575 research outputs found

    Ankylosing Spondylitis: a trade Off of HLA-B27, ERAP, and pathogen interconnections? Focus on Sardinia

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    The frequency of HLA-B27 in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is over 85%. There are more than 170 recognized HLA-B27 alleles but the majority of them is not sufficiently represented for genetic association studies. So far only two alleles, the HLA-B*2706 in Asia and the HLA-B*2709 in Sardinia, have not been found to be associated with AS. The highly homogenous genetic structure of the Sardinian population has favored the search of relevant variants for disease-association studies. Moreover, malaria, once endemic in the island, has been shown to have contributed to shape the native population genome affecting the relative allele frequency of relevant genes. In Sardinia, the prevalence of HLA-B*2709, which differs from the strongly AS-associated B*2705 prototype for one amino acid (His/Asp116) in the F pocket of the peptide binding groove, is around 20% of all HLA-B27 alleles. We have previously hypothesized that malaria could have contributed to the establishment of this allele in Sardinia. Based on our recent findings, in this perspective article we speculate that the Endoplasmic Reticulum Amino Peptidases, ERAP1 and 2, associated with AS and involved in antigen presentation, underwent co-selection by malaria. These genes, besides shaping the immunopeptidome of HLA-class I molecules, have other biological functions that could also be involved in the immunosurveillance against malaria

    Strichartz estimates for the metaplectic representation

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    We provide new estimates for the matrix coefficients of the metaplectic representation, inspired by a formal analogy with the Strichartz estimates which hold for several classes of evolution propagators U(t). The one parameter group of unitary operators U(t) is replaced by a unitary representation of a non-compact Lie group, the group element playing the role of time; the case of the metaplectic or oscillatory representation is of special interest in this connection, because the Schroedinger group is a subgroup of the metaplectic group. We prove uniform weak-type sharp estimates for matrix coefficients and Strichartz-type estimates for that representation. The crucial point is the choice of function spaces able to detect such a decay, which in general will depend on the given group action. The relevant function spaces here turn out to be the so-called modulation spaces from Time-frequency Analysis in Euclidean space, and Lebesgue spaces with respect to Haar measure on the metaplectic group. The proofs make use in an essential way of the covariance of the Wigner distribution with respect to the metaplectic representation

    An allelic variant in the intergenic region between ERAP1 and ERAP2 correlates with an inverse expression of the two genes

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    The Endoplasmatic Reticulum Aminopeptidases ERAP1 and ERAP2 are implicated in a variety of immune and non-immune functions. Most studies however have focused on their role in shaping the HLA class I peptidome by trimming peptides to the optimal size. Genome Wide Association Studies highlighted non-synonymous polymorphisms in their coding regions as associated with several immune mediated diseases. The two genes lie contiguous and oppositely oriented on the 5q15 chromosomal region. Very little is known about the transcriptional regulation and the quantitative variations of these enzymes. Here, we correlated the level of transcripts and proteins of the two aminopeptidases in B-lymphoblastoid cell lines from 44 donors harbouring allelic variants in the intergenic region between ERAP1 and ERAP2. We found that the presence of a G instead of an A at SNP rs75862629 in the ERAP2 gene promoter strongly influences the expression of the two ERAPs with a down-modulation of ERAP2 coupled with a significant higher expression of ERAP1. We therefore show here for the first time a coordinated quantitative regulation of the two ERAP genes, which can be relevant for the setting of specific therapeutic approaches

    AIF-1 gene does not confer susceptibility to Behçet's disease: Analysis of extended haplotypes in Sardinian population

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    Background BehcEet's disease (BD) is a polygenic immune-mediated disorder characterized by a close association with the HLA-B∗51 allele. The HLA region has a strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) and carries several genetic variants (e.g. MIC-A, TNF-α genes) identified as associated to BD because of their LD with HLA-B∗51. In fact, the HLA-B∗51 is inherited as part of extended HLA haplotypes which are well preserved in patients with BD. Sardinian population is highly differentiated from other Mediterranean populations because of a distinctive genetic structure with very highly preserved HLA haplotypes. Patients and methods In order to identify other genes of susceptibility to BD within the HLA region we investigated the distribution of human Allograft Inflammatory Factor-1 (AIF-1) gene variants among BD patients and healthy controls from Sardinia. Six (rs2736182; rs2259571; rs2269475; rs2857597; rs13195276; rs4711274) AIF-1 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and related extended haplotypes have been investigated as well as their LD within the HLA region and with HLA-B∗51. Overall, 64 BD patients, 43 HLA-B∗51 positive healthy controls (HC) and 70 random HC were enrolled in the study. Results HLA-B∗51 was the only allele with significantly higher frequency (pc = 0.0021) in BD patients (40.6%) than in HC (9.8%). The rs2259571TAIF-1 variant had a significantly reduced phenotypic, but not allelic frequency in BD patients (72.1%; pc = 0.014) compared to healthy population (91.3%). That was likely due to the LD between HLA-B∗51 and rs2259571G(pc= 9E-5), even though the rs2259571Gdistribution did not significantly differ between BD patients and HC. Conclusion No significant difference in distribution of AIF-1 SNPs haplotypes was observed between BD patients and HC and between HLA-B∗51 positive BD patients and HLA-B∗51 positive HC. Taken together, these results suggest that AIF-1 gene is not associated with susceptibility to BD in Sardinia

    Expression analysis of HLA-E and NKG2A and NKG2C receptors points at a role for natural killer function in ankylosing spondylitis

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    Background. Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a complex chronic inflammatory disease strongly associated with the majority of HLA-B27 alleles. HLA-E are non-classical MHC class I molecules that specifically interact with the natural killer receptors NKG2A (inhibitory) and NKG2C (activating), and have been recently proposed to be involved in AS pathogenesis. Objectives: To analyze the expression of HLA-E and the CD94/NKG2 pair of receptors in HLA-B27 positive AS patients and healthy controls (HC) bearing the AS-associated, B*2705 and the non-AS-associated, B*2709 allele. Methods: The level of surface expression of HLA-E molecules on CD14 positive peripheral blood mononuclear cell was evaluated in 21 HLA-B*2705 patients with AS, 12 HLA-B*2705 HC, 12 HLA-B*2709 HC and 6 HLA-B27 negative HC, using the monoclonal antibody MEM-E/08 by quantitative cytofluorimetric analysis. The percentage and density of expression of HLA-E ligands NKG2A and NKG2C were also measured on CD3-CD56+ NK cells. Results. HLA-E expression in CD14 positive cells was significantly higher in AS patients (587.0 IQR 424-830) compared to B*2705 HC (389 IQR 251.3-440.5, p=0.0007), B*2709 HC (294.5 IQR 209.5-422, p=0.0004) and HLA-B27 negative HC (380 IQR 197.3-515.0, p=0.01). A higher number of NK cells expressing NKG2A compared to NKG2C was found in all cohort analysed as well as a higher cell surface density. Conclusion: The higher surface level of HLA-E molecules in AS patients compared to HC, concurrently with a prevalent expression of NKG2A, suggests that the crosstalk between these two molecules might play a role in AS pathogenesis accounting for the previously reported association between HLA-E and AS

    Learning Deep Features for Robotic Inference from Physical Interactions

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    In order to effectively handle multiple tasks that are not pre-defined, a robotic agent needs to automatically map its high-dimensional sensory inputs into useful features. As a solution, feature learning has empirically shown substantial improvements in obtaining representations that are generalizable to different tasks, compared to feature engineering approaches, but it requires a large amount of data and computational capacity. These challenges are specifically relevant in robotics due to the low signal-to-noise ratios inherent to robotic data, and to the cost typically associated with collecting this type of input. In this paper, we propose a deep probabilistic method based on Convolutional Variational Auto-Encoders (CVAEs) to learn visual features suitable for interaction and recognition tasks. We run our experiments on a self-supervised robotic sensorimotor dataset. Our data was acquired with the iCub humanoid and is based on a standard object collection, thus being readily extensible. We evaluated the learned features in terms of usability for 1) object recognition, 2) capturing the statistics of the effects, and 3) planning. In addition, where applicable, we compared the performance of the proposed architecture with other state-ofthe-art models. These experiments demonstrate that our model is capable of capturing the functional statistics of action and perception (i.e. images) which performs better than existing baselines, without requiring millions of samples or any handengineered features

    Biologics and Targeted Synthetic Drugs Can Induce Immune-Mediated Glomerular Disorders in Patients with Rheumatic Diseases: An Updated Systematic Literature Review

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    Objective: Our objective was to update the understanding of the development of paradoxical immune-mediated glomerular disorders (IGDs) in patients with rheumatic diseases treated with biologics and targeted synthetic drugs (ts-drugs). Methods: A systematic literature review was performed by searching PubMed for articles published between 1 January 2014 and 1 January 2020 reporting on the development of IGD in adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who were receiving biologics or ts-drugs. IGDs were classified on the basis of clinical, laboratory and histopathological data as (1) glomerulonephritis associated with systemic vasculitis (GNSV), (2) isolated autoimmune renal disorder (IARD) or (3) glomerulonephritis in SLE and in lupus-like syndrome (GNLS). The World Health Organization-Uppsala Monitoring Centre (WHO-UMC) system for standardized case causality assessment was applied to evaluate the causal relationship between IGD and specific drugs. The classification was based on a six-category scale, where the “certain” and “probable” categories were deemed clinically relevant relationships. Results: The literature search retrieved 875 articles. Of these, 16 articles reported IGD data, for a total of 25 cases. According to the WHO-UMC assessment, the strength of the causal relationship between IGDs and investigated drugs was higher for anti-tumor necrosis factor-α agents (a clinically relevant relationship was found in four of six cases), abatacept (one of two cases), tocilizumab (two cases), ustekinumab (one case) and tofacitinib (one case) than for rituximab (nine cases), belimumab (three cases) or secukinumab (one case), which showed a weak causal relationship with these paradoxical events. No cases associated with apremilast or baricitinib were found. The retrieved cases were classified as 11 GNLS, seven IARD and seven GNSV. Conclusions: Biologics and ts-drugs can cause IGDs. These events are rare, and the causative effect of a specific drug is hard to establish. When a patient is suspected of having an IGD, the drug should be discontinued, and treatment for the new-onset renal disorder should be promptly started

    Targeted Therapies in Axial Psoriatic Arthritis

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    Specific and high-quality evidence on the efficacy of the current targeted therapies for axial disease in psoriatic arthritis (axPsA) is still scarce. Indeed, almost all the cohorts investigated in clinical trials on PsA consisted of patients with peripheral arthritis, where a small number of them also had axial involvement. Only one randomized controlled trial was so far specifically designed to assess the efficacy of a biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) in axPsA. For other biological and synthetic targeted DMARDs, the most specific evidence for treatment in axPsA is extrapolated from post-hoc analyses based on PsA patients with concomitant peripheral and axial manifestations. Furthermore, the current trials and post-hoc analysis on axPsA are affected by major limitations, including the lack of a widely accepted definition of axPsA and the lack of specific and validated outcome measures. Finally, poor data are available on the genetics of axPsA, although alleles differentially expressed in different patterns of axPsA might offer advantages in the prospective of personalized medicine in axPsA patients. Overall, this review suggests that there is an urgent need for more reliable evidence derived from studies specifically designed for axPsA and based on a validated definition of axPsA and on specific outcome measures

    Spa therapy induces clinical improvement and protein changes in patients with chronic back pain

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    This study is primarily aimed at assessing serum changes on a large panel of proteins in patients with chronic back pain following spa therapy, as well as evaluating different spa therapy regimens as a preliminary exploratory clinical study. Sixty-six patients with chronic back pain secondary to osteoarthritis were randomly enrolled and treated with daily mud packs and bicarbonate-alkaline mineral water baths, or a thermal hydrotherapy rehabilitation scheme, the combination of the two regimens or usual medication only (control group), for two weeks. Clinical variables were evaluated at baseline, after 2 and 12 weeks. One thousand serum proteins were tested before and after a two-week mud bath therapy. All spa treatment groups showed clinical benefit as determined by improvements in VAS pain, Roland Morris disability questionnaire and neck disability index at both time points. The following serum proteins were found greatly increased (≄2.5 fold) after spa treatment: inhibin beta A subunit (INHBA), activin A receptor type 2B (ACVR2B), angiopoietin-1 (ANGPT1), beta-2-microglobulin (B2M), growth differentiation factor 10 (GDF10), C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 5 (CXCL5), fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), fibroblast growth factor 12 (FGF12), oxidized low density lipoprotein receptor 1 (OLR1), matrix metallopeptidase 13 (MMP13). Three proteins were found greatly decreased (≀0.65 fold): apolipoprotein C-III (Apoc3), interleukin 23 alpha subunit p19 (IL23A) and syndecan-1 (SDC1). Spa therapy was confirmed as beneficial for chronic back pain and proved to induce changes in proteins involved in functions such as gene expression modulation, differentiation, angiogenesis, tissue repair, acute and chronic inflammatory response
