receptor. Three of the mutations increased agonist potency while one reduced proton inhibition of the receptor. These results are striking because previous GRIN1 mutations have generally caused loss of function, and because N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor agonists have been used for many years to generate animal models of polymicrogyria. Overall, our results expand the phenotypic spectrum associated with GRIN1 mutations and highlight the important role of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor signalling in the pathogenesis of polymicrogyria

    Redox regulation of mitochondrial fission, protein misfolding, synaptic damage, and neuronal cell death: potential implications for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases

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    Normal mitochondrial dynamics consist of fission and fusion events giving rise to new mitochondria, a process termed mitochondrial biogenesis. However, several neurodegenerative disorders manifest aberrant mitochondrial dynamics, resulting in morphological abnormalities often associated with deficits in mitochondrial mobility and cell bioenergetics. Rarely, dysfunctional mitochondrial occur in a familial pattern due to genetic mutations, but much more commonly patients manifest sporadic forms of mitochondrial disability presumably related to a complex set of interactions of multiple genes (or their products) with environmental factors (G × E). Recent studies have shown that generation of excessive nitric oxide (NO), in part due to generation of oligomers of amyloid-β (Aβ) protein or overactivity of the NMDA-subtype of glutamate receptor, can augment mitochondrial fission, leading to frank fragmentation of the mitochondria. S-Nitrosylation, a covalent redox reaction of NO with specific protein thiol groups, represents one mechanism contributing to NO-induced mitochondrial fragmentation, bioenergetic failure, synaptic damage, and eventually neuronal apoptosis. Here, we summarize our evidence in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and animal models showing that NO contributes to mitochondrial fragmentation via S-nitrosylation of dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1), a protein involved in mitochondrial fission. These findings may provide a new target for drug development in AD. Additionally, we review emerging evidence that redox reactions triggered by excessive levels of NO can contribute to protein misfolding, the hallmark of a number of neurodegenerative disorders, including AD and Parkinson’s disease. For example, S-nitrosylation of parkin disrupts its E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, and thereby affects Lewy body formation and neuronal cell death

    Bioinorganic Chemistry of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Roles of glial cells in synapse development

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    Brain function relies on communication among neurons via highly specialized contacts, the synapses, and synaptic dysfunction lies at the heart of age-, disease-, and injury-induced defects of the nervous system. For these reasons, the formation—and repair—of synaptic connections is a major focus of neuroscience research. In this review, I summarize recent evidence that synapse development is not a cell-autonomous process and that its distinct phases depend on assistance from the so-called glial cells. The results supporting this view concern synapses in the central nervous system as well as neuromuscular junctions and originate from experimental models ranging from cell cultures to living flies, worms, and mice. Peeking at the future, I will highlight recent technical advances that are likely to revolutionize our views on synapse–glia interactions in the developing, adult and diseased brain