88 research outputs found

    Aproximación cualitativa del escudriño en Psicología educativa

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    It was difficult for the interpretive opposing approach to fight the previous exclusive current with its ideographic approach to the study of a now subjective reality, which was consolidated and applied to practice with the transformative intention of the complementary socio-critical approach2, and through some of the qualitative methods: a) in the first approach, through the participant or non-participant ethnographic observation, instrumental, institutional, individual or collective study cases that provide understanding rather than previous description; b) in the second one, through the research-action or research based on the design that reverts the situation studied to free and improve it.El enfoque funcionalista tradicional en la representación y abordaje de la Ciencia ha dejado una férrea herencia metodológica de investigación de objetos y fenómenos objetivos con intención puramente nomotética de describirlos avanzado hacia principios y leyes generales, atemporales y universales, bajo métodos cuantitativos. Métodos cuantitativos tanto experimentales y/o cuasiexperimentales, de evaluación pretest-postest con un tratamiento intermedio, como no experimentales de tipo descriptivo, relacional, comparativo, predictivo, factorial y de meta-análisis, donde no existe manipulación o tratamiento por parte del investigador

    Inclusive Leadership and Education Quality: Adaptation and Validation of the Questionnaire “Inclusive Leadership in Schools” (LEI-Q) to the Italian Context

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    The United Nations Sustainable Development Programme for 2030 has established the principles of sustainable action for today’s society, one of which is to achieve quality and more inclusive education. Our society has reached the stage where quality education is no longer a privilege of a few, but a fundamental right. Therefore, not achieving quality education is equivalent to not having had the opportunity to grow and develop as fully as one is entitled to in a free and just society, which needs inclusive leadership. The objective in this study is the validation of the instrument “Inclusive Leadership in Schools” for the Italian context. The methods used are content validity through expert judgement; construct validity through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis; and reliability through Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and the split-half method. The results reveal that both the version for school administrators and teachers and the version for families have optimal levels of validity and reliability for measuring the degree of inclusive leadership in Italian schools. The results suggest that inclusive leadership effects are expected to operate most closely via their influence on developing the improvement of teaching and learning quality and promoting a favourable school climate and culture that emphasize high expectations and quality education

    Capacitación profesional y necesidades formativas percibidas por los futuros educadores para abordar el maltrato entre iguales

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    La presente ponencia pretende resaltar la importancia y la necesidad de formar a los futuros educadores para detectar, erradicar y prevenir el maltrato entre iguales. Para ello, analizaremos el grado de capacitación profesional autopercibida para abordar este problema, así como las demandas formativas de los mismos, ya que en nuestro país existen pocos estudios al respecto. En el estudio participaron 140 estudiantes de la Universidad de Granada (88% estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación), a los que se les administró colectivamente un cuestionario anónimo. Tras el análisis de los datos encontramos que los participantes confían en su capacidad para ofrecer apoyo a las víctimas, hablar con ellas sin culpabilizarlas y trabajar con los padres de las víctimas y de los agresores, y al mismo tiempo, estos son los aspectos más valorados en la formación de un educador ante este problema.Eje: Conflictos escolares/disciplinaRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Capacitación profesional y necesidades formativas percibidas por los futuros educadores para abordar el maltrato entre iguales

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    La presente ponencia pretende resaltar la importancia y la necesidad de formar a los futuros educadores para detectar, erradicar y prevenir el maltrato entre iguales. Para ello, analizaremos el grado de capacitación profesional autopercibida para abordar este problema, así como las demandas formativas de los mismos, ya que en nuestro país existen pocos estudios al respecto. En el estudio participaron 140 estudiantes de la Universidad de Granada (88% estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación), a los que se les administró colectivamente un cuestionario anónimo. Tras el análisis de los datos encontramos que los participantes confían en su capacidad para ofrecer apoyo a las víctimas, hablar con ellas sin culpabilizarlas y trabajar con los padres de las víctimas y de los agresores, y al mismo tiempo, estos son los aspectos más valorados en la formación de un educador ante este problema.Eje: Conflictos escolares/disciplinaRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    ICT training for educators of Granada for working with people with autism

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    Background: Innovative methodologies based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are a tested and motivating option for working with people with autism. Their use, how- ever, should not be indiscriminatory and arbitrary, but didactic and appropriate. Objective: We aimed to discover the training in ICT they had, its frequency of use, and the types of digital resources that they used. Methods: We administered the questionnaire, “Demands and Potentials of ICT and Apps for Assisting People with Autism” to 310 educators in the city of Granada (Spain). The participants belonged to schools and associations that worked with people with autism. Adopting a quantitative-type study, we carried out descriptive analyses (frequencies, mean, mode, and standard deviation). Having confirmed that the data did not follow a normal distribution (Kol- mogorov-Smirnov test for samples of >50 participants), we carried out non-parametric inferential and intrafactorial correlation analyses. We also calculated the effect size. Results: The educators revealed that they had ICT training for working with people with autism, but not enough. This suggests that there is still a need to improve the digital competence of these professionals. Strong, direct and significant correlations were found between ICT training and the frequency with which they were used. There were also statistically significant differences ac- cording to sex, gender, age, type of institution, and type of educator. The educators who worked as Therapeutic Pedagogy teachers and those who worked in Special Education schools were shown to be more competent than the rest in educational technology applied to people with autism. Conclusions: The results, which were not wholly positive since ICT training should be better and have achieved higher scores, revealed that there is a foundation in ICT education but it needs to be heightened and improved with greater knowledge and more practical experience.Heliyon [Editors Hange Teng and Tomayess Issa]University of Granada (Spain

    Assessment of Apps Aimed at Developing Basic Instrumental Skills in Autistic Children and Teenagers

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    It is crucial for families and professionals to promote basic instrumental skills in children with autism, as these skills can help with comprehensive growth and development, and are a starting point in acquiring the essential tools needed for one to live an independent and successful life, These skills include oral language, reading, writing, and mathematics. Therefore, given that ICT and mobile applications (apps) are effective tools that offer suitable content, and are designed exclusively for people with this disorder, working on these skills with apps is an interesting option that is worthy of our attention. We analyzed 88 apps that focused on these skills, through a duly validated system of indicators, calculating frequencies, percentages, measures of central tendency and dispersion, and non-parametric contrast statistics. The app search was carried out in the Google Play Store, with the keyword “autism”, in English and in Spanish. Most of the apps focused on aspects linked to oral language and reading, but few were aimed at reading and mathematics. In addition to the apps’ lack of specialization in the last two skills, the vast majority did not specify the age group for which their content was intended.University of Granada and Spanish Ministry of Education, Innovation, and Universities (aid for university teacher training (FPU19/00026)

    Cuestionario de valoración de la utilidad de los podcast como herramienta de enseñanza-aprendizaje

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    Cuestionario diseñado en el marco de un Proyecto de Innovación Docente (“La tarea colaborativa y las nuevas tecnologías para la mejora de la competencia oral en LE”) llevado a cabo en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Granada (España) durante el curso 2008/2009 en el que se utilizan los podcasts como propuesta didáctica encaminada a introducir varias de las propuestas del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) en el aula: TICs, trabajo autónomo, tarea colaborativa y tutorización. Está compuesto por 36 ítems, que utiliza una escala Likert de 1 a 5 en función del grado de desacuerdo y acuerdo y la respuesta abierta, limitada o breve. Este instrumento está validado a través de juicio de expertos y su consistencia interna es adecuada (alfa de Cronbach = .75). Los resultados del estudio están publicados: URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10481/15365Unidad de Innovación Docente del Vicerrectorado de Garantía de la Calidad de la Universidad de Granad

    Mathematics Preservice Trainee Teachers’ Perceptions of Attention to Diversity in Initial Training as Secondary Education Teachers

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    Research on teachers’ perceptions about diversity is key to understanding the different approaches to be implemented to build inclusive education. Within this framework, the perceptions and attitudes of 73 students in the Mathematics specialization of the University Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, Bachillerato, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas (MAES) at the University of Granada (Spain) were analyzed to determine their views about the initial training they received on attention to diversity during the Master’s program. The study is a descriptive and correlational-predictive transversal examination of the responses obtained from the “Questionnaire for preservice secondary education teachers on perceptions about attention to diversity” (Colmenero Ruiz and Pegalajar Palomino, 2015). The findings demonstrate that the students—preservice secondary education teachers—held favorable attitudes toward diversity and the principle of inclusion. The findings also show that contact with persons with disability influences perception of this population. The authors conclude that better training and knowledge of the elements that condition the teaching–learning process for high-quality attention to diversity predict better pedagogical preparation in matters of attention to diversity

    Future Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions towards Inclusion in Secondary Education: University of Granada

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    Designing and implementing inclusive practices is considered one of the basic actions for the construction of inclusive education. Actions depend largely on teachers’ attitudes, which can be modified by the training they receive. This study analyzes 73 future mathematics teachers’ perceptions of the diversity training received in the Master in Compulsory Secondary Education and Post-Secondary, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (MAES), as well as their attitudes towards diversity at the University of Granada (Spain). The participants’ ages ranged from 22 to 50 years (M = 27.12, SD = 6.45); 47.9% were cisgender women and 52.1% were cisgender men. This research was a non-experimental, descriptive, and multivariate study, developed under the assumption of the quantitative methodological paradigm. The result revealed that attention to diversity should play an important role in the teachers’ future teaching practice. Nevertheless, they were dissatisfied with the initial training received, considered themselves not qualified enough to face diversity in their classrooms, and they had an ambivalent attitude toward attention to diversity. However, attitudes and educational levels were more favorable in the case of women, older participants, and among those who had had contact with people with SNES. It is concluded that it is appropriate to continue to influence the attitudes in relation to this issue, since pedagogical training on the factors that condition the teaching–learning process in terms of attention to diversity provides greater effectiveness in this field.Spanish Ministry of Education, Innovation and Universities (aid for university teacher training [FPU19/00026 and FPU21/00479]

    Medir actitudes profesorales españolas hacia la educación inclusiva para lograr una escuela para todos

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    La investigación se centra en proponer un instrumento válido para analizar las actitudes, preocupaciones y sentimientos acerca de la Educación Inclusiva de estudiantes y profesionales de Magisterio, en el contexto español. Se utilizó el instrumento “Scale for Measuring Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions about Inclusion The Sentiments, Attitudes and Concerns about Inclusive Education Revised” (SACIE-R)” de Forlin, Earle, Loreman y Sharma (2011). Fue sometido a un proceso de validación realizado con dos grupos pilotos: uno compuesto por futuros docentes (695 estudiantes de la Universidad de Granada España, de las cuatro centros públicos y privados que forman futuros docentes: Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de Granada; Centro de Magisterio "La Inmaculada" de Granada, Facultad de Educación y Humanidades de Melilla; y Facultad de Educación, Economía y Tecnología de Ceuta); y otro conformado por docentes en ejercicio españoles (122 de distintos niveles educativos, edades, años de servicio, formación inicial y especialidades). La diversidad de unos y otros garantiza la representatividad de la muestra. Tras la validación se obtiene como resultado que docentes en formación y en ejercicio replicaron parcialmente la validez del instrumento de forma similar a la realizada en otras validaciones anteriores en otros países; quedando configurada la versión final adaptada al contexto español en una escala de 12 ítems.  Para el factor I “actitudes” los valores son más elevados que en el instrumento original sometido al estudio, el factor II “sentimientos” obtiene valores aceptables, mientras que el factor III “preocupaciones” no alcanza confiabilidad necesaria con los estudiantes, sí con los docentes.