384 research outputs found

    La Internación como Oportunidad

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    En el presente artículo se propone reflexionar acerca de la posibilidad de pensar a la internación de un paciente en un hospital general como una contingencia que habilita una oportunidad. A través de un recorrido teórico y mediante la presentación de una viñeta clínica, se describirá y fundamentará cómo la enfermedad somática y la internación de un paciente, pueden instituirse como una puerta de ingreso al encuentro con algo diferente; al encuentro con el analista, con el psicoanálisis, y con la recuperación de su subjetividad que desde el comienzo quedó por fuera de la trama hospitalaria, para finalmente hacerla jugar en relación a su padecimiento

    Financial production and the subprime mortgage crisis

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    The causes of the 2007-8 subprime crisis continue to be the subject of much debate, with explanations ranging from de-regulation and fraudulent behavior to global imbalances and rising inequality. However, a comprehensive analysis of the endogenous forces that made the crisis inevitable has yet to be presented. This paper offers a ‘structural’ interpretation of the crisis by synthesising insights from conventional financial economics and the Minskyian and Schumpeterian literature. While highlighting the innovative character of US financial firms evolving from credit providers to producers of financial commodities, we stress the key features of their path towards financial fragility. We contend that financial institutions were able to achieve progressively unsustainable positions due to the ‘enforced indebtedness’ of US households, which played a functional, albeit secondary, role in the development of the crisis

    Stock-Flow Consistent Modeling Through the Ages

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    Dieser Vortrag muss hier angekündigt werden: "15. Juli 2008, 19.30 Uhr, Universität [Augsburg], Hörsaalzentrum, Universitätsstr. 10, HS III Schatzwächter und Zauberworte: Flucht ins Archiv. Über Literatur und Wissenschaft, Sammelwahn und Kanonbildung Moderation: Prof. Dr. Joachim Jacob, Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Ethik" Quelle: http://www.uni-protokolle.de/nachrichten/id/15503

    White matter microstructure in athletes with a history of concussion: Comparing diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI)

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    Sport concussion is associated with disturbances in brain function in the absence of gross anatomical lesions, and may have long-term health consequences. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods provide a powerful tool for investigating alterations in white matter microstructure reflecting the long-term effects of concussion. In a previous study, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) showed that athletes with a history of concussion had elevated fractional anisotropy (FA) and reduced mean diffusivity (MD) parameters. To better understand these effects, this study compared DTI results to neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI), which was used to estimate the intracellular volume fraction (VIC ) and orientation dispersion index (ODI). Sixty-eight (68) varsity athletes were recruited, including 37 without a history of concussion and 31 with concussion >6 months prior to imaging. Univariate analyses showed elevated FA and decreased MD for concussed athletes, along with increased VIC and reduced ODI, indicating greater neurite density and coherence of neurite orientation within white matter. Multivariate analyses also showed that for athletes with a history of concussion, white matter regions with increased FA had increased VIC and decreased ODI, with greater effects among athletes who were imaged a longer time since their last concussion. These findings enhance our understanding of the relationship between the biophysics of water diffusion and concussion neurobiology for young, healthy adults. Hum Brain Mapp 38:4201-4211, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc