7 research outputs found

    Neoadjuvant treatment in locally advanced gastric cancer

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. În ciuda incidenței și mortalității în scădere, cancerul gastric local avansat (CGLA) rămâne a fi una din cele mai frecvente afecțiuni maligne diagnosticate la nivel mondial, iar tratamentul neoadjuvant a înregistrat rezultate importante în comparație cu intervenția chirurgicală în monoterapie. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea eficacității metodelor neoadjuvante (nCT și nCRT) în tratamentul cancerului gastric local avansat și analizarea perspectivelor în diferite stadii de cancer. Material și metode. A fost realizat un review literar folosind 40 de articole științifice din bazele de date PubMed, NCBI, ESMO, UpToDate, cu o vechime de până la 10 ani. Rezultate. Au fost evidențiate metodele de tratament neoadjuvant: chimioterapia și chimioradioterapia (nCT și nCRT). Actul chirurgical cu tentă radicală de obicei este insuficient sau inaplicabil pentru CGLA, strategia neoadjuvantă incluzând terapii sistemice și locale care sunt bazate pe caracteristicile tumorii ce poate induce controlul cancerului. Astfel, ele pot facilita actul chirurgical cu tentă radicală și pot îmbunătăți rezultatele de supraviețuire. O serie de studii și meta-analize oferă dovezi despre supraviețuirea globală a pacienților cu CGLA și o îmbunătățire a calității vieții. Concluzii. Tratamentul individualizat bazat pe chimioterapie și chimioradioterapie (nCT și nCRT) în programele de tratament în cancerul gastric local avansat (CGLA) conduce la un management mai favorabil și o creștere a supraviețuirii pe termen lung a pacienților.Background. Despite the decreasing incidence and mortality, locally advanced gastric cancer (LAGC) remains one of the most common malignancies diagnosed worldwide and neoadjuvant treatment has shown important results compared with surgery alone. Objective of the study. Evaluation of the efficacy of neoadjuvant methods (nCT and nCRT) in the treatment of locally advanced gastric cancer and analysis of the prospects in different cancer stages. Material and methods. A literature review was performed using 40 scientific articles from the databases PubMed, NCBI, ESMO, UpToDate, up to 10 years. Results. Neoadjuvant treatment methods were highlighted: chemotherapy and chemoradiotherapy (nCT and nCRT). Surgical approach with radical tempt is usually insufficient or inapplicable for LAGC, thus, the neoadjuvant strategy includes systemic and local therapies that are based on tumor characteristics that can induce cancer control. In addition, they can facilitate radical surgery and improve survival outcomes. A number of studies and meta-analyses provide evidence of overall survival of patients with LAGC and an improvement in quality of life. Conclusion. Individualized treatment based on chemotherapy and chemoradiotherapy (nCT and nCRT) in the treatment programs in locally advanced gastric cancer (LAGC) leads to a more favorable management and an increase in the long-term survival of patients

    Концепция кесарева сечения за последние 10 лет

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     The paper addresses a period of 10 years in terms of the evolution of the number and percentage of cesarean operations in total births and their impact on perinatal outcomes. The results of the study showed with certainty that the widening of indications for abdominal births with increasing their incidence contributes to improving indicators of perinatal mortalityLucrarea abordează o perioadă de 10 ani din punct de vedere al evoluției numărului și procentului de operații cezariene din totalul nașterilor și a impactului acestora asupra rezultatelor perinatale. Rezultatele studiului au demonstrat cu certitudine că lărgirea indicațiilor către nașteri abdominale cu sporirea incidenței acestora contribuie la îmbunătățirea indicatorilor mortalității perinataleВ статье рассматривается 10-летний период с точки зрения эволюции количества и частоты операций кесарева сечения в общем числе родов и их влияния на перинатальные исходы. Результаты исследования показали, что расширение показаний к абдоминальным родам с увеличением их частоты способствует улучшению показателей перинатальной смертност

    Supportive principles in the pharmacological management of the patients with epilepsy

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    Background: Pharmacological management of patients with epilepsy is still a very challenging approach for the best outcome of these patients. When considering the appropriate treatment choice for patients it is necessary to take into account several factors that can influence the effectiveness and quality of life. Cancelling or changing treatment suddenly can lead to uncontrolled seizures. After a short period without seizures, many patients are tempted to abandon treatment. Cessation of treatment can be discussed after a seizure-free period for at least two years. Treatment should be discontinued gradually by reducing the dosage and constant supervision of the physician. This paper analyses briefly the general pharmacological and treatment methods in several forms of adult epilepsy. Conclusions: Management of epilepsy means more than observing the medication prescribed by the specialist. It is also important for the patient to maintain his general health status, monitor the symptoms of epilepsy and response to treatment and take care of his safety. Involvement in the management of one’s own affection can help the patient to control his condition and to continue his routine in usual manner. The objective of antiepileptic treatment is to reduce epileptic seizures to zero without intolerable side effects. New treatments should focus not only on reducing the frequency and intensity of seizures but also improving the quality of life of patients

