35 research outputs found

    Role of serine/threonine protein kinase STN7 in the formation of two distinct photosystem I supercomplexes in Physcomitrium patens

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    Phosphorylation-dependent formation of photosystem I supercomplexes provides both short- and long-term acclimation of moss photosynthetic apparatus to changing environmental cues.Reversible thylakoid protein phosphorylation provides most flowering plants with dynamic acclimation to short-term changes in environmental light conditions. Here, through generating Serine/Threonine protein kinase 7 (STN7)-depleted mutants in the moss Physcomitrella (Physcomitrium patens), we identified phosphorylation targets of STN7 kinase and their roles in short- and long-term acclimation of the moss to changing light conditions. Biochemical and mass spectrometry analyses revealed STN7-dependent phosphorylation of N-terminal Thr in specific Light-Harvesting Complex II (LHCII) trimer subunits (LHCBM2 and LHCBM4/8) and provided evidence that phospho-LHCBM accumulation is responsible for the assembly of two distinct Photosystem I (PSI) supercomplexes (SCs), both of which are largely absent in STN7-depleted mutants. Besides the canonical state transition complex (PSI-LHCI-LHCII), we isolated the larger moss-specific PSI-Large (PSI-LHCI-LHCB9-LHCII) from stroma-exposed thylakoids. Unlike PSI-LHCI-LHCII, PSI-Large did not demonstrate short-term dynamics for balancing the distribution of excitation energy between PSII and PSI. Instead, PSI-Large contributed to a more stable increase in PSI antenna size in Physcomitrella, except under prolonged high irradiance. Additionally, the STN7-depleted mutants revealed altered light-dependent phosphorylation of a monomeric antenna protein, LHCB6, whose phosphorylation displayed a complex regulation by multiple kinases. Collectively, the unique phosphorylation plasticity and dynamics of Physcomitrella monomeric LHCB6 and trimeric LHCBM isoforms, together with the presence of PSI SCs with different antenna sizes and responsiveness to light changes, reflect the evolutionary position of mosses between green algae and vascular plants, yet with clear moss-specific features emphasizing their adaptation to terrestrial low-light environments

    Conservation of core complex subunits shaped the structure and function of photosystem I in the secondary endosymbiont alga Nannochloropsis gaditana

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    Photosystem I (PSI) is a pigment protein complex catalyzing the light-driven electron transport from plastocyanin to ferredoxin in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms. Several PSI subunits are highly conserved in cyanobacteria, algae and plants, whereas others are distributed differentially in the various organisms. Here we characterized the structural and functional properties of PSI purified from the heterokont alga Nannochloropsis gaditana, showing that it is organized as a supercomplex including a core complex and an outer antenna, as in plants and other eukaryotic algae. Differently from all known organisms, the N. gaditana PSI supercomplex contains five peripheral antenna proteins, identified by proteome analysis as type-R light-harvesting complexes (LHCr4-8). Two antenna subunits are bound in a conserved position, as in PSI in plants, whereas three additional antennae are associated with the core on the other side. This peculiar antenna association correlates with the presence of PsaF/J and the absence of PsaH, G and K in the N. gaditana genome and proteome. Excitation energy transfer in the supercomplex is highly efficient, leading to a very high trapping efficiency as observed in all other PSI eukaryotes, showing that although the supramolecular organization of PSI changed during evolution, fundamental functional properties such as trapping efficiency were maintained

    Photoprotection mechanisms in the moss Physcomitrella patens: Insights on the photosynthesis adaptation during land colonization

