94 research outputs found

    From theoretical foundation to analytical application by 3D solid representations of open public spaces

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Teoria e Prática do Projeto apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Doutor.Num meio construido sobre-edificado contemporâneo, reconheceu-se a sua parte não edificada, o Vazio Arquitetónico-Urbano, como um elemento gradiente e estrutural, que contribui para as suas qualidades formais e funcionais. Baseado nas referências do urbanismo, arquitetura e geografia humana, e com o fim de analisar o Espaço Aberto Público, este estudo propõe, defina e captura o fenómeno do Vazio Arquitetónico-Urbano - Vazio UrbArq. Começando com uma abordagem teórica mais ampla a partir da qual o Vazio UrbArq é conceptualizado, desenvolve-se um método de representação do domínio do negativo do ambiente construído, objetivando-o em novas representações sólidas 3D (Convex, Solid and Fragmented Voids) e combinando-os com as representações do campo visual já existentes (Isovist and Viewsheds). Esses modelos de representação são usados para capturar os atributos de Espaços Públicos Abertos, abordando as suas propriedades mensuráveis, que estão posteriormente relacionadas com os usos espaciais como expressões das qualidades dos espaços urbanos. As expressões de qualidade são inferidas através da análise fenomenológica in-situ e da observação natural, a partir das quais foram estabelecidas correlações preliminares entre as propriedades quantitativas e qualidades dos Espaços Públicos Abertos. Combinando metodologias qualitativas e quantitativas, a investigação utiliza a representação sólida 3D e investiga o papel do Vazio UrbArch na geração de atributos e qualidades de Espaços Públicos Abertos na zona ribeirinha de Lisboa. Para esse efeito: a) Introduziu-se o conceito de vazio como base inspiradora e teórica da pesquisa (capítulo 2); B) Definiu-se o foco da pesquisa - Vazio UrbArch (capítulo 3); C) Desenvolveram-se os modelos de representação de Espaços Públicos Abertos abordando o foco do Vazio UrbArch (capítulo 4); D) Definiram-se os atributos específicos dos Espaços Públicos Abertos para serem abordados (capítulo 5); Aplicou-se a metodologia a partir da qual se estabeleceu a correlação entre atributos, propriedades qualitativas e qualidades espaciais (capítulo 6).ABSTRACT: In the nowadays tightly built environment we recognize the unbuilt part of urban-architectural space as its gradient and structural element, which influences its formal and functional qualities. Based on the references of urbanism, architecture and human geography and in order to analyse Open Public Spaces through the prism of its unbuilt part, the study proposes, defines and captures the notion of urban-architectural emptiness – UrbArch Emptiness. It starts from a theoretical analysis of emptiness wherefrom the UrbArch Emptiness was conceptualised. It further develops a way to represent the realm of the negative of built environment by objectifying it into novel 3D solid representations (Convex, Solid and Fragmented Voids) which are combined with already existing View field representations (Isovist and Viewsheds) and applied on case study of Lisbon Riverside. These representation models are used for capturing attributes of Open Public Spaces by approaching their measurable properties which are further related to spatial experiences and usages as expressions of spatial qualities. The expressions of qualities are inferred through first person in-situ phenomenological analysis and natural observation wherefrom correlations between Open Public Spaces’ quantitative properties and qualities were preliminarily established. Combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies, the research takes the 3D solid representation and investigates the role of UrbArch Emptiness in generating qualities of Open Public Spaces in Lisbon riverside. To do so research: a) Introduces the concept of Emptiness as inspirational and theoretical basis of research (chapter 2); b) Defines objectified focus of research – UrbArch Emptiness (chapter 3); c) Develops models for Open Public Spaces representation and analysis based on UrbArch Emptiness (chapter 4); d) Defines specific Open Public Spaces’ attributes to be approached (chapter 5); Applies the methodology wherefrom correlations between attributes, qualitative properties and spatial qualities are preliminarily established (chapter 6).N/

    The influence of the trend of urban growth of city of Novi Sad on air quality in parks

