103 research outputs found

    HER-2/neu Testing and Therapy in Gastroesophageal Adenocarcinoma

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    Despite ongoing advances in the treatment of gastroesophageal cancer, prognosis remains poor. The best promise to improve this poor survival is provided by new targeted agents. Of these, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is currently in the spotlight. In this review, we provide an overview of recent developments in HER2 testing and results of clinical trials targeting HER2 in gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma. Based on the encouraging ToGA trial findings it is now expected that routine HER2 testing will be included in the diagnostic work-up of patients with advanced gastric cancer. With regard to this testing, overexpression of the HER2 protein seems to possess the best predictive properties. However, HER2 immunohistochemistry (IHC) is subject to assay and interobserver variability, so standardization and internal and external proficiency testing is an absolute prerequisite, especially as the IHC scoring system in gastric cancer is different from that of breast cancer. Further study is needed to investigate the clinical meaning of the significant heterogeneity observed in both gene amplification and protein overexpression in gastroesophageal cancer. Highly effective therapies for gastroesophageal cancer can only be accomplished by a multi-targeted approach, considering crosstalk between pathways and continuing to optimize chemotherapy

    Male breast cancer

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    Review on Male breast cancer, with data on clinics, and the genes involved

    Upregulation of Claudin-4, CAIX and GLUT-1 in distant breast cancer metastases

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    Background: Several studies have shown that the immunophenotype of distant breast cancer metastases may differ significantly from that of the primary tumor, especially with regard to differences in the level of hormone receptor protein expression, a process known as receptor conversion. This study aimed to compare expression levels of several membrane proteins between primary breast tumors and their corresponding distant metastases in view of their potential applicability for molecular imaging and drug targeting. Methods: Expression of Claudin-4, EGFR, CAIX, GLUT-1 and IGF1R was assessed by immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays composed of 97 paired primary breast tumors and their distant (non-bone) metastases. Results: In both the primary cancers and the metastases, Claudin-4 was most frequently expressed, followed by GLUT-1, CAIX and EGFR. From primary breast cancers to their distant metastases there was positive to negative conversion, e. g. protein expression in the primary tumor with no expression in its paired metastasis, in 6%, 19%, 12%, 38%, and 0% for Claudin-4 (n.s), GLUT-1 (n.s), CAIX (n.s), EGFR (n.s) and IGF1R (n.s) respectively. Negative to positive conversion was seen in 65%, 47%, 43%, 9% and 0% of cases for Claudin-4 (p = 0.049), GLUT-1 (p = 0.024), CAIX (p = 0.002), EGFR (n.s.) and IGF1R (n.s.) respectively. Negative to positive conversion of Claudin-4 in the metastasis was significantly associated with tumor size (p = 0.015), negative to positive conversion of EGFR with negative PR status (p = 0.046) and high MAI (p = 0.047) and GLUT-1 negative to positive conversion with (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy (p = 0.039) and time to metastasis formation (p = 0.034). CAIX and GLUT-1 expression in the primary tumor were significantly associated with high MAI (p = 0.008 and p = 0.038 respectively). Conclusion: Claudin-4 is frequently expressed in primary breast cancers but especially in their metastases and is thereby an attractive membrane bound molecular imaging and drug target. Conversion in expression of the studied proteins from the primary tumor to metastases was fairly frequent, except for IGF1R, implying that the expression status of metastases cannot always be reliably predicted from the primary tumor, thereby necessitating biopsy for reliable assessmen

    Low frequency of HER2 amplification and overexpression in early onset gastric cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The recent ToGA trial results indicated that trastuzumab is a new, effective, and well-tolerated treatment for HER2-positive gastric cancer (GC). Although GC mainly affects older patients, fewer than 10% of GC patients are considered early-onset (EOGC) (presenting at the age of 45 years or younger). These EOGC show different clinicopathological and molecular profiles compared to late onset GC suggesting that they represent a separate entity within gastric carcinogenesis. In light of potential trastuzumab benefit, subpopulations of GC such as EOGC (versus late onset) should be evaluated for their frequency of amplification and overexpression using currently available techniques. METHODS: Tissue microarray (TMA) blocks of 108 early onset GC and 91 late onset GC were stained by immunohistochemistry (IHC, Hercep test, DAKO) and chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH, SPoT-Light, Invitrogen). RESULTS: Overall, we found only 5% HER2 high level amplification and 3% HER2 3+ overexpression (6/199). In addition, 8 patients (4%) showed a low level CISH amplification and 9 patients (4.5%) showed a 2+ IHC score. IHC and CISH showed 92% concordance and CISH showed less heterogeneity than IHC. In 2/199 cases (1%), IHC showed clinically relevant heterogeneity between TMA cores, but all cases with focal IHC 3+ expression were uniformly CISH high level amplified. Early onset GCs showed a significantly lower frequency of HER2 amplification (2%) and overexpression (0%) than late onset GCs (8% and 7% respectively) (p = 0.085 and p = 0.008 respectively). Proximal GC had more HER2 amplification (9% versus 3%) and overexpression (7% versus 2%) than distal tumours although this difference was not significant (p = 0.181 and p = 0.182 respectively). HER2 CISH showed more high level amplification in the intestinal type (7%, 16% if low-level included) compared to the mixed (5%, 5% if low-level included) and diffuse type (3%, 4% if low-level included) GCs (p = 0.029). A similar association was seen for HER2 IHC and histologic type (p = 0.008). Logistic regression indicated a significant association between HER2 expression and age, which remained significant when adjusted for both location and histological type. CONCLUSIONS: Even focal HER2 overexpression in GC points to uniform HER2 amplification by CISH. We show for the first time that early onset GC has a lower frequency of HER2 amplification and overexpression than late onset GC, and confirm that intestinal type GC shows the highest rate of HER2 amplification and overexpression

    Малий бізнес в Україні: окремі аспекти сучасного стану та проблеми подальшого розвитку

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    У статті розглянуто деякі аспекти сучасного стану підприємництва в Україні у порівнянні з розвинутими країнами світу; визначені актуальні проблеми подальшого розвитку малого бізнесу, його роль і потенційні можливості у подоланні кризових явищ в економіці держави; окреслена необхідність істотного покращення державної регуляторної політики у сфері підприємництва, нагальні потреби підвищення якості управління бізнесовими структурами.In the article main aspects of current state of entrepreneurship in Ukraine are reviewed in comparison with developed countries, problems of small and medium business further development and it’s role and potential ability in overcoming crisis event in country economy are determined, necessity of substantial improvement of government regulation politic and also emergency need of business structures management quality improvement are presented

    The Diagnostic Value of microRNA Expression Analysis in Detecting Intraductal Papillomas in Patients with Pathological Nipple Discharge

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    Patients with pathological nipple discharge (PND) often undergo local surgical procedures because standard radiologic imaging fails to identify the underlying cause. MicroRNA (MiRNA) expression analysis of nipple fluid holds potential for distinguishing between breast diseases. This study aimed to compare miRNA expression levels between nipple fluids from patients with PND to identify possible relevant miRNAs that could differentiate between intraductal papillomas and no abnormalities in the breast tissue. Nipple fluid samples from patients with PND without radiological and pathological suspicion for malignancy who underwent a ductoscopy procedure were analyzed. We used univariate and multivariate regression analyses to identify nipple fluid miRNAs differing between pathologically confirmed papillomas and breast tissue without abnormalities. A total of 27 nipple fluid samples from patients with PND were included for miRNA expression analysis. Out of the 22 miRNAs examined, only miR-145-5p was significantly differentially expressed (upregulated) in nipple fluid from patients with an intraductal papilloma compared to patients showing no breast abnormalities (OR 4.76, p = 0.046), with a diagnostic accuracy of 92%. miR-145-5p expression in nipple fluid differs for intraductal papillomas and breast tissue without abnormalities and, therefore, has potential as a diagnostic marker to signal presence of papillomas in PND patients. However, further refinement and validation in clinical trials are necessary to establish its clinical applicability

    The changing microRNA landscape by color and cloudiness:a cautionary tale for nipple aspirate fluid biomarker analysis

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    Purpose: Investigation of nipple aspirate fluid (NAF)-based microRNAs (miRNAs) as a potential screening tool for women at increased risk of developing breast cancer is the scope of our research. While aiming to identify discriminating NAF-miRNAs between women with different mammographic densities, we were confronted with an unexpected confounder: NAF sample appearance. Here we report and alert for the impact of NAF color and cloudiness on miRNA assessment. Methods: Seven classes of NAF colors coupled with cloudiness appearance were established. Using 173 NAF samples from 154 healthy women (19 samples were bilaterally collected), the expression of 14 target and 2 candidate endogenous control (EC) miRNAs was investigated using Taqman Advanced miRNA assays to identify significant differential expression patterns between color-cloudiness classes. Inter- and intra-individual variation of miRNA expression was analyzed using the coefficient of variation (CV). Results: We found that between the seven NAF classes, fold change miRNA expression differences ranged between 2.4 and 19.6 depending on the interrogated miRNA. Clear NAF samples exhibited higher miRNA expression levels compared to cloudy NAF samples with fold change differences ranging between 1.1 and 6.2. Inter-individual and intra-individual miRNA expression was fairly stable (CV &lt; 15 %), but nevertheless impacted by NAF sample appearance. Within NAF classes, inter-individual variation was largest for green samples (CV 6-15 %) and smallest for bloody samples (CV 2-6 %). Conclusions: Our data indicate that NAF color and cloudiness influence miRNA expression and should, therefore, be systematically registered using an objective color classification system. Given that sample appearance is an inherent feature of NAF, these variables should be statistically controlled for in multivariate data analyses. This cautionary note and recommendations could be of value beyond the field of NAF-miRNAs, given that variability in sample color and cloudiness is likewise observed in liquid biopsies such as urine, cerebrospinal fluid and sputum, and could thereby influence the levels of miRNAs and other biomarkers.</p

    HER-2/neu amplification testing in breast cancer by Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification: influence of manual- and laser microdissection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Accurate assessment of HER-2/<it>neu </it>status is crucial for proper prognostic information and to offer direct appropriate treatment for breast cancer patients. Next to immunohistochemistry (IHC) to evaluate HER2 protein overexpression, a second line gene amplification test is generally deemed necessary for cases with equivocal protein expression. Recently, a new PCR based test, called Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA), was introduced as a simple and quick method to assess HER-2/<it>neu </it>gene amplification status in invasive breast cancer. MLPA was previously shown to correlate well with IHC and <it>in situ </it>hybridization (ISH), but a low tumor percentage in the tissue tested could negatively affect the accuracy of MLPA results.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To examine this, MLPA was repeated in 42 patients after serial H&E section guided manual dissection with a scalpel and after laser microdissection of the tumor.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both dissection techniques led to higher HER2 gene copy number ratios and thereby made MLPA more quantitative. Concordance between MLPA and ISH improved from 61% to 84% after manual microdissection and to 90% after laser microdissection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Manual and laser microdissection similarly increase the dynamic range of MLPA copy number ratios which is a technical advantage. As clinically a dichotomization between normal and amplified suffices and MLPA is relatively unsensitive to tumor content, microdissection before MLPA may not be routinely necessary but may be advisable in case of very low tumor content (≤30%), when MLPA results are equivocal, or when extensive ductal carcinoma <it>in situ </it>is present. Since differences between manual and laser microdissection were small, less time consuming manual microdissection appears to be sufficient.</p

    Proteomics on malignant pleural effusions reveals ERα loss in metastatic breast cancer associates with SGK1–NDRG1 deregulation

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    Breast cancer (BCa) is a highly heterogeneous disease, with hormone receptor status being a key factor in patient prognostication and treatment decision-making. The majority of primary tumours are positive for oestrogen receptor alpha (ERα), which plays a key role in tumorigenesis and disease progression, and represents the major target for treatment of BCa. However, around one-third of patients with ERα-positive BCa relapse and progress into the metastatic stage, with 20% of metastatic cases characterised by loss of ERα expression after endocrine treatment, known as ERα-conversion. It remains unclear whether ERα-converted cancers are biologically similar to bona fide ERα-negative disease and which signalling cascades compensate for ERα loss and drive tumour progression. To better understand the biological changes that occur in metastatic BCa upon ERα loss, we performed (phospho)proteomics analysis of 47 malignant pleural effusions derived from 37 BCa patients, comparing ERα-positive, ERα-converted and ERα-negative cases. Our data revealed that the loss of ERα-dependency in this metastatic site leads to only a partial switch to an ERα-negative molecular phenotype, with preservation of a luminal-like proteomic landscape. Furthermore, we found evidence for decreased activity of several key kinases, including serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 1 (SGK1), in ERα-converted metastases. Loss of SGK1 substrate phosphorylation may compensate for the loss of ERα-dependency in advanced disease and exposes a potential therapeutic vulnerability that may be exploited in treating these patients.</p

    A tumor cell specific Zona Pellucida glycoprotein 3 RNA transcript encodes an intracellular cancer antigen

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    BACKGROUND: Expression of Zona Pellucida glycoprotein 3 (ZP3) in healthy tissue is restricted to the extracellular Zona Pellucida layer surrounding oocytes of ovarian follicles and to specific cells of the spermatogenic lineage. Ectopic expression of ZP3 has been observed in various types of cancer, rendering it a possible therapeutic target. METHODS: To support its validity as therapeutic target, we extended the cancer related data by investigating ZP3 expression using immunohistochemistry (IHC) of tumor biopsies. We performed a ZP3 transcript specific analysis of publicly available RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) data of cancer cell lines (CCLs) and tumor and normal tissues, and validated expression data by independent computational analysis and real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR). A correlation between the ZP3 expression level and pathological and clinical parameters was also investigated. RESULTS: IHC data for several cancer types showed abundant ZP3 protein staining, which was confined to the cytoplasm, contradicting the extracellular protein localization in oocytes. We noticed that an alternative ZP3 RNA transcript, which we term 'ZP3-Cancer', was annotated in gene databases that lacks the genetic information encoding the N-terminal signal peptide that governs entry into the secretory pathway. This explains the intracellular localization of ZP3 in tumor cells. Analysis of publicly available RNA-seq data of 1339 cancer cell lines (CCLs), 10386 tumor tissues (The Cancer Genome Atlas) and 7481 healthy tissues (Genotype-Tissue Expression) indicated that ZP3-Cancer is the dominant ZP3 RNA transcript in tumor cells and is highly enriched in many cancer types, particularly in rectal, ovarian, colorectal, prostate, lung and breast cancer. Expression of ZP3-Cancer in tumor cells was confirmed by qPCR. Higher levels of the ZP3-Cancer transcript were associated with more aggressive tumors and worse survival of patients with various types of cancer. CONCLUSION: The cancer-restricted expression of ZP3-Cancer renders it an attractive tumor antigen for the development of a therapeutic cancer vaccine, particularly using mRNA expression technologies