107 research outputs found
Changes in dietary preferences: new challenges for sustainability and innovation
The transformations in dietary habits that have occurred over recent decades draw attention to important issues concerning the relationship between lifestyles, diet and health, and open up new challenges for operators in the agricultural and food sector. This study intends to analyse these evolutions, comparing the dietary preferences of generation X in 2001 with its dietary preferences in 2011, and those of the following generation, the so-called generation Y. The analysis was conducted by applying latent class clustering to the food spending of a representative sample of Italian consumers. It has enabled us to identify the prevalent food patterns in 2001 and 2011 and to analyse their transformations, interpreting them in the light of social, cultural and economic changes. The comparison of food pattern characteristics over this period highlights the emergence of trends that move in two different directions. The first of these is the rise of a new dietary sensitivity towards a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fish. The other concerns food patterns that are more vulnerable to diseases related to an unhealthy diet. These trends should draw the attention of public operators to the need for communication campaigns that target specific segments and aim to direct food habits towards healthier behaviours. A change in supply could also help improve the diet, especially if aimed at products with a high level of service provision and at establishments that serve food. Finally, the birth of a niche of consumers particularly drawn towards healthy eating opens the way for the industry to propose a series of innovative products. </jats:p
Multi-actor approaches to implement cooperative strategies and value chains based on sustainability
Abstract This special issue of Agricultural and Food Economics consists of four articles that were part of the scientific programme of the First SIDEA-SIEA Joint Conference, held in Bisceglie in September 2017. The conference afforded agricultural economists the opportunity to reflect on cooperative strategies to promote competitiveness of the agri-food supply chain, with a focus on environmental quality and social sustainability. The selected articles address these themes from different perspectives: those of firms, of consumers, and of policy makers, stressing that sustainability calls for the active participation of all of the actors. The case studies presented propose an effective interpretation of the strategies for value creation with respect to the challenges of climate change, food waste management, the development of marginal rural areas, and that of the fish sector
Territory, environment, and healthiness in traditional food choices: Insights into consumer heterogeneity
Traditional foods are facing new market challenges tied to current trends in food habits and their determinants, such as the decline of domestic food preparation, the increased demand for convenience foods, the increasing importance of industrial food production, and the evolution of regulations on food safety. In this context our study aims at improving the knowledge of consumer segments in traditional foods market in order to develop better marketing strategies. The preferences for different credence attributes are investigated applying a latent class choice model to the extra-virgin olive oil market in Italy. Results show the existence of a marked heterogeneity of preferences, which determines the presence of both vertical and horizontal differentiation of the product
The Role of Context Definition in Choice Experiments: a Methodological Proposal Based on Customized Scenarios
One of the most critical points for the validity of Discrete Choice Experiments lies in their capability to render the experiment as close to actual market conditions as possible. In particular, when dealing with products characterized by a large number of attributes, the construction of the experiment poses the issue of how to express the choice question providing sufficient information. Our study verifies the role of scenario definition in choice experiments and proposes a methodology to build customized scenarios by eliciting responses from interviewees on the main choice criteria, which makes it possible to render the conditions of the experiment more realistic. This methodology is applied to the case study of wine and is introduced by a systematic review of the Discrete Choice Experiments conducted on wine. The findings show that customized scenarios result in different preference estimates compared to the conventional approach. In particular, we found a significant decline in the importance of the price attribute, which could be attributed to a better definition of the product being evaluated. Moreover, the methodology is capable of gathering information on the decision-making process that would otherwise remain unobserved and that can be used for a better segmentation analysis
Post-lockdown changes in diet in Italy and the USA: Return to old habits or structural changes?
This study analyses the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on food consumption at the end of the first lockdown in the New York State (USA) and in Italy (spring 2020). The results of our study show that important changes occurred in food habits in these two countries, in which lockdown was very similar. Three models of response to the shock of the lockdown were noted in both countries. The first model (40%) includes individuals who largely increased their food consumption, the second model (26%) showed a more virtuous and responsible behaviour, while the third model (34%) displayed no change in food consumption. Diet quality in terms of healthiness and sustainability declined in the USA, while in Italy, approximately one-third of the sample showed an improvement in diet in these same areas. The use of sociodemographic, motivational, and behavioural variables to profile subjects who adhered to each food model has made it possible to obtain information that can be used to develop communication campaigns and policies for a healthier and more sustainable diet
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