28 research outputs found

    Evaluation du potentiel d'émission d'alkylphénols et de bisphénol A par lessivage des matériaux de construction, des piÚces et des consommables automobiles

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    National audienceLa contamination en alkylphenols (AP) et en bisphenolA (BPA) des eaux de ruissellement urbaine est avĂ©rĂ©e. Les sources potentielles de ces contaminants dans les eaux de ruissellement sont endogĂšnes au bassin versant et sont liĂ©es en particulier Ă  la circulation automobile et au lessivage des matĂ©riaux constituant l’enveloppe bĂątie et les infrastructures urbaines. Cet article synthĂ©tise les rĂ©sultats d’un travail expĂ©rimental menĂ© sur une sĂ©lection de matĂ©riaux de construction, de matĂ©riaux et de consommables automobiles entrant en contact avec la pluie afin d’évaluer leur potentiel d’émission d’alkylphĂ©nols, alkylphĂ©nols Ă©thoxylĂ©s et bisphĂ©nolA dans le ruissellement. 36 Ă©chantillons de matĂ©riaux, neufs et usagĂ©s, appartenant Ă  8 grandes familles de matĂ©riaux de construction (PVC, bĂ©ton, polycarbonate, bitume modifiĂ© SBS, matĂ©riaux de drainage) et de matĂ©riaux automobiles (carrosserie, pneus) ont Ă©tĂ© soumis Ă  des tests de lixiviation au mĂ©thanol puis, pour une sĂ©lection d’entre eux, Ă  l’eau. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent la prĂ©sence ubiquiste des composĂ©s recherchĂ©s dans les matĂ©riaux urbains, ainsi que leur caractĂšre extractible Ă  l’eau. Les composĂ©s avec les plus forts taux d’émission sont le bisphĂ©nolA et le nonylphĂ©nol. Les Ă©missions dans l’eau en bisphĂ©nolA les plus importantes (10 Ă  300 ng/g) ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es pour le polycarbonate, les pneumatiques, certaines carrosseries de voiture et les PVC. Le nonylphĂ©nol a Ă©tĂ© lixiviĂ© en quantitĂ© importante (1 Ă  10 ng/g) depuis les PVC, certains bĂ©tons, les bitumes modifiĂ©s SBS et les Ă©chantillons de carrosserie. Les pneus sont les seuls matĂ©riaux prĂ©sentant une forte Ă©mission en octylphĂ©nol (1 Ă  10 ng/g). L’analyse de fluides automobiles a confirmĂ© la prĂ©sence de BPA (0.3 Ă  5.5 g .l-1) et de nonylphĂ©nol (2.3 Ă  2.9 mgg .l-1) dans les liquides de frein, tandis que APs et BPA peuvent ĂȘtre trouvĂ©s Ă  l’état de trace dans les liquides de refroidissement et lave glaces

    Devenir des micropolluants organiques dans le sol des ouvrages de gestion des eaux pluviales : interaction entre diversité microbienne et biodégradation

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    International audienceThe main objective of this work is to study the fate of organic micropollutants in the soils of several stormwater management structures and to observe the interaction between microbial populations and the biodegradation of micropollutants. Three sites were selected to study this future with the following soil selection criteria: soil composition, location in relation to runoff, age of the structure and plant cover. A physico-chemical and biological characterization of the soils was carried out following several sampling campaigns. Biodegradation kinetics under controlled conditions in liquid batches were then carried out in order to compare the biodegradation capacities of bisphenol A, nonylphenol and octylphenol of native microorganisms extracted from the soils of the structures studied. The results of these kinetics showed different biodegradation efficiencies between the soils of the same site for the same micropollutant. Also, for the four soils of the Vitry site, the biodegradation of BPA varies from 20% to 100%. The percentages of biodegradation are also different between the sites (upstream Dourdan site: biodegradation of 99% of BPA while the swale of the Compans site will biodegrade only 54% of BPA). These differences in efficiency are to be related to the physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of the soils studied. Our work will make it possible to better understand the evolution over time and space of the effectiveness of structures in the depollution of rainwater with the aim of optimizing their design and managementL’objectif principal de ces travaux est d’étudier le devenir des micropolluants organiques dans les sols de plusieurs ouvrages de gestion des eaux pluviales et d’observer l’interaction entre les populations microbiennes et la biodĂ©gradation des micropolluants. Trois sites ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s pour Ă©tudier ce devenir avec comme critĂšres de choix des sols : la constitution du sol, la localisation par rapport aux ruissellements, l’ñge de l’ouvrage et le couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal. Une caractĂ©risation physico-chimique et biologique des sols a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e suite Ă  plusieurs campagnes d’échantillonnage. Des cinĂ©tiques de biodĂ©gradation en conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es en batch liquides ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es afin de comparer les capacitĂ©s de biodĂ©gradation du bisphĂ©nol A, du NonylphĂ©nol et de l’OctylphĂ©nol des microorganismes autochtones extraits des sols des ouvrages Ă©tudiĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats de ces cinĂ©tiques ont montrĂ© des efficacitĂ©s de biodĂ©gradation diffĂ©rentes entre les sols d'un mĂȘme site pour un mĂȘme micropolluant. Aussi pour les quatre sols du site de Vitry la biodĂ©gradation du BPA varie de 20% Ă  100%. Les pourcentages de biodĂ©gradations sont Ă©galement diffĂ©rents entre les sites (site Dourdan amont : biodĂ©gradation de 99% du BPA tandis que la noue du site Compans va biodĂ©grader le BPA Ă  54% seulement). Ces diffĂ©rences d’efficacitĂ©s sont Ă  mettre en relation les caractĂ©ristiques physico-chimique et microbiologiques des sols Ă©tudiĂ©s. Nos travaux permettront de mieux comprendre l’évolution dans le temps et dans l’espace de l’efficacitĂ© des ouvrages dans la dĂ©pollution des eaux pluviales avec comme finalitĂ© l’optimisation de leur conception et de leur gestio

    Effects of UV and Calcium Perchlorates on Uracil Deposited on Strontium Fluoride Substrates at Mars Pressure and Temperature

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    International audienceOrganic matter is actively searched on Mars with current and future space missions as it is a key to detecting potential biosignatures. Given the current harsh environmental conditions at the surface of Mars, many organic compounds might not be preserved over a long period as they are exposed to energetic radiation such as ultraviolet light, which is not filtered above 190 nm by the martian atmosphere. Moreover, the presence of strong oxidizing species in the regolith, such as perchlorate salts, might enhance the photodegradation of organic compounds of astrobiological interest. Because current space instruments analyze samples collected in the upper surface layer, it is necessary to investigate the stability of organic matter at the surface of Mars. Previous experimental studies have shown that uracil, a molecule relevant to astrobiology, is quickly photolyzed when exposed to UV radiation under the temperature and pressure conditions of the martian surface with an experimental quantum efficiency of photodecomposition (φexp) of 0.30 ± 0.26 molecule·photon−1. Moreover, the photolysis of uracil leads to the formation of more stable photoproducts that were identified as uracil dimers. The present work aims to characterize the additional effect of calcium perchlorate detected on Mars on the degradation of uracil. Results show that the presence of calcium perchlorate enhances the photodecomposition of uracil with φexp = 12.3 ± 8.3 molecule·photon−1. Although some of the photoproducts formed during these experiments are common to those formed from pure uracil only, the Fourier transformation infrared (FTIR) detection of previously unseen chemical functions such as alkyne C ≡ C or nitrile C ≡ N has shown that additional chemical species are formed in the presence of calcium perchlorate in the irradiated sample. This implies that the effect of calcium perchlorate on the photolysis of uracil is not only kinetic but also related to the nature of the photoproducts formed

    Accumulation of organic and inorganic micro-pollutants over time and space in a constructed wetland for urban run-off

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    International audienceTo improve the quality of the Seine River, the municipality of Paris (France) has constructed in the framework of the European Life Adsorb project a wetland to treat runoff water of urban roads. This constructed wetland (CW) is separated in two parts with a slightly different composition (addition of an adsorbent substrate for one). The main objectives of the project are to monitor the evolution of the CW efficiency and understand the fate of contaminants within the CW for different substrates. This paper proposes a short balance of the accumulation of metallic and organic micropollutants (MPs) after one year of functioning. The first results show a fast accumulation of MPs in a new sediment layer with also starting retention in the surface sand layer just below. At this stage, the data are not sufficiently consistent to confirm the better retention capacity of the specific absorbent substrate