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    Oxygenic photosynthesis is a crucial process for life on earth as it enables plants, algae and cyanobacteria to convert sunlight into chemical energy, generating molecular oxygen as a byproduct. Light can also be harmful and excess light intensities can drive to photosystems over-excitation, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cell damage. Thus, plants and algae evolved several photoprotective processes to survive in a variable environment. The fastest one among them is called Non Photochemical Quenching (NPQ), which consists in the thermal dissipation of excess energy absorbed triggered by the generation of a ΔpH gradient across thylakoid membranes. The main and fastest component of NPQ is called “Energy quenching” or “feedback de-excitation” (qE) and it is activated in a few seconds upon an increase in light irradiation. Although widespread among oxygenic photosynthetic organisms, NPQ shows important differences in its machinery: in vascular plants as Arabidopsis thaliana it depends on the presence of the Lhc-like protein PSBS, while a different polypeptide, LHCSR (previously called Li818), is required in algae as the Chlorophyta Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and diatoms. In this work we used the moss Physcomitrella patens as a new model organism for the study of photosynthesis and NPQ in particular. The choice of this moss is justified by several reasons. First of all, Physcomitrella patens diverged from higher plants soon after land colonization and its analysis can provide information on adaptation to terrestrial environment and evolution of NPQ process from unicellular algae to higher plants. Consistent with its peculiar position in evolution of photosynthetic organisms, in Physcomitrella genome both PSBS and LHCSR were identified. A further reason to study this moss is that Physcomitrella is able to integrate efficiently foreign DNA by homologous recombination (gene targeting), which is a unique feature among plants. Thus, it is relatively simple to obtain targeted knock-out plants with higher precision and frequency compared with seed plants, such as Arabidopsis. We generated P. patens knock-out (KO) mutants depleted in PSBS and/or LHCSR proteins (the ones involved in vascular plants and algae NPQ, respectively) exploiting Physcomitrella ability of doing homologous recombination. We obtained single KO mutants depleted in PSBS (psbs KO) and in each of the two isoforms of LHCSR present in Physcomitrella genome (lhcsr1KO and lhcsr2KO), as well as double KO mutants (psbs lhcsr1 KO, psbs lhcsr2 KO and lhcsr1 lhcsr2 KO) and the triple KO mutant, depleted in all the three proteins analyzed (psbs lhcsr1 lhcsr2 KO). All single and double KO mutants showed a decreased NPQ capacity compared with WT mosses, but all of them retain a residual NPQ capacity, still identifiable as qE, demonstrating that both PSBS and LHCSR play a role in Physcomitrella NPQ, with LHCSR1 having the largest effect. Only the triple KO depleted in all PSBS and LHCSR isoforms showed a completely abolished NPQ capacity. Its phenotype is very close to the one of Arabidopsis plants depleted in PSBS, again clarifying that both PSBS- and LHCSR-dependent NPQ mechanisms are indeed active in this moss. The different KO mutants were also grown in different light and temperature conditions to evaluate the effect of the NPQ reduction. The ones having the strongest reduction in NPQ also showed the strongest photoinhibition, demonstrating that NPQ capacity is important for Physcomitrella photoprotection. When grown in high light conditions for several days WT mosses showed an enhanced NPQ which was correlated with the increased expression of both PSBS and LHCSR. The modulation of PSBS or LHCSR accumulation is thus a method for modulation NPQ and provide optimal photoprotection according to the growth conditions. We also over-expressed (OE) PSBS and LHCSR proteins in the KO lines previously obtained, and we were able to show that in P. patens PSBS and LHCSR are alone capable of activating a strong NPQ. Their activity appears to be largely independent, suggesting a different and autonomous activation mechanism. The carotenoid zeaxanthin has a fundamental role in several protection mechanisms and its synthesis also enhances NPQ. We also showed that although a part of NPQ is induced also in the absence of zeaxanthin, the synthesis of this carotenoid is fundamental for the activation of a strong response in Physcomitrella. Zeaxanthin presence enhance similarly both PSBS and LHCSR–dependent NPQ but it is unable to induce any quenching in their absence. In this thesis we exploited Physcomitrella ability of gene targeting also to express mutated form of PSBS protein. We obtained two deleted isoforms, one with a N-terminal deletion while the other truncated in the C-terminus, as these regions have conserved basic and acidic residues, respectively. PSBS function is likely driven by interaction with other proteins and these charged residues may be essential for these protein-protein interactions and thus for PSBS activity. The expression of mutated PSBS proteins in psbs KO genotype complemented the effect of PSBS knocking-out, however, demonstrating that the deleted regions are not required for PSBS function. As mentioned above, the study of P. patens can provide information on the adaptation to terrestrial environment. To obtain additional information we also analyzed NPQ in some Streptophyta algae (also known as Charophyta). Only the groups which diverged later with respect to plants, Coleochaetales and Charales, show the presence of a PSBS-dependent NPQ. The analysis of these algae, together with the one of Physcomitrella patens and literature data allows proposing an hypothesis for the evolution of NPQ. In correspondence to land colonization a new mechanism for NPQ, dependent on PSBS, evolved. This was at first in addition to the one dependent on LHCSR already present in green algae, which was subsequently lost by vascular plants.La fotosintesi riveste un’importanza fondamentale per la biosfera: grazie a questo processo l’energia solare è utilizzata per fissare l’anidride carbonica atmosferica in biomassa, liberando ossigeno. Piante e alghe, però, sono molto spesso esposte a condizioni d’illuminazione molto variabili. In condizioni di elevata illuminazione è fondamentale che l’energia in eccesso venga dissipata, pena la formazione di specie radicaliche dell’ossigeno (ROS) molto dannose per la cellula. Uno dei principali sistemi di protezione dall’eccesso di luce viene attivato pochi secondi dopo una variazione di illuminazione ed è definito Non Photochemical Quenching (NPQ). L’NPQ permette di dissipare l’eccesso di stati eccitati della clorofilla come calore ed è attivato a seguito dell’acidificazione del pH lumenale. L’NPQ comprende diverse componenti, la più rapida delle quali è definita qE (da “Energy quenching” o “Feedback de-excitation”). L’NPQ è presente in tutti gli organismi fotosintetici anche se meccanismi di attivazione e proteine coinvolte sono diversi. Nelle piante vascolari (quali la pianta modello Arabidopsis thaliana) è noto che l’NPQ dipende da una proteina presente nelle membrane dei tilacoidi chiamata PSBS. Nelle alghe, quali diatomee o la Clorofita Chlamydomonas reinhartii, che pure sono in grado di attivare NPQ, PSBS è assente e l’attivazione dipende da una proteina diversa, detta LHCSR. In questo lavoro è stato utilizzato il muschio Physcomitrella patens come organismo modello per lo studio della regolazione della fotosintesi. Questa scelta è dettata da molteplici ragioni. Le briofite presentano un’interessante posizione evolutiva, dal momento che si sono separate dalle piante vascolari poco dopo la colonizzazione delle terre emerse: il loro studio può quindi fornire informazioni su quelli che sono i primi adattamenti degli organismi fotosintetici alla vita terrestre. Per quanto riguarda i meccanismi di fotoprotezione, Physcomitrella patens ha nel proprio genoma sia PSBS che LHCSR, le proteine indispensabili per l’NPQ nelle piante vascolari e nelle alghe. Physcomitrella, inoltre, presenta la capacità unica tra le piante analizzate fino ad ora di fare ricombinazione omologa, facilitando così la possibilità di ottenere mutanti specifici per le proteine di interesse. Nel particolare, in questo lavoro abbiamo ottenuto dei mutanti specifici per PSBS e LHCSR, le proteine caratteristiche dell’NPQ di piante ed alghe rispettivamente. Sfruttando la capacità di ricombinazione omologa di Physcomitrella, sono stati generati mutanti knock-out (KO) per PSBS (psbs KO) e le due isoforme di LHCSR (LHCSR1 e LHCSR2; lhcsr1 KO e lhcsr2 KO) presenti nel genoma del muschio. Queste mutazioni sono poi stati combinate in doppi KO (psbs lhcsr1 KO, psbs lhcsr2 KO and lhcsr1 lhcsr2 KO) ed in un triplo KO (psbs lhcsr1 lhcsr2 KO), genotipo in cui è stato eliminato il gene di tutte tre le proteine in analisi. La risposta di NPQ nelle varie linee di singoli e doppi KO ha dimostrato come tutti questi mutanti diminuiscano la loro capacità di indurre NPQ rispetto a muschi WT. Ciò nonostante, tutte queste linee sono comunque in grado di attivare una risposta qE, dimostrando che queste proteine non solo sono presenti nel genoma ma sono entrambe attive nell’NPQ. Inoltre, l’isoforma LHCSR1 risulta essere la maggiore responsabile dell’NPQ in questa specie. Al contrario, mutanti privi dei tre polipeptidi (triplo KO) non sono in grado di indurre alcuna risposta qE, con un fenotipo simile ai mutanti di Arabidopsis privi di PSBS. In Arabidopsis PSBS è l’unica proteina coinvolta nel qE, dal momento che le piante vascolari non possiedono geni per LHCSR, confermando ulteriormente che in Physcomitrella sia PSBS che LHCSR sono attive nell’NPQ. Gli effetti di una diminuita capacità di indurre NPQ sulla fotoprotezione di P. patens sono stati ulteriormente approfonditi analizzando la capacità di acclimatazione ad alta luce o basse temperature nel muschio WT e nelle varie linee di mutanti KO ottenute. I mutanti che già in condizioni di controllo mostravano la maggiore diminuzione di NPQ in queste condizioni di crescita mostrano anche la maggiore fotoinibizione, dimostrando l’importanza dell’NPQ per la fotoprotezione. Nei muschi WT, l’acclimatazione ad alta luce o basse temperature, infatti, è accompagnata da un aumento della capacità di attivare la risposta di NPQ che correla con un aumento dell’espressione sia di PSBS che LHCSR. Questi dati dimostrano che Physcomitrella è in grado di modulare la sua capacità di indurre NPQ modificando l’espressione delle proteine chiave di questo processo, PSBS e LHCSR, per ottenere una fotoprotezione adeguata alle condizioni di crescita in cui si trova. In aggiunta a mutanti KO per PSBS e LHCSR, durante questo lavoro sono state generate anche delle linee che over-esprimono (OE) queste proteine. Questi mutanti hanno permesso di dimostrare che sia PSBS che LHCSR sono in grado di attivare una risposta NPQ in Physcomitrella in assenza dell’altra proteina. Questo risultato dimostra che PSBS e LHCSR sono attive in modo indipendente l’una dall’altra, ed hanno quindi verosimilmente dei meccanismi di attivazione differenti ed autonomi. Anche i carotenoidi, e la zeaxantina in particolare, hanno un ruolo fondamentale nella protezione delle cellule dagli stress ossidativi dal momento che sono coinvolti in diversi meccanismi di fotoprotezione. Tra gli altri, la zeaxantina è in grado di amplificare la risposta NPQ in piante quali Arabidopsis. In Physcomitrella abbiamo ottenuto lo stesso risultato, dimostrando che la presenza di questo carotenoide è fondamentale per una completa attivazione di NPQ sia PSBS che LHCSR dipendente. Se queste due proteine non sono presenti, invece, il solo accumulo di zeaxantina non è in grado di attivare alcuna risposta di fotoprotezione rapida qE. Durante questo progetto di Dottorato è stata sfruttata la capacità di ricombinazione omologa di Physcomitrella anche per l’espressione di isoforme mutate di PSBS. Nel particolare, sono state ottenute le sequenze codificanti per PSBS con una delezione all’N- o al C- terminale della proteina matura. Si tratta di regioni conservate in PSBS di diverse specie di piante, che presentano rispettivamente carica positiva e negativa, e potrebbero quindi essere coinvolte in interazioni proteina-proteina che sembrano essere necessarie per il meccanismo di induzione NPQ PSBS-dipendente. L’espressione di queste isoforme in muschi psbs KO, però, ha portato alla complementazione del fenotipo in entrambi i casi, dimostrando che le regioni delete non sono fondamentali per l’attività di PSBS. Nell’ultima parte del lavoro, inoltre, abbiamo focalizzato l’attenzione sull’evoluzione del meccanismo di NPQ da alghe a piante. Come accennato in precedenza, Physcomitrella presenta una posizione evolutiva chiave per ottenere informazioni sugli adattamenti necessari alla colonizzazione delle terre emerse ed abbiamo esteso l’analisi anche ad alghe della linea Streptofita (alghe Carofita) per ottenere maggiori informazioni sull’evoluzione dell’NPQ. I dati ottenuti hanno dimostrato che nelle specie evolutivamente più vicine alle piante terrestri (Coleochatales e Charales, identificati come i probabili “sister group” delle piante terrestri) PSBS è presente. Queste analisi, unitamente a quanto riportato in precedenza per P. patens e a dati di letteratura, permettono di formulare un’ipotesi sull’evoluzione dell’NPQ da alghe a piante: in corrispondenza della colonizzazione delle terre emerse è stato evoluto un nuovo meccanismo di fotoprotezione (PSBS dipendente), che dapprima si è affiancato, poi sostituito completamente a quello LHCSR-dipendente tipico delle alghe

    Programmed Cell Death And Adaptation: Two Different Types Of Abiotic Stress Response In A Unicellular Chlorophyte

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    Eukaryotic microalgae are highly suitable biological indicators of environmental changes because they are exposed to extreme seasonal fl uctuations. The biochemical and molecular targets and regulators of key proteins involved in the stress response in microalgae have yet to be elucidated. This study presents morphological and biochemical evidence of programmed cell death (PCD) in a low temperature strain of Chlorella saccharophila induced by exposure to NaCl stress. Morphological characteristics of PCD, including cell shrinkage, detachment of the plasma membrane from the cell wall, nuclear condensation and DNA fragmentation, were observed. Additionally, a signifi cant production of H 2 O 2 and increase in caspase 3-like activity were detected. We demonstrated that singly applied environmental stresses such as warming or salt stress trigger a pathway of PCD. Intriguingly, the prior application of salt stress seems to reduce heat shock-induced cell death signifi cantly, suggesting a combined effect which activates a defense mechanism in algal cells. These results suggest that C. saccharophila can undergo PCD under stress conditions, and that this PCD shares several features with metazoan PCD. Moreover, the simultaneous exposure of this unicellular chlorophyte to different abiotic stresses results in a tolerance mechanism

    In vivo identification of photosystem II light harvesting complexes interacting with PHOTOSYSTEM II SUBUNIT S

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    Plant Physiology Volume 168, Issue 4, 1 August 2015, Pages 1747-1772 In vivo identification of photosystem II light harvesting complexes interacting with PHOTOSYSTEM II SUBUNIT S (Article) Gerotto, C.a, Franchin, C.bc, Arrigoni, G.bc, Morosinotto, T.a a Department of Biology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy b Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, Padova, Italy c Proteomics Center of Padova University, Padova, Italy View additional affiliations View references (64) Abstract Light is the primary energy source for photosynthetic organisms, but in excess, it can generate reactive oxygen species and lead to cell damage. Plants evolved multiple mechanisms to modulate light use efficiency depending on illumination intensity to thrive in a highly dynamic natural environment. One of the main mechanisms for protection from intense illumination is the dissipation of excess excitation energy as heat, a process called nonphotochemical quenching. In plants, nonphotochemical quenching induction depends on the generation of a pH gradient across thylakoid membranes and on the presence of a protein called PHOTOSYSTEM II SUBUNIT S (PSBS). Here, we generated Physcomitrella patens lines expressing histidine-tagged PSBS that were exploited to purify the native protein by affinity chromatography. The mild conditions used in the purification allowed copurifying PSBS with its interactors, which were identified by mass spectrometry analysis to be mainly photosystem II antenna proteins, such as LIGHT-HARVESTING COMPLEX B (LHCB). PSBS interaction with other proteins appears to be promiscuous and not exclusive, although the major proteins copurified with PSBS were components of the LHCII trimers (LHCB3 and LHCBM). These results provide evidence of a physical interaction between specific photosystem II light-harvesting complexes and PSBS in the thylakoids, suggesting that these subunits are major players in heat dissipation of excess energy. \ua9 2015 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved

    Environmental Variability and Its Control of Productivity

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    Focusing on the cyanobacteria and microalgae which globally are responsible for the bulk of aquatic photosynthesis, this chapter addresses the main abiotic factors controlling biosynthetic processes within cells and therefore the elemental and macromolecular composition of photoautotrophs in balance with the environment. It explores the main nutrient requirements in relation to their capacity to limit photosynthesis and cell growth in nature. Although required to perform oxygenic photosynthesis, the ionic forms of these elements have been, and are generally, ubiquitous and in quantities unlikely to exhibit depletions able to limit algal productivity. Nutrient availability is said to exert a bottom–up control on phytoplankton cell growth and productivity. The elemental stoichiometry of phototrophs is linked to their macromolecular composition, that is, cellular architecture and biochemistry, at the phylum level. When applied to the water column, certain conditions can be recognized, based on the availability of light and nutrient resources