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    Quality control of air in urban green areas - urban parks are rarely studied spaces, and this paper is based on research on the effects and impacts of microclimatic parameters on the detected suspended particles (PM 2.5 and PM10) with a multidisciplinary influence on public health and the quality of life of Novi Sad citizens. Excessive urbanization of urban environments and global migrations are among the most important causes of increased concentrations of air pollutants, even in urban green areas such as parks. This scientific research is part of a project focused on the effects and discrepancies of microclimatic parameters on detected concentrations of total suspended particles in the city's green parks in Novi Sad. Three urban parks of different sizes and locations with varying microclimatic influences were selected. Measurements of suspended particles (PM) were conducted at Futoški Park (FP), Dunavski Park (DP), and Limanski Park (LP) using a mobile device Aeroqual Series 500. At each location (FP, DP, LP), 10 measurements of suspended particle concentrations were conducted, with the device reporting changes in detected particle concentrations in real time. The results of the measured concentrations of suspended particles indicate variations in detected particle concentrations, with PM2.5 ranging from 4 to 36.1 μg/m3, while PM10 was detected in the range of 7 to 40.1 μg/m3. The measurement period for suspended particle pollution ranged from 12:00 to 17:30, with measured temperature fluctuations from 24.1 to 30.0°C and measured relative humidity oscillating between 39.1% and 54.4%

    Functional fine-tuning of metabolic pathways by the endocannabinoid system implications for health and disease

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    Although the biological components of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) are well known and have been explored in detail over many decades, its significance seems to enlarge with every new experimental study. The ECS employs a huge network of molecules (receptors, ligands, and enzymatic machinery molecules) whose interactions with other cellular networks have still not been fully elucidated. It has become evident that its historical role in pain alleviation is just the tip of an enormous iceberg of translationally significant information that can be derived from the so-called endocannabinoidome. The ECS is involved in the modulation of a large amount of cognitive and physiological processes involved in the homeostatic regulation of the body. The role and mechanism by which the ECS is involved in the regulation of metabolism is not fully known, but its action is in large part through cyclic AMP/receptor activation-related pathways activated by cannabinoid ligands [1,2]. Endogenous cannabinoids are molecules with the primary function of control of multiple metabolic pathways. They are pre-synthesized and stored in cellular vesicles and released upon endogenous and exogenous stimuli to regulate internal homeostasis. Their targets include classical cannabinoid receptors that belong to the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family as well as their various heteromers (see below), contributing to the complexity of the ECS [3]. Cannabinoid ligands also act through various non-canonical pathways [4], employing secondary messenger systems (changes in intracellular Ca2+ levels, activation of protein kinases) thus preferentially triggering alternative outcomes depending on the initial stimuli. This work aims to contribute to the growing burden of evidence that the ECS might be significantly more used as a pharmacological target for various metabolic disorders, despite carrying a historical label of being legally and ethically compromised

    Influence of detected NO2 and O3 on air quality of the city of Novi Sad

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    Within regular legislation of the Republic of Serbia, air quality monitoring is done on a daily basis, which we compared with the indicative measurement on a location which is in the vicinity of the measuring station “Novi Sad – Liman”. Location of the conducted indicative measurement is in the city park called “Liman park”. Mean values of the measured pollutant concentrations of O3 and NO2 were taken into account (the indicative measurements were done in a period of one hour). Both measuring points are located near the biggest boulevards which have a lot of traffic activity. Indicative measurements were done using the Aeroqual monitor with a GSE (gas sensitive electrochemical) sensor, while the comparative measurements were took by automatic measuring stations put out by the state. Such a comparison of the measured NO2 and O3 concentrations in the air of city of Novi Sad was not done before and it can give us insight into a possible harmful impact on the public health of the citizens of Novi Sad as well as the harmful impact on the environment. Results of the measurements pointed out the variations of air pollutant values; for O3 a 27.78% and for NO2 92.78% difference between the two locations that are 450 m apart from one another. The measurements were performed at the same time on the same day, temperature and relative humidity were nearly identical

    Air pollution in city parks during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The degree of coverage of the urban greenspace area and the factors which affect the concentration of particles in the air in those limited greenspace areas are rarely studied, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This paper is based on researching the effects and different impacts of the microclimate parameters on the concentration of particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) in the studied city parks and their multidisciplinary impact on the most important aspect – The Public Health. In Novi Sad, Serbia, three parks of different sizes and locations have been chosen, depending on the traffic frequency. The measurement results of particle pollution (PM) pointed out the variations of levels of concentration of the PM pollutants, PM2.5 particles were in range from 2 to 10 μg/m3 and PM10 were in range from 3 to 12 μg/m3 . Some of the measured values are exceptionally low so it can be concluded that the air was clean. The time of the measurements of the PM pollutants in the parks was in a period from 11a.m to 2 p.m., with temperature oscillation between 15o -24.3oC and air humidity from 41-50%

    Sleep quality and its clinical associations in trichotillomania and skin picking disorder.

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    BACKGROUND: Trichotillomania (TTM) is characterized by recurrent hair pulling and associated hair loss. Skin picking disorder (SPD) is characterized by recurrent skin picking and associated scarring or tissue damage. Both disorders are also accompanied by psychological distress and poor sleep. Very little, however, is known about lifestyle variables that may contribute to symptom severity in these disorders. METHODS: We recruited 87 adults as part of a cross-sectional study of 3 groups (TTM, SPD, and non-affected). Clinical subjects (n=69) were compared with controls (n=18) on sleep quality as measured by Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). We used partial least squares regression to identify which variables were significantly associated with poor sleep quality among those participants with TTM or SPD. RESULTS: Clinical subjects had significantly poorer sleep quality than controls. Sleep quality was significantly related to older age, worse perceived stress, lower distress tolerance and greater impulsivity in adults with BFRBs. Poor sleep quality was associated with worse hair pulling symptom severity but not skin picking severity. Higher levels of comorbid mental disorders was also associated with worse sleep, above and beyond the impact of these other variables. CONCLSUIONS: Poor sleep quality appears to be related to multiple variables. Further research is needed to determine causality and to tailor treatment to specific patient needs

    The Interplay between cancer biology and the endocannabinoid system - significance for cancer risk, prognosis and response to treatment

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    The various components of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), such as the cannabinoid receptors (CBRs), cannabinoid ligands, and the signalling network behind it, are implicated in several tumour-related states, both as favourable and unfavourable factors. This review analyses the ECS's complex involvement in the susceptibility to cancer, prognosis, and response to treatment, focusing on its relationship with cancer biology in selected solid cancers (breast, gastrointestinal, gynaecological, prostate cancer, thoracic, thyroid, CNS tumours, and melanoma). Changes in the expression and activation of CBRs, as well as their ability to form distinct functional heteromers a ect the cell's tumourigenic potential and their signalling properties, leading to pharmacologically di erent outcomes. Thus, the same ECS component can exert both protective and pathogenic e ects in di erent tumour subtypes, which are often pathologically driven by di erent biological factors. The use of endogenous and exogenous cannabinoids as anti-cancer agents, and the range of e ects they might induce (cell death, regulation of angiogenesis, and invasion or anticancer immunity), depend in great deal on the tumour type and the specific ECS component that they target. Although an attractive target, the use of ECS components in anti-cancer treatment is still interlinked with many legal and ethical issues that need to be considered

    Sustituir materiales significa modificar la pieza: análisis de las piezas moldeadas al sustituir aleaciones metálicas de fundición a presión por polímeros de altas prestaciones reforzados con fibra.

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    Los cálculos de simulación son de  ayuda en el diseño de piezas técnicas y en las decisiones requeridas para la sustitución de materiales de fabricación. Las simulaciones se hacen indispensables, donde se buscó un diseño que se adapte al polímero y a la vez a condiciones de elevados esfuerzos mecánicos y altas exigencias de seguridad funcional. Se hizó una comparación de los costos de producción y la conveniencia de sustituir aleaciones de fundición a presión por polímeros de altas prestacione