96 research outputs found

    Psychosocial and environmental correlates of walking, cycling, public transport and passive transport to various destinations in Flemish older adolescents

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    BACKGROUND: Active transport is a convenient way to incorporate physical activity in adolescents' daily life. The present study aimed to investigate which psychosocial and environmental factors are associated with walking, cycling, public transport (train, tram, bus, metro) and passive transport (car, motorcycle, moped) over short distances (maximum eight kilometres) among older adolescents (17-18 years), to school and to other destinations. METHODS: 562 older adolescents completed an online questionnaire assessing socio-demographic variables, psychosocial variables, environmental variables and transport to school/other destinations. Zero-inflated negative binomial regression models were performed. RESULTS: More social modelling and a higher residential density were positively associated with walking to school and walking to other destinations, respectively. Regarding cycling, higher self-efficacy and a higher social norm were positively associated with cycling to school and to other destinations. Regarding public transport, a higher social norm, more social modelling of siblings and/or friends, more social support and a higher land use mix access were positively related to public transport to school and to other destinations, whereas a greater distance to school only related positively to public transport to school. Regarding passive transport, more social support and more perceived benefits were positively associated with passive transport to school and to other destinations. Perceiving less walking and cycling facilities at school was positively related to passive transport to school only, and more social modelling was positively related to passive transport to other destinations. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, psychosocial variables seemed to be more important than environmental variables across the four transport modes. Social norm, social modelling and social support were the most consistent psychosocial factors which indicates that it is important to target both older adolescents and their social environment in interventions promoting active transport. Walking or cycling together with siblings or friends has the potential to increase social norm, social modelling and social support towards active transport

    Drivers and economic aspects for the implementation of advanced wastewater treatment and water reuse in a PVC plant

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    AbstractThis paper shows the economic feasibility of water reuse within a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plant. A two-step treatment of the current primary effluent consisting of an aerobic membrane bioreactor followed by a double pass reverse osmosis process, validated at pilot scale, was used to estimate the costs of the industrial water treatment plant. The economic feasibility of the treatment and reuse concept remained unclear because the required investment of 2.5M€ was high and the discounted payback time of 5 years was long.The proposed solution is profitable for sites where fresh demineralized water production costs are currently higher than 1.5€/m3 and the required flow of the recycled water exceeds 50m3/h. The water reuse concept allows decoupling the production from fresh water use. In this case, anticipating that a drought would lead to a 3% reduction of the production, the amortization period would be lowered to one year

    Older adults’ environmental preferences for transportation cycling

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    Introduction: Cycling is a non-polluting and healthy transportation mode for older adults. However, there is limited knowledge about the infrastructural changes necessary to stimulate cycling among older adults (>= 65 years). This is particularly true for electric cycling (e-biking), an increasingly popular form of cycling. The current experiment with manipulated photographs examined the environmental preferences for transportation cycling among older adults. Additionally, it examined whether subgroups with different environmental preferences exist and whether these subgroups differ on socio-demographics, health characteristics, transport behaviour, e-bike use and cycling levels. Methods: A structured questionnaire and choice-based conjoint exercise was completed by 895 Flemish older adults. The conjoint exercise included 13 choice tasks each presenting two street situations, which were manipulated on nine environmental attributes. Hierarchical Bayes and latent class analyses were applied to obtain environmental preferences and identify subgroups. Results: In the total sample, type of cycle path was the most important environmental attribute (importance = 40.0, 95% CI = 39.0-41.0) determining older adults' preference for transportation cycling. The second most important attribute was traffic density (16.7, 95% CI = 15.9-17.4), followed by cycle path evenness (11.8, 95% CI = 11.4-12.1) and distance (10.6, 95% CI = 10.1-11.0). Six subgroups with different environmental preferences were identified. These subgroups could be characterized based on differences in cycling limitations, driving status, e-bike use and cycling levels. Conclusions: The provision of well-separated cycle paths should be considered a priority in urban planning initiatives aiming to stimulate transportation cycling among older adults. Such initiatives should be evaluated to validate the current findings and optimize future initiatives

    Subgroups of adolescents differing in physical and social environmental preferences towards cycling for transport : a latent class analysis

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    In order to be able to tailor environmental interventions to adolescents at risk for low levels of physical activity, the aim of the present study is to identify subgroups of adolescents with different physical and social environmental preferences towards cycling for transport and to determine differences in individual characteristics between these subgroups. In this experimental study, 882 adolescents (12-16 years) completed 15 choice tasks with manipulated photographs. Participants chose between two possible routes to cycle to a friend's house which differed in seven physical micro-environmental factors, cycling distance and co-participation in cycling (i.e. cycling alone or with a friend). Latent class analysis was performed. Data were collected from March till October 2016 across Flanders (Belgium). Three subgroups could be identified. Subgroup 1 attached most importance to separation of the cycle path and safety-related aspects. Subgroup 2 attached most importance to being able to cycle together with a friend and had the highest percentage of regular cyclists. In subgroup 3, the importance of cycling distance clearly stood out. This subgroup included the lowest percentage of regular cyclists. Results showed that in order to stimulate the least regular cyclists, and thus also the subgroup most at risk for low levels of active transport, cycling distances should be as short as possible. In general, results showed that providing well-separated cycle paths which enable adolescents to cycle side by side and introducing shortcuts for cyclists may encourage different subgroups of adolescents to cycle for transport without discouraging other subgroups

    Critical environmental factors for transportation cycling in children: a qualitative study using bike-along interviews

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    Environmental factors are found to influence transport-related physical activity, but have rarely been studied in relation with cycling for transport to various destinations in 10-12 yr old children. The current qualitative study used \u27bike-along interviews\u27 with children and parents to allow discussion of detailed environmental factors that may influence children\u27s cycling for transport, while cycling in the participant\u27s neighborhood

    Factors related with public open space use among adolescents : a study using GPS and accelerometers

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    Background: Low physical activity levels and high levels of sedentary time among adolescents call for population wide interventions. Public open spaces can be important locations for adolescents' physical activity. This study aimed to describe the prevalence, frequency and context of public open space visitation and to gain insight into the individual, social and physical environmental factors associated with public open space use among 12- to 16-year-old Flemish (Belgian) adolescents. Methods: Global positioning system devices, accelerometers and one-on-one interviews were used to measure location-specific activity levels, time spent at, reasons for using and accompaniment at public open spaces among 173 adolescents. Multilevel hurdle and gamma models were used to estimate the associations between the independent variables (age, gender, ethnicity, education, sport club membership and accompaniment) and the amount of time, sedentary time, light-, moderate-to vigorous-and vigorous-intensity physical activity at public open spaces. Results: Three out of four participants had visited a public open space (for recreational purposes) and participants were most often accompanied by friends/classmates. Mainly public transportation stops/stations were used, and subsequently the most reported reason for public open space use was "to wait for something or someone". Furthermore, boys, younger adolescents, non-western-European adolescents and lower educated adolescents were more likely to use public open spaces. Additionally, boys and younger adolescents were more likely to accumulate physical activity at public open spaces. The only social environmental variable associated with time spent at public open spaces was accompaniment by siblings: adolescents spent more time at public open spaces when accompanied by their siblings. Conclusions: Public open spaces may be effective areas to promote physical activity among groups at risk for physical inactivity (i.e. low educated and non-western-European adolescents). Additionally, girls and older adolescents were less likely to visit and be physically active at public open spaces. Therefore, urban planners should consider adding attractive features, in order to encourage physical activity among girls and older adolescents at public open spaces. Furthermore, creating public open spaces that are attractive for youth of all ages could contribute to adolescents visiting public open spaces accompanied by siblings

    Promoting active transport in older adolescents before they obtain their driving licence : a matched control intervention study

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    BACKGROUND: Active transport has great potential to increase physical activity in older adolescents (17-18 years). Therefore, a theory- and evidence-based intervention was developed aiming to promote active transport among older adolescents. The intervention aimed to influence psychosocial factors of active transport since this is the first step in order to achieve a change in behaviour. The present study aimed to examine the effect of the intervention on the following psychosocial factors: intention to use active transport after obtaining a driving licence, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, subjective norm, self-efficacy, habit and awareness towards active transport. METHODS: A matched control three-arm study was conducted and consisted of a pre-test post-test design with intervention and control schools in Flanders (northern part of Belgium). A lesson promoting active transport was implemented as the last lesson in the course 'Driving Licence at School' in intervention schools (intervention group 1). Individuals in intervention group 2 received this active transport lesson and, in addition, they were asked to become a member of a Facebook group on active transport. Individuals in the control group only attended the regular course 'Driving Licence at School'. Participants completed a questionnaire assessing socio-demographics and psychosocial variables at baseline, post (after one week) and follow-up (after eight weeks). To assess intervention effects, multilevel linear mixed models analyses were performed. RESULTS: A sample of 441 older adolescents (56.8% female; 17.4 (0.7) years) was analysed. For awareness regarding the existence of car sharing schemes, a significant increase in awareness from baseline to post measurement was found within intervention group 1 (p = 0.001) and intervention group 2 (p = 0.030) compared to the control group in which no change was found. In addition, a significant increase in awareness from baseline to follow-up measurement was found within intervention group 1 (p = 0.043) compared to a decrease in awareness from baseline to follow-up measurement within the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the intervention was not effective to increase psychosocial correlates of active transport. Future intervention studies should search for alternative strategies to motivate and involve this hard to reach target group

    Environmental factors influencing older adults\u27 walking for transportation: a study using walk-along interviews

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Current knowledge on the relationship between the physical environment and walking for transportation among older adults (≄ 65 years) is limited. Qualitative research can provide valuable information and inform further research. However, qualitative studies are scarce and fail to include neighborhood outings necessary to study participants’ experiences and perceptions while interacting with and interpreting the local social and physical environment. The current study sought to uncover the perceived environmental influences on Flemish older adults’ walking for transportation. To get detailed and context-sensitive environmental information, it used walk-along interviews.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Purposeful convenience sampling was used to recruit 57 older adults residing in urban or semi-urban areas. Walk-along interviews to and from a destination (e.g. a shop) located within a 15 minutes’ walk from the participants’ home were conducted. Content analysis was performed using NVivo 9 software (QSR International). An inductive approach was used to derive categories and subcategories from the data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Data were categorized in the following categories and subcategories: access to facilities (shops & services, public transit, connectivity), walking facilities (sidewalk quality, crossings, legibility, benches), traffic safety (busy traffic, behavior of other road users), familiarity, safety from crime (physical factors, other persons), social contacts, aesthetics (buildings, natural elements, noise & smell, openness, decay) and weather.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The findings indicate that to promote walking for transportation a neighborhood should provide good access to shops and services, well-maintained walking facilities, aesthetically appealing places, streets with little traffic and places for social interaction. In addition, the neighborhood environment should evoke feelings of familiarity and safety from crime. Future quantitative studies should investigate if (changes in) these environmental factors relate to (changes in) older adults’ walking for transportation.</p

    Estimating body composition in adolescent sprint athletes : comparison of different methods in a 3 years longitudinal design

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    A recommended field method to assess body composition in adolescent sprint athletes is currently lacking. Existing methods developed for non-athletic adolescents were not longitudinally validated and do not take maturation status into account. This longitudinal study compared two field methods, i.e., a Bio Impedance Analysis (BIA) and a skinfold based equation, with underwater densitometry to track body fat percentage relative to years from age at peak height velocity in adolescent sprint athletes. In this study, adolescent sprint athletes (34 girls, 35 boys) were measured every 6 months during 3 years (age at start = 14.8 +/- 1.5yrs in girls and 14.7 +/- 1.9yrs in boys). Body fat percentage was estimated in 3 different ways: 1) using BIA with the TANITA TBF 410; 2) using a skinfold based equation; 3) using underwater densitometry which was considered as the reference method. Height for age since birth was used to estimate age at peak height velocity. Cross-sectional analyses were performed using repeated measures ANOVA and Pearson correlations between measurement methods at each occasion. Data were analyzed longitudinally using a multilevel cross-classified model with the PROC Mixed procedure. In boys, compared to underwater densitometry, the skinfold based formula revealed comparable values for body fatness during the study period whereas BIA showed a different pattern leading to an overestimation of body fatness starting from 4 years after age at peak height velocity. In girls, both the skinfold based formula and BIA overestimated body fatness across the whole range of years from peak height velocity. The skinfold based method appears to give an acceptable estimation of body composition during growth as compared to underwater densitometry in male adolescent sprinters. In girls, caution is warranted when interpreting estimations of body fatness by both BIA and a skinfold based formula since both methods tend to give an overestimation