    Specific conventional epileptic crisis

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    Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology, Laboratory of Narcology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: The brain controls how the body moves by sending small electrical signals along the nerves to the muscles. Seizures occur when abnormal signs in the brain change the way the body works. Seizures vary from person to person. Some people only have light handshakes and do not lose consciousness. Other people may become unconscious and experience violent whole body trembling. The article focuses on the cases of the seizure, order and behavior during and after the epileptic crisis, the child’s febrile convulsions and recommendations. Conclusions: Our knowledge about the causes of epileptic seizures increases the chance of preventing them. Correct actions in the crisis, follow-up of the crisis particularity minimize the risk of traumatization and ensures correct therapy of the pathology that causes the crisis. Correct treatment and cognition of contraindications reduce syncope repetition. Correct informing people about the crises particularities allows understanding the seriousness of the consequences of a crisis

    Letalitatea prin tuberculoză în imsp Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Ftiziopneumologie mun. Chişinău

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    Scopul acestui studiu a fost studierea frecvenţei, structurii şi cauzelor deceselor prin tuberculoză în IMSP SCMF Chişinău în trei perioade de timp. Mortalitatea prin tuberculoza în perioada II şi III a crescut de 5 ori relativ cu I perioadă. Letalitatea în staţionar a crescut de la 6,8% în I perioadă, la 38,2% în a II şi 55,0% în a III perioadă. Se atestă o majorare evidentă a deceselor din contul tuberculozei de la 51,2%, 81,7% la 88,5% respectiv şi o descreştere prin alte boli (48,8%, 18,3%, 11,5%). Rata cazurilor noi la decedaţi constituie 1/3 din persoanele analizate, iar durata spitalizării pînă la deces este cea mai înaltă în primele 10 zile şi pînă la o lună, avînd o tendinţă de creştere în perioadele II şi III comparativ cu prima

    Some pharmacological aspects of hyaluronic acid

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    Catedra Farmacologie şi farmacie clinică Dispensarul Dermatovenerologic MunicipalHyaluronic acid can be recommended as a drug for external and parenteral use as a rheological, inflammatory, protective, proliferative, immunomodulatory remedy, for stimulating the synthesis of hemoglobin and as an auxiliary pharmaceutical substance for topical use. Evergrowing needs of AH for pharmaceutical and cosmetic properties require pharmacological investigations and new clinical studies of the AH as auxiliary pharmaceutical substance for the elaboration of medicinal forms in association with other active substances. Acidul hialuronic (AH) este recomandat ca remediu medicamentos cu proprietăți reologice, antiinflamatoare, protective, proliferative, imunomodulatoare, pentru stimularea sintezei hemoglobinei şi în calitate de excipient pentru uz topic. Necesităţile mereu crescânde de AH pentru farmaceutică şi cosmetică impun investigaţii în scopul cercetărilor proprietăţilor 212 farmacologice noi, testării clinice a AH în calitate de substanţă farmaceutică auxiliară pentru elaborarea formelor medicamentoase în asociaţie cu alte substanţe active

    Клинические и патологоанатомические особенности туберкулеза легких со смертельным исходом

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    IP Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie Nicolae Testemițanu, Institutul de Pneumoftiziologie Chiril Draganiuc, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal de FtiziopneumologieTuberculosis represents an epidemic burden for Republic of Moldova associated to high mortality index. Aim of the study is the assessment of clinical-morphopatological features of pulmoary tuberculosis with letal evolution. A study group of 27 new pulmonary tuberculosis cases hospitalized in the clinical subdivisions of Municipal Hospital of Pneumophtysiology dead in the period 1.01.2014–31.12.2014 was evaluated. All cases were investigated according to the national standards. It was established that men, young age individuals and urban residents predominated. The main rate represented the unemployed patients, individuals with low educational level, low living conditions. History of migration, emprisonment and HIV infection were few patients. Microscopic positive for acid fast bacilli were one third, late detected with chronic evolution – two thirds and MDR-TB infected patients - one fi fth of assessed group. Each second patient was dead in the fi rst year after the detection and every third in the fi rst two weeks. Necroptic examination identifi ed predominantly dystrophic changes of internal organs, pulmonary oedema and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Туберкулез представляет серьезную проблему общественного здравоохранения Республики Молдова, связанную с высоким показателем смертности. Целью исследования являлась оценка клинико-патологоанатомических особенностей туберкулеза легких со смертельным исходом. Были анализированы 27 историй новых случаев больных туберкулезом легких, госпитализированных в клинические отделения Муниципальной клинической больницы фтизиопневмологии г. Кишинэу в период с 1.01.2014 до 31.12.2014. Все случаи были исследованы в соответствии с Национальными стандартами. Было выявлено преобладание мужчин, молодого возраста, городских жителей. Большинство пациентов были безработными, с низким уровнем образования и низким уровнем жизни. Единичные случаи были выявлены с ко-инфекцией ВИЧ, историей заключения и миграции. Хроническое течение туберкулезного процесса и позднее выявление констатировали у 2/3 больных. Положительный результат микроскопии был выявлен у 1/3 больных. Туберкулез с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью был констатирован у 15 пациентов. Смерть наступила в течение первого года после выявления у каждого второго пациента, в течение первых двух недель после госпитализации – у каждого третьего. Аутопсия выявила отек легких, диссеминированное внутрисосудистое свертывание и дистрофические изменения внутренних органов