47 research outputs found

    Influência da aptidão física e morfológica no sucesso académico: um estudo longitudinal retrospectivo

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    Diversos estudos mostram que as escolas que oferecem intensos programas de Atividade Física promovem o sucesso académico das crianças e jovens, com aumento da concentração, melhoria da interpretação oral e escrita e de cálculos matemáticos, bem como com um aumento dos níveis das funções mental e de aprendizagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar como a Aptidão Física (ApF) e a Aptidão Morfológica (ApM) se relacionam com o Sucesso Académico (SA). Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, com análise estatística a partir dos resultados do “Estudo Morfofuncional da Criança Vianense” (EMCV) e dos resultados escolares de uma cohort de 312 alunos (172 rapazes e 140 raparigas) obtidos no 9º ano de escolaridade. Recorrendo a uma análise correlacional retrospectiva, avaliámos a nossa amostra em termos de ApF, ApM e de SA no ano de 2006 e de uma forma retrospectiva em outros três momentos distintos, anos 2000, 1999 e 1998. Os resultados mostraram que o nível de ApF se relacionou positivamente com o SA no 9º ano, sendo esta a variável que tem maior influência no desempenho académico. A ApM, embora não estatisticamente significativa, foi tendencialmente positiva no SA no sexo feminino e negativa no sexo masculino. A variável sexo é um factor que influencia o SA de forma muito significativa, mostrando que ser do sexo feminino parece ser condição preferencial para a obtenção de melhores resultados académicos.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - unidade de investigação 31

    Concepções de professores e alunos do ensino básico e secundário sobre a abordagem ao álcool, tabaco e outras drogas nos programas escolares, nos manuais escolares e nas práticas docentes - riscos e prevenção

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    O álcool, o tabaco e as outras drogas (ATD) constituem um problema psico-socioeconómico que afecta particularmente os jovens. No presente estudo pretendeu-se saber quais as preocupações que têm os alunos e os professores dos diversos níveis de ensino sobre o a adição ao ATD, bem como quais as suas percepções relativamente ao género mais em risco, às campanhas em meio escolar, aos profissionais que devem abordar esta temática, dos programas e manuais escolares, bem como que tipo de imagens consideram as mais adequadas para uso em manuais. No geral, as concepções dos alunos e professores são idênticas, havendo, no entanto, diferenças significativas entre os professores dos diversos níveis de ensino e também entre os alunos que frequentam esses níveis de ensino.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Projecto “Análise de manuais escolares” (PTDC/CED/65224/2006)European Project FP6 “Biohead-Citizen” CIT2-CT-2004-506015Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - LIBEC/CIFPEC - unidade de investigação 16/64

    Comportamentos adotados pelos estudantes do ensino superior face à CoVID-19

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    In response to the pandemic of COVID-19, higher education institutions have adopted a set of measures to ensure safe face-to-face teaching and control of potential outbreaks. However, the effectiveness of the measures implemented is dependent on student behaviors. Additionally, the way students behave outside the educational institution is also relevant to the control of the pandemic. Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the behaviors adopted by higher education students during the pandemic period in two higher education institutions. Materials and methods: 425 higher education students participated in this study. An online questionnaire was applied in two higher education institutions to characterize the behaviors adopted by students inside and outside the educational institution. Results: The behaviors reported as less frequent inside the higher education institution were disinfection of hands and equipment used and social distancing from colleagues. Regarding behaviors adopted outside the institution, it was found that students tended not to avoid socializing with colleagues and family members. Application: These results contribute to the knowledge about the students' behaviors towards the COVID-19 pandemic, contributing to more effective control programs and measures.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Human aquaporin-5 facilitates hydrogen peroxide permeation affecting adaption to oxidative stress and cancer cell migration

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS), including H2O2, contribute to oxidative stress and may cause cancer initiation and progression. However, at low concentrations, H2O2 can regulate signaling pathways modulating cell growth, differentiation, and migration. A few mammalian aquaporins (AQPs) facilitate H2O2 diffusion across membranes and participate in tumorigenesis. AQP3 and AQP5 are strongly expressed in cancer tissues and AQP3-mediated H2O2 transport has been related to breast cancer cell migration, but studies with human AQP5 are lacking. Here, we report that, in addition to its established water permeation capacity, human AQP5 facilitates transmembrane H2O2 diffusion and modulates cell growth of AQP5-transformed yeast cells in response to oxidative stress. Mutagenesis studies revealed that residue His173 located in the selective filter is crucial for AQP5 permeability, and interactions with phosphorylated Ser183 may regulate permeation through pore blockage. Moreover, in human pancreatic cancer cells, the measured AQP5-mediated H2O2 influx rate indicates the presence of a highly efficient peroxiporin activity. Cell migration was similarly suppressed by AQP3 or AQP5 gene silencing and could be recovered by external oxidative stimuli. Altogether, these results unveiled a major role for AQP5 in dynamic fine-tuning of the intracellular H2O2 concentration, and consequently in activating signaling networks related to cell survival and cancer progression, highlighting AQP5 as a promising drug target for cancer therapies

    Treatment-resistant depression and major depression with suicide risk — the cost of illness and burden of disease

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    Introduction: Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) and Major Depression with Suicide Risk (MDSR) are types of depression with relevant effects on the health of the population and a potentially significant economic impact. This study estimates the burden of disease and the costs of illness attributed to Treatment-Resistant Depression and Major Depression with Suicide Risk in Portugal. Methods: The disease burden for adults was quantified in 2017 using the Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) lost. Direct costs related to the health care system and indirect costs were estimated for 2017, with indirect costs resulting from the reduction in productivity. Estimates were based on multiple sources of information, including the National Epidemiological Study on Mental Health, the Hospital Morbidity Database, data from the Portuguese National Statistics Institute on population and causes of death, official data on wages, statistics on the pharmaceutical market, and qualified opinions of experts. Results: The estimated prevalence of TRD, MDSR, and both types of depression combined was 79.4 thousand, 52.5 thousand, and 11.3 thousand patients, respectively. The disease burden (DALY) due to the disability generated by TRD alone, MDSR alone, and the joint prevalence was 25.2 thousand, 21 thousand, and 4.5 thousand, respectively, totaling 50.7 thousand DALYs. The disease burden due to premature death by suicide was 15.6 thousand DALYs. The estimated total disease burden was 66.3 thousand DALYs. In 2017, the annual direct costs with TRD and MDSR were estimated at € 30.8 million, with the most important components being medical appointments and medication. The estimated indirect costs were much higher than the direct costs. Adding work productivity losses due to reduced employment, absenteeism, presenteeism, and premature death, a total cost of € 1.1 billion was obtained. Conclusions: Although TRD and MDSR represent relatively small direct costs for the health system, they have a relevant disease burden and extremely substantial productivity costs for the Portuguese economy and society, making TRD and MDSR priority areas for achieving health gains.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fatores que influenciam os comportamentos dos estudantes do ensino superior face à COVID-19

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    Em resposta à pandemia de COVID-19, as instituições do ensino superior adotaram um conjunto de medidas para garantir um ensino presencial seguro, prevenindo potenciais surtos. Contudo, a efetividade das medidas implementadas está dependente da adoção dos comportamentos preventivos pelos estudantes. Também é importante considerar que os estudantes do ensino superior são em geral jovens, muitas vezes deslocados, em coabitação e com uma procura constante de socialização, o que torna os seus comportamentos fora da instituição também de particular relevância para o controlo da pandemia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rat Aquaporin-5 Is pH-Gated Induced by Phosphorylation and Is Implicated in Oxidative Stress

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    Aquaporin-5 (AQP5) is a membrane water channel widely distributed in human tissues that was found up-regulated in different tumors and considered implicated in carcinogenesis in different organs and systems. Despite its wide distribution pattern and physiological importance, AQP5 short-term regulation was not reported and mechanisms underlying its involvement in cancer are not well defined. In this work, we expressed rat AQP5 in yeast and investigated mechanisms of gating, as well as AQP5’s ability to facilitate H2O2 plasma membrane diffusion. We found that AQP5 can be gated by extracellular pH in a phosphorylation- dependent manner, with higher activity at physiological pH 7.4. Moreover, similar to other mammalian AQPs, AQP5 is able to increase extracellular H2O2 influx and to affect oxidative cell response with dual effects: whereas in acute oxidative stress conditions AQP5 induces an initial higher sensitivity, in chronic stress AQP5 expressing cells show improved cell survival and resistance. Our findings support the involvement of AQP5 in oxidative stress and suggest AQP5 modulation by phosphorylation as a novel tool for therapeutics

    Autoconceito, hábitos de estudo, procrastinação e rendimento escolar: que relação?

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    Na presente investigação procura-se testar o valor preditivo das variáveis autoconceito, hábitos de estudo e procrastinação na explicação do rendimento escolar, junto de alunos portugueses que frequentam o 2º ciclo do ensino básico, concluindo-se que, de acordo com as medidas adotadas, estes três preditores explicam 70% da variabilidade dos resultados escolares, sendo os hábitos de estudo o preditor mais relevante.

    School portions accomplishment in Viana do Castelo district: evaluation 2009/2012

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    RESUMO - Introdução: O almoço escolar, sendo uma das principais refeições do dia alimentar das crianças e jovens, assume um papel preponderante no aporte das suas necessidades energéticas e nutricionais, bem como no desenvolvimento de comportamentos alimentares e estilos de vida saudáveis. O Projeto de Otimização das Dietas Escolares (P0DE) pretende atuar nas escolas do distrito de Viana do Castelo com o objetivo de garantir a oferta de refeições variadas e nutricionalmente equilibradas. Objetivo: Constitui propósito do presente trabalho averiguar o cumprimento das capitações estabelecidas pelo P0DE nas escolas aderentes ao mesmo, utilizando dados referentes a 3 anos letivos. Metodologia: Foram analisadas 323 refeições fornecidas em 9 escolas, procedendo-se ao cálculo do desvio relativo entre as capitações oferecidas às crianças e as capitações estipuladas pelo P0DE. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram um défice no fornecimento de peixe e guarnição de hortícolas, bem como uma excessiva oferta de carne, guarnição de cereais e derivados, tubérculos e leguminosas, sal de adição e gordura de adição no prato. Relativamente ao desvio médio da refeição completa à referência (RMSD), encontraram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas capitações entre diversos tipos de ementas, métodos de confeção e escolas. Conclusões: Este trabalho demonstra que a simples definição de capitações não garante o adequado aporte nutricional das refeições, sendo crucial uma monitorização contínua.ABSTRACT - Introdution: The school lunch, being one of the main meals of the daily children and young people food intake, plays a very important role in the contribution of their energetic and nutritional needs, as well as in the development of food behaviours and healthy life styles. The Project of Optimization of School Diets (Projeto de Otimizac¸ão das Dietas Escolares–P0DE) intends to act in the schools of the Viana do Castelo district with the objective of ensuring the offer of varied and nutritionally balanced meals. Aim: The purpose of this work is to evaluate the accomplishment of the portions established by the P0DE in the schools that joined the project, using data that refer to three school years. Methodology: 323 meals provided in nine schools have been analysed, proceeding to the calculation of the relative deviation between the quantities of food portions offered to the children and the quantities established by the P0DE. Results: The results showed a deficit in the supply of fish and vegetables, as well as an oversupply of meat, cereals and cereals products, potato and pulses, added salt and added fat in the dish. Concerning the mean deviation of the full meal to the reference (RMSD), significant statistical differences between several types of menus, preparation methods and schools were found. Conclusions: This work shows that the simple definition of portions doesn’t ensure the appropriate nutritional contribution of meals, thus being crucial a continuous monitoring.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio