1,782 research outputs found

    Description of a computer program to calculate reacting supersonic internal flow fields with shock waves using viscous characteristics: Program manual and sample calculations

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    A computer program for calculating internal supersonic flow fields with chemical reactions and shock waves typical of supersonic combustion chambers with either wall or mid-stream injectors is described. The usefulness and limitations of the program are indicated. The program manual and listing are presented along with a sample calculation

    Photoinduced Electron Pairing in a Driven Cavity

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    We demonstrate how virtual scattering of laser photons inside a cavity via two-photon processes can induce controllable long-range electron interactions in two-dimensional materials. We show that laser light that is red (blue) detuned from the cavity yields attractive (repulsive) interactions whose strength is proportional to the laser intensity. Furthermore, we find that the interactions are not screened effectively except at very low frequencies. For realistic cavity parameters, laser-induced heating of the electrons by inelastic photon scattering is suppressed and coherent electron interactions dominate. When the interactions are attractive, they cause an instability in the Cooper channel at a temperature proportional to the square root of the driving intensity. Our results provide a novel route for engineering electron interactions in a wide range of two-dimensional materials including AB-stacked bilayer graphene and the conducting interface between LaAlO3 and SrTiO3

    Coherent Modulation of the YBa2Cu3O6+x Atomic Structure by Displacive Stimulated Ionic Raman Scattering

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    We discuss the mechanism of coherent phonon generation by Stimulated Ionic Raman Scattering, a process different from conventional excitation with near visible optical pulses. Ionic Raman scattering is driven by anharmonic coupling between a directly excited infrared-active phonon mode and other Raman modes. We experimentally study the response of YBa2Cu3O6+x to the resonant excitation of apical oxygen motions at 20 THz by mid-infrared pulses, which has been shown in the past to enhance the interlayer superconducting coupling. We find coherent oscillations of four totally symmetric (Ag) Raman modes and make a critical assessment of the role of these oscillatory motions in the enhancement of superconductivity.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    On a modified-Lorentz-transformation based gravity model confirming basic GRT experiments

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    Implementing Poincar\'e's `geometric conventionalism' a scalar Lorentz-covariant gravity model is obtained based on gravitationally modified Lorentz transformations (or GMLT). The modification essentially consists of an appropriate space-time and momentum-energy scaling ("normalization") relative to a nondynamical flat background geometry according to an isotropic, nonsingular gravitational `affecting' function Phi(r). Elimination of the gravitationally `unaffected' S_0 perspective by local composition of space-time GMLT recovers the local Minkowskian metric and thus preserves the invariance of the locally observed velocity of light. The associated energy-momentum GMLT provides a covariant Hamiltonian description for test particles and photons which, in a static gravitational field configuration, endorses the four `basic' experiments for testing General Relativity Theory: gravitational i) deflection of light, ii) precession of perihelia, iii) delay of radar echo, iv) shift of spectral lines. The model recovers the Lagrangian of the Lorentz-Poincar\'e gravity model by Torgny Sj\"odin and integrates elements of the precursor gravitational theories, with spatially Variable Speed of Light (VSL) by Einstein and Abraham, and gravitationally variable mass by Nordstr\"om.Comment: v1: 14 pages, extended version of conf. paper PIRT VIII, London, 2002. v2: section added on effective tensorial rank, references added, appendix added, WEP issue deleted, abstract and other parts rewritten, same results (to appear in Found. Phys.

    Pressure tuning of light-induced superconductivity in K3C60

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    Optical excitation at terahertz frequencies has emerged as an effective means to manipulate complex solids dynamically. In the molecular solid K3C60, coherent excitation of intramolecular vibrations was shown to transform the high temperature metal into a non-equilibrium state with the optical conductivity of a superconductor. Here we tune this effect with hydrostatic pressure, and we find it to disappear around 0.3 GPa. Reduction with pressure underscores the similarity with the equilibrium superconducting phase of K3C60, in which a larger electronic bandwidth is detrimental for pairing. Crucially, our observation excludes alternative interpretations based on a high-mobility metallic phase. The pressure dependence also suggests that transient, incipient superconductivity occurs far above the 150 K hypothesised previously, and rather extends all the way to room temperature.Comment: 33 pages, 17 figures, 2 table

    Hybrid CO<sub>2</sub>-Ti:sapphire laser with tunable pulse duration for mid-infrared-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy

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    We describe a mid-infrared pump – terahertz-probe setup based on a CO2 laser seeded with 10.6 μm wavelength pulses from an optical parametric amplifier, itself pumped by a Ti:Al2O3 laser. The output of the seeded CO2 laser produces high power pulses of nanosecond duration, which are synchronized to the femtosecond laser. These pulses can be tuned in pulse duration by slicing their front and back edges with semiconductor-plasma mirrors irradiated by replicas of the femtosecond seed laser pulses. Variable pulse lengths from 5 ps to 1.3 ns are achieved, and used in mid-infrared pump, terahertz-probe experiments with probe pulses generated and electro-optically sampled by the femtosecond laser

    Pump frequency resonances for light-induced incipient superconductivity in YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.5_{6.5}

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    Optical excitation in the cuprates has been shown to induce transient superconducting correlations above the thermodynamic transition temperature, TCT_C, as evidenced by the terahertz frequency optical properties in the non-equilibrium state. In YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} this phenomenon has so far been associated with the nonlinear excitation of certain lattice modes and the creation of new crystal structures. In other compounds, like La2x_{2-x}Bax_xCuO4_4, similar effects were reported also for excitation at near infrared frequencies, and were interpreted as a signature of the melting of competing orders. However, to date it has not been possible to systematically tune the pump frequency widely in any one compound, to comprehensively compare the frequency dependent photo-susceptibility for this phenomenon. Here, we make use of a newly developed optical parametric amplifier, which generates widely tunable high intensity femtosecond pulses, to excite YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.5_{6.5} throughout the entire optical spectrum (3 - 750 THz). In the far-infrared region (3 - 25 THz), signatures of non-equilibrium superconductivity are induced only for excitation of the 16.4 THz and 19.2 THz vibrational modes that drive cc-axis apical oxygen atomic positions. For higher driving frequencies (25 - 750 THz), a second resonance is observed around the charge transfer band edge at ~350 THz. These observations highlight the importance of coupling to the electronic structure of the CuO2_2 planes, either mediated by a phonon or by charge transfer.Comment: 47 pages, 21 figures, 2 table

    Comment on "Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of transient metallic and superconducting states" (arXiv:1506.06758)

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    We comment on the model proposed by Orenstein and Dodge in arXiv:1506.06758v1, which describes time-domain terahertz measurements of transiently generated, high-electron-mobility (or superconducting) phases of solids. The authors' main conclusion is that time-domain terahertz spectroscopy does not measure a response function that is mathematically identical to the transient optical conductivity. We show that although this is correct, the difference between the measured response function and the microscopic optical conductivity is small for realistic experimental parameters. We also show that for the experiments reported by our group on light-induced superconducting-like phases in cuprates and in organic conductors, the time-domain terahertz yields a very good estimate for the optical conductivity.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, comment on arXiv:1506.0675

    Kinematics and hydrodynamics of spinning particles

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    In the first part (Sections 1 and 2) of this paper --starting from the Pauli current, in the ordinary tensorial language-- we obtain the decomposition of the non-relativistic field velocity into two orthogonal parts: (i) the "classical part, that is, the 3-velocity w = p/m OF the center-of-mass (CM), and (ii) the so-called "quantum" part, that is, the 3-velocity V of the motion IN the CM frame (namely, the internal "spin motion" or zitterbewegung). By inserting such a complete, composite expression of the velocity into the kinetic energy term of the non-relativistic classical (i.e., newtonian) lagrangian, we straightforwardly get the appearance of the so-called "quantum potential" associated, as it is known, with the Madelung fluid. This result carries further evidence that the quantum behaviour of micro-systems can be adirect consequence of the fundamental existence of spin. In the second part (Sections 3 and 4), we fix our attention on the total 3-velocity v = w + V, it being now necessary to pass to relativistic (classical) physics; and we show that the proper time entering the definition of the four-velocity v^mu for spinning particles has to be the proper time tau of the CM frame. Inserting the correct Lorentz factor into the definition of v^mu leads to completely new kinematical properties for v_mu v^mu. The important constraint p_mu v^mu = m, identically true for scalar particles, but just assumed a priori in all previous spinning particle theories, is herein derived in a self-consistent way.Comment: LaTeX file; needs kapproc.st

    Improved Torsion Pendulum for Ground Testing of LISA Displacement Sensors

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    We discuss a new torsion pendulum design for ground testing of prototype LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) displacement sensors. This new design is directly sensitive to net forces and therefore provides a more representative test of the noisy forces and parasitic stiffnesses acting on the test mass as compared to previous ground-based experiments. We also discuss a specific application to the measurement of thermal gradient effects.Comment: 4 pages 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativit